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    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkinGirl View Post
    Yea but some people appeal to more of a wider audience which I am trying to do. Being dark brown, with black facial features I feel like I am limited, very limited in who I appeal to. It's depressing.
    You can't date everybody! LOL:D
    Appeal to more of a wider audience?, you sound like a casting director.
    Golden_Boy's Avatar
    Golden_Boy Posts: 330, Reputation: 6
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:35 PM

    Doesn't anyone STOP lightening? Age is just a number, but it seems a lot of people here

    Are "TRYING" since forever!!

    Does anyone actually get anywhere for long? I have never seen anybody that did. Instead have seen people who use Shahnaz, Fair & Lovely, Makari, and many Hydroquinone products for years and years, who think they have gotten lighter, and even recommend the products as if they're working but they actually look darker than before. Or people constantly trying products and getting nowhere.


    It seems like in the end, for many people the only thing that gets lighter is their wallet, no?

    Is this a neverending cycle? And is Fair & Flawless the best product out there at the moment? :)
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:37 PM

    Hey darkskin girl, I know you're trying to lighten, as we all are. But that doesn't mean that just because you have african features and dark skin at the moment, that you are ugly! I wanted to show you many beautiful women in hollywood with dark skin/ brown skin that are beautiful. So even though you're on the road to lightening. You don't have to feel ugly if you're not at the color you want to be yet:

    Victoria's Secret Model Oluchi- Dark skin, African features, GORGEOUS. She's a Vicky's Model for crying out loud

    Who DOESN'T think Tatyana Ali is gorgeous? She's beautiful.

    I don't know a man who doesn't find Nia Long absolutely beautiful!

    (I know Zoe may not be the darkest, but she even said it herself that her nose was more African looking and she loves it and she feels that she looks beautiful with it. And I think Zoe was ranked in the top ten for most beautiful women this year)

    My point is. Even though sometimes other standards of beauty are held in a higher esteem. No matter what. No one can deny true beauty. That's the end of the story. Even if people assume a girl with dark skin and african features isn't supposed to be beautiful. They are just so much more blown away when she is. I'm not kidding. So I hope you know you're not ugly. And there's nothing wrong with your features. You just got to learn how to rock them.
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:40 PM
    I've never said lighter = prettier. I said that a lot of times ignorant people in society can not get past a girls skin color to see her true beauty. And please do not insult Golden Girl's intelligence. She was not trying to pick a fight with you or disrespect you in anyway. You're acting extremely childish. No I have not "made up" with you. But I do not wish to continue arguing with you. I like frequenting these boards to soak up knowledge about skin lightening. Not to put other people down or engage in drama. So please DROP IT.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:43 PM
    Victoria's Secret Model Oluchi- Dark skin, African features

    That's what you consider african features?:eek:
    Hmm I guess my idea of african features differs from yours.
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:44 PM
    Dyana. I think you need to look inside of yourself. You seem to have this constant need to try and drag others down. "I have better features" "You must have been ugly" seriously. You don't know my life. You don't know my history. You don't even know if I look the same from when I was 14 (when men considered me ugly) up until now (21) Honestly... You have no idea who any of the people are on this board, nor do we know you. Can you please stop trying to bring other people down and have a little positivity. This board isn't even fun to me anymore.
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:45 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    Victoria's Secret Model Oluchi- Dark skin, African features

    That's what you consider african features?:eek:
    hmm I guess my idea of african features differs from yours.
    SHE IS FROM NIGERIA. YES. I consider those to be AFRICAN FEATURES. SHE'S AN AFRICAN WOMAN. She was born and raised there.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    SHE IS FROM NIGERIA. YES. I consider those to be AFRICAN FEATURES. SHE'S AN AFRICAN WOMAN. She was born and raised there.
    To me african features is, have you ever seen LiL Kim's old mug shot?
    That's what I considered african features.

    This women looks like the other white V.S. models I have seen.
    Have you ever seen a black barbie doll?
    It looks like a white barbie doll only darker. Lol
    That's what she looks like to me.
    DyanaGiselle's Avatar
    DyanaGiselle Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 15, 2009, 08:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    I've never said lighter = prettier. I said that a lot of times ignorant people in society can not get past a girls skin color to see her true beauty. And please do not insult Golden Girl's intelligence. She was not trying to pick a fight with you or disrespect you in anyway. You're acting extremely childish. No I have not "made up" with you. But I do not wish to continue arguing with you. I like frequenting these boards to soak up knowledge about skin lightening. Not to put other people down or engage in drama. So please DROP IT.
    I'm 19 and I'm acting far more mature than you. When I do lighten I surely won't create a hideous childish list for reasons "being lighter is "better". Lmao. Was that list a joke?? Esspecialy the one where you typed something like "he won't be afaid of having dark kids. It will be my secret" who are you kidding?? Lmao. Grow up. And realize you're not more attractive - your confidence is just higher. I will never say I'm more attractive when I lighten, I'll just look pure Hispanic and less people will ask me about my race. It really is annoying when people come up to me asking "what are you? Indian and black? Dominican? Half this? Half that? " I'm beautiful no matter what shade, you should feel that way as well.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    I've never said lighter = prettier. I said that a lot of times ignorant people in society can not get past a girls skin color to see her true beauty. And please do not insult Golden Girl's intelligence. She was not trying to pick a fight with you or disrespect you in anyway. You're acting extremely childish. No I have not "made up" with you. But I do not wish to continue arguing with you. I like frequenting these boards to soak up knowledge about skin lightening. Not to put other people down or engage in drama. So please DROP IT.
    I thought you both wished each other the best:confused:
    That was me who thought you guys "made up".
    I'm just trying to slow this down because if this keeps up you know who will close the thread no questions asked.(not FatherChuck the other one).
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    To me african features is, have you ever seen LiL Kim's old mug shot?
    That's what I considered african features.

    This women looks like the other white V.S. models I have seen.
    Have you ever seen a black barbie doll?
    It looks like a white barbie doll only darker. lol
    That's what she looks like to me.
    Really? She doesn't look African to you? Hmmmmm

    ... She still doesn't look African to you? Mkay. Well. She looks like a beautiful AFRICAN barbie doll to me.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden_Boy View Post
    Doesn't anyone STOP lightening? Age is just a number, but it seems alot of people here

    are "TRYING" since forever!!!

    Does anyone actually get anywhere for long? I have never seen anybody that did. Instead have seen people who use Shahnaz, Fair & Lovely, Makari, and many Hydroquinone products for years and years,, who think they have gotten lighter, and even recommend the products as if they're working but they actually look darker than before. Or people constantly trying products and getting nowhere.
    It seems like in the end, for many people the only thing that gets lighter is their wallet, no?
    Is this a neverending cycle?
    And is Fair & Flawless the best product out there at the moment? :)
    It's the best product FOR ME, maybe not for you.
    You have to try out products to see what works FOR YOU.
    Skin lightening is NOT permanent, as long as your skin is producing melanin your going to have to keep using creams, but if you get your hands on a good cream you can cut down to using it once or twice a week for upkeep.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    Really? She doesn't look African to you? Hmmmmm
    She just looks GOOD!!
    End of story! Lol
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DyanaGiselle View Post
    I'm 19 and im acting far more mature than you. When I do lighten I surely won't create a hideous childish list for reasons why "being lighter is "better". Lmao. Was that list a joke?? Esspecialy the one where you typed something like "he won't be afaid of having dark kids. It will be my secret" who are you kidding?? Lmao. Grow up. And realize you're not more attractive - your confidence is just higher. I will never say I'm more attractive when I lighten, I'll just look pure Hispanic and less people will ask me about my race. It really is annoying when people come up to me asking "what are you? Indian and black? Dominican? Half this? Half that??" I'm beautiful no matter what shade, you should feel that way as well.
    ... Are you done telling me that I look the same as I did when I was 14? What is your problem? Stop trying to drag others down. Trying to drag others down doesn't change who you are on the inside. KNOW that. At the end of the day. You still have to deal with you. You will be the same. No matter how you try to make others feel less of you. You continue to try and attack me and the way you THINK I look. I'm not trying to attack you. Or your features. Or how you look. Quite frankly, trying to bring you down will do NOTHING for me. Whether you wish you were full hispanic and you don't want to be part black. I don't know. It's not my issue. I DON'T care. Stop taking your insecurities out on me. I'm done responding to you. Please take your indian features and your "good hair" and every other reason why you're so much better than everyone else. And go sit in the corner. Just leave me alone. And you CLEARLY don't read anything that I say... I think dark skin is beautiful. I have been preaching that since day one. But in society many people can't see past the dark skin. So I lighten. Oh goodness. Just stop responding to me. Go ahead. Make your rebuttal. I'll let you have the last word. Then after that will you just please shut up and leave me alone? I'll let you have your say. I won't even respond. Just stop talking to me. And even if I did honestly feel the lighter skin made me feel more beautiful. There are girls that feel that way. And they chose to lighten. Are you bringing them down as well? Bottom line. Everyone is trying to lighten on this board. You are not better than the next person. Regardless of your racial make up, your hair texture, your nose, WHATEVER. You're not. I say this all the time. If slavery was the other way around. Everyone would be trying to look more African. Don't get too caught up in the hype of what is beautiful and what is not. There's really no such thing. It's what you can convince people of.
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    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:20 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    She just looks GOOD!!!
    end of story!! lol
    Yes. She looks good. And she also looks very African. It's not hard to tell.
    DyanaGiselle's Avatar
    DyanaGiselle Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 15, 2009, 09:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    Dyana. I think you need to look inside of yourself. You seem to have this constant need to try and drag others down. "I have better features" "You must have been ugly" seriously. You don't know my life. You don't know my history. You don't even know if I look the same from when I was 14 (when men considered me ugly) up until now (21) Honestly.... You have no idea who any of the people are on this board, nor do we know you. Can you please stop trying to bring other people down and have a little positivity. This board isn't even fun to me anymore.
    I'm not trying to put you down, but its like you're saying you were once an ugly duckling then you slapped on some magic beauty cream (lightening cream) then POOF! You became a beautiful woman. You apparently were always beautiful, if your facial features are still the same and men are paying you attention. I was never trying to put you down, I'm just trying to understand things. Maybe my posts are not coming out right but hopefully you understand me. Plus the reason why I came at you that way is mainly because of that list you made. You're making it seem like a girl has to be light to receive good treatment, good men and an overall happy life. That's very messed up, what if theirs young dark skinned girls that read that and now feel like they need to lighten their skin.
    Itss A New Day's Avatar
    Itss A New Day Posts: 163, Reputation: 8
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    Oct 15, 2009, 10:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    Victoria's Secret Model Oluchi- Dark skin, African features

    That's what you consider african features?:eek:
    hmm I guess my idea of african features differs from yours.

    I am African and Oluchi without a doubt has African features. African features range widely but she has a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and a flat nose. I have seen many fellow Africans with similar features, hence African features. Her face is oval and she has small full lips and a high forehead so I can see why you would think she looks like a black barbie doll because of the proportion of her face. People do have different perceptions of what constitutes African features, but that is just my opinion.
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    dessaml's Avatar
    dessaml Posts: 210, Reputation: 9
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    Oct 16, 2009, 01:28 AM

    Such drama.:rolleyes:

    This is why black people do not talk about skin lightening, it was only a matter of time before somebody started nuttin up in this thread. Skin lightening is the ultimate "dont ask, dont tell" I didn't even read anybody's posts about why they lighten their skin because I knew about 90% of them I would not agree with. I lighten my skin, but my happiness doesn't depend on it, and I don't think anyone else's should either... It's sad when you read people's posts on how they are "desperate" to get light and will do "anything" and spend hundreds of dollars and cry themselves to sleep because they are not the color of Tyra Banks... and I have seen those threads like that. At the end of the day yes, it would be nice to get lighter... but its not the end of the world if you don't.

    There are people who have been burned over 80% of their body, now THAT is something to cry about. Just be thankful you're not in their position.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Oct 16, 2009, 01:36 AM
    Ooook moving on...
    Would anyone like to add to this thread about why they lighten?
    DarkSkinGirl's Avatar
    DarkSkinGirl Posts: 83, Reputation: 6
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    Oct 16, 2009, 07:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    hey darkskin girl, I know you're trying to lighten, as we all are. but that doesn't mean that just because you have african features and dark skin at the moment, that you are ugly! I wanted to show you many beautiful women in hollywood with dark skin/ brown skin that are beautiful. so even though you're on the road to lightening. you don't have to feel ugly if you're not at the color you want to be yet:

    Victoria's Secret Model Oluchi- Dark skin, African features, GORGEOUS. She's a Vicky's Model for crying out loud

    Who DOESN'T think Tatyana Ali is gorgeous? She's beautiful.

    I don't know a man who doesn't find Nia Long absolutely beautiful!

    (I know Zoe may not be the darkest, but she even said it herself that her nose was more African looking and she loves it and she feels that she looks beautiful with it. And I think Zoe was ranked in the top ten for most beautiful women this year)

    My point is. Even though sometimes other standards of beauty are held in a higher esteem. No matter what. No one can deny true beauty. That's the end of the story. Even if people assume a girl with dark skin and african features isn't supposed to be beautiful. They are just so much more blown away when she is. I'm not kidding. So I hope you know you're not ugly. And there's nothing wrong with your features. You just gotta learn how to rock them.

    Oh aw thank you. That was so sweet of you to say that.

    IMO, I have features like Tatiana Ali, (my eyes are more exotic looking IMO) and people always mistake me for being West African. I happen to think I look African American. Funny thing is, the lighter I got, the more people starting presuming I was from West Africa! When I was darker nobody used to say that

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