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    chokexmexdown's Avatar
    chokexmexdown Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 12, 2011, 01:45 PM
    Florida drop out law
    I've been trying to find information on the laws on dropping out. I have already went to school and dropped my classes with parental permission. Now that I've done that from what I was told I could go into adult ed to get my GED. Could I take the GED test immediately or is the prep class mandatory?
    Also, lets say I wish to not continue further education is that illegal in Fl? I was told my a family member that if your under 18 and drop out you still HAVE to be taking some sort of education classes or schooling either online or somewhere else. Is this true or can I discontinue all forms of school now?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 12, 2011, 02:04 PM

    Being realistic here, You actually think you could pass a GED that covers information you never had because you didn't take the classes? Sorry to say but you are going to fail if you try. That's why you have the prep class. Most of this stuff you HAVE to learn someplace.

    Now... just a reality check here... no diploma or GED, then good luck getting any sort of a real job. And by real job, I mean anything that pays more than $10 an hours which In my opinion is poverty wages. I'm serious. All the better jobs will disqualify you at the get go without either of those. You won't get into any branch of the Military either without one or the other.

    If you discontinue all forms of school... you will by your own actions severely limit your earning potiential the rest of your life. And that's NOT insignificant.

    DO the right thing... take those classes then take the GED. You are going to find its NOT as easy as you think it is.

    It only gets harder to do it when you are older than everyone else in the class.
    chokexmexdown's Avatar
    chokexmexdown Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 12, 2011, 02:10 PM
    I wasn't asking for opinions on my choices or critism thank your for your thoughts though. I was a straight A student up to the point I quit and that being the end of 11th grade and I do believe I'd pass the GED test at this point as I already have taken a look at practice questions which were easy. If I fail I can always go to the prep class but my plans are to get this done ASAP within this month and I don't know how long the class takes.

    Now back to my questions so would there be legal action taken if I were to not attend any forms of schooling even though I've dropped out? Do I really have to continue doing something until I am 18 or was that person I talked to mistaken?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 12, 2011, 07:53 PM

    chokexmexdown does not find this helpful : Did not answer what I asked

    Congratulations Einstien...

    You Clearly don't have enough brain cells to understand the site rules. You can't give a not helpful over your dumb opinion...

    What a tool. Even a greeter at Walmart has to be able to understand the rules...
    No damn wonder you couldn't cut it in school... you are going to be in for one hell of a shock when you try to find a job... any job at all, get ready... you will hear me laughing from the DC area.

    Clearly you have a problem with the concept of courtesy... but you have the rude thing down pat.

    New users don't dictate to everyone else or even anyone else what they can and can't say... particularly after you get rude.

    But then... you have all the answers already? Don't you? Well... tough... you will have a life full of being told what to do because you won't listen to sound advice. And dropouts are rarely ever the boss.

    But what do I know... I only make more in a 7 hour shift in my job as a college graduate in my air conditioned office than you will ever make breaking your back in an entire week as a dropout under the hot Florida sun.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 12, 2011, 08:25 PM

    First I am surprised they allowed you to quit, and of course your parents should be shaken till they get some common sense for allowing you, very poor example of parents.

    And sorry you will get some moral thoughts with this.

    But in GA, there were requirements on taking the GED and had to be out of school and take a number of hours of prep class to take the test.

    But the test is hard, I would say that about 1/2 of the kids that graduate high school could not pass the GED test.

    But this is your parents problem, since they are the ones who will be fined and taken to court if you have to be taking some form of education. But no, if the school allowed you to quit, knowing you were not gong to have any more education, then you are clear.

    You have no future, no job hopes and will be living in your parents basement at 30, but heck someone has to be washing cars at the car wash, when I drive though
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 12, 2011, 08:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    first I am surprised they allowed you to quit, and of course your parents should be shaken till they get some common sense for allowing you, very poor example of parents.

    And sorry you will get some moral thoughts with this.

    But in GA, there were requirements on taking the GED and had to be out of school and take a number of hours of prep clas to take the test.

    But the test is hard, I would say that about 1/2 of the kids that graduate high school could not pass the GED test.

    But this is your parents problem, since they are the ones who will be fined and taken to court if you have to be taking some form of education. But no, if the school allowed you to quit, knowing you were not gong to have any more education, then you are clear.

    You have no future, no job hopes and will be living in your parents basement at 30, but heck someone has to be washing cars at the car wash, when I drive though
    He'd get fired as apprentice car wiper within the week... even they have to listen to someone.
    martinizing2's Avatar
    martinizing2 Posts: 1,868, Reputation: 819

    Jan 12, 2011, 10:38 PM

    He might as well quit school.
    It doesn't seem to be helping him much.

    Maybe a dose of life in the real world will make him appreciate the importance of a good education if he has to support himself with no help from mum or dad

    But somehow I don't see that happening and suspect he is a spoiled brat that was allowed to do most anything he wanted to while growing up.

    His arrogant rude attitude fits the mold I have seen turn his kind loose on the world.
    And unfortunately in large numbers.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Jan 12, 2011, 10:49 PM

    I would like to point out that in many states, a high school diploma or GED is a REQUIREMENT for post-secondary education.

    I don't care HOW smart you think you are. If you're too stupid to finish high school, you're too stupid for college anyway. I don't understand what people think the real world will be like if they think it's better than coping with high school, frankly.

    And yeah--I work in a college. When college grads can't get waitressing jobs in my area, and people with master's degrees are your sales rep at WalMart, the guy who didn't finish high school is the guy shoveling my entire driveway for $2 and living in a box down by the river.

    And I can't WAIT until a HS diploma or GED is a REQUIREMENT of Welfare. Maybe people will stop passing on the genes of "entitlement" and "stupidity" if they can't get government money to raise their kids because they dropped out of high school.

    AND--to answer your question:If you are 17 or older, you can just take the test. If you are 16 or under, you must take the ABE classes.
    martinizing2's Avatar
    martinizing2 Posts: 1,868, Reputation: 819

    Jan 12, 2011, 11:38 PM
    [QUOTEI] wasn't asking for opinions on my choices or critism thank your for your thoughts though. I was a straight A student up to the point I quit and that being the end of 11th grade and I do believe I'd pass the GED test at this point as I already have taken a look at practice questions which were easy. If I fail I can always go to the prep class but my plans are to get this done ASAP within this month and I don't know how long the class takes.[/QUOTE]

    Sometimes it is better to get what you need instead of what you ask for.
    Welcome to AMHD! No sugar coating here. Reality first and foremost.
    FoxCash's Avatar
    FoxCash Posts: 160, Reputation: 125
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    Jan 13, 2011, 06:15 AM
    If you're under 18 you have to apply for a age waiver before you can do anything. And age waiver applicants must take and pass the GED practice test.
    The Adult Education Center - GED/Info Fees

    Quote Originally Posted by chokexmexdown View Post
    If I fail I can always go to the prep class but my plans are to get this done ASAP within this month and I don't know how long the class takes.
    You might want to think this. The test is $70 if you have to retake it you will have to pay again. Also, you can only retake the test 3 times in a 12 month period.
    chokexmexdown's Avatar
    chokexmexdown Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 13, 2011, 10:40 AM
    Well calm your ***'s down for a secound. Not everyone takes the same golden path of oppertunities and it no way is the "right" way to achieve.. I do take into consideration all of the things your saying because I'm not deaf I've heard it a million times by just about everyone. I didn't really give backround information either so just to clear things up a bit someone referred me as a "he" when I am actually a "she" and I am not some upper class spoiled daddy's girl getting a free ride through life either. My parents are realistic and know it's better to let me learn on my own then try to battle me and have me leave anyway.

    I have a place I'm going to live and I have a job once I turn 18 (or maybe I'll do it later on.. ) that does not require any education, and no it's not stripping.. I just think I'd rather experience the world on my own then prepare to be in it from in a classroom. I have the whole rest of my life ahead of me and if what I'm doing right now doesn't work out hey I can always go back and get the GED later on. Yes it makes things harder but that's my choice. I'm not looking for money, I'm looking for happiness.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 13, 2011, 11:11 AM

    Really... you KNOW all of this at what... 16? Really... You have it ALL figured out... don't you...

    What do you plan to do when NOTHING turns out how you planned it out. Because at 16 you don't have a clue about how to make your own way yet... and don't have a clue what will happen... and not just HOPE will happen.

    Even worse... a she... Oh just wait until you get taken advantage of... and its going to happen.

    You want a job that requires no education? Car wiper at the car wash doesn't, Dishwasher at a restaurant doesn't.

    Seriously look at what you wrote. If you could hear all the laughter from everyone here it would be deafening.

    You think me or my family handed me a golden opportunity...

    I never had a silve sppon in my mouth... my family in fact never owned a silver spoon. I was the first member of EITHER side of the family to attend college... and I paid for it myself. I didn't get a free ride. Nobody ever gave me anything... I earned everything I have.

    YOU think its going to bee so easy to go back a 20+ to get your GED... well, who's going to support you when you plan to do it? You think you can just pick up where you left off? You do realise there will be a lot of stuff you forget so you actually have to take MORE classes than you would now.

    Yeah... you say its YOUR choice... fact is... it isn't Your stupidity is going to cost the rest of us... who do you think pays all the taxes that pay for Food Stamps etc... exactly what jobs do you thing they have for drop outs? WHy would they hire a dropout over a high school graduate that NEEDS a job? Fact of life is the least qualified person gets showed the door when the interviews are over. And as a drop out you are never anything BUT the least qualified.

    But then you have all the answers... we don't know anything.

    I know Older people, now in their 70's, that grew up where they never got a chance to attend High School... because there wasn't one. I know what obsticles they dealt with their entire lives as a result of not having that diploma... first hand, Some of them are my relatives. I'm almost 50... not 16. I've made my way and supported myself on two continants... you haven't even had your first real job yet.

    Incidentally... factory jobs USED to be the best avenue for the poorly educated to make a decent dollar... but those jobs are all gone now, to India, China... South America.

    You are going to be competing against Illegals, mostly people better educated than you... who don't give up, and have a work ethinc you can't even imagine...

    So when you are living under that bridge... going through dumpsters for food because nobody will hire you... remember, We told you so.

    I wish I could be there to laugh when nothing turns out to be what you imagined..

    It was hard enough getting started AFTER graduating college... but you are the first 16 year old in history to have it all figured out... and be the only person who knows anything.

    Bwahahahahaha... My god you are going to have fun at the school of hard knocks... they love dropouts.

    And if you think I'm being hard on you now... just wait. You don't have money for food... you don't eat... can't pay the rent... you and your stuff get put into the street. Don't pay the electric... you have no power.

    Mommy and dady won't be there to pick up the pieces when you screw up. It will ALL be on you. And nobody will really care because they have their own lives to worry about... you will be just another homeless person that had all the answers...

    And when the few people that talk to you take advantage of your naiveness, you will be lucky if they only take your stuff, and you don't end up homeless and pregnant...

    Because as a Female dropout... there is an extra level of bad things that can happen when you live in that world.

    We may hear about you on the US News... you might end up a Jane Doe in a morgue... and that assumes they even find a body. But you might get lucky and escape that fate.

    People on the lower fringes of society aren't the nicest people... or trustworthy as a whole. Wonderful way to live a life. But that's what you want. You better like it because you will be stuck with it.
    Enigma1999's Avatar
    Enigma1999 Posts: 2,223, Reputation: 1077
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    Jan 14, 2011, 08:40 AM

    I can't fathom how a parent would condone their child to drop out of school. It just doesn't compute.

    Listen to me for a second... You are going to have a hard time making anything out of yourself with NO education! Plain and simple. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. You have potential.

    What I see here is a young girl who only wants to hear what she wants to hear. You have no guidance, clearly! Your parents aren't doing you any good. If you were mine, your little princess azz would be in school, getting a good education, so she can better her self and NEVER have to rely on a man or anyone els for that matter.

    With the way that the economy is today, people who have their masters are working at fast food places. So what makes you think they will hire you, with no education, or JOE who has his masters.

    To be quite honest, I think Smoothy said exactly what YOUR Father should have said!

    I'm also sure you're going to want to get married and have kids one day... A smart upstanding man will not want a woman who is not smart, witty, and no education, because she doesn't feel like it. You're children won't respect you.

    I would like to know the job you say you will have that doesn't require an education?
    chokexmexdown's Avatar
    chokexmexdown Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 14, 2011, 09:08 AM
    I never said I know everything, but I do know something this is what I WANT to do. Like it or not this is what I'm going to do. I could get into any college I choose right now but the fact remains I don't care! So what I might kick myself later in life? It doesn't matter to me and yes there is plenty of intelligent people in this world that haven't gone. I haven't been brought up in a traditional white picket fence happy family, for only being 17 years old I've seen far too much.. and from living this way I learned that yes choosing to do this may to you guys "ruin" my life and make things harder but to me I see it totally different. I cherish the things and people I have, I don't worry about money or how I'll eat tomorrow I just live in the moment. You can't plan your whole future because even if I do go to college and get a docter's degree who says I'll get hired? Who says it will make me happy at the end of the day? No one. It's my route in life so don't judge how one person feels saticefied if it doesn't suite your own way.
    Enigma1999's Avatar
    Enigma1999 Posts: 2,223, Reputation: 1077
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    Jan 14, 2011, 09:19 AM

    You know what? You sound like a bright girl to me, who is making a stupid choice...

    What a waste!

    I can relate to you though. At your age, I was thinking like you. I too thought I knew it! My parents made damn sure to nip that in the bud.

    I thank them every day for pushing me. Now I am 33, divorced with little ones and you know who takes care of me and mine? ME!!

    THANK YOU college education!!
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 14, 2011, 09:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by chokexmexdown View Post
    I never said I know everything, but I do know something this is what I WANT to do. Like it or not this is what I'm going to do. I could get into any college I choose right now but the fact remains I don't care! So what I might kick myself later in life? It doesn't matter to me and yes there is plenty of intelligent people in this world that haven't gone. I haven't been brought up in a traditional white picket fence happy family, for only being 17 years old I've seen far too much.. and from living this way I learned that yes choosing to do this may to you guys "ruin" my life and make things harder but to me I see it totally different. I cherish the things and people I have, I don't worry about money or how I'll eat tomorrow I just live in the moment. You can't plan your whole future because even if I do go to college and get a docter's degree who says I'll get hired? Who says it will make me happy at the end of the day? No one. It's my route in life so don't judge how one person feels saticefied if it doesn't suite your own way.
    So... that is Exactly what You said... YOU know everything...

    You may not get a chance to kick yourself later in life... you may not live that long with that attitude around the people you are going to be with.

    But then... Homeless... with aids... victim of rape, Wonderful future to look forward to.

    But you got to do what YOU wanted... hope that's what makes you happy. No man worth having would spend a minute with a woman that talks like that. And the only ones that will, like to knock them into submission.

    Yeah... wait until you are hungry... see how quick you worry about eating when you aren't getting it handed to you.

    My god what a rude awakening you are going to have.

    Tell you what... why don't you save yourself some time and misery and just run out into a busy highway... just to prove out of spite you can do it.

    Going to end up in the same place with that attitude. Warehoused in a Urn with a number on it... as just another unidentified homelss body. With nobody to claim it.

    Because you are going to spout off to someone on the street... and you if you are lucky, will only get the crap beat out of you... but you might also get shot... stabbed, or beaten to death. It WILL happen, question is how soon. WIth that mouth... its clear nobodies done it yet. Nobody fears you... nobody is intimidated by you. And a lot of the dregs of society you WILL be living with would sooner kill you than listen to you complain.

    Because unlike here... on the street... nobody gives a damn what your excuses are or how old you are... or wants to hear your sob story.

    I know my sympathy well has run dry... want to be an idiot... then have at it. You will find you get exactly what you deserve... and that's never what you want or expect.

    And know what... it will be a boost to the human gene pool too, hopefully it all will happen before you breed.

    You still think anyone's going to hire a droppout with ZERO job skills and a bad attitude?

    What planet do you live on?

    I have no sympathy for fools that drop out... and do stupid things and end up dirt poor, because you know why... ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Screw up once BIGTIME like this... you aren't entitled to be handed a second chance... THAT one you have to earn... the hard way.

    As we say... you made your bed... now sleep in it.

    Can you hear the violins playing?
    justcurious55's Avatar
    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Jan 14, 2011, 09:27 AM

    I'm dying to know what job you have waiting for you when you turn 18. How many people are unemployed and can't find work right now? Or maybe have a job but are afraid of losing any day now? I'd love to know what great job is waiting for an uneducated kid.
    And that's great that you want to live in the moment and have fun. But how fun do you think it will be when you're not under your parents roof anymore and you have to fend for yourself. How fun will it be in the moment you can't make rent? Or maybe you made rent but now you can't afford your next meal now?
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Jan 14, 2011, 09:28 AM

    We're not judging you---well, yes we are.

    Look, I get wanting to be happy at the end of the day.

    HOWEVER--You have obviously never been hungry and cold, wondering if you can get out of the snow, hoping the guy on the next bench over doesn't try to rape you. You've obviously never been in a situation where drugs are a great escape from reality, because reality sucks when you're tired, hungry, dirty, cold, and broken.

    No, getting your HS Diploma or GED won't prevent this sort of thing from happening completely--but it will improve your chances of at least GETTING a job.

    And you CAN NOT GO TO COLLEGE without prove of high school level education in the form of your diploma or GED. Period. So if sometime down the road, that's what you want to do, you can't.

    You are also not emancipated at 17, so you can't just run off and join the Peace Corps or the military--not that the military will want you with no diploma/GED.

    Look--you say you're a straight A student. That takes smarts AND diligence. So... why are you being so dumb about this? It's another couple months, tops, before you can go do whatever you want to WITH your HS diploma/GED--so what's the hurry?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 14, 2011, 09:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by justcurious55 View Post
    i'm dying to know what job you have waiting for you when you turn 18. how many people are unemployed and can't find work right now? or maybe have a job but are afraid of losing any day now? i'd love to know what great job is waiting for an uneducated kid.
    and that's great that you want to live in the moment and have fun. but how fun do you think it will be when you're not under your parents roof anymore and you have to fend for yourself. how fun will it be in the moment you can't make rent? or maybe you made rent but now you can't afford your next meal now?

    Exactly... with ZERO work experience or skills to boot. And you have to have a clue to even work at McDonalds.
    jenniepepsi's Avatar
    jenniepepsi Posts: 4,042, Reputation: 533
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    Jan 18, 2011, 11:29 AM

    Im sorry, I know this is a few days old and it is possiblel the OP will never come back.
    But I just HAVE to share my experience here.

    I dropped out of HS at 18. The second I turned 18 I marched in, and dropped out.

    I am now 26 years old, still living in between either my parents house, or my friends house, which ever is available at the time. I have a 7 year old who relys on me for care, but guess what. I can't do that. Because I ***** footed around, and goofed off and slacked off on my ADULT responsibilitys.

    I was fortunate enough to find a college, that allowed me to take an ATB, enroll, and get my GED, WHILE attending trade school for phlebotomy. I am still not done. I still have a month left.

    My life has been a pain in the ***, upside down whirlwind. All because of that one day that I thought I knew it all and dropped out of HS. If I had finished, I would not have gotten pregnant (because it was my fiancé who told me I should drop out and let him take care of me and start a family) If I had finished, I could have gone on to college from HS, at 18, and would already be a well functioning, well into my career adult.

    But I'm not. Because of stupid teenage mistakes I made.

    So please, pull your head out of your ***, before you are almost 30 years old, with no life.

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