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    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 11, 2007, 06:58 AM
    Global Warming - The blame for everything.
    Climate change behind Darfur killing: UN's Ban
    APF, 16 June 2007

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the slaughter in Darfur was triggered by global climate change and that more such conflicts may be on the horizon, in an article published Saturday.

    Global Warming
    The above is something I found while surfing for the history of the earth's evolution. All are now concerned about global warming - and this should be information available to all.

    On most sites, I found that if I wanted to read more, I had to pay for it.

    Other, like the above link, just was 'moved' and could not be located because the URL was no longer accurate.

    Hello - does that mean that only those willing to pay get the 'scoop', and it it is information not 'needed' by the common man, then it is taken off the net?

    I live in Germany and the electricity prices have risen, the price of milk products have risen and also other foods and vegetables more expensive. This is due to 'global warming' too, so everyone tells us.

    Did the earth's evolution stop in the 19th century, and did we forget that this globe has gone through more changes since it's creation?
    I know that since the 'human factor' snuck in, that many things have gotten worse because the human had to change a few things around without knowing or caring until it was too late.

    I think the 'human factor' or greed has more to do with this than anything else, and it is continuing to do so.. most is profit, profit, profit. Unfortunate.

    I don't think we are totally to blame for the 'global warming', and those that know this should feel guilty - once they spent the money they received for their 'discretion'.

    I guess you can tell I've lost faith in the loads of information sent to the gullible in order to make a profit.

    I need someone I can trust to tell me the real deal.

    XenoSapien's Avatar
    XenoSapien Posts: 627, Reputation: 42
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    Aug 11, 2007, 12:13 PM
    "I guess you can tell I've lost faith in the loads of information sent to the gullible in order to make a profit."

    Amen, Chery. This "great global warming hopelessness initiative" is a bunch of horse-snot designed to get the average Joe to send money to a ridiculous and fragile cause.
    The cry-babies who are screaming, "We're responsible; we've got to do something!" are ignorant, and are strictly after taking your cash.

    Global warming has been going on since the earth was conceived. There is geological evidence that the world has heated and cooled worse than what we are getting/going to get now.

    Keep in mind that it is these losers who are also saying that gas from cows is destroying the ozone! Another, constantly laughable joke. If that is the case, then when ought to put our scrutiny on the folks from India, because they refuse to kill the cow.

    Stop listening to these global warming clowns.

    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 11, 2007, 12:40 PM
    Ban Ki-moon is wrong . Yes there is a resource central to the conflict in Darfur ;it is oil.

    I suspect your rising food prices is energy driven also . Why ? Well for one the transportation of produce is dependent on energy and the price of petroleum has risen . But even worse and the more shameful action is this ridiculous recent obsession with turning the corn and other eatable produce into fuel to burn in the form of ethanol .

    As I understand it the cost of beer is a sensitive subject in Germany because it is a staple product like eggs, bread and milk ,so I'll use it as an illustration. The cost of barley has gone through the roof as farmers have converted their fields to plant crops that can be converted to bio-diesel fuels . That has created a shortage of barley so the cost of barley has raised. As a result the price of beer has seen a tremendous inflation . The organizers of the Oktoberfest have already announced a big price increase in a liter of beer at the upcoming festival .

    Now as angry as that makes Germans ;still you could live without beer. Imagine the plight of the peasant in Mexico ,where corn is a basic staple ,and without a fair supply of corn meal for the making or tortillas at a decent price, they starve ? In Germany this also creates a shortage of feed grain for livestock thus the price of your meats are also rising as a result.

    This has been the unintended consequence of the rush to find an eco-friendly alternative to the burning of fossil fuels . The sad reality is that it also takes almost as much energy to produce ethanol from corn as the energy created . The truth is that until a cleaner more efficient energy source is found then petroleum and coal are still our best alternatives.

    Other cleaner methods like wind/solar etc.are augments at best . Even if they could become viable then the issue becomes (at least in most of the United States ) "not in my back yard" . It seems here at least that anywhere wind turbine farms are proposed that the locals protest the idea. Even such a renown environmentalist like Robert Kennedy Jr. raised a protest against the building of wind turbines off the coast of his family estate on Cape Cod Island. Now get this ;he objected on environmental grounds .His real reason of course is that he was concerned with the sight lines of the coast being spoiled by wind turbines. In New Jersey a home owner put up a single wind turbine on his roof and some solar panels and his neighbors went nuts. It was not in the same character of the neighborhood .

    I guess you can tell I've lost faith in the loads of information sent to the gullible in order to make a profit
    Yes ,and well you should . The antidote unfortunately is to relentlessly research and take little of the information you are fed by the mass media or the government as truth without verification.

    The article that you found about the UN may have been cut off by the source but there are also others that provide the information you found and plenty of rebut.
    I'm sure what Ban Ki-moon meant to say was that the spread of sub-Sahara Africa (which has been growing since way before we discovered the use of fossil fuels) creates a terrible displacement problem . It is true that migration south from Northern Sudan due to the desertification of the nation has created conflicts. But that is only one of the mitigating factors. Certainly in other states with similar conditions there is no mass murder occurring .There is more to the story than Moon is comfortable in discussing.

    There is for instance a religious aspect to the genocide that the UN seems extremely reluctant to address. The truth is that the National Islamic Front (renamed the National Congress Party after it seized power in a 1989 coup) has systematically targeted other ethnicities and tribal groups in the region.

    This was all conveniently disregarded when Moon gave his weather forecast. The truth is that the inept and useless UN has not had the intestinal fortitude to even come up with a working definition of what "genocide " is . You and I both know it when we see it. But for expediency reasons ;primarily that they would have to act on it once it was defined ,they prefer to make ridiculous proclamations about the weather in Darfur being the culprit rather than the evil regime that runs the country .

    But that should be of no surprise. They have consistently refused to respond to the actions of jack-booted regimes be they in N Korea , Iran ,or Iraq. Why ? My best guess is because the majority of the UN is made of regimes of a similar nature.
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 11, 2007, 12:49 PM
    Wow, that's what I'm talking about! Both of you have confirmed my feelings about these issues a lot.

    Thanks so much for your feedback.
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 11, 2007, 03:39 PM
    Climate of Fear
    Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence.
    Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:01 a.m.

    The answer has much to do with misunderstanding the science of climate, plus a willingness to debase climate science into a triangle of alarmism. Ambiguous scientific statements about climate are hyped by those with a vested interest in alarm, thus raising the political stakes for policy makers who provide funds for more science research to feed more alarm to increase the political stakes. After all, who puts money into science--whether for AIDS, or space, or climate--where there is nothing really alarming? Indeed, the success of climate alarmism can be counted in the increased federal spending on climate research from a few hundred million dollars pre-1990 to $1.7 billion today. It can also be seen in heightened spending on solar, wind, hydrogen, ethanol and clean coal technologies, as well as on other
    Energy-investment decisions.
    I found some interesting articles and this person got me interested in what he says. What do you think of his opinions. He also spoke before the Senate Committee in 2001.
    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    Aug 13, 2007, 06:34 AM

    I cannot read the article in question for some reason.

    However, here are some points to think about.

    1) What is the mechanism by which global warming is supposed to have caused genocide in Darfur? Does it make sense to you? Supposedly, according to Ban Ki Moon, the fighting is about oil... which in turn is a global warming issue.

    2) One would assume that if oil is the reason for the genocide on such a large scale, then oil must be large portion of Sudan's economy. But is that factual? Not according to the CIA World Factbook, which puts oil production at no more than 20% of the country's GDP, (and actually at much less than that). The other 80% of the country's economy is tied to agriculture. Oil production is actually a very small part of the economy of Sudan.

    3) In fact, Sudan only had its first year of surplus oil production in 1999. The genocide, however, has been taking place since the mid-70s, with the start of their first civil war.

    So, does oil and global warming issues seem to really be the cause of the Sudanese genocides? Not to me.

    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 13, 2007, 12:10 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ETWolverine

    I cannot read the article in question for some reason.

    However, here are some points to think about.

    1) What is the mechanism by which global warming is supposed to have caused genocide in Darfur? Does it make sense to you? Supposedly, according to Ban Ki Moon, the fighting is about oil... which in turn is a global warming issue.

    2) One would assume that if oil is the reason for the genocide on such a large scale, then oil must be large portion of Sudan's economy. But is that factual? Not according to the CIA World Factbook, which puts oil production at no more than 20% of the country's GDP, (and actually at much less than that). The other 80% of the country's economy is tied to agriculture. Oil production is actually a very small part of the economy of Sudan.

    3) In fact, Sudan only had its first year of surplus oil production in 1999. The genocide, however, has been taking place since the mid-70s, with the start of their first civil war.

    So, does oil and global warming issues seem to really be the cause of the Sudanese genocides? Not to me.

    Not to me either. The truth is that with crops less, and more people - some come to the equation that it's easier to reduce the population. That sounds plain and simple except for the fact that is't nothing but pure murder. So, global warming and less crops is "naturally" to blame... ironic.

    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Aug 13, 2007, 07:35 PM
    Look, global warming is a convient explanation for everything. In some cases, this may be correct, global warming may be the reason for floods and droughts and therefore crop failures and famine, disputes over land and population migration, but no one wants to discuss population growth as equally to blame for these problems. The reason for our problems is population growth, whether it is China and India or more developed countries, population growth is the issue, not global warming. Until population growth is brought under control no attempts to tackle climate change will succeed

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