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Early 90s or maybe late 80s Ghost horror TV movie with many hauntings
[ 6 Answers ]
I still think its an early 90s TV movie, but Im not sure. Anyway it was about a family who moves into a new house wich is haunted by numerous amount of ghosts. One rapes the families father and a dark shadowy figure is seen everywhere. The neighboughs even hear and see the loud screams and flashing...
Late 80s to early 90s movie about worms
[ 8 Answers ]
My friend and I are trying to remember the title of a movie we saw in the late 80s or early 90s about a family in the future (very suburban, Leave it to Beaver feeling). But the movie is very bizarre. A few scenes I recall - the mother slicing up some big ugly worm thing like bologna to eat as a...
Horror movie from the late 80s to mid 90s
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Ok now this movie I seen just once when I was a kid .I remember there was a guy in this movie he was a scientist or doctor of some sort .In his house he was creating monters of some kind from human ashes. There was a secret hatch in his kitchen beneath the refrigerator where these monsters were...
Trying to remember a horror movie from the late 80s/early 90s
[ 3 Answers ]
This is a movie I've only seen the trailer for, not the entire thing. I remember seeing it as the preview of something I rented as a teen and I always wanted to watch it but I can't remember the title. It's about teenagers out in the woods who are filming a movie (maybe a horror movie, maybe... View more questions Search