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    jillianleab's Avatar
    jillianleab Posts: 1,194, Reputation: 279
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    Jul 30, 2008, 09:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Shih-tzumama
    Atheists try to disprove the existance of God. Deep down they believe God exists or they wouldnt try so hard to disprove Him.
    I don't try to disprove god, nor do any of the atheists I personally know. Most of the ones on this board don't do that either. You are speaking about a very small minority of atheists here.

    I'm not trying to disprove anything. I'm discussing. Just because I question the evidence a theist uses as proof of god (a child's laugh, a sunset, etc) doesn't mean I'm trying to disprove them. My whole thing is what YOU think is proof isn't proof to ME.

    It's impossible to disprove god, those who do are generally just being argumentative. God, by the very nature of what he is supposed to be, CAN'T be disproven, because he's not bound by the rules of science. You can't disprove something that is supernatural, it's impossible. Science doesn't try to disprove the existence of god, it tries to explain the world.
    ordinaryguy's Avatar
    ordinaryguy Posts: 1,790, Reputation: 596
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    Jul 30, 2008, 09:52 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jillianleab
    Both sides aren't guilty - those individuals are guilty.

    People need to remember to deal with individuals on this site how they see fit, and not lump everyone together because of a few a-holes.
    This is the heart of the matter, and I concur.

    I have often been surprised to find that there are some real jerks who share some of my opinions about some things. It's good to be reminded of that, I think. It reminds me that my opinions are far less revealing of who I really am than I'm sometimes tempted to think.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 30, 2008, 11:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by sassyT
    Religious people do not attack non believers.... But when non believers come on a religious forum and make condescending demeaning remarks about religion then you best to expect we believers are not going to take the abuse and be silent about it. After all.. it is you so called non-religious people who come on the religious forum day in day out.. it is not the other way round.
    Sassy, I hate to disagree, but from my understanding, the Religious Discussions board was actually started specifically for people like Cred. We have other discussion forums, like the Christianity forum etc. From what I've been told they started this board in order to stop the fighting on the Christianity boards, because before Religious Discussions was opened up, that's the only place atheists could go to express their views.

    Now I do have to say that the Religious Discussions board isn't being used the way I think it was intended. I think the mods etc had hoped to give atheists a place to express their views, not a place to bash other peoples beliefs. I realize that really only one person is guilty of that to the extreme, but as long as we come here and voice our opinions on this persons chosen topics, we are just feeding the troll, so to speak.

    Just my thoughts on the matter. I still wish we could discuss all this with an open mind and heart, but I really cannot see that happening any time soon.

    I'm guilty too, I've let myself get dragged into discussions way too often, and I have to say that because of my disappointing discussions (more like fights) with one atheist, I tend to be on guard with all the other atheists. It's human nature, once you've been burned you try not to stick you hand in the fire again.

    I will still be on guard with that one person, but for the rest of you, that don't share the same beliefs I do, I value all of you, your input to this site and your right to believe what you want, I hope you can do the same for me, knowing most of you as I do I'm sure you will. :)
    asking's Avatar
    asking Posts: 2,673, Reputation: 660
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    Jul 30, 2008, 03:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jillianleab
    Just because I question the evidence a theist uses as proof of god (a child's laugh, a sunset, etc) doesn't mean I'm trying to disprove them. My whole thing is what YOU think is proof isn't proof to ME.

    It's impossible to disprove god, those who do are generally just being argumentative. God, by the very nature of what he is supposed to be, CAN'T be disproven, because he's not bound by the rules of science. You can't disprove something that is supernatural, it's impossible. Science doesn't try to disprove the existence of god, it tries to explain the world.
    Jillian, I think that's very well put. And not only is it impossible to disprove the existence of a God, by the same argument, it's impossible to prove that a God exists. Science just can't do that, prove or disprove that kind of thing one way or the other.
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    Jul 30, 2008, 04:03 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryguy
    I have often been surprised to find that there are some real jerks who share some of my opinions about some things. It's good to be reminded of that, I think. It reminds me that my opinions are far less revealing of who I really am than I'm sometimes tempted to think.
    Yes. And likewise, there are many people who disagree with me about important things--like the existence of God or who should be president--who I really like and admire.
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
    WVHiflyer Posts: 384, Reputation: 34
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    Jul 30, 2008, 06:45 PM
    white-rose?> People with religions are the ones with guidelines stating how they should live their lives and treat other human beings. Atheist's don't have a belief, so how does that affect a Christian at all?
    ... I'll admit some Atheist's are rude and ignorant and are wrong to ridicule someone for having a religion because its not their life. But it seems there are an equal amount of Christians who do the same thing. They make blunt accusations about how an Atheist must live their life, and they are evil and depressed and hate themselves etc. How could you come to that conclusion about a person because they have no religion? I never thought a good Christian person could say such things about another. But obviously they can. And it makes me think, why would I want to belong to a religion where the people in it can't even follow their own rules?
    I'd give you a greenie if I could.
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
    WVHiflyer Posts: 384, Reputation: 34
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    Jul 30, 2008, 06:46 PM
    Shih-tzumama> Atheists try to disprove the existence of God. Deep down they believe God exists or they wouldn't try so hard to disprove Him.
    I could just as easily say the correlative: The religious try so hard to convince others of their faith because deep down they don't really believe.
    And it would be just as 'true.'
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
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    Jul 30, 2008, 06:49 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg

    I'm guilty too, I've let myself get dragged into discussions way too often, and I have to say that because of my disappointing discussions (more like fights) with one atheist, I tend to be on guard with all the other atheists. It's human nature, once you've been burned you try not to stick you hand in the fire again.

    I will still be on guard with that one person, but for the rest of you, that don't share the same beliefs I do, I value all of you, your input to this site and your right to believe what you want, I hope you can do the same for me, knowing most of you as I do I'm sure you will. :)
    Hear, hear!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 30, 2008, 06:58 PM
    I'm actually surprised that so many discussions about God happen between atheists and Christians, what do we hope to accomplish by doing this?

    Personally I believe in everyone's right to believe whatever they want, I won't try to persuade you to believe in God, if you don't try to persuade me not to. What matters to me is not what you believe, but what kind of person you are, if you're a good person that's all that matters.

    Group hug? ;):)
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
    WVHiflyer Posts: 384, Reputation: 34
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    Jul 30, 2008, 07:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg
    I'm actually surprised that so many discussions about God happen between atheists and Christians, what do we hope to accomplish by doing this?

    Personally I believe in everyone's right to believe whatever they want, I won't try to persuade you to believe in God, if you don't try to persuade me not to. What matters to me is not what you believe, but what kind of person you are, if you're a good person that's all that matters.

    Group hug? ;):)
    A big one (even if there are 2 I think I'd like to leave out <VBSEG>)
    Alty's Avatar
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    Jul 30, 2008, 07:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by WVHiflyer
    A big one (even if there are 2 I think I'd like to leave out <VBSEG>)

    They're not here right now, so it's all good. :) So I'll start, big hug to you WVHiflyer. :)

    You realize that this will all hit the fan when those 2 come back, right? ;)
    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 30, 2008, 10:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    Why do I need to go on atheist boards when they are already here?

    NOhelp4u,:p that was indeed one of most quick, truthful and funniest comments I've seen on this board or any board.. Good going…I am still laughing. :p

    Laughter is good for the soul. Where is the Christian board? I have not seem one.
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
    WVHiflyer Posts: 384, Reputation: 34
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    Jul 30, 2008, 11:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg
    They're not here right now, so it's all good. :) So I'll start, big hug to you WVHiflyer. :)

    You realize that this will all hit the fan when those 2 come back, right? ;)
    Hugs back (tho I'm wearing a face mask so you can keep your flu :rolleyes: )

    And... Oh, yeah... :p
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Jul 31, 2008, 01:13 AM
    I have read through all of your posts in this thread. I want to say that I am very happy with my beliefs, and I am glad to read others also. However, I do want to say, if not believing in anything makes some people, under a guise of being a non-believer, spew venomous words, and be full of hatred, I will stick to my belief in God. Which incidentally, I would have regardless.

    I know this isn't the belief or actions of all atheists, but the two I have encountered on this thread seem to be very self-righteous, and absorbed in a world of their own. They attack others on a personal level, and act like school yard kids.

    A discussion does not call for such child-like behaviour, with the very obvious, and ever present bullying behaviour. To catagorize every Christian, or someone who believes in God and Jesus, is only the same as catagorizing all Atheists and their personal beliefs! It's called Freedom of Religion, and everyone has a right to believe in what they choose.

    If the two right wing Atheists want to argue the point of God's existence, then why don't they sit down and share their beliefs, and maybe then have a civilized discussion where others can learn, instead of coming here to name call and try to demean people with your one sided belief.

    It wouldn't matter what beliefs I had. I would never think of talking to others that try and be respectful, the way certain people here have chosen to behave! They are the words of very uninformed and immature people, that do not have the class to talk in a civilized manner. You know who you are.

    I must leave and feed my unicorn. I think he wants toast!
    Capuchin's Avatar
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    Jul 31, 2008, 02:54 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tsila1777
    Laughter is good for the soul. Where is the Christian board? I have not seem one.
    Home > Society & Culture > Religion » Christianity

    Of course, that is a place to discuss Christianity, whether you are Christian or not.
    ArtemisAlexis's Avatar
    ArtemisAlexis Posts: 1, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 31, 2008, 03:32 AM
    Wow sassyT, you're a very angry young Christian, you need to get some help.

    First you say that you 'never said this was a religious forum' and then you start the next sentence with 'this is a religious forum', then you verbally attack some poor guy for responding to a question you specifically designed to be answered by atheists.

    What is your deal? Your obviously looking for an argument and then running into playing the victim, if your representing Christians in this OPEN forum, then your really giving them a bad rep.

    At first I felt a little sad for you being harassed whilst trying to speak to other like minded people on these religious forums- but now I can see that you're the one creating all the problems.

    If you feel like making yourself any angrier you should check out Intelligent : Design - Message from the Designers
    I'm sure that will have you spinning in a rage for days! Lol
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Jul 31, 2008, 03:36 AM
    With all due respect, you haven't been here long enough to understand how the discussions on this forum have been turned inside out. I completely understood the point that Sassy was trying to make here. I'm sure you will also, if you go through and read previous discussions.
    ArtemisAlexis's Avatar
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    Jul 31, 2008, 03:43 AM
    Also, you say 'Almost 80% of Americans are Christians', this reminds me of a poster in the Simpsons, it read: 50 million smokers can't be wrong!

    Ha ha ha ha, and by the way Unicorns never used rhetoric to commit genocide.

    Just because America was founded by Christian people doesn't make it a Christian country, that's why your bill of rights gives all Americans religious freedom.

    If you really want to live as a true Christian you'd move out of the USA and to the middle east where Christianity begun.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Jul 31, 2008, 03:50 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ArtemisAlexis
    Also, you say 'Almost 80% of Americans are Christians', this reminds me of a poster in the Simpsons, it read: 50 million smokers can't be wrong'!

    Ha ha ha ha, and by the way Unicorns never used rhetoric to commit genocide.

    Just because America was founded by Christian people doesn't make it a Christian country, thats why your bill of rights gives all Americans religious freedom.

    If you really want to live as a true Christian you'd move out of the USA and to the middle east where Christianity begun.
    Do your homework first! I happen to live in Canada for one thing, and if you were trying to quote me?. I was not the one that gave any stats. Please learn your way around this site and read up on what you have missed. Just the fact that you are quoting "The Simpsons" makes me giggle! The unicorn statement was tongue in cheek somewhat, and if you watch the "Simpsons" I think you would understand the humour in that.
    ArtemisAlexis's Avatar
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    Jul 31, 2008, 04:07 AM
    Actually starbuck8, I wasn't quoting you, I hadn't seen your post when I responded for the second time, you could probably have figured that out on your own by the way I was writing, and seeings as you have already worked out that I'm a new user and not use to navigating around the site, I find it doubly surprising that you couldn't figure out I wasn't responding to you.

    And I'm not even going to respond to the simpsons statement, your just not worth the effort:eek:

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