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    dreamer4real's Avatar
    dreamer4real Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 15, 2005, 07:22 PM
    Beginner in basketball
    I really want to play basketball but I'm not that good.I practice at home but when it comes to practice I freeze up and I don't do well.I don't know much about Basketball but I go to practice to learn more. Coach always says negative things about my techniques so that I can improve them but I'm all focused on what I did wrong and I end up never getting better on my fault. When I play at my house I do really good but at practice I feel that I'm messing up considering that everyone else there has already been on a basketball team and I haven't. Is there any way I can increase my techniques even for a beginner in basketball?
    andonefreestyle's Avatar
    andonefreestyle Posts: 32, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jun 18, 2005, 09:50 AM
    Hey man
    Lisen even if your not better than the other and you do mistakes, practice on some special moves then do them on the court, and your as good as evrybody else me in my head I always think than I do better then evryone and I aculy do so stop thinking nigative and smile when you play and you'll do good
    oldcoach's Avatar
    oldcoach Posts: 103, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Jul 10, 2005, 06:58 PM
    To Dream4Real
    You Said:
    I really want to play basketball but I'm not that good.I practice at home but when it comes to practice I freeze up and I don't do well. I don't know much about Basketball but I go to practice to learn more. Coach always says negative things about my techniques so that I can improve them, but I focus on what I did wrong and I end up never getting better. When I play at my house I do really good, but at practice I feel that I'm messing up considering that everyone else there has already been on a basketball team and I haven't. Is there any way I can increase my techniques even for a beginner in basketball?

    I Said:
    We have to work on your concerns step-by-step. Let us start by changing the way you think about your abilities, because looking at things in a negative way will kill your love for the game pretty fast. And without love for the game you can never get any better. So here we go...

    I want you to write down everything that your coach says about your performance. Write it down as closely that you can remember each comment.

    Then reply here to this posting copying everything you wrote down. I will take each comment and turn it into a positive comment. Then I will tell you how to use that comment to improve your game.

    I am counting on you to write your coaches comments as accurate as you remember and to be patient. This will take a little time, but I promise that you will improve if you do as I say.

    Good job so far,

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