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    lovely101's Avatar
    lovely101 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 30, 2007, 07:19 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahid
    I'll be the first to confess. That I am more likely to talk to a guy who I find attractive (yeah im gay...) But in terms of how I treat people.. it's only how they treat me.. how they talk to me, and how they act/behave that matters. Like if they are a respectful person, who cares about others, or if they are more typical and conceited. As far as colour goes, I don't get why people can't appreciate people of all colours. Because we are all the same on the inside.. just some of us were handed down bodies in different colours. My best friend has had racism in her life because she is quite dark, but she found someone who loves her the way she is.

    Still she does still want to change, and im helping her to do that. Because I beleive how we look should be chosen by us and no one else. And yeah living in a western culure has come to the point that we have to change to fit in as sad as it is. We are noticed more and found more attractive if we have fairer skin. Although I don't ever want to lose my tan.. I think it's sexy. Why Would I wanna be a white boy with blonde hair and fake blue eyes? Gosh ewe.. no thank you!!!

    Those skinactives products look promising. But the best way to permanently change your pigment, is through monobenzene. You see lovely these products you use may not be as effective on everyone else. We are different and some skin tones are less prove to change. But monobenzene will always change your skin colour no matter. And unlike other products, its permanent and if you stop using it your skin wont go back to its original colour and you won't go dark again if you go int he sun. It's a permanent skin depigmentator. But can be quite expensive and can have some serious side effects for some people such as patchy or streaky skin.

    Still you wanna turn light fast? Monobenzene is the way to go. It's rumoured that it is what Michael Jackson used. And many african people have completely depigmented their skin.. from black.. to snow white!!! Anything is possible in the realm of beauty. (And I hope I can look 19 forever..) hahahahaha!


    The Crazy And Slightly Drunk Vahid...

    NO THANK YOU MONOBEN... whatever. THat's a real desperate move right there. I just want to GLOW.. not turn into an albino.. I think tan is sexy too.. and so is dark.. But attractiveness stems from GLOWINGNESS I believe and it's not about how light youa re.. just about how good looking your skin is. The only products that seems to make me radiate is lightening products.. I guess because of all the good for your skin ingredients that are not in our everyday moisturizer. I used to look so DULL.. now I look like.. POP.. because my skin is looking great.. all the marks are going away.. that's all I ever wanted.

    Pretty sad WE ALL including white people have to conform to european beauty. Keep in mind that not every white person is sweet valley looking.. they too are VERY MUCH pressured to look like what is seen on TV. Minorites aren't the only ones who are pressured.. just that we are not as close to the european beauty as they are... But I mean if you take a look at California.. its basically a whole bunch of clones walking around. People who move there end up getting so caught up in looking like this big star. Most of them have had at least 2 plastic surgeries. Some are addicted. Almost everyone has a boob job.. everyone has to conform to that.

    Pretty sad really.. but I think they'll be a day when DARK is in.. and everyone will be scurrying to be dark. Then Indian.. everyone will scurry to be indian. Hispanic.. every1 willl scurry to be hispanic... Brazilian and so on. They'll be a day when small boobs are.. just like how big butts are now in. I guess its just a FAD.. that will pass like everything else.

    And you are very right that not every product works for everyone.. def. know that.. just trying to give a little idea of what worked for me!

    But anyway, you are an aussie? I've always wanted to go there.. love the accents. How is it like?:o
    Vahid's Avatar
    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 30, 2007, 09:34 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovely101
    NO THANK YOU MONOBEN...whatever. THat's a real desperate move right there. I just want to GLOW..not turn into an albino.. I think tan is sexy too..and so is dark..But attractiveness stems from GLOWINGNESS i believe and it's not about how light youa re..just about how good looking your skin is. The only products that seems to make me radiate is lightening products..i guess because of all the good for your skin ingredients that are not in our everyday moisturizer. I used to look so i look like..POP..because my skin is looking great..all the marks are going away..that's all I ever wanted.

    Pretty sad WE ALL including white people have to conform to european beauty. Keep in mind that not every white person is sweet valley looking..they too are VERY MUCH pressured to look like what is seen on TV. Minorites arent the only ones who are pressured..just that we are not as close to the european beauty as they are...But I mean if u take a look at california..its basically a whole bunch of clones walking around. People who move there end up getting so caught up in looking like this big star. Most of them have had atleast 2 plastic surgeries. Some are addicted. Almost everyone has a boob job..everyone has to conform to that.

    Pretty sad really..but I think they'll b a day when DARK is in..and every1 will be scurrying to be dark. Then Indian..everyone will scurry to be indian. Hispanic..every1 willl scurry to be hispanic...Brazilian and so on. they'll be a day when small boobs are..just like how big butts are now in. I guess its just a FAD..that will pass like everything else.

    And youare very right that not every product works for every1..def. know that..just trying to give a little idea of what worked for me!

    But anywho, you are an aussie?? I've always wanted to go the accents. How is it like?:o
    Lol actually lovie its very hot here! And what you were saying about darker skin... well in most Western countries people are so used to pale skin people that they rarely recognise those with darker skin tones. But of course darker skin is hot! There will always be someone out there who will think you look dynamite whatever your colour is. And I think it's more worth waiting for that person that trying to impress others.

    And also.. its not just your colour its how you use it, for example. My best friend is Indian, she has quite dark skin... but... she wears clothes that stand out, and she died her hair brown... making a really nice contrast between her skin colour and hair. It makes all the difference. So I guess what I'm saying is that instead of confirming to a certain colour.. we can experiment with our own.. and see what hair colour and accessories match it.

    Though I'm still curious as to what I would look like with pale skin, but I love my skin colour and want to be able to go back to it sometime in the future.. arrr... decisions decisions.

    And those other products do work.. pills and such.. I thought it didn't work.. but I noticed my skin colour is the same as my big sister.. and she has always been two shades lighter than me.

    Still I don't know where this lighter skin obsession came from? I think it's that a few people cracked jokes on it.. that and people used to always ask me what my background is. It's annoying and makes you feel segregated. But now the sun here is so potent that people are getting my colour... so it's becoming the norm to have quite tanned skin.

    Still the curiosity never quite dies.. does it... what if??
    lovely101's Avatar
    lovely101 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 30, 2007, 10:33 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahid
    lol actually lovie its very hot here! And what you were saying about darker skin... well in most Western countries people are so used to pale skin people that they rarely recognise those with darker skin tones. But of course darker skin is hot! There will always be someone out there who will think you look dynamite whatever your colour is. And I think it's more worth waiting for that person that trying to impress others.

    And also.. its not just your colour its how you use it, for example. My best friend is Indian, she has quite dark skin... but... she wears clothes that stand out, and she died her hair brown... making a really nice contrast between her skin colour and hair. It makes all the difference. So I guess what im saying is that instead of confirming to a certain colour.. we can experiment with our own.. and see what hair colour and accessories match it.

    Though im still curious as to what I would look like with pale skin, but I love my skin colour and want to be able to go back to it sometime in the future.. arrr... decisions decisions.

    And those other products do work.. pills and such.. I thought it didn't work.. but I noticed my skin colour is the same as my big sister.. and she has always been two shades lighter than me.

    Still I don't know where this lighter skin obsession came from?? I think it's that a few people cracked jokes on it.. that and people used to always ask me what my background is. It's annoying and makes you feel segregated. But now the sun here is so potent that people are getting my colour... so it's becoming the norm to have quite tanned skin.

    Still the curiosity never quite dies.. does it... what if???

    TOTALLY! But I think, why can't we experiment with our skin color the same we do our hair.. or our eyes. We can always go back that color. I feel like its such a STIGMA for colored people to get LIGHTENING PRODUCTS. We often have to hide it.. get condemned for it.. it is just looked at as WRONG WRONG WRONG! But, then there's nothing wrong with getting a tan..

    What I don't understand is how things are said to be sooo hideous and bad when a person of darker complexion has something.. but as soon as the lighter complexion person has it.. it's WOW. For example, Big butts were originally a black thing.. a bad thing... then JLO and beyonce comes out and then big butts are great! Then Thin lips were only sexy.. all of the sudden JOLIE comes out.. and Everyone thinks big lips are sexy. Maybe because they are confident with it.. which in turn makes them sexy.. or mayb because fair people decide what's sexy or not sexy.. don't know

    I just wish.. I don't know.. that color was not so judged. Meaning, you are looked down on for being a color, and looked down for CHANGING your color. I don't think a lot of people hate themselves.. just feel like they are curious or just want bright skin!

    I wish I can leave my bleaching cream out in the open without someone coming in my room and judging me for it. As if I've turned my back on something. Like who cares.. this is not my "natural" hair, those are not your "natural" eyes.. why can't I just experiment with my looks like someone experiments with there hair color. Why really gives a damn right?

    I'm taking breast enhancement pills now.. so I wonder if it'll work! LOL.. I am purely experimenting with myself but my boobs won't ever go back to it's small size.. thats if it even works! LOL
    Vahid's Avatar
    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 1, 2007, 02:03 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovely101
    TOTALLY! But I think, why can't we experiment with our skin color the same we do our hair..or our eyes. We can always go back that color. I feel like its such a STIGMA for colored people to get LIGHTENING PRODUCTS. We often have to hide it..get condemned for is just looked at as WRONG WRONG WRONG! But, then there's nothing wrong with getting a tan..

    What I don't understand is how things are said to be sooo hideous and bad when a person of darker complexion has something..but as soon as the lighter complexion person has's WOW. For example, Big butts were originally a black thing..a bad thing...then JLO and beyonce comes out and then big butts are great! Then Thin lips were only sexy..all of the sudden JOLIE comes out..and EVERY1 thinks big lips are sexy. Maybe becuz they are confident with it..which in turn makes them sexy..or mayb becuz fair people decide whats sexy or not sexy..don't know

    I just wish..I don't know..that color was not so judged. Meaning, you are looked down on for being a color, and looked down for CHANGING your color. i don't think alot of people hate themselves..just feel like they are curious or just want bright skin!

    i wish i can leave my bleaching cream out in the open without someone comming in my room and judging me for it. As if i've turned my back on something. Like who cares..this is not my "natural" hair, those are not your "natural" eyes..why can't I just experiment with my looks like someone experiments with there hair color. Why really gives a damn right?

    I'm taking breast enhancement pills I wonder if it'll work!! LOL..i am purely experimenting with myself but my boobs won't ever go back to it's small size..thats if it even works! LOL
    Im not ashamed of it.. I tell people everything Ive had done. Yeah you are so right. People get tans all the time.. but when you get lighter skin its looked down upon. I guess it's up to the individual. Well I got my heart brocken today... so Im going to take it out on some major monobenzene hah... it might not heal my heart... but I guess it will get my mind off thing's. Listen lovely if you ever want to chat feel free to msn or Y me or whatever. Take care. x.
    muna's Avatar
    muna Posts: 147, Reputation: 5

    Dec 1, 2007, 04:44 AM
    Hello lovely101
    Can you tell me what was your origin color (can you send me private pic, before and after) what are you using , pills and creams and so forth. Thanks for all the info you posted before, they are great, I just want to know step by step,
    lovely101's Avatar
    lovely101 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 1, 2007, 07:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by muna
    Hello lovely101
    can you tell me what was your origin color (can you send me private pic, before and after) what are you using , pills and creams and so forth. thanks for all the info you posted before, they are great, I just want to know step by step,
    Hi muna!

    Okay.. give me some time! I'll take a pic of my skin now! Then I will wait a little while and send you a private pic of me okay? No problem!
    lovely101's Avatar
    lovely101 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 1, 2007, 02:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahid
    Im not ashamed of it.. I tell people everything Ive had done. Yeah you are so right. People get tans all the time.. but when you get lighter skin its looked down upon. I guess it's up to the individual. Well I got my heart brocken today... so Im going to take it out on some major monobenzene hah... it might not heal my heart... but I guess it will get my mind off thing's. Listen lovely if you ever wanna chat feel free to msn or Y me or whatever. Take care. x.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your broken heart, There are other fishes in the sea.. don't waste your precious life by sobbing.. trust me.. there's better things to sob about than some dumb ol' boy!

    I will def. check you later on Yahoo.. peace!
    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 3, 2007, 08:00 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by whitebutterfly
    I just hope in all forums in this website sellers should be banned - it confuses us buyers and users. Let just do the research.
    Yoou know I think that you're one of the ones that had negative experiences with the products you use. Why don't you just say so and let others know what you experience too

    All feed back is good feedback no matter if it's good or bad.:)
    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 3, 2007, 08:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by whitebutterfly
    I was not comfortable telling all the negative things-

    I'm not trying to make trouble here and I’m not pertaining to people who are very informative - i know you are just sharing your positive insights and experiences. I'm just talking to other people here....THE SELLERS...if they want to share please tell real experiences happened to them and not PROMOTING or ADVERTICING...that's all thanks.
    I agree to that and that's real
    lovely101's Avatar
    lovely101 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 3, 2007, 09:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by whitebutterfly
    I just hope in all forums in this website sellers should be banned - it confuses us buyers and users. Let just do the research.
    Totally right.. but I haven't noticed anyone being fishy..

    How would anyone know if someone is a seller. I c a lot of people get scold for raving about a product.. they are called sellers when indeed they just like the product! We as posters need to be a little less judgemental too, I think!
    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 3, 2007, 09:54 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovely101
    Totally right..but I haven't noticed anyone being fishy..?

    How would anyone know if someone is a seller. i c a lot of people get scold for raving about a product..they are called sellers when indeed they just like the product! We as posters need to be a little less judgemental too, i think!
    You're so right that's why people don't give testimonials about what products they used in fear of being called a seller or advertiser shame. Damn shame
    Vahid's Avatar
    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 4, 2007, 09:12 AM
    I know it's going to take time. Months even.. to achieve lighter shades... Im going to be using L-glutathione pills, Kojic Soap and Monobenzene. And I'm going to mix Rose Hip Oil into my night cream and day SPF cream. Im sure in the end its worth it and ill be bringing myself closer to the lighter complexion I've always wanted. I have already sent my order in for Mono and await it's delivery to my home.

    Thank you all of you for sharing your experiences, I will also share my experiences with you even if it does take months and months I will keep you all posted, you deserve to know what's going on! I am going to mix some mono with SPF sunscreen for the day and normal lotion for the night. Has anybody got any good products which are inexpensive and come in big amounts that I can mix the mono with? Something that gives you nice beautiful silky smooth skin. I guess you might as well go all the way with it and look your best! :)

    I also hope that this treatment will make me look, younger and more vibrant and youthful and fresher like the I've been eating vegies all my life and just came out of high school look. :P I might match it off with some microdermabrasion on my face. (hey.. you can never look too young right?) and laser/IPL to get rid of those annoying hairs.. permanently! :) Ahhh.. what a hobby I have :P he he he! <3

    beau_619's Avatar
    beau_619 Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 4, 2007, 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahid
    I know it's going to take time. Months even.. to acheive lighter shades... Im going to be using L-glutathione pills, Kojic Soap and Monobenzene. And im going to mix Rose Hip Oil into my night cream and day SPF cream. Im sure in the end its worth it and ill be bringing myself closer to the lighter complexion ive always wanted. I have already sent my order in for Mono and await it's delivery to my home.

    Thank you all of you for sharing your experiences, I will also share my experiences with you even if it does take months and months I will keep you all posted, you deserve to know what's going on! I am going to mix some mono with SPF sunscreen for the day and normal lotion for the night. Has anybody got any good products which are inexpensive and come in big amounts that I can mix the mono with? Something that gives you nice beautiful silky smooth skin. I guess you might as well go all the way with it and look your best! :)

    I also hope that this treatment will make me look, younger and more vibrant and youthful and fresher like the I've been eating vegies all my life and just came out of high school look. :P I might match it off with some microdermabrasion on my face. (hey.. you can never look too young right?) and laser/IPL to get rid of those annoying hairs.. permanently! :) Ahhh.. what a hobby I have :P he he he! <3


    Vahid, I did some reading up on monobenzene... there are a lot of articles about the damage it can do if your not really light skinned already... "they" also say that it can cause darker skin to become blotchy as it does not lighten evenly... how long have you been using it and have you noticed any of these problems?
    Vahid's Avatar
    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 06:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by beau_619
    Vahid, I did some reading up on monobenzene...there are alot of articles about the damage it can do if your not really light skinned already..."they" also say that it can cause darker skin to become blotchy as it does not lighten long have you been using it and have you noticed any of these problems?

    I haven't begun yet.
    I understand what you are saying. There is allot of risk involved in everything in life. But I do believe the change will be gradual. I hope so anyway.
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    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 06:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovie1
    you're so right that's why people don't give testimonials about what products they used in fear of being called a seller or advertiser shame. damn shame
    Lovie so I'm just clarifying.. you've been using monobenzene for over a year at 20% and you've experienced no vitiligo effect? (Just gradual lightening?) I just need this confirmation before I begin my mono therapy. Thank You. :)
    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 08:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahid
    lovie so im just clarifying.. youve been using monobenzene for over a year at 20% and you've experienced no vitiligo effect? (Just gradual lightening?) I just need this confirmation before I begin my mono therapy. Thank You. :)


    EXAMPLE imagine a person who is already spotty with vitaligo the skin disease. Now when those people use monobenzone it does'nt produce more vitaligo spots it lightens the darker skin areas to match the vitaligo spots and this process is gradual.
    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 08:24 AM
    I Wish Some People With Vitailgo Will Come In Here And Let You People Know That When They Depigmented That It Was'nt In Spots But In Gradual Even Stages.

    It Is Very Rare That A Person Depigs Spotty.
    Hamid28's Avatar
    Hamid28 Posts: 31, Reputation: 2
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    Dec 5, 2007, 09:03 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovie1
    I Wish Some People With Vitailgo Will Come In Here And Let You People Know That When They Depigmented That It Was'nt In Spots But In Gradual Even Stages.

    It Is Very Rare That A Person Depigs Spotty.
    Don't know where you get your info from but I do know that it's dangerious what your doing get your facts straight... NO IT"S NOT SAFE TO USE MONOBENZONE IF YOU DON"T HAVE VIT!! Do not listen to these fools saying otherwise.

    Read this quote from an official vit. Site :

    They always find some excuse not to make it. I believe that there is not enough money to be made from a cream that serves only a single purpose — to depigment completely only those people with extensive vitiligo who will accept being totally white. But for those who need it, that cream is essential. Benoquin should never be used as a general lightening agent for people with normal dark skin because most will end up with disfiguring white streaks that can be worse than vitiligo. Patients with an unstable pigmentary system, such as those with vitiligo, depigment easily and usually completely.

    Or read the whole story.. anyway all you people on this forum looking for safe way to lighten your skin,there a lot of good creams out there but also a few not to be used.Monobenzone or Benoquin is one of them don't listen to just everybody do you research.Your skin is your biggest organ so be careful with it, I'm shocked at the latest comments how some people are so desperate " to just try anything"...

    Check the full story :

    National Vitiligo Foundation, INC. - Depigmentation

    lovie1's Avatar
    lovie1 Posts: 104, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 09:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamid28
    Don't know where you get your info from but I do know that it's dangerious what your doing get your facts straight...NO IT"S NOT SAFE TO USE MONOBENZONE IF YOU DON"T HAVE VIT!!!! do not listen to these fools saying otherwise.

    Read this quote from an offical vit. site :

    They always find some excuse not to make it. I believe that there is not enough money to be made from a cream that serves only a single purpose — to depigment completely only those people with extensive vitiligo who will accept being totally white. But for those who need it, that cream is essential. Benoquin should never be used as a general lightening agent for people with normal dark skin because most will end up with disfiguring white streaks that can be worse than vitiligo. Patients with an unstable pigmentary system, such as those with vitiligo, depigment easily and usually completely.

    Or read the whole story..anyway all you people on this forum looking for safe way to lighten your skin,there a lot of good creams out there but also a few not to be used.Monobenzone or Benoquin is one of them dont listen to just everybody do you research.Your skin is your biggest organ so be carefull with it, I'm shocked at the latest comments how some people are so desperate " to just try anything".......

    check the full story :

    National Vitiligo Foundation, INC. - Depigmentation

    And if that was the case I would be spotty after 1yr. 2mos of mono use.
    Vahid's Avatar
    Vahid Posts: 36, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 5, 2007, 04:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by lovie1
    And if that was the case i would be spotty after 1yr. 2mos of mono use.
    monobenzone does not cause vit now i'm a USER SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE.ARE YOU SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE?
    Thanks lovie.. that's right.. as soon as you want to do something.. people want to scare you into not doing it.. everything has risks.. that's life... I might go to the city and catch a fatal disease.. woopdeedooda.

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