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    Mar 18, 2008, 04:12 AM
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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 01:03 PM
    Tongue Piercings

    Tongue piercings are among the most common body piercings out there. With the right care, they are very easy to heal and have a low risk of infection. Tongue piercigns can be placed a couple of different ways :

    -The traditional vertical placement
    -Off center placement
    -Horizontal (surface) placement
    -Orbital placement


    To avoid irritation and/or infection, aftercare guidelines should be precisely followed. These guidelines are as follows :

    For the first 10 days after getting the piercing, rinse your mouth thoroughly with non-alcoholic mouthwash after each meal. Do not use the mouthwash any more than this. Overusing the mouthwash can cause irritation to your tongue. When you brush your teeth (in the morning, and before bed), gently brush around the barbell on the top and bottom of your tongue with a soft bristled toothbrush. After the first ten days, you can cut down to using the mouthwash 1-2 times per day.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    The first thing you are going to notice after getting your tongue pierced is the swelling. Depending on your body and how it reacts to piercings, your tongue can swell anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 its original size. Don't be alarmed, the swelling is normal. A piercing is a wound to your body and any wound comes with some amount of swelling. To minimize the swelling, you can take Ibuprofen, suck on ice, and suck on popsicles.

    The swelling will affect what you are and aren't able to eat. The first and second day are the most critical when it comes to the swelling, and you will be limited to foods that are easy to chew and swallow. Some examples may be mashed potatoes and soups. For these first two days, the less you use your tongue, the better. Make sure you do not aim too high and try to eat a steak dinner; its not going to work!

    There are a couple of things that may happen to your tongue piercing that might alarm you, but they are normal.

    -You may develop a white film on your tongue. This is caused by the overuse of mouthwash drying out your tongue. If this happens, reduce the use of mouthwash.
    -You may develop an indent in the top of your tongue. This is caused by your tongue swelling up against the top ball of your barbell. This will usually disappear with time.
    -You may see a white discharge. This is called 'lymph'. It is white blood cells trying to patch the hole that was created in your body. It is your body's natural defense mechanism and is normal.

    Is there anything I should not do after getting my tongue pierced?

    Yes. There are a couple of things you should not do. They are as follows :

    -Do not drink alcohol for one week
    -Do not smoke for five days
    -Do not "tongue kiss" for five days
    -Do not engage in oral sex for 4 weeks
    -Do not eat dairy, chocolate or spicy foods
    -Do not play with it, or click it on your teeth
    -Do not change the jewelry too early

    What is the healing time?

    Tongue piercings typically take 6 months to fully heal. The jewelry can be changed after 6 weeks (no earlier than that!). When changing the jewelry, it is best if you stick with surgical steel (which is what it was pierced with). Surgical steel has a low rate of allergic reaction. It would be recommended to change the balls to plastic, this will minimize your risk of tooth enamel wear and chipped teeth. However, do not use a plastic bar, stick with the steel. Plastic is porous and can absorb bacteria, so it is best if you do not use it for a bar.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 01:31 PM
    Navel Piercings

    Navel piercings are extremely common in women. A navel piercing is a piercing that is through the rim (or "lip") of the navel. The most common navel piercings are :

    -The traditional navel piercing through the top "lip"
    -The inverse navel piercing through the bottome "lip"
    -The "true" navel piercing, which is through the "outie" part of an outie bellybutton

    Believe it or not, navel piercings are among the piercings that take the longest to heal, and they are difficult to heal as well. The navel area is a breeding ground for bacteria, and the waist of our pants, shorts and skirts also contribute to why the navel piercing is a difficult healer.

    To allow room for swelling, navel piercings should be pierced with a ring. Some piercers will pierce with a barbell because it is easier for them, but make sure the barbell is 8mm - 10mm before getting the piercing.


    For the first week that you have the navel piercing, clean it twice a day with antibacterial (Dial) soap. Not more, not less. After the first week, reduce cleaning to once a day, using the same soap. Be sure not to overclean. Overcleaning can cause irritation, dryness, and itchiness in the piercing. Before you clean it, make sure your hands are washed thoroughly; dirty hands spread bacteria. After cleaning, gently pat it dry with a towel.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    There are a couple of things you may notice after getting your navel pierced. Swelling is one of them. To reduce swelling and minimize any tenderness, take Ibuprofen. You will also develop what I call "crusties", which is your body's white blood cells trying to patch the wound in your body. This is completely normal, but do not pick it off with your nails. To remove it, wet the area with warm water. Make sure the "crusties" become nice and soft, and remove them with a Q-tip. It is important to make sure the "crusties" are wet before removing them; if they are wet, there is minimal damage to the tissues surrounding your piercing.

    Is there anything I should not do after getting my navel pierced?

    There are a couple of things you should try to avoid while your navel piercing is healing :

    -Tight pants. I know tight pants are a trend, but try to avoid them. Wear your jeans, shorts and skirts as loose as possible to avoid any irritation.
    -Shirts that fall even with your piercing. Shirts can get caught on your jewelry, potentially causing injury. Wear your shirts long during healing time to avoid this.
    -Excessive bending over. I know bending over cannot be avoided, but try not to do it excessively (no up-down aerobics!). Bending over for long periods will put pressure on your piercing, causing irritation and prolonging the healing time.

    What is the healing time?

    Navel piercings typically take 12 months to fully heal. The jewelry can be changed after 8 - 10 weeks depending on how the piercing is doing. Do not change jewelry too early; this can cause irritation, tissue damage, and potential infection. Navel piercings do best with a ring rather than a barbell. If you put in a barbell, make sure it is nothing flashy or dangly. Jewelry of this type can get caught on things, causing injury.

    Additional Warning

    Navel rings are considered surface piercings, and are prone to migration and rejection. If you see signs of migration or rejection, consult your piercer for further instruction.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 02:05 PM
    Lip, Labret, Monroe & Medusa Piercings

    Lip piercings are quickly becoming popular. There are quite a few ways you can place a lip piercing. They are as follows :

    -Traditional lip

    Lip piercings require a little more aftercare than other piercings might, but they are quick to heal which makes them so popular.


    There are two different aspects of aftercare when it comes to lip piercings; the inner lip care, and the outer lip care.

    Inner lip care :

    The inner lip is quite simple. For the first seven days after getting the piercing, rinse your mouth out with non-alcoholic mouthwash after each meal. After these seven critical days, you can reduce mouthwash rinsing to 1-2 days. If you see a white film start to form in your mouth, this is a sign of the overuse of the mouthwash; reduce mouthwash rinsing. When you brush your teeth (in the morning, and before bed) gently brush around the jewelry in your inner lip with a soft bristled toothbrush.

    Outer lip care :

    For the outer lip, clean it twice a day with antibacterial (Dial) soap for the first week that you have it. After that first week, reduce cleaning to once a day with the same soap. Be sure not to overclean; overcleaning causes irritation, dryness and itchiness.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    After getting your lip piercing, you will notice some swelling. To minimize swelling and any tenderness that may be present, take Ibuprofen. To reduce swelling and tenderness on your inner lip, suck on ice, or suck on popsicles. You may also notice a white discharge coming from the piercing. This is called 'lymph'; it is your body's white blood cells trying to patch the wound in your body. This is your body's natural defense mechanism, and it is normal.

    Is there anything I should not do after getting my lip pierced?

    There are a few things that you should avoid; these things are similar to the tongue piercing "donts" :

    -Do not drink alcohol for one week
    -Do not smoke for five days
    -Do not "tongue kiss" for five days
    -Do not engage in oral sex for 4 weeks
    -Do not eat dairy, chocolate or spicy foods
    -Do not change the jewelry too early

    What is the healing time?

    Lip piercings typically take 2-3 months to fully heal. The jewelry can be changed after 6 weeks, no sooner. When you are ready to change the jewelry, it is best if you use plastic, flexible studs. These studs reduce irritation to your gums.

    Additional warning

    Lip piercings cause gum recession. This is erosion of your gums, caused by your jewelry resting against, and rubbing against your gums. Gum recession cannot be fixed, so if you notice it starting to develop, take care of it immediately by removing the piercing, or changing your jewelry to a plastic flexible stud.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 02:31 PM
    Cartilage Piercings

    Cartilage piercings are any piercing that is pierced through cartilage, which usually includes the ears and the nose. Some cartilage piercings are very common, and there are others that aren't as common.

    Ear Piercings

    Cartilage piercings in the ears can be placed a number of different ways :


    So you can get a better idea of the placement of these piercings, here is a diagram :

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    The care of ear piercings is quite easy. For the first week that you have the piercing, clean it with antibacterial (Dial) soap. After that first week, reduce to once a day with the same soap. Be sure not to overclean; overcleaning can cause irritation, dryness and itchiness.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    One of the first things you'll notice, much like with any piercing, is swelling. To reduce swelling and tenderness, take Ibuprofen. You will also notice what I call "crusties", which are your white blood cells trying to patch the hole in your body. This is normal. To remove these "crusties", wet them thoroughly with warm water. Once they are soft, simply remove them with a Q-tip. Make sure they are soft before removal to minimize your risk of damage to the tissue that surrounds the piercing. You may also notice your ear feels hot. This is normal and is caused by the trauma of the needle going through your cartilage. It will go away after 1-2 hours.

    Is there anything I should not do after getting my ear(s) pierced?

    There are a couple of things you should avoid after getting ear piercings :

    -Do not sleep on the side that your ear is pierced on
    -Do not talk on the phone on the side that your ear is pierced on
    -Do not change the jewelry too early

    What is the healing time?

    Ear lobes typically take 2 months to heal; Ear cartilage piercings typically take 12 months to fully heal. Ear jewelry can be changed after 6 weeks. For the lobes, the best jewelry to use has surgical steel or hypoallergenic gold posts. This will reduce your risk for an allergic reaction. Cartilage piercing jewelry should be surgical steel.

    Additional Information

    Ear piercings should always be done with a needle, rather than a gun. Piercing guns are unsafe for a few reasons :

    -They can shatter your cartilage
    -They are not sterilized
    -They force a piece of jewelry into a place where it does not fit
    -The gun can get caught on the jewelry during discharge, and if the person piercing your ear pulls hard enough, they can tear your ear
    -The people who use these guns are not properly trained, and are not trained for a very long period

    Needles are the best method to use in the long run. They are sterilized; you will always get a needle that is brand new, or has been autoclaved. The needle is hollow, so it removes a piece of your cartilage to make room for the jewelry that is inserted, so there is less trauma to your cartilage.

    Nose Piercings

    Nose piercings are another popular piercing among women. The most common nose piercings are :


    Nose piercings do not take as long to heal as ear cartilage piercings, but they can be just as difficult.


    Clean your nose piercing with antibacterial (Dial) soap twice a day for the first week that you have it, then reduce to once a day with the same soap. Be sure not to overclean it; overcleaning causes irritation, dryness and itchiness.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    You may notice a small amount of swelling after getting the piercing. To minimize the swelling, and any pain that may be present, take some Ibuprofen. You may notice that a bump (also known as hypertrophic scarring) may form around the jewelry. This is a sign of irritation which can be caused by overcleaning, changing the jewelry too early or too often, playing with it, etc. You will also notice what I call "crusties", which are white blood cells trying to patch the hole in your body. This is normal. To remove them, soften them with warm water and remove with a Q-tip. Make sure they are soft before removal to minimize your risk of damaging the tissues surrounding your piercing.

    Is there anything I should not do after getting my nose pierced?

    Here are a couple of "donts" when it comes to nose piercings :

    -Do not excessively blow your nose for 10 days. Blowing your nose too much can cause trauma and irritation.
    -Do not change the jewelry too early.

    What is the healing time?

    Nose piercings typically take 6 months to fully heal. The jewelry can be changed after 8 weeks, depending on how the piercing is doing. For nostril piercings, jewelry with surgical steel or hypoallergenic gold posts are the best for the piercing. For septum piercings, stick with surgical steel.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 03:06 PM
    Eyebrow Piercings

    Eyebrow piercings are the most popular among men, but look just as nice on women as well. The aftercare involved with an eyebrow ring is the easiest out of all of the piercings. There are a couple of ways you can get your eyebrow done :

    -Vertical (the traditional way)


    Clean your eyebrow piercing twice a day with antibacterial (Dial) soap for the first week that you have it. After the first week, reduce to once a day. Be sure not to overclean; overcleaning can cause irritation, dryness and itchiness.

    What happens after I get it pierced?

    You may notice some swelling. Take Ibuprofen for any swelling and/or tenderness that may develop. You will also notice what I call "crusties", which are your white blood cells trying to patch the hole in your body. This is normal. To remove them, soak them in warm water until they are soft, then remove them with a Q-tip. Make sure they are soft before removal to minimize your risk of damaging the tissues surrounding your piercing.

    What is the healing time?

    Eyebrow piercings typically take 3-4 months to fully heal. The jewelry can be changed after six weeks, no sooner. Surgical steel is the best metal to use for eyebrow piercings.

    Additional Warning

    Eyebrow piercings are considered surface piercings, and are prone to migration and rejection. If you see signs of migration or rejection, consult your piercer for further instruction.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 03:17 PM
    Nipple Piercings

    Nipple piercings are not as common as facial and ear piercings. They are fairly easy to heal, and with the right care, have a low rate of infection. Placement and healing of nipple piercings are different in males and females.

    Nipples should be pierced with rings, rather than barbells, to allow room for swelling and nipple erection.


    Nipple piercings should be cleaned twice a day with antibacterial (Dial) soap for the first week that you have them. After the first week, reduce cleaning to once a day.

    What happens after I get them pierced?

    Swelling with nipple piercings is minimal. You may get swelling, you may not. If you notice swelling, you can take Ibuprofen. You will notice what I call "crusties", which are your body's white blood cells trying to patch the hole in your body. To remove the "crusties", soften them in warm water and remove with a Q-tip. Make sure they are soft before removal to reduce your risk of damaging the tissue surrounding the piercing. Do not pick the "crusties" off with your fingernails!

    What is the healing time?

    Since placement is different for males and females, healing time is different as well.


    Since male nipples do not become as erect as female nipples, the piercing usually needs to be placed slightly behind the nipple. The healing time for males is typically 4 months. Jewelry can be changed after 8 weeks.


    Female nipple piercings go directly through the nipple. Female nipple piercings typically take 6 months to heal. Jewelry can be changed after 8 weeks.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 03:36 PM
    Information on Salt Water Soaks & Saline Solutions

    Salt water and saline solutions are damaging to the piercing and the skin that surrounds it. Salt water and saline solutions also do not promote healing. The use of salt water will either have no affect on your piercing, or it will potentially damage your piercing.

    The overuse or abuse of salt water can potentially dehydrate your piercing, causing redness, itchiness and flakiness. If continually overused or abused, the piercing will simply not heal.

    Salt water is used in some hospitals to prevent a deeply infected wound from healing. This is done so the wound does not heal and seal in the infection. The salt water is used to keep the wound open so the infection can be treated.

    Saline solutions (such as H2Ocean) contain a low amount of sodium (salt). These solutions have no affect on bacteria, and no affect (except for bad affect) on healing. Like salt water soaks, the overuse or abuse of saline solutions can cause irritation and prolong healing time.

    There are some people that will still prefer to use the salt water soaks. For those people, I want to make sure that you are not using enough to damage your piercing and your tissues. Here is the proper formula for using salt water soaks (and have the least detrimental affect) :

    Dissolve 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized (iodine free) sea salt into 8 oz. of warm water. Turn the cup of solution upside down, or however you need to, to form a vacuum around the piercing. Leave it there for no more than 2 minutes. Rinse the piercing thoroughly with warm water to be sure that all of the salt particles are gone from your piercing. Do this NO MORE than once a day. If you feel you must do this, do it right along with the general aftercare (antibacterial soap) of your piercing.

    For saline solutions (such as H2Ocean) :

    Use as directed on the bottle, NO MORE than once a day.

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    nauticalstar420 Posts: 3,699, Reputation: 423
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    Mar 20, 2008, 03:43 PM
    Signs of Infection

    Signs of infection in any piercing can include :

    -A green or yellow discharge that smells bad
    -Severe redness
    -Severe swelling
    -Severe pain

    In an advanced infection, these symptoms may also be present :


    Despite what some people may say, the one and only thing that will fully heal an infection is antibiotics. There are some products that people use to mask the symptoms, making the person think the infection is gone, but it is not. Antibiotics fully and thoroughly cure the infection. If you think you have an infection, see your doctor!

    If you think your piercing is infected, do not take the jewelry out! The piercing will close and seal the infection into your body, which will make it difficult to treat. If you want to remove your piercing, make sure the infection is fully cured before doing so.

    xXSillyGooseXx's Avatar
    xXSillyGooseXx Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 30, 2009, 03:50 PM
    I was wondering what is normally a sign of infection in a microdermal piercing and what the route of aftercare is. I'm going to be getting two piercings of that type, one on my cheekbone and one on the lower lip surface. If you could e-mail me this information by Saturday I would be really thankful.
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    trixxe Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 6, 2012, 02:15 AM
    The APP Site.

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