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    jasonanderson's Avatar
    jasonanderson Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 8, 2007, 12:35 AM
    All the racism in the world
    I have tried not to be this way but.. we have some neighbors upstairs.. they always make noise foot stompin loud mouth talking and just total freaking disrespect... today my grandmother slept here because she didn't want to be alone she doesn't feel so well..

    These black people are upstairs showing all of us around that house disrespect I want to despratly go over and tell them to shut the freak up.. I personally don't care for the noise but its my grandma I'm worried about... my point is... look at today's society and all the disrespect... if you deal with this sort of thing I guarantee you will turn racist or learn to understand racist... white people and mexicans and chinese have more freakin sense then blacks, not all are the same but for the ones that make up the majority its black people...

    God help me or I might burn there freaking house down with everything in it... how could a person be so disrespectful ? Its cruel and it's the "DEVIL!!!"

    I was brought up with respect somewhere down the line I lost it, but I found it again.. black people will never find it which is why they will never get it! Enough said

    Now I know why rich folks choose to be so far away from city people and I don't blame them peace and quiet is what I love the most about life a time to relax and think..

    Anyway I had to get this out my system I'm so mad and angry I'm just trynna calm down..


    There children have school tomorrow why are they up at 12.35 midnite loud mouth talking?
    Shows how irresponsible there parents are.
    Capuchin's Avatar
    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
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    Jun 8, 2007, 12:48 AM
    And you choose to link these characteristics to the color of their skin, rather than the opportunities and the upbringing that they have been offered? Or other (huge number of) things that have shaped their personalities?

    This post really tests my faith in humanity.
    jasonanderson's Avatar
    jasonanderson Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 8, 2007, 12:54 AM
    I know I'm wrong in this situation the noise has died down... I'm just saying.. in my 20 years of living... the majority of loud people in public area's are black... I just needed to speak it out. I've held things in too long and it destroys me inside now I feel good
    shygrneyzs's Avatar
    shygrneyzs Posts: 5,017, Reputation: 936
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    Jun 8, 2007, 03:49 PM
    Well, I have neighbors upstairs who stomp from 6 a.m. until after midnight. They are white. I am white. It is not race. It is plain disrespect for another person. That goes across all colors and cultures. If you talk to your neighbors please be polite. No swearing, even if you feel it is appropriate. Because it is not. You can explain in a nice way about your Grandma.

    Also, document that. If the noise continues, take it to your caretaker/property manager. Check with your city's noise ordinance code. If it gets intolerable, do something legal.
    purplelilmunster's Avatar
    purplelilmunster Posts: 22, Reputation: 6
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    Jun 8, 2007, 07:32 PM
    I pretty sure my neighbors are more obnoxious because there seems to be 20 of them in one house , and what race are they they are WHITE... people of other races then blacks can be rude and disrespectfull. That's blasphamy.
    What you have said is very ignorant...
    I am black and I have been raised in very white neighbor hoods and I am not rich and white people can be just as disrespectful if not more at times. And I know how some stereotypical black people act because my grandparents live in a "ghetto" neighbor hood.
    Its sad that you have let stereotypes control how you see people.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jun 8, 2007, 08:12 PM
    Ever lived next to those Penticostal, prayer and yelling about Christ all the time, ( OK, just proving a point, we can not blame a race for anything, we have to judge each person on their own basis)
    pjmouse's Avatar
    pjmouse Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 10, 2007, 09:01 PM
    I understand how noisy neighbors can be irritating and drive you nuts, maybe that is why you wrote the things that you did... you would have to be nuts to think that your neighbors are noisy because they are black and live in the city, can you be that sleep-deprived??
    I live in a rural area, and am nowhere near rich. I love peace and quiet too, and put my house in the middle of 6 acres to ensure it. After eight years of quiet enjoyment, I have new neighbors... a white couple in their 20's with a small child. They have parties almost every Friday night that last until dawn. They blast bad music (he has a drumset in the garage and no apparent musical talent) burn brush when fire danger is high and set off fire-works into our yard late at night.

    I thought they were a just an annoying couple, but thanks to you now I see that white people in their 20's are disrespectful, ignorant bad parents, not to mention their involvement with the devil!

    I'm sure your poor old (you are 20, she is what? 65?) granny will sleep better knowing you are prepared to burn the whole house down so she can sleep!
    inthebox's Avatar
    inthebox Posts: 787, Reputation: 179
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    Jun 10, 2007, 09:18 PM

    It is okay to vent here, I think I would be just as frustrated if I were in your position.

    But the individuals upstairs are responsible for this, not their entire race.
    The kindest exscuse for that kind of behavior is ignorance.

    Please don't take matters into your own hands.

    Agree with SHY... 's suggestion. Record the time, date, noise and contact the proper legal authorities.

    Grace and Peace
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Jun 10, 2007, 09:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonanderson
    i know im wrong in this situation the noise has died down... im just saying.. in my 20 years of living... the majority of loud people in public area's are black... i just needed to speak it out. ive held things in too long and it destroys me inside now i feel good
    I meant to disagree with your statement. Most of it anyway.

    Capuchin's Avatar
    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
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    Jun 11, 2007, 04:28 AM
    Chuck, While I totally agree with your point, I'm uneasy with you lumping religion and race together. Religion is a (free) choice by an individual, different religions appeal to different types of people. You can make some (limited) conclusions based on the religion they follow.

    Skin color is not a choice, it's a completely arbitrary way of separating people.

    The religion issue, while similar, is far from a parallel to the race issue.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 11, 2007, 04:53 AM
    When you see the bad, and none of the good in people, then you have a problem that needs attention. If it persists for 20 more years, then not only have you not addressed the problem, but wasted 40 years of your so called life. Your fear has made you hate, and very unreasonably.
    huno's Avatar
    huno Posts: 336, Reputation: 75
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    Jun 14, 2007, 06:59 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonanderson
    white people and mexicans and chinese have more freakin sense then blacks
    Hahaha... no they don't. I'm Mexican and I'll tell you right now there are TONS of Mexicans who'd make those people above you sound like retirees during nap time.

    For reference: I've met plenty of black people who are very quiet, mild-mannered and meek. And quiet latinos. And quiet whites. And quiet everyone else. And I've met LOUD people, too.

    One thing I've learned repeatedly is that a$$holes are everywhere. Everywhere. They come in all different shapes and sizes and just about anyone can be a complete d!ck. I used to judge people instantly based on race... sometimes I still fall into that trap but I try to remember that there's always a counterexample.

    You may have noticed tendencies and patterns and whatnot, but you've probably framed your mind to notice these things without noticing those events and observations that disrupt your perceptions and point of view. People also notice negatives more than they notice positives, so that's probably tainting your mindset.

    Put simply: I know you know black people who aren't like that, but because you are more disturbed by rudeness than kindness, that's what stands out more than anything.

    Anyway, if I were you I'd call the police and tell them to keep it down. There might be noise ordinances in your city so you may be able to have the law handle them. Good luck.
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jun 14, 2007, 08:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonanderson
    i have tried not to be this way but.. we have some neighbors upstairs.. they always make noise foot stompin loud mouth talking and just total freaking disrespect.... today my grandmother slept here because she didnt want to be alone she doesnt feel so well..

    these black people are upstairs showing all of us around that house disrespect i want to despratly go over and tell them to shut the freak up .. i personally dont care for the noise but its my grandma im worried about... my point is... look at todays society and all the disrespect... if u deal with this sort of thing i guarentee you will turn racist or learn to understand racist... white people and mexicans and chinese have more freakin sense then blacks, not all are the same but for the ones that make up the majority its black people...

    god help me or i might burn there freaking house down with everything in could a person be so disrespectful ? its cruel and its the "DEVIL!!!"

    i was brought up with respect somewhere down the line i lost it, but i found it again.. black people will never find it which is why they will never get it! enough said

    now i know why rich folks choose to be so far away from city people and i dont blame them peace and quiet is what i love the most about life a time to relax and think..

    anyways i had to get this out my system im so mad and angry im just trynna calm down..


    there children have school tommorow why are they up at 12.35 midnite loud mouth talking?
    shows how irresponsible there parents are.!
    How you ever thought maybe some black people are louder because,They may have been direct descendants of slaves. Maybe they were taught the louder they were the more likely they will come out alive not beaten or raped or taken from their families. Most people back down from loud oppisition. This may have been how this loudness started and has just continued over the generations, even though it is not needed now. Another spin is when they were freed maybe that were just giddy with joy and it started like this. I agree I think some blacks are very loud. As a 6 year old child in the sixty's I was taken to the edge of town with my father and his family and we were to hollar the N word, throw rocks and bottles sometimes there would be huge fights I can remember my heart racing, I remember being called a cracker and pear. This is sad but true. My mom divorced my dad and we moved far away to a rural area where there was only white people. I was taught that people of color were inferior to whites, even my mom did this just in a nicer way.. we were told to not marry etc. anyone out of our race that it was a sin. I was also taught this about other religions, that these people were going to hell! When I was in the fourth grade, a very kind teacher spent a week discussing slavery in our history books, this planted the seed in my mind that the way black people were treated was very wrong. You may have thought that we would have already had that history lesson, but you must understand that some of my previous teachers may have been prejudice and refused to teach it. At the age of 18 I moved to the city and here I started to learn about other races hands on. I was very afraid of black men, and distrustful of most of the black women. Some of them hated me because of my southern accent ( some of them automatically assumed that all country people were prejudice. Where I worked at there was a lot of black people. I ended up working there around 13 years and believe me I met every type of black person you could imagine this included educated,uneducated, preachers, students, wives, husbands, drug dealers, drug abusers, quite, loud, fat, skinny, funny, sullen, really black, light skinned, nappy hair, good hair. Some I became friends with and did thingswith outside of work , and still see sometimes. And some I wouldn't acknowledge if I saw them on the street. It took many years of my life to come to terms with the things I was taught as a child and I will always deal with the things that were planted in my mind as a child good and bad. But we must see people as the individuals that they are and not lump anyone in a religion or a race and expect them to feel , act or think the same way as everyone in their group. There are variables even with white people. When people pi$$ me off I look at the action and not the color or what church they are from and I deal with it accordingly. If you do this then you have one issue to deal with and not two. :)peace
    templelane's Avatar
    templelane Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 227
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    Jun 14, 2007, 09:19 AM
    Have you asked your neighbour's upstairs to be a bit quieter?
    I had a really noisy neighbour - load crashes constant music, leaving the telly on all night really loud. Well I went and spoke to him and he just didn't realise - not had a problem since. Sometimes people can be noisier than they realise, maybe they don't know how thin the walls are.

    You can't expect people to be mind readers.


    I wish I could show you how genetically similar all people are.
    "the number of DNA differences between races is tiny compared with the range of genetic diversity found within any single racial group."[1]
    Do you know the protein which is responsible for skin colour has a point mutation in white people? Haha white people are the mutants!

    Seriously please take time to read this
    [1] Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin

    Race and differences between are just constructs of misguided thoughts and people's inherent need to label and identify 'same.' He is wearing the same shirt/supports the same football team/ comes form my town - he must be all right. It's our lazy brains trying to work out which social interactions will be most beneficial to ourselves, which has sometimes disastrously negative consequences when taken much too far.

    I hope this discussion with myself and the other posters can be a step towards a new, more tolerant you.
    Balloons33's Avatar
    Balloons33 Posts: 85, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 14, 2007, 10:10 AM
    You're 20 now, take a look around and ask again why there is rascism in the world. Then look in the mirror.
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jun 15, 2007, 09:04 AM
    rascisim is a learned trait just like being loud and obnoxious is. Fear = hate = ignorant behaviors
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Jun 22, 2007, 09:15 PM
    In some cultures, it is not disrespect to play music until 3 am in the morning. Many cultures enjoy playing music and gathering together. Not that it means disrespect but in their cultures its considered just fine. Example: Mexican, spanish.

    SnaveLeber's Avatar
    SnaveLeber Posts: 103, Reputation: 5

    Jun 23, 2007, 05:42 AM
    Comment on Jesushelper76's post
    Yes. Lets all go stick bones in our noses and breed with our family because of all the world cultures. This is America, and they need to live by our laws, which means a sound curfew.
    s_cianci's Avatar
    s_cianci Posts: 5,472, Reputation: 760
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    Jun 23, 2007, 08:04 AM
    Your upstairs neighbors are rude and ill mannered people. However, I think it has nothing to do with the fact that they're black. It becomes all too easy to blame a person's negative traits on something like their race or ethnicity. But the simple fact is that they're just simply rude people, period. In this regard racism is a lack of personal responsibility, both where the perpetrator and the victim are concerned. We find it easier to blame someone's skin color instead of their lack of character. This is the central problem with our society in general, in that we blame a person's wrongdoing on some irrelevant, external factor.
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jun 23, 2007, 08:15 AM
    I agree with the above poster and to add to that we should look at the cultural differences, before we start judging. What is acceptable in one race is frowned upon by another. Also the location in which we live, makes a big difference of what some people think is acceptable or not. :)peace

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