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    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 20, 2007, 11:02 AM
    Real Before and After of Indian Girl's Extreme Skin Lightening Results?
    Hello I am so glad to find this forum. I was a member at a depig forum but it says it got hacked now :( so I found here. I was using 20% benzylarbutin for 4 weeks now and I think I know how it works. My skin gets really red, burns, dries out, then top layer peels off 2-3 days later and its so much lighter underneath! They told me to mix weaker, no higher than 5% so now it is more gradual no peeling but I think that's how it works, its still red then goes lighter next morning, killing melanocytes and the skin peels to purge them?
    Everything from the depig forum is gone but I bookmarked this girl's pictures, don't you think it's EXTREME? She hardly looks like the same person but I can see her features match- if it's really the same person.

    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2007, 04:01 PM
    Ye I rem her she didn't use benzylarbutin first she use mono which I'm very happy I never used because I did not want to turn Pale white .she used benzylarbutin when she found out about it to keep her skin the same color since mono causes dark spots later to appear.but I think benzylarbutin lightens but isn't permanet which is why I want to use it in case I turn in to that
    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 20, 2007, 05:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kebe
    i think benzylarbutin lightens but isnt permanet which is why i want to use it incase i turn in to that

    What you mean by turn into that,
    Is she too light?
    She reminds me of Michael Jackson totally. But I wouldn't mind going that light. I guess Benzylarbutin without using Monobenzone will be more subtle? I want to get High Yellow that's good enough. Right now it looks like I just went from carmel to orange-honey color, which is not very much to me but good for a month since I've never actually seen lightening happen on my skin until the high does of Benzyl-A, and I've tried products for years.
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    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2007, 05:47 PM
    Cause she's like pale white cause mono gets rid of all skin color since its for vitiligo at least benzy doesn't wipe everything out at once.I don't know if I should buy herbal inns or make my own
    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2007, 05:49 PM
    How much do you use to I was going to use 20% because ima like olive brown so if yer using 5% I think ima need 20
    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 20, 2007, 07:53 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kebe
    how much do you use to i was gonna use 20% because ima like olive brown so if yer using 5% i think ima need 20
    I used 20% for a week but I couldn't stand it, it burned so much when I put it on, then peeled away, so I would usually only put a dime size amount of the 20% and then fill a cupped palm with vaseline intensive care moistureizer, and rub it up good then put it all over my face and body. I can see lightening every morning, you can just tell there's much less brown pigment overnight. But still a lot left cause after a month doing this, I'm orangey right now. My skin looks younger, like I had a chemical peel or something. But it's nowhere close to the after pic of that girl. She looks like a whole other race now. Do you think Benzylarbutin can lighten me up alone? I don't even want to touch monobenzone but I do want to go from this orangey brown to high yellow or the spanish/ olive complexion. I didn't know 5% is good enough, I had assumed it would be weaker than Benoquin 20%, not stronger.
    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2007, 08:53 PM
    Personally I would just get a higher dose and try to deal with the pain of ben after reading the horribly stuff about mono .like it works but yer going to be spotty during the process which might not look attractive and when you use it causes you to have vitialgo you'll be that indian girls color and in a year because of mono have brown spots all over you that you have to maintain that's what she told me.stick to benyzl . Mono just to harsh a chemical on your cells .I haven't found anything bad about ben yet and I check Google everyday.
    Also where did you order yours from ?
    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 20, 2007, 09:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kebe
    personally i would just get a higher dose of ben after reading the horribly stuff about mono .like it works but yer gonna be spotty during the process which might not look attractive and when you use it causes you to have vitialgo you'll be that indian girls color and in a year because of mono have brown spots all over you that you have to maintain thats what she told me.stick to ben mono just to harsh a chemical on your cells .I haven't found anything bad about ben yet and i check google everyday.
    also where did you order yours from ?
    I just found a chemist that explanation of benzyl group being more permeable to cell membrane therefore would be more melanocytotoxic than methyl group, that make sense since methylarbutin didn't work for me neither did mequinol. Said benzylarbutin is:
    Very expensive herE:
    Benzyl 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside * 13343-62-9
    So I got a whole pound from, I think at this rate it will last me a long time!
    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2007, 10:25 PM
    I really want to buy a pound from them but I'm a. poor right now lol b.I don't know how to mix a 20% cream I don't want to make it 80% and burn my face off how do you mix it
    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 22, 2007, 01:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kebe
    i really want to buy a pound from them but im a. poor right now lol b.i dont know how to mix a 20% cream i dont want to make it 80% and burn my face off how do you mix it
    I am poor too but I was desperate to get me a stash or raw material that way lighten as much as I want to. Trust me 20% burned a lot, better to use 5% or less, I am still seeing it knock the $H^% out of my melanocytes at 5% overnight, and I'm going even less now because I'm poor too and I want to make this pound of benzyl-A last me for the whole rest of the year.
    Nicnet's Avatar
    Nicnet Posts: 24, Reputation: 3
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    Jul 22, 2007, 02:33 PM
    Ok. Call me naïve, but why would anyone want to put chemicals on their faces to lighten their skin? Is the colour of your skin really what makes you a person?

    You have white skinned people out in the sun risking skin cancer trying to get darker, you have dark skinned people putting chemicals on their skin risking god only knows what side-effects trying to get lighter. So what's the perfect shade of skin colour? Everyone shouts about racism but both 'sides' are hell bent on trying to be more like the other regardless of the risks of what they are doing to themselves.

    If your skin fits and you look good in it then why change it. As far as I can see the only reason for playing with things is through severe deformity that you can't live with.

    There is no way those pictures are of the same person either, the cheeks are totally different and so are the shape of the eyes. The first person is to me a very good looking person with no reason to change anything, the second person is of oriental decent and at least 20 years older. The hairline at the temples and the chin are also completely different. PLEASE look at the pics they post as 'genuine before / after' ones again and don't only see what you want to see, look at the facial features and then wonder why they need to change those pictues so dramatically. If these treatments actually worked they would not need to. There is also such a thing as computer generated graphics now. Don't let yourself be fooled by scam companies selling often untested 'potions' that's can and will permanently damage your skin.

    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 22, 2007, 04:25 PM
    Um monobenzone is a real chemical that bleachs your skin its giving to peope with vitilgo .so we're not advertising for any company and it doesn't cause deformity I don't know where you got that from um I would say mono is not good to use since it is a medication that why people are using benzylarbutin and there is not perfect color everyone has a color that floats therr boat and they would like t be like me I want lighten up to an almond gold.I hear the same thing on every form ''white people want to be darker anf darker people want to be lighter it gets repetive after a while.but yer right at the risk of getting skin cancer you shouldn't expose yourself to untested chemicals that's why you do Research
    Nicnet's Avatar
    Nicnet Posts: 24, Reputation: 3
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    Jul 22, 2007, 05:14 PM
    You picked me up wrong there. I didn't say it caused deformity.

    I said. If your skin fits and you look good in it then why change it. As far as I can see the only reason for playing with things is through severe deformity that you can't live with.

    I wasn't trying to be critical, I was trying to understand the reasoning behind it really. Maybe I could have worded it better.

    What worries me is that for the 10 people who do the research and get the proper treatments that suit them, there will always be one person who only reads half and idea and runs with it. I'd hate to see someone get hurt all for the sake of what is after all purerly cosmetic reasons.

    For what its worth, there was a natural homeopathic remedy in south africa that a lot of the girls use to use that did lighten their skin over time. They used it as a nighttime moisturiser and I have personally seen that it does make a long term difference over time. Not sure what it was or how it was made but for those who are not keen on chemical treatments then it may be worth trying to look into.

    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 22, 2007, 05:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicnet
    Ok. Call me naive, but why would anyone want to put chemicals on their faces to lighten their skin? Is the colour of your skin really what makes you a person?

    There is no way those pictures are of the same person either, the cheeks are totally different and so are the shape of the eyes.

    What about people that put chemicals to look extreme tanned? Isn't it the same thing?
    Or, why is it not as bothersome as lightening?
    So these are two different people? Hmmm...
    Please take a look at the other one I posted "Depigged guy" and if you will, tell me if it's the same person or not? I have bookmarked a few people's photos where I saw they said they had vitiligo, not no sign of it on the face, and yet there is a dark before and a fair after. I don't want to keep posting these photos if they are all fakes. That's why I thought I would post them 1 set by 1 set. I still don't know why they keep hacking forums that have to do with skin lightening like

    kebe's Avatar
    kebe Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 22, 2007, 06:28 PM
    Ye hacking thse site suck cause depigg gave real info and now I don't know where to go cause other furoms don't give answers opinion you can never find someone who has tested something out to give you a straight answer
    sweetcaroline's Avatar
    sweetcaroline Posts: 74, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 23, 2007, 11:21 AM
    Yes it looks like there's activists against lightening your skin. Nic is probably right it's not the same person but what about the other pictures I posted where you can tell its really the same guy?

    I am convinced Benoquin doesn't really work any anyone saying it did either had vitiligo or is trying to sell it like Sharefun by lying and making stories that it worked for this or that person.

    But I am also convinced so many people attack skin lightening, me and Kebe are not advertising anything just looking for answers, but there's a lot of ulterior motives like the people marketing other products that they know won't work so it makes sense they get mad at anyone who talks about products that are strong or that really work for certain peoples.
    Boricua1's Avatar
    Boricua1 Posts: 179, Reputation: 14
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    Jul 31, 2007, 06:00 PM
    The girl in the forum has vitiligo... and she used monoenzene first... of course mono bleaches all color from the skin and the darker your skin the chalkier and more pasty white your skin will look (Not natural or nice at all... ) because skin with more melanin tends to be thicker... I would not suggest using a high concentration of 20% to anybody... skin lightening is a gradual process and should take a little time allow the product to work... burning off layers of your skin may seem to work at first but you will soon see how your body will try to fight that extremely fast process by darkening... and or scarring... It can help to use soaps with kojic acid once a week or a lotion or cream with kojic acid... in order to target malanin synthesis on many different levels... remember that skin has many ways of producing color.. if it seems that a lower concentration is not working try a different approach before switching concentrations all together and getting a stronger product... your skin is used to being a certain color... it's been that color for most of your life... do not expect it to get used to change as quickly as your mind is... most lightening can take at least 3-4 months... even years for permanent or drastic results... you can mostly expect bightening for the first few months... which is a good thing... you may actually find it was what you complexion neede all along instead of lightening... I have a good firend who is very dark African skinned... and I am a dull ark brown like hispanic... we decided to start lightening a bit together and after a few months we started to realize that brightening was actually what we both wanted and needed more... most of our problems with complexion (especially women of color) we blame on dark skin when actually what we need to do is get our skin in it's best condition... removing blemishes, acne, uneveness, and scars... (Which all begins to happen in the "Brightening" process... )... take your time with a 5% or no higher than 10% benzyl arbutin concentration... see what happens... take notice of compliments... (cause you'll start to get them.. ) don't be too critical... look at your progress... not the results... or else it will never happen fast enough or be good enough... abd you'll find yourself caught in the loop of buying product after product seeing no results... most products may not lghten your skin but they will lighten your wallet... benzyl arbutin seems to be a good product but use it wisely and patiently I advise you with the greatest care and counsel...

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