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    A.J.R's Avatar
    A.J.R Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 14, 2005, 10:43 AM
    Ok, so i am currently doing this work experience thur a very good company in the town i live in, and i love it. Well, up until they sent me next door to do some sub-receptionist work. I guess they had problems with the original two receptionist that they had put on work experience, they weren't showing up. So, they asked me if i would like to do the job for a couple of days. I did, and met everyone in the office and enjoyed the first couple of days, until about the third or fourth day i was wanting to come back to my original post. There's this one guy that works there, he's supposedly helps the "YOUTH"(ages 18-21) find permanent jobs. Well on one of days i was there this very beautiful girl walks in asking about the programs we have to offer so i explained that we had a lot of programs to offer but that i needed her age group first to direct her to the correct person. She stated she was 24 and had no job experience what so ever. I signed her up for and "ADULT"(ages 22+) orientation and that was that. Well, not even 2mins later, the "PIG" in charge of helping the "YOUTH" comes out to tell me that when "PEOPLE" come in asking for information regarding the programs, just to let him know, that he had been there longer and could explain them to a fuller extent.

    Well, about 2-3 hours later, a gentlemen comes in. did the same about asking what age group, but he wanted more indepth info, so i called this guy(the pig). He basiclly blew this guy off by telling him he needed to sign up for the adult orientation if he wanted to get more info on how we help find you permanent jobs.

    I was disgussted! You mean to tell me this "PIG" is willing to help out any pretty girl that walks thur the door, just to get a good look at her! I just couldn't believe it! I brought it to the managers attention and was ask immediately to return to my original assigned post. Every time i have to see this "PIG" or hear his voice i get sick to my stomach. :mad: :mad:
    BabyBruchie's Avatar
    BabyBruchie Posts: 43, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Nov 7, 2005, 03:34 PM
    I think you can really get away with people like that, it seems that it has already been part of the circulation. I think all I can say is that don't mind him, just do your job since the managers seems to ignore you, just let other who are not good looking enough to get his help get help from others and get assisted well too.

    If you get annoyed by him, just try not to bump with him because it will only be you that will greatly be affected since it will definitely give you a bad mood and may not be able to do your job well, or assist others well too.
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
    Ultra Member

    Nov 8, 2005, 06:22 AM
    First, I would like to ask you that when you post a question, or answer one, please don't type in all capitol letters. It is hard to read, and when typing, gives the impression of SHOUTING. Thank you in advance.
    Now, to your issue.
    Every workplace, almost, has someone that thinks they are the "brains" behind the company, been there longer, is "king", or whatever. The trick is to learn how to handle them, or if that can't be done, stay away from them.
    At 63 yrs old, I have worked, mainly, 4 different full time jobs in my working career; but now retired.
    Every one of those jobs had someone who was "difficult" to get along with, not just me, but with most of the others!
    The key words here are "the manager told me to return to my post". Your manager either doesn't care, or decided it was not a big enough issue to talk with the other person.
    So, I suggest doing what your manager says, and try staying away from this other person.
    It's his problem, not yours. Don't make it your problem, too. He is the one who is "suffering" from inferiority complexes, or even being "sexual" on the job; so don't take on his problems, and make them yours.
    Hopefully, your next job will be away from him. I do sincerely wish you the best of luck, and hang in there. You were concerned and tried to do something about it; but it didn't work. Now, don't worry about him, because worry only promotes more worry and anxiety.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 15, 2005, 07:27 PM
    Pig boss no problem
    This will not be the last jerk you work with ,or the worse .Just do your job the best you can and try not to worry about him at all.its not worth the time or agrevation.You can't control his action ,but you can control you action.

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