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Late 80's movie or early 90's movie
[ 2 Answers ]
I remember this movie where there is this girl who has long red hair and she lives with her mom and grandpa and she want to trade places with the rich popular girl. And they do switch.. I can't remember the name of the movie can anyone help me??
No one will believe me. Trying to remember 80's/90's kids movie with a dodo bird.
[ 4 Answers ]
It is killing me that I can not remember an old kids movie I saw about 17 years ago. I remember the movie almost as if it was yesterday, but no one believes me that I actually did see it (especially since the movie is very weird and sounds like a dream). The movie had 2 parts to it. A real...
80's or 90's movie - can't for the life of me remember!
[ 1 Answers ]
It was a movie about a girl pretending to be a boy to join a band. The boys later figure it out and I think they kick her out, but then forgive her, yadda yadda. I remember them wearing matching jean jackets with the name of the band on the back. I'm pretty sure the movie started with "The ......"...
I can't remember a children movie from the 90's
[ 3 Answers ]
I can't remember the name of this movie:confused: This is what happened in it. There was a kid on a farm and that night a storm came and an owl with magic powers came and turned the kid into a little chick. The movie was with real people in the beginning and when the kid got turned into a chick... View more questions Search