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    portrait in still love's Avatar
    portrait in still love Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 19, 2007, 02:15 PM
    Long trip to nowhere
    Ok, please don't think bad of me here but a while back I was in a relationship with a guy that I couldn't keep doing because I didn't know what I wanted. Since then I have gone out with a few people but none of them gave me what I got from the first guy. The problem is now he has become sort of kind of famous in the music scene. I am not looking to get anything from him besides companionship, but I know he won't see it that way. Well I wanted to start up a relationship again but didn't know how to go about it, so I decided to go see him at one of his shows and see if we could go somewhere and talk. Well his show is tonight and I'm starting to get second thoughts about how I will look from his angle. I live in Colorado, but flew out here to Miami to see him. Maybe I'm just being nervous because I haven't seen him in about a year. I'm just terrified that he will kick me to the curb (which is where I would kick somebody who did to me what I did to him). But I'm really hoping that he can look past what I've done and we can start fresh. Any thoughts?
    s_cianci's Avatar
    s_cianci Posts: 5,472, Reputation: 760
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    Mar 19, 2007, 02:18 PM
    No one here can really predict how he will react. However, I'd say that the odds are well against you being able to reconnect and pick up where you left off. I'm not saying it's impossible, just highly unlikely. But you've obviously gone a long way to trying to achieve your goal, with flying out to Miami and everything, so good luck.
    chuff's Avatar
    chuff Posts: 3,397, Reputation: 1235
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    Mar 22, 2007, 06:13 PM
    I agree with Scianci but I would approach him in your hometown. To fly to Miami to speak with him, makes it appear like your stalking him which I guess makes me wonder, are you?

    Not trying to be rude about it but your interest seems to have taken off once his fame did and I wonder if maybe your not attracted to being attached to the limelight as opposed to him?
    Skell's Avatar
    Skell Posts: 1,863, Reputation: 514
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    Mar 22, 2007, 07:15 PM
    I agree with the two above but since you have flow all the way to Miami and his show is tonight well you might as well find out the answer to your questions.

    Go and lay it on the line to him and tell him how you feel.

    There can be no guarantees other than the fact that you will never get your answer if you don't ask!!
    portrait in still love's Avatar
    portrait in still love Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 23, 2007, 06:52 AM
    Thank you to everybody who answered, but I failed myself. I had the opportunity to talk to him, and let it slip through my fingers. I can understand why it seems that I was attracted to his fame, perhaps I was. But I do love him and I have always loved him. I guess I was more afraid of not knowing what I wanted. Thank you again all, you have been very helpful, but I'll have to wait until somebody else comes along.

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