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    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 8, 2005, 05:00 PM
    Downloading Problem
    Win XP, AOL dialup. Zone Alarm firewall, Avast! Anti Virus. No viruses. I have started having problems downloading anything from the net.. even quite small programs. Everything looks normal but the marker on the download window doesn't move (though the pages fly) and in the end I have to give up (Cancel) Everything else is working well)
    Too long to do a restore
    I have been messing with AVG anti virus but have given up on that now
    LTheobald's Avatar
    LTheobald Posts: 1,051, Reputation: 127
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    Feb 16, 2005, 05:55 AM
    What happens when you disable ZoneAlarm? Out of all those programs you mentioned, ZoneAlarm is the most likely to be causing the problem I think. When a program first access the internet for the first time, ZoneAlarm pops up that Allow/Deny dialog box. While this popup is sitting on your screen, the internet connection tends to just sit there until it times out. Sounds like the troubles you are having - maybe the popup isn't being displayed for some reason.

    Is the download progressing at all or just sitting there? Also what happens if you don't cancel the download - does it close itself after a couple of minutes?
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
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    Feb 16, 2005, 06:32 AM
    Downloading problems
    Have you cleaned up your hard drive lately? Are your temp folders full of stuff?
    If you haven't, the temp folders will fill up, so to speak, and stop any downloads.

    Do a Disc Cleanup.

    Also, here is a great, free, program that will clean out all these junk files for you with just a couple of clicks:

    It works with all windows versions.
    Best wishes,
    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 16, 2005, 07:37 AM
    Unable to download programs
    Thanks for the response. I really keep my PC clean. In fact I have set Internet Explorer to clear all temporary files each time. The Cookie folder is so clean that Ad -aware actually said there was no spyware at all ! A first.
    The one success I have had with this problem is by using RUN instead of SAVE. This acted normally and I was able to install a program at the end of the RUN. Although on the first occasion I tried this I got a Server Error:

    Proxy Error. The Proxy server received and invalid response from upstream
    Server. Could not handle the request GET/downloads/thanks/160765 Error
    Reading from remote server Apache/2.0.50 (Unix) at Port 80
    LTheobald's Avatar
    LTheobald Posts: 1,051, Reputation: 127
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    Feb 16, 2005, 01:55 PM
    Do you have a recent version of Windows? One with System Restore? Might be an idea jumping back to a restore point a week old or something like that.

    Maybe try reinstalling IE may get it? Or even better - get Firefox (because we all love it here) . I'm curious if a different browser will have the same troubles.
    Nez's Avatar
    Nez Posts: 557, Reputation: 51
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    Feb 16, 2005, 03:06 PM
    Downloading Problem
    Hi Keith,
    Just typed in AOL on Google and the amount of complaints about the ISP is long and numerous.Dont think it's your Avast anti virus program,as that is one of the most respected on the net.Also ZoneAlarm is used very widely,aka me! The deny/allow question asked by the product protects you from 'outgoing' traffic.In other words,if something you know nothing about asks to connect to the net,click no and ask for more info first.I don't think it would cause any 'time-out' problems though?

    Don't worry about the 'pages flying' at the top of the screen,that is just a 'scribble drawing' telling you that data is moving between a server and your PC.Or not,as the case may be.

    Try sending an email to AOL,and wait till they don't respond.Again,lots of complaints out there about that.

    Moving to Firefox is the best thing you can do,as good old Internet Explorer is well past it's sell by date.It's as secure as leaving your front door open at midnight.

    All the best,
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Feb 16, 2005, 04:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Nez
    Just typed in AOL on Google and the amount of complaints about the ISP is long and numerous.
    Had to comment on this. While its true there are a lot of complaints about AOL, that's because AOL has way more subscribers then anyone else. So the volume of complaints is going to be high. I sometimes hang out in an AOL help chat. And the vast majority of problems with AOL is user error or configuration issues.

    To Keith.
    There is a Help chat on AOL at keyword Help Community. Its staffed by experienced members who may be able to help further with this problem. May I suggest checking it out.
    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 16, 2005, 04:49 PM
    Download problem
    Hi Nez

    Thanks for the response. I wish the pages flying actually indicated something was transferring but it isn't. Except, as I say whe I use RUN instead of Save.

    AOL has responded fairly regularly. But by the look of their answers they hardly read what I have said and maker ludicrous suggestions, more like grasping at straws.

    I haven't tried Firefox, partly because I think that AOL is part wedded to Internet Explorer. But I can try by downloading it to my laptop, which is working fine, and transferring the installer to my desktop with a memory stick or whatever.

    I am afraid my two Restore points prior to the problem failed to install and also my exported Register failed to restore, too. I exported it when I was trying to get rid of traces of AVG. And that may be my downfall - messing with the register. Well I did export all 62Meg of it but it didn't want to replace the one I meddled with. This all started because AVG wouldn't update. And that is why I am on Avast! which informs me daily that it has updated itself.
    Thanks again
    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 16, 2005, 05:23 PM
    Download Problem
    Hello Fredg

    Tried to download Ccleaner but had the usual problem :Unable to save it. But when I went to use Run alternative it did download. Strange. Thanks I will run it tomorrow and see if it helps
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Feb 16, 2005, 07:16 PM
    The few times I've had to deal with AOL tech support, I've gotten good people who have given me correct answers. But I do know a lot of people who have reported different experiences. Far be it for me to try and talk you into staying with AOL. That's not my intention. AOL is not for everyone, but I believe it has gotten an unfair rep. I've been an AOL member for almost 12 years and have never had a major problem with them. The thing is that AOL is not an ISP. Its an online content provider. As such it works differently from regular ISPs (you have to use the AOL client to connect) and provides features you don't get from regular ISPs.

    I do suggest you try that chat I mentioned. A lot of knowledgeable people hang out there.
    LTheobald's Avatar
    LTheobald Posts: 1,051, Reputation: 127
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    Feb 17, 2005, 01:17 AM
    Firefox does work with AOL. You normally have to log into AOL first, then just load up Firefox and use it as normal.

    As for you point about reinstalling IE (from an email), it's worth a shot. Download it from here - Internet Explorer 6 SP1. I believe it's one of the typical Microsoft setup programs where you run the download as that launches another setup program which does the other download for you. So it should work with your problem.

    Talking about AOL clutching at straws: I don't think any of us know exactly what's going on either so we are just doing the same :) Only difference is that between us we probably have a much wider range of experience that the AOL helpdesk people.

    And just wanted to quickly add my two cents on AOL support. I've never tried the phone support but I tried the live, web chat support for some problems on my girlfriends PC. They always tried to be helpful but the responses I was getting were so basic I had thought of them a long time ago. I also got the impression that the person I was speaking to wasn't English. I don't think a person sitting in a helpdesk environment in India would be as useful as somebody in the UK etc.
    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 17, 2005, 02:26 AM
    Downloading problem
    I was unable to download IE SP1 but I have the SP2 and Sp1 disks and can try from there. I can also download to my laptop and transfer. I will use that to download Firefox and see if that is any better
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
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    Feb 17, 2005, 07:09 AM
    Download Problems
    Hello, again,
    This might be a "shot in the dark", but are you using ViewPoint Media Player with AOL?
    If so, there are many instances on the web, in forums, where this will cause what you are experiencing.
    Best of luck,
    Nez's Avatar
    Nez Posts: 557, Reputation: 51
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    Feb 17, 2005, 07:15 AM
    Firstly,yes your right Scott,AOL is not an ISP,but a content provider.My mistake :D

    I personally was'nt having a knock at them,just reporting the facts from the net.As you say,you've been with them for twelve years,and I'm sure that must mean something.I'm sure that everyone who works for them are very nice people and know what they are talking about.But you can't train everyone in every aspect of 'tech' problems,and sometimes it is very irritating when you get "put on hold" only to be told to visit a chat forum!

    Here in the UK a recent survey by a leading web mag asked peoples opinions on their Broadband experiances with various ISP's.One very well known one came out both highly placed in one section,and bottom in another! So it only goes to show that we all,thankfully,have different points of view.

    L Theobald has a point if ISP's are moving staff away to warmer climes.It's not their expertise which is in question,but someone six thousand miles from where I am is hardly going to be of benefit in the long run.

    There.My moan out of the way for today. Can't you tell 'I've' had a bad day at work guys. :D

    All the best to all of you,
    KeithPaterson's Avatar
    KeithPaterson Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 17, 2005, 09:01 AM
    Downloading problem
    I found Viewpoint on my PC and went to remove it (Add/Remove) It left a residue on the PC which would not go, so I had high hopes that it was working in the background and was the cilprit. Got rid of the Viewpoint folder using Safe Mode. Went to download the latest Skype but the same problem was there. I then opted for the RUN option and it has got as far as 35% right now with no errors. So, I guess this is what I will have to do in future. Thanks for all your help guys. What with the RUN function and my laptop I can get by now. It will have to remain a mystery.
    Meanwhile I did help someone else solve the DMVLITE program problem for a couple of people. I noticed quite a few Hijackthis files flying around trying to nail this one. It is some sort of pushy marketing organisation that puts a program on folk's machines, which cannot easily be removed. The answer is to go to their site and click Uninstall. No need for Hijackthis, because it shows nothing. Just thought people might like to know

    Signing out
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Feb 17, 2005, 11:44 AM
    I wasn't trying to pick on you, its just that I've seen these knocks on AOL for a long time and I just wanted to present the other side.
    Nez's Avatar
    Nez Posts: 557, Reputation: 51
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    Feb 17, 2005, 12:16 PM
    Agree fully with you Scott.They have been around for years,and long may they continue to be. :)

    All the best,

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