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    karill13's Avatar
    karill13 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 9, 2007, 06:38 PM
    Finding abandoned home's owner to get purchasing authorization
    My husband and I are attempting to purchase a home that has not yet been foreclosed on. The owner has moved out and has failed to make payments for almost a year. We have gotten clearance from the mortgage company's lawyer to find the owner for purchasing authorization and we would be able to make an offer. The only problem is we cannot locate the owner. Every lead we have has ended up in a dead end. We have spoken with old neighbors, the sherriff's office, and even purchased peoplesearch reports. Any suggestions? We would really like to buy this house. Thankx
    jemdas25's Avatar
    jemdas25 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 9, 2007, 06:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by karill13
    My husband and I are attempting to purchase a home that has not yet been foreclosed on. The owner has moved out and has failed to make payments for almost a year. We have gotten clearance from the mortgage company's lawyer to find the owner for purchasing authorization and we would be able to make an offer. The only problem is we cannot locate the owner. Every lead we have has ended up in a dead end. We have spoken with old neighbors, the sherriff's office, and even purchased peoplesearch reports. Any suggestions? We would really like to buy this house. Thankx
    With a year of non-payment, it should foreclose VERY soon... and be owned by the bank. I say, wait it out until then. And if the bank owns it, they will be much more willing to negotiate with you. You are in a stronger position if they own the property (an REO). Hope this helps!


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