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    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 2, 2007, 07:03 AM
    5 week old puppy has runny nose
    I have a 5 week old puppy that the mother stopped feeding at 3 weeks of age. She has many teeth and has had no trouble eating softened puppy food as well as puppy milk. The owners never had a dog before and took the mother in because she slept on their porch all the time and no amount of trying found the true owners. She was pregnant when they took her in. I feel she was too small to leave the mother, but their vet said as long as they are eating puppy food on their own, they were OK to leave. (please note I disagree, but I didn't want any of the pups to go to a bad home and found homes for all of the others as well so I know they are taken care of).

    Her nose has been runny off and on for a week, it is thin and clear. She is definitely teething. I can not get her shots for 3 more weeks. Is a runny nose normal when puppies are teething? She seems fine otherwise. Playful, trying to bite everything in site and eating very well. Today has not been fun, since she has been whining all day long so far, but this is the only day she has done this. She follows me and cries, she goes out to potty and cries, she eats and cries and when I put her back in her play pen she cried to the point of howling and then FINALLY stopped so I pucked her up and loved on her and told her she was good. I can't carry her around all day. But I feel so bad for her today.

    I am mostly concerned with her runny nose. The entire litter had runny noses. It is not constant. But when it runs it drips. Like I mentioned, watery and clear. I would appreciate any feedback. TIA
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jul 2, 2007, 07:39 AM
    I don't like the runny nose, but dogs get viruses just as we do. I don't think it is a big problem.

    I am glad you gave more details. I am as bad or worse than the others when it comes to being trigger happy spay/neuter police. Sometimes we shoot good people like you making the best of somebody else's irresponsibility. She didn't check anybody's bank account before choosing which door step to camp out on. Yes, the whole litter needs to have shots now. Putting off may be OK if the mother passed on immunity to them. I thank the people that took her in, and you for what you have done. As for the ''true owners'', that took care not to be found, this site restricts what you can say.

    While physically able to be away from the mother, puppies need the company of their mother and each other for another week or 2. Arrange play dates for them if you can. It is not dogs' nature to be by themselves. Add less and less water to their food. They should be eating it dry before 7 weeks.

    Read through the sticky starting at Note how I settle puppies in for the night. Post back with anything you have questions on.

    Added this link to help understand shots, Canine Parvovirus, What you should know about
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jul 2, 2007, 07:45 AM
    Chrisandcandi, I can not see how teething could cause a runny nose. Many thing can cause a runny nose, allergies, distemper and kennel cough to name a few. Only a vet can rule out one of these problems. I am pretty sure that distemper can kill a puppy if left untreated. It would be wise to contact a vet since she has been crying all day. The puppies should also be checked for worms. Esp since the momma was a stray and probably has not received good care, she can pass on the worms to the puppies. Btw it is very nice of you to take in this puppy and care for it, as well as finding homes for the other ones.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 5, 2007, 05:33 AM
    Thank you for your replies. I took her to the vet for worming on Tuesday. She passed a few with one stool that were long and thin, but nothing that has been visible since. The runny nose is lessening already and the vet wasn't concerned. She gets shots in 3 weeks. She's quite a naughty puppy right now. Crying constantly in the morning and howls. She bites fingers HARD so I have given her plenty of toys and "try" to walk her to the next driveway, but she cries the entire time. Mornings are not fun around here with the crying/howling. She gets plenty of attention and I am not sure a lack of attention is why she's crying. She will cry when I hold her as well and then bite my fingers and hands so I put her down and give her a toy and she cries and then chews it for a few minutes then cries. She is fine after noon-time though. I feel so bad for her. She follows the kitty some, but then she bites the kitty and the kitty runs off and leaves her to cry some more. Hehe
    I feel like I have a colicky baby on my hands. One with teeth like a shark! I try to pick her up and give her love, but when I do, she bites my hands and has even gone after faces and sometimes growls in which she's put down, handed a toy and I walk away, which starts more crying. UGH! I have never had this hard a time with a puppy.
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jul 5, 2007, 05:53 AM
    Chrisandcandi Poor thing, it probably did not get enough momma time, Puppies learn a lot from their mommas, that we do not instinctively know. Have you read labmans stickeys on puppies? Maybe if you call a rescue group that deals with puppies that have been abandoned, they can give you pointers on how to help the puppy feel more secure. I am very sorry that you are going through this. Hopefully everything will work out.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jul 5, 2007, 06:47 AM
    One of the things puppies learn from each other is not to bite so hard if the other one yelps and leaves. They learn not to do it to your either if they have already had a few hundred lessons from their mother and littermates.

    Young Labs, which I know best, and other puppies tend to very bad about
    Biting. You see a litter of them, and all the ones that are awake are biting
    Another one or themselves. I am not even sure they realize that when they are
    Alone, if they quit biting, they would quit being bitten. At 3 to 4 months
    They are getting their adult teeth, and it seems they spend every waking
    Moment biting or chewing. One thing you can do at that stage is to knot and wet a piece of cloth. Then freeze it. The cooling will soothe the gums. Only let the puppy have it when you are there to watch it. I maintain a Lab's favorite chew toy is another
    Lab. Otherwise they settle for any person they can. They keep hoping to find
    One that won't yelp and jerk their hand away, or growl "Bad dog." and clamp
    Their mouth shut. Then offer a chew toy. They keep trying despite hundreds
    Of corrections. Another good technique is to quit playing and go away. Be
    Sure to praise them when they are playing nice and not biting.

    You just have to keep on correcting them, hundreds of times, not dozens.
    Provide sturdy, safe toys such as Kongs and Nylabones. Avoid things they can
    Chew pieces off and choke on them. Keep them away from electrical cords.
    Crates are essential for most young Labs and other dogs.

    The pet stores are full of toys that many dogs will quickly chew up into
    Pieces they could choke on or cause intestinal blockages. If you are not
    There to watch, stick to sturdy stuff such as Nylabones and Kongs. Keep a
    Close eye on chew toys and quickly discard anything that is coming apart in
    Pieces. Rawhide is especially bad because it swells after being swallowed.
    These problems are the worst with, but not limited to, large, aggressive
    Chewers such as Labs.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 6, 2007, 05:00 AM
    I read somewhere online yesterday to growl at puppy when she bites just like mama would. If she doesn't stop to bite at her (not make contact though). We did growl, but she certainly submits to hubby much faster. I suppose she knows he's in charge, which is funny since I do most of the correcting and I am home with her all day long. But it did get her to stop, only for a few seconds, but then she starts up again. As soon as she stops she is given a toy. Holding her mouth closed only made her more angry and she bit more. Correct her HUNDREDS of times? More like MILLIONS. She is half Shepherd and half GOlden Retriever. Mama is the retriever. I thought maybe with all her energy this morning I would walk her down the street, well that turned out to be a disaster too. She cried, bit the leash and laid down and had a complete fit. So she is now walking around the hosue with the leash on, biting it, but it's on all the same. I have never had such a hard time. She's so darn adorable and I want to love on her and give her so much affection, but I can't touch her without those shark teeth implanting themselves in my skin somewhere. My mother is dropping off her dog today so I can sit her until Monday and she is really well behaved walking on the leash, no biting, just a prissy little Papillion. Somaybe she will see her walking on the leash and try it out and she will have another dog to play with. I'll have to watch her and she what she does if Maya bites her. Belle is a little over a year and loves to play with other dogs and cats. She stays with me a lot so I hope that they get along. Otherwise it's going to be a LONG weekend. As much as I want to cry for myself and what I am dealing with right now, I feel so much worse for my little Maya. She's so cute and I would love to be able to play with her without the battle of the bite, but I suppose this is normal for her age. Just never had one this young. The attempt of a walk has exhausted her for now so she's behaving.
    I appreciate all of your help and advice. I am thinking the mix of the 2 breeds is really trying. Herding and retrieving. :o) Oh, I have a ? About spaying her. The vet said at 12 weeks, but I read somewhere that if you do so before her first heat that it can sometimes cause problems with they are about 2 or 3. Any advice as far as correct age?
    Well, at least I know how to raise cats!
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jul 6, 2007, 05:20 AM
    Chrisand candi. I was told that it is better to never let them ever go into heat. If they never produce those hormones then it is less chance of breast cancer, uterine cancer, and for males prostate cancer. I have heard of dogs coming into heat as early as 6 months. I would let the dog develop internally as much as possible, because that is the way nature intended, for development. I would ask her vet when he thought it was possible for her to come into heat. If he could give me some indications as far as how many months old. I would have it done then. Not to early, but not to late as to let a heat cycle occur.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jul 6, 2007, 06:37 AM
    I have recently learned there is more to the question of when to spay/neuter. There are studies showing some physical benefits to after the first heat cycle. Certainly doing it by 6 months saves the hassle of going through a heat cycle with not only the risks of accidental breeding, but other risks following an intense effort to get loose. 12 weeks sounds a little early, but may not be worse than 6 months. There may be conflicting evidence on the physical benefits of when to spay, but there is no doubt about early spaying reducing accidental breedings. My usual advice is to do what the vet says unless you lose confidence in him. In that case, don't argue, go elsewhere.

    Having had 17 puppies since 1991, and significant exposure to many more besides, I am in a position to say some puppies are just much more difficult than others. I currently have the fourth sweetheart in a row. I have seen many would be experts on the net who let success with a few of their own, perhaps average dogs, mislead them into thinking they are wonderful dog trainers. Nobody needs to use a crate, training collar, etc. since their dogs do fine without them. Right. Your puppy just sounds to me like one of the more difficult ones. I don't think growling and biting at the puppy is a very good idea. As in my last post, that is exactly what they do to each other and she wants. When we have visitors, that is just what they do.

    At that time the Shepherd puppy was our only dog. The Lab puppy lived in a home with a couple of older dogs that never wanted to play. The 2 of them had a great time biting and growling at each other the whole week. They were both fairly easy puppies.

    Don't bite and growl, that is just what she is hoping for. Instead, yelp and walk away when she bites. Don't give up. If you don't, eventually she will. A big part of it is zero tolerance. Intermittent reinforcement is a powerful training tool. Let her bite once in a while, and she will never quit trying.

    I am finding the new ''kinder and gentler'' technique of running in baby steps calling ''Go, go, go!'' in an excited voice highly effective with puppies that don't want to move when on lead. Leaving the leash on in the house is a common technique. Do keep a good eye on her, and not let it get tangled up. Part of the stuff that came with our Holly included a special one without a handle just for that purpose. You might try a metal one to reduce biting. I start my puppies on a metal leash.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 9, 2007, 04:33 AM
    You all are so helpful and I really appreciate it so much. I contacted a spay and neuter clinic and they told me to spay at 12 weeks, they also dewormed her. It was a cost difference between $8 and $150 (for my regular vet). I will be making an appointment with the vet today because she still has the runny nose and she developed this pretty bad smell, it radiates from her sleeping area (puppy playpen, not a crate) in the morning. I have washed her bedding and cleaned the floor etc. I picked her up like a baby yesterday and noticed the hair on her peepee looked hard so I touched the hair and it was sort of hard yet sticky so I cleaned her off with a rag and warm water and kept my eye on her, nothing till I took her out and after she urinated there was a yellowish pus. The smell seems to be coming from that area. Her head and face don't smell the rest of her body doesn't smell so I assume it's from the infected area, whether it be vaginitis or a uti I will see when she gets in to the vet. I can't take her in until Wednesday. She licks herself a lot. Will the saga of Maya EVER end?? Hahaha My mom's dog has put her in her place though. She's still biting, but it's not so bad. The other dog will NOT play with her though. Just growls at her and runs from her. I saw Maya's sister Saturday and she's doing great. Maya is much prettier though. She looks so much like a Shepherd, a lot like the one in the photo above, but her face is more tan. I hope the vet can take care of the little female troubles and get rid of this smell, it seems to be everywhere. I even bathed her in warm water, but no luck. My mother's dog sufferes from uti's all the time and that gets really expensive. My poor baby.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jul 9, 2007, 05:55 AM
    I question how helpful vets find treatment suggestions on the net, but there was never a third UTI after my one puppy was put on Science C/D after the second.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 9, 2007, 08:36 AM
    Maya has vaginitis. She is on 2 weeks of an antibiotic, Clavamox, which is amoxicillin. I do not understand this, since women that take antibiotics get vaginitis, but I suppose the vet knows what she's doing. Her runny nose, she said, could be a sllight upper resp. inf. And the antibiotics will help with that. I take her back in 2 weeks to m ake sure her infection is gone and to have her first shots. She also said that she may get this quite a bit until she is spayed. GREAT! She smells LOL The lady behind the desk didn't want to give her back "because she's sooooooooooooo adorable" and proceeded to carry her around the office until it was Maya's turn to see the Dr. The Dr. said she is very large for 5 weeks and will be a really good size. She slept through the entire exam and didn't bite once ;O)
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jul 9, 2007, 12:20 PM
    I am very happy that you have found the problem. I am sure once she starts feeling better she will stop the whining. Poor puppy she must have been miserable. When you go back ask the doctor (or call) if spoon of plain yogurt may be helpful. It was recommend to me by a doctor to give to my daughter when she took antibiotics to ward of the yeast infection that they can cause. With dogs it may be different.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 10, 2007, 11:43 AM
    I was thinking yogurt may help.
    My moms vet said it is fine for dogs, put it on their food. I just bathed her, the vet said it is OK to do so, but that weird smell is still there. I see nothing on her vulva area, but that is the area that has the weird smell. The rest of her smells like clean puppy. I feel so bad for her, she must be miserable, but she's still bouncy. I love to watch her as she pounces on her toys and runs around the house, last week her butt was all crooked and she would fall over when she tried to run. My hubby's 85 year old grandma said to go to the store and get a vinegar and water douche and put some of the liquid on a cotton ball and wipe her with it now and then. I don't see how that would hurt. I am also going to change her food. I wanted to get her a more expensive brand, and all the others who took her brothers and sisters are feeding Purina puppy chow and they are all fine. I know some foods can react to the body just like human foods can to us. We can get vaginitis from foods we eat so why wouldn't puppys? I know changing may upset her tummy for a few days, but better that than having vaginitis, that is smelly and painful and may not go away. I sure wish I could post her picture. She's so darn cute. Especially when she chews on my pant legs and my hair J/K I just hope this infection goes away, for her and for the rest of us, cute or not, she stinks!
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jul 10, 2007, 12:06 PM
    Purina puppy chow is a fine chow. Make the switch gradually over a week and you shouldn't have any trouble.
    chrisandcandi's Avatar
    chrisandcandi Posts: 7, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 13, 2007, 10:09 AM
    I am mixing the 2 foods together right now. She's such a cutie pie. The runny nose is pretty much gone so I guess the antibiotics worked for that. Unfortunately it has been 5 days and the discharge is still there with the vaginitis. The vet called yesterday to check on her and she said it should have shown significant improvement in 72 hours. I will give her the rest of the bottle and hope it works. If not they will give her something else week after next when she goes for her shots. I am really getting upset because of the infection. I know sometimes it doesn't go away until they are spayed, but in the case of my parents little lab puppy it never went away and they had to get rid of her, it was costing a fortune on antibiotics that wouldn't work and she smelled really bad. I am so worried that we may have to go through that. I love her so much,but I have a child that is always on the floor too and I can't follow after her 24/7 disinfecting the area. My mom told me today not to get too attached just in case we have to give her away, but I already am and she can't get spayed for 2 more months, so I can't imagine how attached I'll be by then, hoping the spaying works if the meds don't. Well, I'm getting teary eyed now, so send good wishes her way so she can get well and stay with me. I feel like a terrible person even saying I would give her up, but I have no choice if she keeps the infection. She is 6 weeks old today and I have had her since she was 4. She alerady comes and sits when I tell her to. She's so smart. She just needs to pay more attention to "no bite". I just wish there was somethng I could do. If she was a woman, I would know exactly what to do for her.
    ROCKBYBLOOD's Avatar
    ROCKBYBLOOD Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 15, 2009, 06:50 PM
    Chris her anal glands might need to be cleaned it's a glan right inside her butt if you grab right on the outside of her butt hole push down where you can get a little grip an squize you will release that liquid that smells very bad. As far as her biting you should just simply place her back in a small kennel as soon as she bites the first time for the day and leave her in there for at least 1 hour and then take her out and the very next time she does it place her back in the kennel for the same amount of time if you do this for about a week she should get the picture that this is not going to be OK!!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 15, 2009, 07:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ROCKBYBLOOD View Post
    Chris her anal glands might need to be cleaned its a glan right inside her butt if you grab right on the outside of her butt hole push down where you can get a little grip an squize you will release that liquid that smells very bad. as far as her biting you should just simply place her back in a small kennel as soon as she bites the first time for the day and leave her in there for atleast 1 hour and then take her out and the very next time she does it place her back in the kennel for the same amount of time if you do this for about a week she should get the picture that this is not going to be ok!!!
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