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    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Jun 16, 2006, 11:25 AM
    Raised and baptized in the Congregational Church. Around 1967 I asked myself,
    "Did God make man or did man make God?" I then researched ancient pagan religions and found out where the Jewish and eventually the Christian Religion were lifted from. This took the "mystery" out of religion. With mystery gone all that was left was reason and logic.
    Reason and logic shaped me into what I am today. A stone atheist. As I have stated in a prier post I have no problem with religion until it intrudes into three areas.
    1- It should not be life threatening. No handling of snakes or drinking poison and especially not withholding medical attention from a child because of religious beliefs until that child dies.
    2- I should not tear families apart. Such as religious cults do when they isolate a new convert from his/her family or JW's do when they "disfellow" a church member.
    3- It shall not seek to force their particular religious on me by aggressive proselytism. I am happy for anyone that takes comfort and solace from their religion. I just have a real problem in believing in gods, goddesses, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
    jduke44's Avatar
    jduke44 Posts: 407, Reputation: 44
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    Jun 16, 2006, 12:45 PM
    Tom, just for my edification and not to trying to criticize or set you up for anything but do you ever have a problem if someone comes up to you and shares their faith with you? I understand if the person insists about wanting to talk about it but I am just talking about the person asking you what you believe or would you like to learn about -- something to that effect. If you tell them you are not interested and they leave you alone, would you feel that was intruding?
    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Jun 16, 2006, 01:31 PM
    I'm looking for 5 words that describe your religious beliefs. If one chooses not to answer, that is fine. If one chooses to say "I think religion is crap" that is fine too; it directly answers the OP.

    Not looking for preaching or teaching or debates. I'm just curious and just asking a question... Members may choose whether to respond to my original post or not. If they choose "not" but choose to post other than a direct response, I may excercize my administration given abilities... and edit or delete.

    Now that little venting aside: please, everyone - sit back, enjoy a cold or hot beverage of your choice, and enjoy life, your family and this site.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Jun 16, 2006, 01:58 PM
    PS. So far I have edited/removed nothing.
    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Jun 16, 2006, 02:24 PM
    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Jun 16, 2006, 02:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jduke44
    Tom, just for my edification and not to trying to criticize or set you up for anything but do you ever have a problem if someone comes up to you and shares their faith with you? I understand if the person insists about wanting to talk about it but I am just talking about the person asking you what you believe or would you like to learn about -- something to that effect. If you tell them you are not interested and they leave you alone, would you feel that was intruding?
    Hey Duke,

    "Do you ever have a problem if someone comes up to you and shares their faith with you?"

    In my job as head of security and chief escort at a women's clinic I have had 13 years of Fundamentalists attempting to convert me. I have no problem with anybodys belief system. They can believe whatever they wish. It's when they get aggressive and get in my face about it and tell me that I'm going to hell for not following Jesus that I get a little testy.

    "If you tell them you are not interested and they leave you alone, would you feel that was intruding?"

    Not at all! But most feel that their message or testimony is so important to my soul that telling them that I'm a atheist and have no interest in "being saved" that I now become a challenge. I'll bet that I'm the object of more prayer circles then anybody on this site. My attitude is this, " If you don't try to convert me I won't try to convert you"
    However I'm always ready to defend my belief, or lack of it, if anyone wants to attack it.
    Rick, You should have realized that you were asking a "touchy question" when you asked it. I'm not attempting to press Free Thought or Secular Humanism on anybody. When I make a statement I try to explain the reason that I made it. I'll leave the proselyting to others. Regards, Tom
    jduke44's Avatar
    jduke44 Posts: 407, Reputation: 44
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    Jun 16, 2006, 03:27 PM
    Tom, for the sake of this thread and not going on, I appreciate your honest response. I was once a zealous Christian and although didn't try to shove it down peoples throats I probably came across that way. Now, I am less bold, especially with seeing poster's views ont his matter. As I stated in a comment, I do appreciate and respect your beliefs. I too get turned off and even sometimes embarrassed if a Christian pushes one to believe their way.

    Sorry Rick for having this thread be more than what you intended it to be. Actually, all in all, I think it has gone well so far without it being a huge debate. Thanks for not editing or removing things and also letting us know. Sometimes five words is hard to explain it but it is fun!

    Hmmmm, let's see if I can do it

    Try being good father/husband
    Morganite's Avatar
    Morganite Posts: 863, Reputation: 86
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    Jun 17, 2006, 11:05 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Catholic, Christian, Born Again, and good looking
    Amen to the "good looking," Chuck. I am similarly blessed.


    Quote Originally Posted by speedball1
    Raised and baptized in the Congregational Church. Around 1967 I asked myself,
    "Did God make man or did man make God?" I then researched ancient pagan religions and found out where the Jewish and eventually the Christian Religion were lifted from. This took the "mystery" out of religion. With mystery gone all that was left was reason and logic.
    Reason and logic shaped me into what I am today. A stone atheist. As I have stated in a prier post I have no problem with religion until it intrudes into three areas.
    1- It should not be life threatening. No handling of snakes or drinking poison and especially not withholding medical attention from a child because of religious beliefs until that child dies.
    2- I should not tear families apart. Such as religious cults do when they isolate a new convert from his/her family or JW's do when they "disfellow" a church member.
    3- It shall not seek to force their particular religious on me by aggressive proselytism. I am happy for anyone that takes comfort and solace from their religion. I just have a real problem in believing in gods, goddesses, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

    WHAT! You don't believe in the Tooth Fairy? Are you mad? Who do you think leaves the nickel?

    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Jun 19, 2006, 08:11 AM
    Has any one noticed that many answers here are more than five words or less, like this one?
    Do you read the first 5 words and the go on to the next?
    Why do people ingore instructions or requests?
    Please answer each of these questions with 12 words each or less.
    Peace and kindness
    Fred (arcura)
    Northwind_Dagas's Avatar
    Northwind_Dagas Posts: 348, Reputation: 83
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    Jun 19, 2006, 08:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by arcura
    Has any one noticed that many answers here are more than five words or less, like this one?
    Yes, I have noticed that as well, but what can we do?

    Quote Originally Posted by arcura
    Do you read the first 5 words and the go on to the next?
    No, I read the entire thing even though it breaks the rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by arcura
    Why do people ingore instructions or requests?
    If someone can answer this, they are a wiser person than me.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 19, 2006, 01:52 PM
    1-Americans don't follow rules
    2- They do whatever they want
    3-They laugh when you ask why
    4-They ask you why not?
    5-They aren't listening if you answer
    6-They don't care what you think
    7-They will drink with anyone even Canadians!
    8-As long as they bring their own beer!
    9-Any more questions?
    10-Pass the pint.
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Jun 19, 2006, 04:02 PM
    Bwa ha ha aha... what? Oh... so sorry, I missed that, I spilt my beer and my croch is all wet. Can I borrow your hankie? Here, never mind, I'll just use this Canadian guys hockey jacket. Now what were we talking about? Were you saying somthin?
    ndx's Avatar
    ndx Posts: 79, Reputation: 21
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    Jun 19, 2006, 05:06 PM
    Logical, and not a follower.
    Cassie's Avatar
    Cassie Posts: 150, Reputation: 46
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    Jun 20, 2006, 06:54 AM
    With a Catholic father, Baptist mother, I chose spiritualism.
    ZK85's Avatar
    ZK85 Posts: 9, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 14, 2006, 01:41 PM
    A Human Being
    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Jul 18, 2006, 10:11 PM
    Thanks for letting us know that!
    I think all here are in of them.
    But one never knows for sure.
    Peace and kindness,
    ZK85's Avatar
    ZK85 Posts: 9, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 19, 2006, 05:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by arcura
    Thanks for letting us know that!
    I think all here are in of them.
    But one never knows for sure.
    Peace and kindness,
    That was precisely my intention :) , we all share this one thing… Humanity
    Being human is what defines and binds us not our religions! Don't get me wrong religions are great but if we keep thinking of them as what defines and describe who we are then we are alienating billions of people and forgetting what is truly important! That those billions are like us in every way except for their personal beliefs… and it's a very very sad thing to see people alienated, raped, and killed all over the world through out history and the present time just because of a difference in a belief system? :(... sad…very sad… that we as humans can't understand until this day and age that all we got in this world is each other.

    I love God I truly do… but you know something….he is not going to fix the world up for us! He is not going to feed the hungry in South Africa, he is not going to stop wars, and he is not going to stop murderers, terrorists, rapists, and corrupt politicians! He might help us along the way with a few pushes but he is not going to do the work for us… that's why I think we only have each other in this world and that's why I described myself as a human being, I am not a faith I am a human with faith.
    Sorry I realize I went out of the subject here but I just felt I should clarify my answer.

    I really hope I didn't offend anyone it was no intention of mine.
    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Jul 20, 2006, 03:56 AM
    1. Five
    2. words
    3. or
    4. less
    5. please
    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Jul 20, 2006, 09:01 AM
    Ermmm... Happy! :p
    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Jul 20, 2006, 12:54 PM
    That was great!
    Peace and kindness,
    Fred (arcura)

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