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    Boe's Avatar
    Boe Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 1, 2007, 02:29 AM
    I made my own ouija board board And it worked better than a original ouija board it told me my life would change and it did spirits shot from the board and now my house is haunted.
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Mar 1, 2007, 03:38 AM
    Do you want us to give you a pat in the back for a good job well done?
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Mar 1, 2007, 11:23 AM
    I feel that all these stories just go to prove that it IS something more than just a game.
    Many coincidences cannot be considered "a coincidence" when it happens way too often - can it?
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Mar 1, 2007, 12:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Boe
    I made my own ouija board board And it worked better than a original ouija board it told me my life would change and it did spirits shot from the board and now my house is haunted.
    In other words you're a silly fool to talk about how proud you are for building a homemade ouija board and now your house is haunted. If your telling the truth here. It is your own fault and do not expect any sympathy for playing with something you can not control.
    miranda_is_hot's Avatar
    miranda_is_hot Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 8, 2007, 04:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by magprob
    I have heard some pretty scary ouija board stories in my time. I want to know if anyone has heard of any?
    Okey well I used to play.. but I made one.. and I was going on vacation with my family,brought my friend and my sister brought her friend.. well my sister went to the campsite.. so me my friend and her friend... our names are (mine:miranda Sisters:karissa karissas friend:jessica my friend:emily my mom:renee my step dad:matt)anyways... we played in the room just me jessica and emily,and there was seven ghosts there all badd... and that night.. the TV turned on matt went to turn it off it turned back on.. we were freaked.. okey then like 5-10 months later coming to now... well two weeks ago I bought the real board for thirty.. we played it that night me karissa my friend melissa and my sisters boyfriend brandon.. we talked to a guy that died in this town in high school.. from azma because they forced him to run. And he said the weirdest thing he said death,string,neck.. we got freaked and stopped couple days later me,my friend Courtney and my other friend amanda played and we talked to my grandpa I started crying because he missed me,sadd I know and we talked to there grandparents to.. and next day I played with courtney,Kristin,karissa,jessica,and me ha and we asked if any one of us got fallowed and they said me.. we screamed smeared the board and huddled together.ha then that night I brought it to my boyfriends jakes... and I'm best friends with his sister danielle so me danielle and josh
    (her brother )played and they said I get followed by a guy named john and I asked why they said you betrayed me.. and they said they were my neibor:S we asked if they knew when I was going to die looking for you know a yes or no answer nothing more and they went to ton and I'm like omg and started crying.. because they meant tonight.. but I surivied they said there allways by me.. I asked what color my bra was you know.. and there like blue.. which I got freaked because I wore a blue one the day before... I don't know though.. people say I'm in trouble with it.. but I don't know...
    penguinsaver's Avatar
    penguinsaver Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 14, 2007, 01:02 PM
    When my mom and aunt were teenagers, they played with the ouija boared a lot. In one incidence, my aunt asked if she would ever get a horse, and it said "yes" so my mom asked, and it said "no"

    My mom was hurt thinking my grandparents would give my aunt a horse and not her, so she asked "what will i get" and it said "dandy"

    That christmas (mind you, they never mentioned this to my grandparents) my aunt got a horse, and my mom... got a pony! She named him dandy :)
    Megg's Avatar
    Megg Posts: 421, Reputation: 53
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    Mar 24, 2007, 07:01 AM
    I think the board isn't bad if you use it properly and protect yourself. I'm into wicca and a lot say that magic is evil. The board is simply a way to communicate with the spirits. Young kid's want to use it because it's a hype thing. If I ever used one, it'd be for the pourpse of finding a spirit. There are plenty of ways to keep the other one's from coming out. If you put a circle of salt around the board and yourself they can't leave the circle. But then when your done you have to send their energy back to where they came. Too much spiritual energy in one place can cause people to start fighting and it grows and grows until god know's what happens. Problem is a lot of kid's want to try things, to try witchcraft or boards and they haven't a clue how to protect themselves or how to properly make a circle.
    Spider-Girl's Avatar
    Spider-Girl Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    May 23, 2007, 03:22 PM
    Oh no!! I'm scared :eek: that... im never ever ever going to go near or touch 1 of those!! -Spidey
    Flylihop's Avatar
    Flylihop Posts: 23, Reputation: 1
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    May 31, 2007, 09:49 AM
    Well someone I knew decided to try it out with his mates for a joke, it told him events that would happen in the future, e.g winning £20 on a scratch card, betting a wod of money on a horse and he will win, etc. And then the last thing it told him was that he would die! Anyway weeks went by and he won £20 on a scratch card, he thought it was just a coinsedence. But then a few weeks after that he bet on a horse and he won, and other things happened! He knew these were all the things the ouija board had told him. He became very scared as the next thing it had said was that he would die! He didn't know what to do, but knew there was a christian guy who worked at his college so he went and told him everything! The guy offered to pray for him, but as he was so desperate he reluctantly agreed. Months later he was still alive and he knew this wasn't a coinsedance! He went to church with the college guy and gave his life to christ! :D
    Mom of 2's Avatar
    Mom of 2 Posts: 449, Reputation: 90
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    May 31, 2007, 11:49 PM
    I had one experience. After work one night with co-workers, we played the board in the back room of the restaurant. At the time, I did not believe. I was fairly new to the job, so the questions that they asked I had never discussed with these people before. One of the girls asked what age I was when I first had sex - it gave the right answer. Okay, that could have been coincidental. They then asked how many different places that I lived - again the right answer. I know this does not sound at all spooky, but I thought it was impressive because there is no way that they would have known these answers, as I did not know these people well enough to discuss this. At the time, I was going through a divorce, so I wanted to ask about the future. I asked if I was going to get the house as part of the settlement. It said no - I thought that the answer would be yes because our lawyers, my ex and I had a settlement conference that same week and my ex agreed to give me the house. I thought it was a done deal. I started saying that the board was a joke. I then asked where I would be living and it mentioned something about a townhouse. There was only 2 different sets of townhomes in the area that I could think of and I asked if it would be in one of these subdivisions. It said no to both. It then spelled out river. I did not know what that meant. I walked away from the board feeling kind of disappointed, as I thought that it was a joke. I told people the next day about it and that it did not work, etc. Well fast forward a little bit over the next couple of days and then weeks. Here is what happened:

    A week after playing this, my lawyer called to inform me that the prior negotiations that we all thought were a done deal had stalled because my ex had a change of heart on letting me have the house and that we were back to square one. Eventually, because my ex decided that he did not want me to have the house, the judge ordered the house to be sold.

    As we did not get anything for the house due to all of the proceeds going for the payment of lawyer fees, I was forced to find an apartment instead of buying anything. I looked in the phone book and set up an appointment to tour an apartment complex. Keep in mind that I was not at all familiar with this complex prior to my visit and that I had just come across the name. I had no clue what the outside buildings looked like, etc. As I was driving to the complex, I crossed a river (remember how it spelled out river?). I did not think anything of it, until I discovered that the complex sat right on this river and the word river was part of the signage. When the woman took me to the apartment to give me a tour (she drove us in her car, as the three bedroom units were the farthest ones from the leasing office) my jaw dropped. As we got out of her car, I looked at the units and they were townhome apartments!

    Spooky, at least I think so. Thank goodness nothing evil happened to me.
    fatal doll's Avatar
    fatal doll Posts: 7, Reputation: 0
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    Jun 3, 2007, 08:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by magprob
    I have heard some pretty scary ouija board stories in my time. I want to know if anyone has heard of any?
    Once, I made the misktake of playing with an ouija board. This doll appeared like an hour later with a knife. Next day I found my bed covered in doll parts. I swear this is true.
    Lenovo's Avatar
    Lenovo Posts: 180, Reputation: 14
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    Jun 10, 2007, 07:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    Father Chuck would probably say the same. We are taught in the bible to never mess with the spirit world. Not to be involved with those boards. It is not to be messed with. I do not know exactly what verse or what it exactly says but I am sure Father will be able to find it and if I find it I will share with others. I had a cousin by marriage years and years ago tell me that he used the board and freaked him out and they asked questions like how long will I live and it told him he was going to die young and at what age. Guess what got killed instantly in a motorbike accident. He was very young. Imagine that.
    The reason it is taught that is because the spirits know things. Things humans aren't supposed to know, nor need to know. It's taught in the bible to hopefully keep people away from communicating with the spirits and finding out things humans shouldn't know. However when one enters into contacting spirits unguided (not knowing what they are doing) spirits do as they feel, and pay no attention to the one who called upon them. This is why God is more than happy to protect one from spirits, it is so you don't find out something your not supposed to. Although, if you know precisely what you are doing, how to do it, where, when, and why you do it (like a wiard for example) spirits will listen to you and help you in any way you want them to.
    Ging1994's Avatar
    Ging1994 Posts: 190, Reputation: 9
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    Jun 13, 2007, 05:30 PM
    My father had a baby sitter when he was yound and the guy was only an ealry teenager and when my father turned 14 his old baby sitter was in a fatel car accident and died 5 years of so later a new family moved in with a daughter who was only 14 and when they moved my father and the girl became friends one time she pulled out a ouija board and conatacted the spirit that said he was his previuse baby sitter kind of creepy but its true
    DaiamondoxRabuxemoxgamerx's Avatar
    DaiamondoxRabuxemoxgamerx Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 19, 2007, 07:14 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    Father Chuck would probably say the same. We are taught in the bible to never mess with the spirit world. Not to be involved with those boards. It is not to be messed with. I do not know exactly what verse or what it exactly says but I am sure Father will be able to find it and if I find it I will share with others. I had a cousin by marriage years and years ago tell me that he used the board and freaked him out and they asked questions like how long will I live and it told him he was going to die young and at what age. Guess what got killed instantly in a motorbike accident. He was very young. Imagine that.
    U really aren't suppose to ask a ouija board when u'll die... :p
    shoegal's Avatar
    shoegal Posts: 263, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 29, 2007, 06:10 PM
    In high school my friends and I got really pumped up to do the ouija board thing, and we lit candles in three's and there were three of us, and we had purple and white candles for calmness, and a white tablecloth, and we were really freaked so her parents sat on the couch and watched. We turned out all the lights, and started to ask the spirit to give us a sign it was here, and all the sudden a plate on the counter slid off and smashed on the ground, we totally freaked out and her mom wanted to turn the lights back on, and we heard a huge crash upstairs, like a computer was being thrown (that loud)! And we turned the lights on and I haven't used a ouiga board since!
    PlutoniumBrain's Avatar
    PlutoniumBrain Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2007, 08:27 AM
    This one's pretty good:

    An Ouija Board "Demon Session"

    In my experience, for what it is worth, there is almost certainly a 100% protection against evil forces on the Ouija Board, now matter how powerful they may be, and that protection is to have a sense of humor when confronting them. Demons or evil spirits simply cannot stand to be laughed at, or mocked, or not taken seriously. I have had perhaps two dozen Ouija Board encounters with beings claiming to be "powerful demons" but they were pretty lame, in my view.

    Here is an Ouija session conducted in the year 1978 with one of my college dorm-mates, and I'll only use his nickname, which was Arlo.

    First, some background to the session:

    As it happens, we lived on the sixth floor of our dorm, our rooms were randomly assigned, and Arlo was put into room number 666. I was next door in 668. Arlo was into a lot of things. For example, he was obsessed with Jim Morrison of the Doors, who was already dead at the time. Even though this was the year 1978, Arlo was on the cutting edge of the music scene and listened to almost nothing else but Punk Rock, which had just barely emerged then. Of course, he listened to The Doors a lot, too.

    Anyway, Arlo thought is was cool that he was assigned Room 666, which, of course, is the “Mark of the Beast.” He felt being assigned this room number was synchronistic because he had long been extremely interested in the topic of demonology. He was amazingly well-read and versed in demon lore --and he was also very up on angelology. Arlo was something of a genius, in my opinion. He was a frail, slender, pale young man with longish thin hair that was just very slightly tinged red. He was a shabby dresser.

    We were from different parts of the state, but became good friends because we lived next door to each other, and had a lot in common. He was especially interested in my 10 years of experience of opening channels with the Ouija Board, partly because he had never had any luck with the board. He suggested we hold what he called an "Ouija Seance" in his room, and that we should see if we could contact some demons -- Arlo wanted to see if any of the demons knew anything about Jim Morrison. I don't know why he thought that Morrison should be hanging out with demons in the after life-- probably because Morrison was so disturbed in his regular life.

    I agreed, but Arlo, the demon expert, insisted that we take some extremely stringent safeguards to protect ourselves from any demons we managed to contact. I considered this to be nonsense, but I went along with Arlo's plan.

    Rest of Story: I Blog; Therefore, I Am
    chahra10's Avatar
    chahra10 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 14, 2007, 06:44 PM
    Yes I do have one! One halloween night, one of my friend had buyed a ouija board and we played with it, here is the ouija transcript:

    My friend: Hello is someone here?
    Board: Yes.

    My friend: What is your name?
    Board: Jack.

    My friend: Is something exciting going to happen today or tomorrow?
    Board: Yes.

    My friend: What is going to happen?
    Board: One of you will die.

    My friend: Who?
    Board: You.

    My friend: Yeah right, and I am Angelina Jolie!
    Me: Believe them it may happen tonight or tomorrow!

    My friend: Are you jocking with me?
    Board: No.

    Then the TV was turned on and switched to a channel were an horror movie was playing.

    Me: Who did that?
    All of my friends: Not us!

    My friend: Was that you?
    Board: Yes.

    My friend: Why did you do that?
    Board: To warn you.

    My friend: Warn me from what?
    Board: If you keep messing with me you will die.

    My friend: Well then goodbye!
    Board: Goodbye.

    Then at 11:13 PM we were having a good time until my friend(The on that talked to the spirit on the Ouija board) collapsed. We called 911 and they came faster as they came and the next day we all find out that my friend was dead.
    hdawson1's Avatar
    hdawson1 Posts: 31, Reputation: 6
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    Aug 15, 2007, 08:58 PM
    When my mom was pregnant with me, her and my dad had a Ouija board. Well their house burned down about a month before I was born. They lost everything. I remember my mom even telling me that their bed frame melted (one of those metal bed frames from the 70's) When they were rummaging through the remains of the house, all they found was the Ouija board, the dial and their marriage licence (which was just singed around the edges) Needless to say, us kids were never allowed to bring one in the house.
    shimmer love's Avatar
    shimmer love Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 19, 2007, 12:49 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by magprob
    I have heard some pretty scary ouija board stories in my time. I want to know if anyone has heard of any?
    1 happened to me last week !
    Me and my fiend were playing at my house and we asked it questions of the future some it couldn't answer then stuff was moving around!
    And later the next night my dogs were going crazy barking at what I thought was nothing so I went back to my room heading there the airconditioning switch turned on and I could see it slide across!
    Every time I played with the board the same people were always there and I couldn't find a way to get rid of them
    shoegal's Avatar
    shoegal Posts: 263, Reputation: 18
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    Aug 20, 2007, 09:16 AM
    chahra10, is that really true? Because that is FREAKY

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