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    AJDaddy's Avatar
    AJDaddy Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 24, 2007, 07:36 AM
    Child Abandonment
    Greetings, I have committed the horrible crime of fathering a child in the State of Washington. I was not married but living with a woman. I made the mistake of taking a woman and her two children into my home as an act of kindness. After a year, I found out that she is a psychopath as determined by a psychiatrist. She poisoned me and put me in the hospital. She burned down my yacht while I was on it after writing a class paper about my murder on said yacht. She had someone try to kill me on the job but they got the wrong man and he escaped. She was having sex with the chief detective who put her first husband in jail. I narrowly escaped jail and prison behind false accusations. There is not enough provable evidence to convict her of anything. She finds wealthy older men to live with and uses them to buy off the legal system. She moved my daughter to Alaska from Washington State where I reside. I have not seen my daughter for three years. I was unable financially to fight the move out of state. I have never missed a child support payment. The parenting plan says that I can go to Alaska anytime and see my daughter but,, well,, I was also told that I'd only need a one way ticket as people go "missing" all the time in Alaska. Now, I've found out that the man she has been living with in Alaska is in jail for 33 counts of child molestation of my daughter's older sister. I have also been told,, and here's the question,, "Since I've made no attempt to see my daughter (for fear of my life) am I guilty of child abandonment?" I'm hearing that in the state of Washington,, that if a parent doesn't keep legally fighting for parental rights, (feeding societal leeches known as attorneys) that they can be charged with "Child Abandonment". As you can tell, I despise attorneys. I've learned not to trust legal authorities. At this point, I have my support payments set up to be made automatically. Having contact with my daughter whom I dearly love means risking my life. Her mother would think nothing of providing sexual favors for my demise. I feel that the legal system encourages activities like hers for repeat business. All I want to do is live my life peacefully but,, I'm hearing that "Walk Away Parents" is in epidemic proportions. As the family court system is a sordid place looking only for repeat business without regard to children's futures, walking away to a peaceful existence is a conflict of interest to them. Therefore, they've enacted the "Child Abandonment" crime as a means to draw folks like me back into court for financial gain. I do sincerely hope that this is not true. Someday, when my daughter is older, she'll find me somehow. You have no idea the emotional trauma that has been caused to my family and myself but, I'm no good to my doughier six feet under. I'm considering leaving the country for my own safety but I don't want the police to arrest me behind some "Child Abandonment" law.

    I'd go to an attorney for this advice but,, I can't trust them. I don't trust the police now either.

    Sorry for the length of this letter but,, actually there is a lot more.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 24, 2007, 08:09 AM
    You are paying child support, therefore you haven't abandoned the child.

    You refer to burning down your "yacht", not boat but "yacht". I would think someone who owned a yacht would have legal and financial resources to try and gain custody.

    But I do feel for you. I'm just not sure what more help we can give.
    AJDaddy's Avatar
    AJDaddy Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 24, 2007, 08:43 AM
    Greetings, the yacht was not mine, sorry for the mis-statement. I was staying on it to remain anonymous as this was after I got out of the hospital with a false heart attack. You see, my X was getting straight A's in forensic science and screwing the instuctor. The doctors didn't think to look for poisoning and I didn't figure it out till two weeks later. I didn't realize how easy it was to find someone if they had utilities in their name. At this point I have nothing in my name. I live in an RV and am a moving target. I can assure you that upon my demise, my daughter/mother would get my assets and she and her mother would get social security benefits. I have committed no crime, yet, I must live on the run from a psychopath backed by societal leeches and a crooked legal system looking to pick my bones. Oh, yeah,, what about the kids?

    Yes, I have some assets left, but,, my opinion is that attorneys are only there to drain them and encourage further animosities. There is no incentive for them to remedy their clients issues in an expiditious manner at the exhorbitant rates they charge. It's a conflict of interest.

    Going after visitation or having any contact whatsoever means revealing my whereabouts and therefore risking my demise. My X told me how easy it would be to get someone to enter my home and put something into my toothpaste or open container in my refer. Want some milk?

    So,, thank you for your time. I can be assured that I will not be arrested for "Child Abandonment" as long as support payments are made. I'll be making those payments till I'm 71 years old. I'm taking what's left and driving to Canada to live a peaceful existence.

    This country pissed on me upon my return from the military in 1972 and continues to do so to this day.

    I've decided to leave. I'm no longer welcome here,, after all,, I'm a father! Not a dead beat dad,, Beat to death father,,
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Nov 24, 2007, 08:58 AM
    Hello AJ:

    If it was me, instead of running away, I'd spend my last nickel fighting for my daughter. Specially since she's living with a child molester. But, that's just me.

    I also get from your post that you're worried MORE about YOUR well being than that of your daughters... I don't know. We're not the same people. I'm not a victim.

    I KNOW you're not going to DO anything about what I've said. I'm sure you're not going to like it much either. Have fun in Canada.

    s_cianci's Avatar
    s_cianci Posts: 5,472, Reputation: 760
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    Nov 24, 2007, 09:10 AM
    As the non-custodial parent you are not guilty of "child abandonment." Also the fact that you are making your child support payments on time implies involvement in the child's life and therefore negates any charges of abandonment. You could try to fight for custody of your daughter. Unfortunately you are fighting a system that's stacked against you and that's a difficult obstacle to overcome. If the situation were reversed you can rest assured you'd be safely locked away in prison. I think you may have provided your own answer in that when your daughter is old enough to seek you out on her own initiative, she will.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 24, 2007, 10:52 AM
    Ok, not that I really believe this story, but if it was real, I would be on a plane tomorrow, get my child and head home, and then file papers in my court for temp custody for the child. If all of this mental issue things are true, that should not be a real issue.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 24, 2007, 03:56 PM
    When I first read this note, I also questioned the truthfulness and sincerity of the OP. But I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I agree with excon, if you really care for your daughter you will fight for her.
    AJDaddy's Avatar
    AJDaddy Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 25, 2007, 09:39 AM
    Greetings, I can assure you that all that I've written is true. This woman could play the leading role in "Basic Instinct" without a script. After the third attempt on my life, experience with crooked lawyers and police, I've decided to wait. The guardian ad litem in my first custody battle was disbarred six months ago. My perception of the family court system is that it hands out raw deals for repeat business. What they would really like for me to do is spend every last nickel fighting for my daughter. They bank on it. They drain people emotionally and financially behind a person's emotional attachment to their child. Every so often I find a chat place like this because I've heard of some new ridiculous scheme to draw folks back into court. The family court is stacked against the "bread winner" in the scenario. I know of women who were the main source of income who were treated like men. We see it as stacked against men under the guise of prejudice. I think it is because men are usually the source of income for the legal charade. Every once in a while I see a man with custody. To me it's like the rigged games at the carnival. Once in a while you see someone carrying around a big stuffed dog. It's only advertisement for more suckers. To all you who say you'd run right up to Alaska and whisk your child away,, I say,, that with this woman,, you'd not make it out alive. And as a woman and three children,, the most she'd get is house arrest.

    My main question was,, can they find some reason to drag me into court behind some abandonment thing. The answer is no. I am relieved to hear this. A woman friend of mine has just gone to court to defend herself against false charges from her 15 year old daughter. This has gone on for years. You'd think the courts would catch on but they are overloaded. This last time, the mother announced that she no longer wanted her daughter to reside in her home. She was threatened with being charged with "Abandonment of a Child" if she did not fight to bring her daughter back home. I had also heard that "Walk Away Parents" were now guilty of the same charge if they did not keep going back to court to feed the societal leeches of Washington State.

    Thank you all for your time and expertise.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 25, 2007, 09:49 AM
    Abandonment of a child would only be a criminal offense if you left a child unattended. There is no criminal offense for not seeing your child. Not paying child support can carry hefty penalties, but jail is rare.
    AJDaddy's Avatar
    AJDaddy Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 25, 2007, 10:46 AM
    Greetings, with all this technology, I've had an idea and contacted a friend/geek who will help. I can understand that you all think this story is hard to believe. So, my friend told me that I could post all my evidence on a website. All my medical records, my picture on the front page of the Bremerton Sun in front of the beached burnt yacht, the class paper she wrote about my murder on the yacht a few months before it burned, the edict posted by Qwest Communications for employees working in Belfair, the taped recording and signed confession of my x admitting to sexually manipulating the chief detective who put her first husband in prison, and on and on. I can remain mobile/safe and still manage it.
    Maybe, just maybe someone in authority will care.

    Thanks again
    alaskachick's Avatar
    alaskachick Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 2, 2007, 08:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by AJDaddy
    To all you who say you'd run right up to Alaska and whisk your child away,,,, I say,,, that with this woman,,,, you'd not make it out alive. And as a woman and three children,,,,,, the most she'd get is house arrest.

    I live in Alaska, I have known mothers who have gone to jail for a lot less regardless of the fact that they had children.

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