Networking Expert
Nov 8, 2009, 09:27 PM
Disabled services under services.msc console
I re-did my thread into a new category hoping more people would see it.
All of my services in the services.msc were disabled. I figured it was a virus so I ran malwarebytes in safe-mode and it founf 60+ malware incidents. This still didn't change the fact that all the services were disabled. I am not able to see any wirless networks although I know I have noetworks in range.
What I am asking is that what can cause the computer to disable services in services console? Is there a way I can reset the services to run as it did when it ran good? System Restore isn't working so that is not an option.
Thanks to all because I know I can be a frusturating person! :D
Ultra Member
Nov 9, 2009, 09:22 PM
Once they're disabled, they won't be enabled automatically. MalwareBytes will remove malware, but it won't necessarily restart services. You'll have to figure out what services you want to enable. Start services.msc. Then right-click on the services you wish to enable and set them to either "manual" (which means that it will start when some program manually starts it), or "automatic", which means it will automatically start when the system is started. You'll probably have to check out another computer that is configured similarly to yours, to see which services are enabled automatically, or manually, or disabled. On my XP system, there are services in all categories.
As an alternative, you may have to reinstall your operating system.
Networking Expert
Nov 10, 2009, 08:23 PM
Thanks that was what I needed to know. I mean I know I can go in an do this all manually but there are upwards of 50+ services and a lot needed to be either manual or automatically started (according to another computer that's running the same OS). I just didn't want to take the time and was wondering if there was something that could set things back to default.
Another question. What would cause this to happen? A virus?
Ultra Member
Nov 12, 2009, 12:07 PM
I'm not exactly sure why this would happen. A virus could certainly do it. However, I'm not sure why a virus writer would want to do that. It basically disables the computer and for many people, that would mean reinstalling the operating system.
A person experimenting could also make it happen. For example, there are programs, like AutoRuns (from SysInternals) where you can check and uncheck boxes enable/disable services. This makes it easy for someone who didn't know what they were doing, to turn the services off off.
Senior Member
Nov 12, 2009, 02:54 PM
As a side note, you need Wireless Zero Configuration Service running to use windows's built in wireless functionality. That's probably why you didn't see any networks. Enable that service, and start it, and you should start seeing them.
Networking Expert
Nov 17, 2009, 08:15 PM
Yes I know this all. I have fixed the issues, I just wanted to know what would cause it. Thanks to all who answered
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