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    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 10:44 AM
    Originally Posted by talaniman
    How long have you been in the Tea party
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Before you discount that you should actually look into it, its no great national secret like Obamas school records... if you watched TV at all anywhere near the tax deadline they tell you that every year... its no great secret... and it the Lefty Drive by media is who puts that information out between their dissertations of Democrat Party Propaganda. So you HAVE to take them at their word... they may throw you under the bus if you don't.
    Is that a yes, or no to being in the tea party, and how long?? And all I saw during the debt ceiling debate was sidetracking, and hostage taking by those that are afraid of whatever they are afraid of, who like you fail to recognize FACTS, and FIGURES, and would rather proselytize, than recognize, that not everybody is in agreement with your vision of the way things should be done, or the method of doing it, but as shown with the stimulus you decry and hate so much, have no shame taking credit for the money getting to your own home states, and that's the only time you guys smile (cheese, and grin), when you are taking credit for somebody else's SUCCESS.

    Ex... Is your idea of an "Adult" conversation as one restricted to and limited to what you personally want it to be in content?
    Adult conversation is a calm rational expression with a goal of working together to RESOLVE issues to the benefit of ALL. Not a crying screaming campaign to undermine the PROCESS by not listening and understanding, and refusing to talk at all. Your way or the highway doesn't work for me. Or anyone who doesn't want to reach a solution that we all gain from.
    Have you taken a look at the mess Medicare is in right now... they can't pay for their current obligations and you want to pile on more?
    Talk about not reading, but I guess sites with just FACTS, and figures, and no colorful pictures, and rhetoric, isn't something to study and understand. Doesn't your TV get more than FOX NEWS? Or is changing your remote batteries not an option. A week of Cspan, Natgeo, the Discover Channel and the History Channel, May give you the facts you are lacking without the partisan rhetoric, or maybe just learn to Google multiple sources to catch up on math, and science.
    Get rid of the pork... the pet projects... and all the blatant political payback projects like 100% of the "stimulus" program that only benefited major liberal campaign donors.
    LOL, Repubs said NO earmarks, but behind the scenes they sent personal letters to the Treasury, White House, and as many agency's as they could find asking for funds for their pet projects. So they have another way to get their "EARMARK< and PORK, for their donors, just not in public. And you act like there is no such thing as conservative campaign donors. REALLY... Really... really??

    STOP spending more than we take in... just like every other person has to do...
    Stop taking all we take in and giving it to the rich.
    Make EVERYONE pay the same percentage of their income... and stop giving the majority of tax breaks to Democrat slum dwellers... get rid of Obamacare since most liberal organizations were granted wavers exempting themselves from it by the Messiah.
    So all the slum dwellers are democrats, poor people are democrats, laid off people are democrats. Yeah, right, borderline veiled racism. Par for the course with the low information, scared crowd. But I won't get into that aspect of things because why waste time on FACTS, when you can holler and scream, and make noise to distract, disrupt, and obstruct, which REPUBLICANS have proven they are GREAT at as a group.
    and OH... how about taking away all of HOLLYWOOD'S tax breaks... with the money they make and the money they throw around in salaries... they clearly don't need them.
    Last I checked, ALL the rich people had money to do as they please with. Isn't that the pledge of all the wingers on the right? Keep your hands off my money, and give me more!

    But then... King Barry, and Queen Harry (Nancy got demoted)seem to think they are royalty and are entitled to spend as much as they want... and that you can spend your way out of debt.
    They spend on things a poor fellow like myself can get with, what is a republican spending on? Oh that's right, no more spending, just cut the things a poor fellow such as myself might need, or depend on in a time of crisis.

    Right wingers think it's a crime to feed hungry people, or the sick kids, or show them how to read. But they never met a FAT CAT they didn't like. You wish you could get rid of everybody else and just have the fraidy right wing left. Doubt that happens, but keep hollering.

    So how long have you been in the TEA party, Wait don't answer, the right fringe just decided to change their name to get others to think they are something other than the nut jobs we have come to know and love, and dismiss.

    See you at the voting booth, if they haven't changed the rules on that too!!
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 8, 2011, 10:54 AM
    England shows the way .

    GPs told to ration cancer scans in bureaucratic directive | Mail Online
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Sep 8, 2011, 11:08 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    England shows the way . GPs told to ration cancer scans in bureaucratic directive | Mail Online
    Hello again, tom:

    Let's be clear. You're not against rationing. You're against GOVERNMENT rationing... It's fine with you if the insurance adjuster does it, or your bank account doing it...

    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 11:28 AM
    Be really simple for those who created the mess to fix it, and stop blaming the janitor.

    That's what republican policy seems to do, blame the ones the roof fell on instead of the guys that ran into it. And get mad at the guy that's supposed to rebuild it.

    I think its very odd, and very telling that one side says the AMERICAN people want.. without listening to what the AMERICAN people want!
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 8, 2011, 11:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Is that a yes, or no to being in the tea party, and how long??? And all I saw during the debt ceiling debate was sidetracking, and hostage taking by those that are afraid of whatever they are afraid of, who like you fail to recognize FACTS, and FIGURES, and would rather proselytize, than recognize, that not everybody is in agreement with your vision of the way things should be done, or the method of doing it, but as shown with the stimulus you decry and hate so much, have no shame taking credit for the money getting to your own home states, and thats the only time you guys smile (cheese, and grin), when you are taking credit for somebody elses SUCCESS.

    Adult conversation is a calm rational expression with a goal of working together to RESOLVE issues to the benefit of ALL. Not a crying screaming campaign to undermine the PROCESS by not listening and understanding, and refusing to talk at all. Your way or the highway doesn't work for me. Or anyone who doesn't want to reach a solution that we all gain from.

    Talk about not reading, but I guess sites with just FACTS, and figures, and no colorful pictures, and rhetoric, isn't something to study and understand. Doesn't your TV get more than FOX NEWS? Or is changing your remote batteries not an option. A week of Cspan, Natgeo, the Discover Channel and the History Channel, May give you the facts you are lacking without the partisan rhetoric, or maybe just learn to google multiple sources to catch up on math, and science.

    LOL, Repubs said NO earmarks, but behind the scenes they sent personal letters to the Treasury, White House, and as many agency's as they could find asking for funds for their pet projects. So they have another way to get their "EARMARK< and PORK, for their donors, just not in public. And you act like there is no such thing as conservative campaign donors. REALLY....Really.....really????

    Stop taking all we take in and giving it to the rich.

    So all the slum dwellers are democrats, poor people are democrats, laid off people are democrats. Yeah, right, borderline veiled racism. Par for the course with the low information, scared crowd. But I won't get into that aspect of things because why waste time on FACTS, when you can holler and scream, and make noise to distract, disrupt, and obstruct, which REPUBLICANS have proven they are GREAT at as a group.

    Last I checked, ALL the rich people had money to do as they please with. Isn't that the pledge of all the wingers on the right? Keep your hands off my money, and give me more!

    They spend on things a poor fellow like myself can get with, what is a republican spending on? Oh thats right, no more spending, just cut the things a poor fellow such as myself might need, or depend on in a time of crisis.

    Right wingers think its a crime to feed hungry people, or the sick kids, or show em how to read. But they never met a FAT CAT they didn't like. You wish you could get rid of everybody else and just have the fraidy right wing left. Doubt that happens, but keep hollering.

    So how long have you been in the TEA party, Wait don't answer, the right fringe just decided to change their name to get others to think they are something other than the nut jobs we have come to know and love, and dismiss.

    See you at the voting booth, if they haven't changed the rules on that too!!!!
    Do you really believe all that crap? I hope not.

    I'm not rich.. and I'm damned tired of my money going to housing projects where nobody bothered to finish high school much less work hard. I'm tired of paying for fat lazy people to breed like rats. You make it you work to support it. Even if it takes three jobs.

    I'm tired of being preached to by people that did nothing but "block and obstruct" when they didn't hold the majority... I'm tired of the lunatic left that refused to even allow debate on the Obamacare rape. Don't remember THAT going through the normal process of a vote... never mind it was done behind closed doors and republicans were refused to have ANY input over... you mean that sort of obstructionism?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 11:36 AM
    I'm tired of the lunatic left that refused to even allow debate on the Obamacare rape. Don't remember THAT going through the normal process of a vote... never mind it was done behind closed doors and republicans were refused to have ANY input over... you mean that sort of obstructionism?
    You mean the same process that got us the BUSH tax cuts? You ever heard of paying for two wars, and programs by lowering taxes? That's what we did under you right wing compassionate conservatives, in addition to making theft, LEGAL!

    Yeah I am tired too smoothy. Your crap is no better than mine, and that's a darn shame, because you think it is.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 8, 2011, 11:56 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You mean the same process that got us the BUSH tax cuts? You ever heard of paying for two wars, and and programs by lowering taxes? Thats what we did under you right wing compassionate conservatives, in addition to making theft, LEGAL!

    Yeah I am tired too smoothy. Your crap is no better than mine, and thats a darn shame, because you think it is.
    You are trying to compare the Bush tax cuts to Obamacare? They are nothing alike...

    Afghanistand and IRAQ both are legal actions... Bush got congressional approval BOTH times... and three years into Obama we are still there... with even MORE people... Time to look at your messiah and point fingers aty him... HE owns that now... and has for some time.

    Exactly where is that approval for Libya? Right... it was NEVER given yet there we are... troops over there and Billions spent for what? THAT is the one you should be indignant about... because THAT is in clear violation of the War Powers Act.
    When does Obamacare sunset? Right, it doesn't. It didn't go through ANY debate... or proper vote, because the Republicans who had every right to debate it... were literally and physically locked out of the process. THe Democrats literally did it unilaterally behind actual closed doors.

    Want to talk executive orders... there are hundreds the Popus blowhard in the whitehouse has issued.

    The Bush tax cuts were for people who actually paid taxes... unlike the breaks given to people that don't even work much less pay.

    I am sick and tired of my tax dollars paying for ILLEGALS education... in my case that's several thousand of MY dollars going to people who don't beliong here... based on my own counties assessment of the percentage of illegals in my counties schools and what I pay in property taxes every year.

    Then there is what the Illegals cost us in hospitals they never pay the bills for... and Obama decide to decree laws that were passed properly will not be enforced because he is the Lord Almighty and nobody shall ever question anything he says or does because as the Messiah... he and only he determines what laws are enfoced or not... and none shall apply to him.

    I have no problem helping the severely handicapped... but abled bodied people can get off their butts and work... FAT and lazy aren't a handicap... they are an excuse. Illegals seem to find work even in this economy... why can't they.

    That's theft... and Illegal...

    Gee I also notice there is no outrage over Hollywoods tax breaks... they can afford to pay actors tens of millions for a film... manke hundreds of millions profits per film... and THEY deserve a dime in tax breaks?

    What's wrong with Democrats anyway?. OBAMA is president... this is Obamas mess. Bush has been out of office a long time... and isn't running a shadow government as much as the left wants to believe.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 12:25 PM
    Nice rant!
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 8, 2011, 12:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Nice rant!
    Not a rant... its reality. And a LOT of people feel the same way too. Just NOT the liberal minority.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 12:43 PM
    Seems we are not the minority you think we are, but we will count the votes next year, like we do every TWO years.

    Get some rest, we wouldn't want you to tired to vote would we?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 8, 2011, 01:08 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Seems we are not the minority you think we are, but we will count the votes next year, like we do every TWO years.

    Get some rest, we wouldn't want you to tired to vote would we?
    Liberals ARE the minority group... Obama duped enough of the independents to vote for him is the only reason he stole the election... and nobody has proven ACORNs fraud wasn't enough to swing the vote.

    Independents are wise to the fact they were conned bigtime. They won't make the same mistake twice.

    Last gallop Poll I saw had Obama at 29% positive which is not a lot more than the die-hard lefties actually number. But those will believe anything the Party tells them to believe.

    All Obma as done for three years was waste trillions... start a third war... and blame Bush for everything including his Erectile dysfunction and hemeroids.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 8, 2011, 01:44 PM
    Since your ratings are no better than mine, then your erectile dysfunction and hemorrhoids are no WORSE than mine. So why can't we share the only tube of Preparation H? Mind if I go first?

    Okay, I confess, I used the only tube of butt ointment during the Bush years, and there ain't no more, so I guess you have to cure your hurt butt with something else. I know, a selfish thing to do, and I am sorry, but my butt really was hurting back then.

    Much better now, though. Can I recommend ice cubes, won't help the farts, but will ease the pain.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 8, 2011, 04:27 PM
    I can happily say I suffer from neither yet. And I hope to make it to a ripe old age before I do.

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