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    giggalz's Avatar
    giggalz Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 17, 2006, 11:49 PM
    Space... I think...
    I'm sort of new to actual dating... I went out with a few guys in school.. but the relationship really never left school. Once I graduated I fell in love with a guy from australia... was with him for 2 years... and went to see him for 6 months... I waited patiently for 2 years (until three weeks ago) for him to commit...

    My sister had been friends with eric... eric is a firemen/emt. It was about three weeks ago that we had our state fair... and he participated in a mock disaster... he made the newspaper and I told my sister to tell him he looked pretty cute in his uniform...

    Well that started it all... We began texting that night and for the next few days. We text non stop all day long. I met him face to face on a Friday... and then he asked me out on a date Monday. I was with him until 3am.. course most of the time we went to the firehouse... where he normally hangs out. All of the guys knew me by my oldest brother who use to work there.

    I was with eric for the four days he was off... and it was amazing. Every night on my drive home I'd thank him for the dinner and a nice time.. and he would say you're welcome and then at first he started to tell me I like you... then it became I really like you... then it was a I really like you a lot... I knew he would take on other jobs with other firehouses when they were short handed and needed his help.

    Usually with his line of work.. they would work four days and then have four days off... at first I could tell he was really falling for me... right off the bat before we met... we discussed marriage and kids... I knew and have always known what I want out of life...

    Its always been apparent to me... I wasn't really expecting to go out with someone I was so contect in waiting for a guy I really loved... and I never expected to fall for him either... but I didn't want to get myself into something like the last one... I went through a rough time.. and it hurt me more then I can ever express..

    I told him I didn't want him to carry the burdens that someone else caused... I merely wanted him to be aware.. he didn't mind at all.. he told me he was ready to settle down and told me how many kids he wanted and the names etc... I kept asking him if I scared him off.. he said no.. that I couldn't.. which I was amazed...

    He would always tell me how pretty I was.. how good I smelled and my smile that he adored.. and thought I was pretty awesome and fun to hang out with... and most of all I accepted his job... he learned from the very first date that if I was with him.. and that fire whistle went off...

    I was fine with being left behind.. while he went and saved someone's life... or... well cat in a tree.. lol... lol our first date.. he brought me back to the firehouse.. and left me there.. when they had a call.. I was still there when he came back.. and he always knows I would be.

    .no matter what (course I had to blow it when I told him my keys were locked in his car.. I couldn't.. but I assured him I would have anywayz.. I thought it was awesome)

    I told him once that I admired him for what he does.. and even though my family has a lot of emt's firement nurses etc... seeing him rush off... like that.. and knowing he loves what he does... I admired him...

    Things started going differently.. last Friday... course there were some things in my home that were going through the drain.. it was bad... and normally if there's a guy in my life.. I want to lean to him.. thinking I would get a little comfort.. and I didn't...

    He was working that day... that was one of the days that we were suppose to get together.. and have the whole day.. but a near by station called needing him. He was acting crappy that day and Saturday. I went to see him at the firehouse of where we normally hang out...

    And didn't really act like he wanted to be around me... didnt seem to want to touch me which was a complete 180 from Wednesday.. when he was all over me.. and gave me our first kiss.. that was completely amazing!

    So finally I have had enough.. he had been saying things that were just ignorant... and I couldn't take it anymore... so I got my things out of the rec room and was going to leave... he asked me wher ei was going.. and I said home and he said no please don't go.. so I threw everything on the firetruck..

    And started to chew him out.. for how he was treating me.. and that I deserve to be treated a little bit better then that.. course a few people were around... I didn't mean to put him on the spot...

    He kept saying he was sorry.. he had to cut our day short cause he agreed to bartend for a wedding there... so he was trying to go.. and he started to talk to someone... so I just started to walk out the door... I kept going.. and I drove off...

    He text me while he was bartending that he was sorry.. I didn't answer him... he text me a while later saying hey... I didn't answer him... almost 6 hours after my leaving.. he ims me through messenger that went to my phone...
    giggalz's Avatar
    giggalz Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 17, 2006, 11:53 PM
    I finally answered and he apologized for acting crappy the past two days.. he told me from working so many hours and being tired... I forgave him...

    Sunday he started another four days of work... that night... coming home from visiting my brother and his wife... and my nephew... he text me saying he was on a call... so I got the cool idea.. to go down to the firehouse..

    And hopefully catch him in time to surprise him with a short visit... well my idea I thought was good.. just didn't plan out the best.. when I got there.. his car wasn't there.. which okay sometimes they have a call and come right back.. its normal...

    I asked a guy there he seemed to give me this stupid look... and told me that eric left at 1030.. and it was... 1130... I was mad... he lied and told me he was on a call... so I left and called him... he told me that he was 5 minutes away.. he was doing something for someone and to go back to the firehouse.. I did..

    .I wasn't to far away.. he laughed about it... and gave me a big hug and apologized for his attitude and I jokingly told him at least span out the times.. not in a row... our visit was short.. it was late.. and he had to work...

    Monday... I was up earlier then usual.. I couldn't sleep... we text and it was decent.. I went back to bed.. and got up not to long afterwards.. we were going to the outlets at the beach with my mom and sisters... I had been wanting to see him..

    Like a date.. either hang out at the firehouse or something.. he didn't have to buy me anything and I've told him from day one that I was happy hanging out there... I really was... I love it there.. its cool and so are all the guys...

    Well I text him saying look I'll be at the fire house at 630pm if you come good I'll have something nice for you.. if you don't you don't.. he text back make it 7 I'm eating at home.. which he never does.. he buys take out for every meal.. he doesn't know how to cook..

    He's like I'm broke.. I'm like well I'll briing you food... he said no.. I got to eat at home.. I said whatever eric.. he said to not get in an attitude please.. I said no you've been doing that for the past few days... (which he was) he said whatever.. and jokingly and wrong move I might add.. I said as if... he said I'm done goodbye...

    Dread came.. I thought I blew it.. but saying as if... which I was made at myself.. couldnt be a good word.. so I told him to calm down.. and then apologized to him.. I called him up at lunch and seemed hs normal voice..

    Said he was eating that he would call me back... he never did.. but we were suppose to get together that night.. so I have to take my sister to cheerleading practice... which is on the same road as the firehouse...

    So I thought okay I'll just drop her off.. and wait the hour until 7.. on my way to there... I text him.. I know you hate me right now... but I'm going to wait.. and if you come that's great.. if you don't... you don't... but I'll be there...

    He text back that he got off work late.. that he still has to eat... and said he has to take his grandmother to his aunts house... that was it.. then I was like okay what about afterwards.. probably like okay back to the firehouse sort of thing..

    He said then I'm going home... so I was lost.. I didn't know where we stood at that point...

    I called him up.. and asked him.. he said we are fine I just had a bad day and no sleep and working a lot.. but we are cool.. for now... so I turned around and drove home... when we all went to pick up my sister we saw that he was there.. and the whistle went off..

    So we went home.. and I drove up there.. to really give him the surprise that I tried to do the night before... well this went even worse.. his car was there... but the doors were down.. usually on runs they are open... so I called him.. no answer...

    I thought he was ignoring me.. so I sent him a text explaining how weird this looked.. made myself look like an arse you know... then ten minutes later the ambulance pulls up... he gets in his car.. and pulls in next to me... he seemed okay.. I told him that it was my turn to be the arse... I gave me a new shirt...

    He said aww how sweet thank you hunny.. and he pulled out his camera and took a picture of me... we talked until he had to go...

    The next day... I waited till about one pm to text him.. thinking he would text me.. before the first week.. he would text me before I got up... when it started to stop.. I would tell him that I liked them... but this day was different.. I text him saying how was your day going..

    No response... few hours later... I text hey.. no response... when I found out he was on myspace.. I knew he wasn't busy and called him.. he picked up rudely told me that he was talking to someone (didnt make out the name when he said it) said he would call me back.. and click... he did... I said hello.. he said you called?

    What do you need? I was like excuse me?? We somewhat began to talk.. I was doing the walking on eggshell talk... then asked about seeing him that night.. I asked the previous night if it was possible... he said maybe..

    I told him that I tried calling before and left a message cause I needed to know cause I had to take my sister once again.. and didn't want to make two trips and I was fine with waiting.. he said I don't know...

    I said well I don't mean to sound impatient nor ignorant but I really need to know by 530.. he's like I'm broke.. I said I have told you since day one that I didn't mind staying at the firehouse.. he said I don't know if I want to hang out there tonight..

    I'm like.. otay this is getting serious.. something is up.. and its gone on far to long... so he said he would call me at 6 when he got off work.. which completely a situation I was trying to avoid.. making two trips...

    So he texts me not to long after I got on the road telling me he was sorry he doesn't know what he wants but doesn't want to see the girl he's dating everyday... course I thought hmm only if I did see you everday.. lol.. I replied with an okay..

    Not sure and hasn't fully sunken in... then... on my way home.. I text him apologizing for the past two nights.. they were my fault.. I went over the top.. not that I didn't have a reason.. but I did.. my idea was good.. but what happened when I got there... I wish didn't happen.. it ruined it.. but I didn't know..

    So once I got home.. I was like you know.. I'm not going down this way... I'm not going to be the stupid person that follows by all the games... I wasn't going to have someone that I actually like and could fall in love with... direct me on how to do this and what to do.. and not stand up for myself..

    So I text him.. and started by telling him look I have to say this.. and I don't want you to respond just listen.. I went on about how I in a way do not get it.. beings our first week went.. and I wasn't doing anything he wasn't into...

    I said before I even talked toyou.. I was told you had a low self esteem that you believe that because of the way you look no one likes you... you questioned me numerous times.. and yet here I am... I am totally attracted to you.. and you push me away..

    I said some other things... and I haven't talked to him since.. or heard from him... this was Tuesday at 7pm...

    So I've talked to a few friends majority says to not contact him.. let him miss me.. and let him contact me first... I do not know if this is wise or not... I've never actually dated... I still check myspace.. which is the main thing he goes on...

    .one of the people that witnessed my chewing him out and standing my ground Saturday commented on his myspace asking if he made up with me yet... which for Saturday he did.. but he commented back last night telling her no that he told me to stop calling and so far I have... seeing that this morning.. really ticked me off.. he never said nothing of the sort...

    So I'm confused... my thought was that he's a guy.. he had his girlfriend put him in his place for the way he wwas acting in front of others.. and he knew he deserved it... but didn't want to let the woman who saw it all.. who asked him if he mad eup with me... let him think any less of him.. by telling her yess... and made up a small lie...

    All day I've been battling the... have I left a good enough impression on him.. for him to miss me and contact me... half or most of me says yes... cause of all the things he's said before Friday when he started working a lot...

    He would tell me sister things and thanking her for setting him up with me... you know all the good stuff that lets you know that he's into you.. that thinks highly of you.. and all that other jazzy stuff lol

    I really think he was possibly shocked by him not hearing of me yesterday... and I don't know if its wishful thinking and denial but I thought maybe he's been like I know she's going to call me today.. she can't last a day.. normally I wait until 1.. thats my breaking time...

    I'm sure he's caught on... men do with that sort of thing dong they? Hehe... so I'm going to guess or hope or whatever... that tonight when he rolled into bed that it may of gotten him thinking a little more that he's not winning this game.. that he's not heard from me...

    And like that.. oh crap! Moment.. and maybe I'll hear from him tomorrow.. I honestly don't know...

    I wish I knew what to do in this situation.. but I honestly do NOT.. HAVE ANY SORT OF CLUE!! I only know of how he's been.. what he's said.. and how he looks at me.. and how I seem to be the most different girl he's been with.

    .and one that he seems to want to change.. and be a better man type of thing..

    So I know this is long... and I'm very sorry.. with this.. I always want whomever is reading to get every detail to better give advice... so please help!!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 18, 2006, 06:23 AM
    Don't bite my head off, but from your post are you pushy, rude, controlling, domineering, hotheaded, demanding, impatient?. Like I say I'm just asking very honest questions from the facts that your long post revealed to me. Do you think your are trying to change him? I think you should back off and stay away from the firehouse and only see him when he's off. The last thing a man needs is for his business to be known by his co-workers. He may not complain or say anything directly to you but sounds like he needs a little space and he may appreciate you more if you weren't there every time he turns around. You could sit down and have a long honest talk with him. Again I don't mean to offend, just trying let you see things from a male view.
    giggalz's Avatar
    giggalz Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 18, 2006, 08:32 AM
    No I'm none of those things... I had a good reason for going off and standing my ground to him... normally when he's working I've only seen him once in the middle.. normally it's the last day where we'll see each other.. and then the four days... the two days.. I tried to surprise him.. just didn't turn out well.. but he was happy to see me...

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