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Trying to figure out movie title
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm guess it would be in the later 90's. It's a movie about someone trying to tap into a super fast layer of bandwidth that would make wireless communications a million times faster or something. BUT the new layer or frequency is the unopened barrier between the living and the dead so once it...
Wanting to know the title of this movie for a couple of years
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello everyone. I've been searching for the name of this movie for a few years now, I've seen it on the TV once, but as it was so long ago, I can't remember everything. This is some stuff happening in it. Some guy with a mask/suit kills people. The police were following him in some alleys and...
I can't figure out the title of this movie
[ 3 Answers ]
I think it's about either a young duck, goose, or swan who is left behind when his parents migrate south for the winter. At first he sleeps in an overturned rowboat on the beach. Later he meets a rabbit or a squirrel and stays in its den in the woods for the rest of winter. It's animated. And I...
Help figure this movie title out?
[ 1 Answers ]
I need to no the 80's or 90's movie that 4 people are stuck in a radio station and the town has a radiation bomb dropped and the town turns red
Please help me figure out the title of this movie!
[ 3 Answers ]
Okay, this is obscure. I think this movie was made in the 80's, it was kind of a kid's movie that my teachers used to show when I was in elementary school. It's about a woman who loses her ring in a doughnut factory or something like that. Then everyone has to eat all the doughnuts to find the... View more questions Search