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    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 19, 2019, 04:15 PM
    Apparently you haven't been doing your homework, specifically about the fly in the ointment Giuliani. I sort of gave you a heads up about him before but you dismissed that so we wait until him and his nefarious old arse has been exposed more. A simple follow the money approach is all you need and seeing how and who pays the dude.

    Everybody whose testified has mentioned him being in the shadow screwing stuff up with BS, and some are admitting to living with it like Volcker who has amended his statement to distance himself from his previous position. None as yet has any stomach for what Rudy and the prez are pushing though and that's investigating the Biden's so making such crap the exclusive idea of Rudy and the dufus with Sondland as the butt boy messenger.

    You still got more excuses for bad behavior by the dufus?
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 19, 2019, 04:18 PM
    Apparently you haven't been doing your homework, specifically about the fly in the ointment Giuliani. I sort of gave you a heads up about him before but you dismissed that so we wait until him and his nefarious old arse has been exposed more. A simple follow the money approach is all you need and seeing how and who pays the dude.

    Everybody whose testified has mentioned him being in the shadow screwing stuff up with BS, and some are admitting to living with it like Volcker who has amended his statement to distance himself from his previous position. None as yet has any stomach for what Rudy and the prez are pushing though and that's investigating the Biden's so making such crap the exclusive idea of Rudy and the dufus with Sondland as the butt boy messenger.
    I just don't know how to help you. You took the same awful approach with Kavanaugh. You don't seem to be able to understand that you have to actually have reliable evidence before you can convict someone. You don't have it.

    You still got more excuses for bad behavior by the dufus?
    I have made no excuses for his bad behavior, just like I make no excuses for your deplorable behavior of wanting to impeach a pres simply because you don't like him.
    Athos's Avatar
    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Nov 19, 2019, 06:45 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    If you will lie about one thing, even small things, you will most assuredly will lie about larger things.

    If you lie about ANYTHING, you are a liar.
    Does that go for you, V7? You know, that lie you told about there being a video of Biden's son - the one "everybody saw and heard"? So you're admitting to being a liar.

    What other lies have YOU told, V7?
    Athos's Avatar
    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Nov 19, 2019, 06:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I just don't know how to help you
    Tal hardly needs help from the likes of you.

    You don't seem to be able to understand that you have to actually have reliable evidence before you can convict someone.
    Does the testimony of all the witnesses mean nothing to you? These are professionals at the top of their field. They have Top Secret clearances, long years serving their country, and proven patriotism. Yet, you give them no credence.

    I make no excuses for your deplorable behavior of wanting to impeach a pres simply because you don't like him.
    You deny loving Trump yet you support him every chance you get. Hypocrisy, anyone?
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 19, 2019, 07:19 PM
    Names. People who have names is what we need. Not numbers, but names. Plainly, you don't have the faintest idea of who those five people are you were so sure of a couple of days ago. It's funny how when you get cornered, you get nasty.

    Who has first hand evidence of criminal activity? Names, please.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 19, 2019, 08:04 PM
    Athos: Were you a Bulldog in a former life? Or a mule with blinders on? I say this because you still doggedly and stubbornly continue to contend that I lied: I did not......Here's where this goes: You said: "You know, that lie you told about there being a video of Biden's son - the one "everybody saw and heard"? I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT "A VIDEO OF BIDEN'S SON", go back and look at what I said! NOW WHO IS THE LIAR, ATHOS? YOU SLIPPED UP TRYING TO CALL ME A LIAR AND NOW YOU HAVE TOLD A BOLD-FACED LIE....AND I CAUGHT YOU! TWO CAN PLAY AT TRYING TO BE A LAWYER!

    Athos's Avatar
    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Nov 20, 2019, 01:03 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    You said: "You know, that lie you told about there being a video of Biden's son - the one "everybody saw and heard"?
    Calm down, V7, don't get your panties in a bunch. Here's what you said - (quote) I did see a video of Joe Biden bragging about getting the Ukrainians to end their investigation of his son Hunter....that we did hear and see (close quote) Not exactly a perfect quote, but close enough - same idea. Ok?

    A badly quoted thing YOU wrote is not a lie. That's one of the simpler things in life to contend with, but, in your heated need to "get me", you have gone overboard with your bolding and caps to make sure I get your outrage. What you HAVE convinced me of, V7, is your pathos.

    Not even a nice try. I know you're desperately trying to win one, V7, but you gotta do better. To get practice on actual lies,. go back and read your own posts - many of them are outright lies from your favorite sources - Russian Television and OAN.

    Here's a starter for you - I did see a video of Joe Biden bragging about getting the Ukrainians to end their investigation of his son Hunter....that we did hear and see. That's how to use formatting.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 20, 2019, 04:00 AM
    Calm down, V7, don't get your panties in a bunch.
    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, you're one of the chief "panties in a bunch" persons on this board. I'm sure we could all start taking a deep breath from time to time, but, for instance, this was a response from you about the video.

    "ARE YOU SERIOUS? This video clearly states that "there is NO evidence that Biden stated the prosecutor was investigating his son". NONE! Nada!

    In fact, it is stated TWICE! What's wrong with you two? Can't you hear? See?

    It's one thing to believe something. It's quite another to offer proof of something that absolutely proves the OPPOSITE! This is typical right-wing BS, offering false statements as true."

    Or try this one from just above. "Does that go for you, V7? You know, that lie you told about there being a video of Biden's son - the one "everybody saw and heard"? So you're admitting to being a liar.

    What other lies have YOU told, V7?"

    Here's what you said - (quote) I did see a video of Joe Biden bragging about getting the Ukrainians to end their investigation of his son Hunter....that we did hear and see (close quote) Not exactly a perfect quote, but close enough - same idea. Ok?
    It can't be a quote but then be "not exactly a perfect quote, but close enough."

    Sorry Vac, but this is the actual quote. It's from another thread. "Athos: There is a YouTube video of Biden bragging about stopping the investigation of his son." Or at least I guess this is what you two are talking about.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 20, 2019, 04:49 AM
    What a load of crap over NOTHING as even repub witness Kurt Volcker testified the investigations the dufus wanted had no merits and the Joe Biden was not corrupt.

    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I just don't know how to help you. You took the same awful approach with Kavanaugh. You don't seem to be able to understand that you have to actually have reliable evidence before you can convict someone. You don't have it.
    I don't need your help and how easy it is to just read and quote the testimony witnesses to what they actually saw, and heard. The difference between repub investigations of Kavanaugh, and the dem investigations of the dufus is yours was a SHAM and ours is NOT!

    I have made no excuses for his bad behavior, just like I make no excuses for your deplorable behavior of wanting to impeach a pres simply because you don't like him.
    That's at best inaccurate, as the dufus should be impeached by his lying words, and CRIMINAL actions. The evidence is being gathered and that burns your right wing loony butt doesn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    I guess the answer to my question is stupidity, 500 homes later, and the fight rages on and no one is interested, they have decided that all this enhances the rediculous climate change debate, as if catastrophic fire events have not happened in the past. Today is another catastrophic fire rating day somewhere in the country. I lay blame for climate change where it belongs, Sol and our wobble in our orbit
    I can't just blame humans for being unable to cope with the destruction Mother Nature causes us. Don't you guys have insurance for this kind of thing, and gym shoes to run when you smell smoke?
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    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 20, 2019, 05:37 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    I can't just blame humans for being unable to cope with the destruction Mother Nature causes us. Don't you guys have insurance for this kind of thing, and gym shoes to run when you smell smoke?
    Tal where are you going to run too, insurance doesn't protect life and if your home goes how long is it going to take you to get another one. You just join the queue. All day today I could smell smoke and there was a bad smoke haze, now I don't know of any fire near me, so wind is just blowing it in, but as an old fire fighter, my attention was up. Nearest fire might have been 100 km or 10 Km, no way of knowing. So tonight South Australia is burning, tomorrow it will be our turn again as temperatures soar and the wind rises. All the evac warnings are for places far away
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 20, 2019, 05:52 AM
    What a load of crap over NOTHING as even repub witness Kurt Volcker testified the investigations the dufus wanted had no merits and the Joe Biden was not corrupt.
    That's funny. There was never an investigation, so how could Volcker have known that Biden was not corrupt? The best he would be able to say was that he was not aware of any corruption. I don't know if there was any corruption or not, but having a completely unqualified (other than his last name) HB, who had recently been kicked out of the navy for cocaine use and was hired, by his own testimony, solely because of his last name, on that board of directors has certainly the appearance of corruption.

    BTW, Volcker's testimony was a negative for the dem's circus.

    That's at best inaccurate, as the dufus should be impeached by his lying words, and CRIMINAL actions. The evidence is being gathered and that burns your right wing loony butt doesn't it?
    Good luck with that "evidence". Volcker, Williams, Morrison, and Vindman all testified yesterday that there was no bribery. Oh well. If this circus makes it to the Senate, then it will be a different show. Hearsay is not allowed in that setting, so who do you think will testify? At least it will be a short hearing. Very short.

    Let's try it one more time. "Both the Uke prime minister and the foreign minister say there was no linkage. And in fact, the money was delivered and the investigation never took place. You don't dispute those facts do you?"

    Man you guys sure don't like to answer questions.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 20, 2019, 08:26 AM
    We don't know if OLD Biden is corrupt or not.....we haven't proven he is innocent of a crime, yet named......I mean, we are at a different juncture of what constitutes JUSTICE in the U.S.: We take a person and TRY to fit a crime to the person....forget about "innocent until proven guilty".....The whole IMPEACHMENT proceeding is beginning to take on the appearance of an old SOVIET SHOW TRIALS from the 1930s, where a the weight of proof of innocence was far heavier than the weight of proof of guilt: Remember the BALANCE OF JUSTICE we are supposed to go by? What happened to that?

    If I hear another SOB trying or even attempting to equate what these IMPEACHMENT proceeding are with anything even remotely associated with JUSTICE, I think I will have to tell them to go to hell: There is nothing but nothing in these Impeachment proceedings that is for the benefit or the welfare of the United States Of America or even for the preservation of the RIGHTS of the accused related to due process....the PERSECUTORS (because that is what they are) have been permitted to go from one named accusation to naming the accusation something else.....This whole thing is about overturning the election of a duly elected POTUS and about delegitimizing the 2016 Election.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 20, 2019, 08:30 AM
    It is the dem's effort to sway public opinion prior to 2020.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 20, 2019, 04:15 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Tal where are you going to run too, insurance doesn't protect life and if your home goes how long is it going to take you to get another one. You just join the queue. All day today I could smell smoke and there was a bad smoke haze, now I don't know of any fire near me, so wind is just blowing it in, but as an old fire fighter, my attention was up. Nearest fire might have been 100 km or 10 Km, no way of knowing. So tonight South Australia is burning, tomorrow it will be our turn again as temperatures soar and the wind rises. All the evac warnings are for places far away
    You know how it goes Clete, you have to have a plan for disaster, Both an A and B.

    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That's funny. There was never an investigation, so how could Volcker have known that Biden was not corrupt? The best he would be able to say was that he was not aware of any corruption. I don't know if there was any corruption or not, but having a completely unqualified (other than his last name) HB, who had recently been kicked out of the navy for cocaine use and was hired, by his own testimony, solely because of his last name, on that board of directors has certainly the appearance of corruption.
    There was an investigation and the rats ran after 2012. You want another investigation because of a guys name and blood line?

    "Morgan Williams, director of the US-Ukraine Business Council, discerned a conflict, though he had seen no direct evidence of one. He argued it was a problem of appearance, as there was an "unspoken" American tradition that "frowns" on "close family members of government working for organizations with business links to active politics."

    BTW, Volcker's testimony was a negative for the dem's circus.
    You can explain that any time if you watched it and not just read about it. Makes for a great discussion.

    Good luck with that "evidence". Volcker, Williams, Morrison, and Vindman all testified yesterday that there was no bribery. Oh well. If this circus makes it to the Senate, then it will be a different show. Hearsay is not allowed in that setting, so who do you think will testify? At least it will be a short hearing. Very short.
    I'd rather wait for charges by a lawyer if you don't mind as they all testified to the inappropriateness of the call that raised alarms enough to consult with counsel.

    Let's try it one more time. "Both the Uke prime minister and the foreign minister say there was no linkage. And in fact, the money was delivered and the investigation never took place. You don't dispute those facts do you?"
    My versions says a failed attempt at bribery and extortion is still a crime, and I believe I will be found correct in that assessment.

    Man you guys sure don't like to answer questions.
    Says the guy who doesn't do his own homework, but criticizes mine.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 20, 2019, 05:02 PM
    You know how it goes Clete, you have to have a plan for disaster, Both an A and B.
    My plan A was to move out of a bush fire prone area, this I did 25 years ago, Plan B was to live in a incombustable house, also 25 years ago, so now I can feel sorry for those who have to fight the fires. What I know is if it floods at my place, we are all in a lot of trouble, However, I can't do anything about smoke which might blow in from 1,000 km away and only AC deals with the heat

    Do you understand that we have fires here with a 1,000 km perimeter, and maybe even bigger, we are not talking about one state burning but all of them. Some of these fires were lit by children and idiots, so we are not dealing with nature but as I said in the beginning, stupidity

    But all of this pales in comparison with the stupidity of Trump who lights fires under his opponents every day and gets burned doing it
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 20, 2019, 06:12 PM
    You can explain that any time if you watched it and not just read about it. Makes for a great discussion.
    Volcker had zero evidence of bribery or a quid pro quo.

    I'd rather wait for charges by a lawyer if you don't mind as they all testified to the inappropriateness of the call that raised alarms enough to consult with counsel.
    So you want to charge him with "inappropriate calls"? Good luck with that one.

    Let's try it one more time. "Both the Uke prime minister and the foreign minister say there was no linkage. And in fact, the money was delivered and the investigation never took place. You don't dispute those facts do you?"
    My versions says a failed attempt at bribery and extortion is still a crime, and I believe I will be found correct in that assessment.
    Congrats on not answering the question and verifying what I said below.

    Man you guys sure don't like to answer questions.
    Says the guy who doesn't do his own homework, but criticizes mine.
    You find a place where I haven't done my homework and we'll talk about it. Otherwise your accusation is no more credible than the dems in Congress.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 20, 2019, 06:31 PM
    Saw the exchange today between the turd Gordon Sondland and the other turd, Little Adam "Boy Scout" Adam Schiff: Little Adam tried like hell to get Gordon Sondland to say that Trump told him to pressure Ukraine but Sondland didn't read the Democrat script! It was hilarious to see!!! Little Adam, bug-eyed as ever, was just hemming and hawing like made: I thought he was constipated and trying to dislodge a rather enormous log!

    These IMPEACHMENT inquiries are good comic relief....especially when the ones who are supposed to be the "Smart Guys" keep stepping in the dog pile.,
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 20, 2019, 06:36 PM
    These IMPEACHMENT inquiries are good comic relief....especially when the ones who are supposed to be the "Smart Guys" keep stepping in the dog pile.,
    You really think there are smart guys over there, the Demonrats just re-endorsed the Patriot Act a piece of legislation they are opposed to
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 20, 2019, 06:38 PM
    LOL, now that was funny Clete. @JL, They didn't have to show evidence, just enough probable cause for charges to be brought.

    Won't be easy because there are many!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 20, 2019, 08:05 PM
    It's all politics. They have nothing of substance. Sondland testified today that Trump told him he wanted nothing from the Ukes and there was no quid pro quo. He just wanted Zelensky to do what was right.

    Most important exchange of the day. Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio. "Mr. Sondland, let's be clear: no one on this planet—not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo—no one told you aid was tied to political investigations, is that correct."

    Gordon Sondland: "That's correct."

    Case over. Find something else to worry about.

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