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    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    Jul 12, 2008, 04:04 PM
    Disgruntled Dems to Place Hillary's Name in Nomination
    It is said that a group of Hillary supporters are planning on placing Hillary Clinton's name in nomination at the August Convention!

    It will be great to see Hillary back giving speeches... lots of people are missing her.
    donf's Avatar
    donf Posts: 5,679, Reputation: 582
    Printers & Electronics Expert

    Jul 12, 2008, 04:33 PM

    Are you a U.S. citizen? If you were, you be as fortunate as we are to vote for the crook of our choosing. Hilary fits that to the teeth.

    BTW, her husband, outstanding character that he is, circumvented the Constitution to let his honey write major legislation even though she had no authority to do so.

    Also, brainless Bill, sent troops to aid a country and when some of those troops were being slaughtered, he refused to send them assistance.

    How would you like a member of your family to be serving under the Clinton's?
    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    Jul 12, 2008, 04:42 PM
    You are as confused as McCain!
    Galveston1's Avatar
    Galveston1 Posts: 362, Reputation: 53
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    Jul 12, 2008, 07:48 PM
    Yeah, I've missed Hillary's speeches. I had a toothache I missed kind of like that once too.
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 12, 2008, 08:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Choux
    It is said that a group of Hillary supporters are planning on placing Hillary Clinton's name in nomination at the August Convention!

    It will be great to see Hillary back giving speeches....lots of people are missing her.
    That is GREAT News! I knew there were MILLIONS of people who still believe in Hillary becoming President! This is also a GREAT way to get back at Dean and Obama's people for trying to take Hillary's delegates away at the convention! Let's see how this plays out! If they aren't entirely successful, then people need to write-in Hillary's name on the ballot in November. She is our only hope as the other two have proven to be just flip-flopping wannabes! Hillary is the only one who has actually lived at the White House for EIGHT years and knows the ropes enough to get America back in the shape it should be.

    For more on this:

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    Just Say No Deal

    Power of Puma: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

    Nobama Network - Dedicated to Unity Democrats, Republicans, Independents Election 2008

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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jul 13, 2008, 02:45 AM
    Since Obama has not delivered in retiring her campaign debt there is no reason for Evita to cooperate .

    There is still the Credentials Committee meeting coming up where she can challenge some of BO's deligates . There is already dissention and defections in the ranks of the delegates
    JS Online: McCain-backing Clinton delegate responds to convention challenge

    And don't forget that he is counting on 100 % of the Super Deligates who unoffically pledged to him for his nomination.
    The way he has flipped in his rush to the middle must be giving some of them second thoughts. After alll ;if he is no different than Evita ,then why not go with the candidate who has proven her ability to actually win the important Democrat States ?

    Talkleft sums up the dangers of Obama being a paper thin panderer ;and the consequences of his postioning

    How does anyone know what Obama really believes or, even more problematic, what beliefs he'll decide are worth expending political capital on once he's elected?
    We don't. I think that's a direct consequence of his having campaigned on generalities like change. People who are unhappy with the current state of affairs just assumed he is on the same side of issues as they are. Since Obama wants change and they want change, they assumed they are all on the same page — like one big happy progressive family. There's just no way to know that. …

    ....It's the bait and switch we hate and it makes Obama a tougher sell now. He wasn't honest with us. He promised reform and a new kind of politics and is relying on the same old Washington play book that's been in use for decades.

    Obama's Disgruntled Liberal Supporters - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

    This is a huge problem for the Dems. If he stays true to his primary positions then he is a fringe candidate who cannot win the general election . IF he shifts to the middle he upsets the party base This is already having consequences in his campaign funding .Maybe he was a little premature in rejecting public funding?? The Dems might say ;if we are running a centrist candidate then why not go with an authetic one?

    However ;unlike Talkleft ;I don't think this is a "bait and Switch " Like most meglomaniacs he warned us what he would do.
    From 'Audacity of Hope' :
    I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views. As such, I am bound to disappoint some, if not all, of them. Which perhaps indicates a second, more intimate theme to this book ,namely, how I, or anybody in public office, can avoid the pitfalls of fame, the hunger to please, the fear of loss, and thereby retain that kernel of truth, that singular voice within each of us that reminds us of our deepest commitments.
    According to him ,he can't be blamed for the expectations of others... even if it was he who's rhetoric raised them. Don't you love farce? My fault I fear.I thought that you'd want what I want.
    Sorry, my dear.

    Finally ; Evita has such a huge ego it is impossible for her to admit defeat. Even if he makes it through the Credentials Committee challenge ;she can still force a roll-call vote on the floor and hope that last minute Clintoniod pressure on the delegates can persuade enough of them to switch.

    There will be plenty of pressure exerted on the streets from the "recreate 68 ";the Kossaks ;the code Pinko's who have become increasingly frustrated with BO's softening of his radical positions.

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