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    ashley19's Avatar
    ashley19 Posts: 69, Reputation: 6
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    Oct 14, 2006, 07:04 PM
    I'm think I'm depressed but I don't want to take medication or talk to anyone (shrink) I also cut myself from time to time, does anyone know of an alternative to help with depression , I was also diagnosed with having an underactive thyroid hormone a few months ago could this low hormone be causing the depression?
    LUNAGODDESS's Avatar
    LUNAGODDESS Posts: 467, Reputation: 40
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    Oct 14, 2006, 08:12 PM
    DIAGNOSIS of hypothyroidism is usually straightforward, once it is suspected. Patients with hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis have an elevated level of serum TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). However, the rare patient with hypothyroidism due to a pituitary or hypothalamic condition may have a normal or low serum TSH.
    TREATMENT of hypothyroidism consists of taking thyroid hormone in pill form on a daily basis. Symptoms of hypothyroidism should clear up within a few months of starting treatment. Adjustment of the dose of thyroid pills is based upon measurements of serum TSH. Most patients need to take thyroid hormone for life.
    • Fatigue or lack of energy
    • Weight gain
    • Feeling cold
    • Dry skin and hair
    • Heavy menstrual periods
    • Constipation
    • Slowed thinking

    The thyroid gland is located in the base of the neck on both sides of the lower part of the larynx (voice box) and upper part of the trachea (wind pipe). The gland produces thyroid hormone in response to stimulation by a hormone from the pituitary gland. Thyroid hormone acts throughout the body to regulate metabolism.

    Hypothyroidism is commonly described as an underactive or sluggish thyroid, but there is more to it than just thyroid activity. Sometimes the problem is thyroid hormone imbalance, primarily underproduction of the thyroid’s main hormone, thyroxine (T4). But T4 also has to be converted into its active form, triiodothyronine (T3), by the liver. It then has to be efficiently utilized by the body. Disruption in any one of these processes can contribute to hypothyroidism symptoms

    For further information check out this
    letmetellu's Avatar
    letmetellu Posts: 3,151, Reputation: 317
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    Oct 14, 2006, 09:15 PM
    Depression is a problem just like having the flu, with one exception with the flu if you wait long enough and do nothing it will usually cure itself after a long battle with pain and fever. Depression on the other hand will not cure itself and therefore you need some kind of help to control it, the best way being a medication. I suffer from depression and have for years, but I have it under control by taking one small pill each day. That pill gave me back my normal life, it made me no longer afraid to leave the house where I had taken refuge and all I would do all day is either cry or sleep. Please go to a Dr. let him give you some medication and it the first one does not work don't give up on him. Give him the chance to find the right medication for you.
    TeamSandG's Avatar
    TeamSandG Posts: 18, Reputation: 3
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    Oct 14, 2006, 09:18 PM
    Hey although the thyroid problem might be some of your problem it is NOT the cause of your cutting. I have dealt with a few cutters in my day and it is very rarely understood. I know that it is not for the attention or the thoughts of suicide, you don't want to die, you just don't want to hurt anymore. It is more common than you think but it also requires professional help. I know that you don't want to but it won't go away unless you talk about it ALL. You do not need medication to fix it either, just a lot of effort and drive to want to be better.
    ashley19's Avatar
    ashley19 Posts: 69, Reputation: 6
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    Oct 14, 2006, 09:29 PM
    Thanks for al the advice, I cut for release when it gets too much for me to handle I think about cutting often but made a promise to my boyfriend to stop only broke the promise once that was last week but been very depressed today and he got mad kept asking what's wrong? And then he huffed for 2 hours cause I was quite... I can't talk to him he's so used to hearing the same crap.
    phillysteakandcheese's Avatar
    phillysteakandcheese Posts: 973, Reputation: 356
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    Oct 14, 2006, 09:38 PM
    If you want to do this on your own, there are three things you need:

    1 - Rigorous physical activity. You need to go out and do things, work out at a gym, jog, play a sport... Get into a physically active lifestyle.

    2 - Active learning. You'll need to do research into how the brain works and how you can "train your mind" like you train your body. You'll both read books and online articles, and listen to self-help seminars to teach yourself about... yourself.

    3 - Honesty. You're going to have to face your feelings, and acknowledge your faults and weaknesses. Your'e going to have to question yourself. You're going to have to challenge yourself.

    It's a tough road, but definitely do-able and definitely worth it in the long run for your life.

    I would - however - recommend you also see a doctor, and probably a counsellor as well. There are many causes of depression, one of which is brain chemistry imbalance - something that you won't be able to correct all by yourself no mattter how hard you try.
    Chuckzilla's Avatar
    Chuckzilla Posts: 2, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 15, 2006, 11:03 PM
    My boyfriend used to get mad at me every time I cut.
    I trust him and he trusts me.
    But I don't tell him about my cutting.
    Last week he walked in on me cutting.
    We started talking about all of my reasons to cut.
    He forgave me and now I can talk to him whenever I'm feeling down.
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Oct 16, 2006, 12:15 AM
    You really should see a doctor about taking medication. It's better to do what you have to do to take care of yourself in a health and responsible manner rather than releasing your frustrations by mutilating your body.
    Having untreated hypothyroidism, depression, and self mutilating behaviors is far worse for your mind and body than taking a pill everyday.
    Please consider the medication and give it a chance to work. Every living being deserves to be happy and you're no different. If a pill a day can help you feel good, it's worth trying it. This way you may actually be ably to experience true contentment which may be something you've always lacked fully due to your thyroid.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 16, 2006, 05:25 AM
    Please seek professional help. Thyroid problems and depression are very treatable, all you have to do is see a doctor. Why suffer if you can be helped?
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Oct 16, 2006, 05:37 AM
    Yes, these problems are very treatable. Sometimes you only have to take medication for the depression for a short time while dealing with the problems you have and overcoming them.

    The medicaiton for the hypothyroidism you have to take all of your life. If you do not take this medication you run the risk of getting fat along with many other problems.
    K_3's Avatar
    K_3 Posts: 304, Reputation: 74
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    Oct 16, 2006, 08:50 AM
    You have gotten some exvellent answers. Another one is take a yoga class, it helps your metabolism and puts your mind at rest. Find a good class and learn meditation. You will be amazed at how it helps.
    rocker1400's Avatar
    rocker1400 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 17, 2006, 02:08 PM
    You have gotten some really great advice here. Depression can be pretty serious, and I know that sometimes when you are in the middle of it you will feel like nothing can help you. There is help though. I have been going through some really rough times myself, and I started down a path of self-harm. Then I decided to get help, just because I felt I needed some kind of change before I became even worse. Trust me, after a few sessions of talking to a couselor you will feel a lot better. The depression probably won't be gone. That takes time, but you will start to feel better. Whether you want to take medication is your decision, but if you do decide to do that, it can really aid the healing process. It works differenty with every person, but my doctor just started me on **MEDS** recently, and I am already feeling stable and OK again. It is good that you have your boyfriend there. Talk to him. Don't worry about whether it's the "same old crap." People that care about you will just want you to get better, they won't abandon you for talking about your feelings. You have to be honest and talk to someone to let your feelings out. Good luck, and I hope you listen to the people here and seek some help.

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