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    Ging1994's Avatar
    Ging1994 Posts: 190, Reputation: 9
    Junior Member

    Feb 7, 2007, 04:26 PM
    My friend did drugs in school
    Well my really good friend kassidy did drugs in school crystalized meth and cocaine with alcahol with two other girls I will not name them for there sake well they went to class stoned one passed out the other barfed and kassidy just acted a little stoned well they called the police and now their in the hospital I'm really sad one of my friends didn't want to tell me in the hallways with everybody passing by but that would have been better because a kid I'm friends with but can be mean sometimes told me in class and he was dead seriouse when he told me wich is veary unlike him he told me because I was really good friends with her and I didn't know well I want to know what to do because kassidy practically saved my life when I moved to a new school not many people were nice to me then my best friends and their older brothers moved away and I was on the verge of suside but she took me off the edge and now I don't know what to do I'm still in shock and I should win an award for my nothings wrong act wich I pulled over my parents so what should I do
    TheSavage's Avatar
    TheSavage Posts: 564, Reputation: 96
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    Feb 7, 2007, 04:54 PM
    So far as your parents you mean? In their case, they will most likely find out and by hiding this are libel to think you hide it from them due to drug use yourself. A lie by omission is still a lie isn't it?
    Or so far as your friend? In her case I would say stand by her and support her as a friend, but if she is determined to go down that path, make sure its her path not yours.
    Take that to heart from a old drug addict-- Clean longer than you have been alive but always will be a addict.
    mellyn11's Avatar
    mellyn11 Posts: 17, Reputation: 5
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    Feb 7, 2007, 04:58 PM
    Well, the best thing you can do for a friend is to be there for them. Don't lecture her, because you can imagine that she's probably heard enough from the police. Let her know that you are there for her, and that when she's ready to stop corrupting her life, you'll be there to support. Please make sure that you yourself do not get involved with these activities. Trust me when I say that when you are this age (especially) you have no comprehension of what consequences can occur. You're friends may have only gotten sick, passed out or a little "high", but they now have to deal with their reputations. It is extremely OK to need a little attention, advice, what have you, but please don't be the kind of girl who gets herself into these dangerous situations for the wrong kind. You're better than that, or you wouldn't be seeking the right help! Also, I understand why you didn't tell your parents, but don't shut them out of everything.
    Ging1994's Avatar
    Ging1994 Posts: 190, Reputation: 9
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    Feb 7, 2007, 07:54 PM
    Some kids are starting to ask if I did it with them because I was in so much shock I didn't do anything I just walked around for a half hour and she had done drugs before could this have caused her to do it again
    mellyn11's Avatar
    mellyn11 Posts: 17, Reputation: 5
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    Feb 7, 2007, 08:11 PM
    Could what have made her do this... you not doing anything? Are you being honest that you were not involved? Truly, I care more about the information you girls are getting about these drugs and their side effects. It is very inportant that you understand what you are doing if you insist on participating in these activities. I'm not sure if I completely understand your question or the circumstance at hand, but whatever it is, her/their actions are by no means your fault!
    Ging1994's Avatar
    Ging1994 Posts: 190, Reputation: 9
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    Feb 7, 2007, 09:16 PM
    I swear on my life I have never done drugs I'm allergic to tabacoo the only alchole I've had was a sip of wine once but other than nothing squeaky clean just have guy issues I'm scard for my friend though she's in the hospital she took an overdose I don't know what will happen to her what will happen to here's a better question
    mellyn11's Avatar
    mellyn11 Posts: 17, Reputation: 5
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    Feb 7, 2007, 09:31 PM
    I'm not sure what WILL happen to her, or what has happened to her. I only know that I have known a couple of people who have "accidently" overdosed. Just be supportive, and stay clean as LONG as POSSIBLE! Please be careful with these people, because when they're feeling really down on themselves is when they will try to persuade you more in hopes to get you to their level.

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