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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 12, 2017, 02:57 AM
    The Fix is in
    Beryl Howell ,the Federal Judge who approved of Mueller's request to impanel a Grand Jury is a former Democrat Sen Pat Leahy staffer who worked for Leahy for 10 years . She also worked as a prosecutor in the same Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn at the time that Loretta Lynch worked there .She is a close associate of one of Mueller's hired investigators Andrew Weissmann ,who was also in the US Eastern District office ."Weissmann and Howell didn’t just overlap during their days in Brooklyn. The two a...lso co-authored a scholarly law article published in the New York Law Journal on June 8, 2006. The article explores an issue that may be relevant to Mueller’s probe: obstruction of justice. "Howell will be the umpire-in-chief: deciding whether or not Trump allies’ lawyers can quash subpoenas, and whether or not people like Jared Kushner can invoke what’s known as executive privilege to get out of testifying under oath before Mueller’s grand jury. "

    The ‘No-Nonsense’ Judge Who Could Decide Trump’s Fate
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 12, 2017, 05:55 AM
    You can read her qualifications and publications here,

    And if her affiliations is what would disqualify her, then why was not that same standard applied in the relentless "witch hunts" against Bill and Hillary.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 12, 2017, 07:13 AM
    ummm Ken Starr was appointed by a 3 judge panel . Every time he expanded reach of his investigation he got approval from Janet Reno. It appears to me that Mueller has given himself a carte blanche . He has already completely abandoned his initial mandate to investigate possible collusion. He now is doing midnight raids on Paul Manafort's home (the day after he voluntarily testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee ) hoping to squeeze him into turning on Trump. Normally these pre-dawn raids are conducted against hardened criminals like drug ,gangs or Mafia leaders .They are not conducted against someone who is voluntarily cooperating and not taking the 5th .That being said ;Mueller had to present probable cause to get a no-knock warrant . What did he use ;Manafort's finances ,or maybe the whole foreign agent registration thingy that no one has ever been convicted of ,including Tony Podesta ?

    Compare that to Evita's treatment by the Feds ...... She was allowed to speak while not sworn under oath to FBI investigators who did not take notes ;while her own personal attorney sat in the session unofficially . The rest of her cronies took the 5th and were generally uncooperative . Yet nobody in the State Dept was charged for destroying thousands of government owned records ;or was charged by being tripped up in a perjury trap(that one is easy because they were never compelled to testify under oath).

    When the DNC was informed that their computers were hacked ,the DNC refused FBI forensic analysis and used a Pakistani (who eventually was arrested as he fled the country) to check out their computer. We now know from experts that it is not likely that the Russians hacked the DNC computers ;but more likely it was an inside job. And not once was a grand jury impaneled for Evita even though her crimes and the Clintoon Foundation's crimes are at least the equal of what they claim Trump was involved in In fact you still don't have a crime to investigate .

    So yeah I'd say it was the Clintoons that received special standards of treatment alright .
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 12, 2017, 07:51 AM
    Geez Tom, from your own accounts that just makes repubs INCOMPETENT to get criminals after chasing them for 30 years. My friend, you must do more than chant "LOCK HER UP!" to achieve your lawful ends.

    Now that you have control of the house, senate, and the white house, the judiciary, and most of the state governors, and state legislatures, you are still crying crocodile tears about dems?

    In your zeal to blame the left for your problems maybe you should look closer to home and address the purge of COMPETENT repubs for the LOONEY INcompetent crowd YOU guys have elected. It's unrealistic to think you will dominate the OTHER half of the country no matter how loud you holler.

    PS. It's not dems who are appointing a special counsel to investigate your chosen ones, nor is it the dems that were chosen to do the deed. Mueller is a repub after all, but lets not get into the inconvenient details of that.
    Athos's Avatar
    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Aug 12, 2017, 11:01 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You must do more than chant "LOCK HER UP!"

    To the right, chanting "LOCK HER UP" is a legal strategy. It appeals to the torch and pitchfork crowd. Due process be damned.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 13, 2017, 06:26 AM
    The point remains . Not once during the Evita investigation did Comey so much as impanel a Grand Jury to issue subpoenas even though there was solid evidence of criminal activity in the State Dept and in the Clintoon foundation . If you don't see the difference then I can't help you .
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 13, 2017, 07:17 AM
    The FBI doesn't impanel a grand jury, the department of justice does, or their duly appointed agent. Comey can only recommend to the DOJ criminal prosecution, and he did not. AG Lynch recused herself, and the acting AG did not pursue the matter further. Nor did her replacement after she was fired, nor did Sessions, and he recused himself lawfully from the whole matter.

    If you don't know the law, then I can't help you. I will note the republican controlled congress hollered, but did nothing either. There is enough evidence though that they still engage in obstruction and subterfuge to protect Trump, specifically, the former co chair of the house intelligence committee, even though he recused himself from the investigation after his feeble attempts to protect Trump, and the GOP staffers sent to interview the Trump dossier writers lawyers without bothering to inform the rest of the investigation committee of the house of their intentions.

    Yeah the fix is in, but shouldn't we worry about the present fix? Obviously we seem to have the better lawyers and may have a more effective outcome in far less time than you guys have had in 30 years. I can see where that would bum the righties out. You should be bummed at the lack of effective productive governance also, seeing as you repubs have all the power.

    Trump has a new bummer though with his weak and feckless response to the Charlottesville disaster yesterday to add to his other bum iterations. Thinking back to his being willing to call names to anybody who angers him, he failed miserably to call out the base he relies on who are racists, bigots, terrorists, and murderers.

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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 13, 2017, 09:18 AM

    1. The FBI doesn't impanel a grand jury, the department of justice does, or their duly appointed agent.
    the point remains . Not once was a Grand Jury impaneled by the Loretta Lynch Justice Dept.

    I will not defend Trump about his weak ,feckless ,and lame response to domestic terrorism in Charlottesville .What was needed was a straightforward condemnation of the hateful Nazi, KKK and AltRight marchers .His calling out both sides(many sides) was ridiculous and un-presidential .His refusal to say more about Charlottesville makes the main stream right's devil's bargain with him look very bad indeed. It further plays into the left's narratives and handing them a needless victory .
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 13, 2017, 10:26 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    the point remains . Not once was a Grand Jury impaneled by the Loretta Lynch Justice Dept.
    Point taken.

    I will not defend Trump about his weak ,feckless ,and lame response to domestic terrorism in Charlottesville .What was needed was a straightforward condemnation of the hateful Nazi, KKK and AltRight marchers .His calling out both sides(many sides) was ridiculous and un-presidential .His refusal to say more about Charlottesville makes the main stream right's devil's bargain with him look very bad indeed. It further plays into the left's narratives and handing them a needless victory .
    I can only agree and add that I think in the bigger picture it signifies the Republican Party has been taken over by the loony right. Hopefully repubs will deal with this sickness, but we can only hope for the best, because with Trump as the head of the party, we already got the worst.

    Good luck with that anyway.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 13, 2017, 11:20 AM
    I wouldn't know . I was never a Republican in my life .I believe that this Trump thing is a passing fad ;just like TR progressivism was to the party. I don't want to get into the finger pointing stuff . Suffice it to say herr Donald dropped the ball .

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