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    There's Avatar
    There Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 9, 2009, 10:16 AM
    How do I Get them to stop without TELLING them to stop ?
    Some girls in my shool keep on talking about me behind my back and really mean stuff and I haven't done anything to them to be talking about me and before one of the girl said not to be two faced when she does it not only about me but people that think she's there friend. Its starting to get to me and the people I thought were my friends are talking about me too. And am starting to wonder who my real friends are. My question is how to I get them to stop talking without telling them to ?
    jerieischillin's Avatar
    jerieischillin Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 9, 2009, 10:27 AM

    Many people say all your friends are your enemies.but no,girl,a situation like this,you need god really badly.pray immediately,that's the only advice to give.srry :(
    There's Avatar
    There Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 9, 2009, 10:44 AM
    Thank You :)
    justcurious55's Avatar
    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Jul 9, 2009, 10:47 AM

    There's a lot more you can do about this than just pray. The only way to have any chance of this ending is to tell them to stop. Your group of "friends" may end up divided, but at least then you'll know who your friends are. Are you in high school? Or close too? That's when me and my friends started noticing problems like this. And some of us started going, "hey, that's not ok. that's my friend you're talking about. who you say is your friend too..." the people that stood up with me and made it clear that being two faced isn't cool, those are the people I'm still good friends with today. The ones who just didn't get it... well, they have friends still. But they still have a lot of drama. And they're group of friends always seems to be changing. People catch on and decide they don't want to be around that sort of behavior, other people start hanging out with them not realizing what they're in for.
    jerieischillin's Avatar
    jerieischillin Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 9, 2009, 10:48 AM

    Yea,justcurious55 is right but if they try to fight you,fight them,then there's your enemies,if they don't fight you,their your friends
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    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Jul 9, 2009, 05:47 PM

    What are you even talking about? There's no reason for violence. If these girls are so out of control that they become violent when confronted about being rude then its time to get teachers and or parents involved
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Jul 9, 2009, 05:55 PM

    There... you will do better in this life if you accept that you cannot control what others do or say. You can only control how you react to it.
    jerieischillin's Avatar
    jerieischillin Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 9, 2009, 07:29 PM

    justcurious55 like it depends how violent these girls are,they may look weak,but they be strong,have u thought of that?
    macman11393's Avatar
    macman11393 Posts: 72, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 9, 2009, 11:24 PM

    I had the same problem last year as a freshman in high school. I found out one of my friends was smoking weed and she freaked out thinking I would tell everyone sense I'm not OK with it,even though I wasn't I was just going to stay away from her, so she freaks out and starts spreading rumors on how I called her awful things and how I called my other friends bad things to and how I did these nasty activities. All I did was ignore it and if someone asked me if I did do what she said I would say no but if you want to boleive her then go if you are my friend you won't believe her and stay by me and before it started I had around 20 friends sense its been over I'm down to 6 but at least I have friends that I really can trust and can really be by and the girl that did it to me is now in rehab and has no friends so I say just ignore her and if people ask deny it of coarse and if they don't bolieve you then screw them you don't need them
    justcurious55's Avatar
    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Jul 10, 2009, 04:22 PM

    No jerie, you are dead wrong. There is no reason for violence. If she has any concern that it will become a violent situation she needs to get adults involved.
    AManWithNoName's Avatar
    AManWithNoName Posts: 424, Reputation: 9
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    Jul 10, 2009, 09:34 PM
    Ignore them, if you know its lies, than why do anything about it

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