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    bdevine's Avatar
    bdevine Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
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    May 18, 2006, 11:08 AM
    I am a hair dresser and can honestly say that the product you are looking for is called molases made by abba it is an intense clarifier and used daily will drastically reduce your color. Also washing with the hottest water helps to fade color.
    cazgirl's Avatar
    cazgirl Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 18, 2006, 04:53 PM
    Thanks Again PrettynPetite1... well, this hair has gone "green" too - well, a tinge of it. So... I trotted off to my former stylist, and asked her if NOW she could do something with it. She said "yes, now that he has covererd it over for me". So, tomorrow I go at 12:30.. her plan is to go an all over colour, darker than it is now, with blonde hilites - not thin ones, but larger ones. She feels that if they are larger (chunkier as she put it) it will cover better against the darker colour. You know, I trust her - she's done my hair for many years, but when she told me she wouldn't fix it, I was miffed. So not so sure now.

    She says for sure she can get rid of the greenish cast... but is there a polite way of asking her to get as close to the root as possible with the hilites (I've often left there with definite quarter inch gaps, and been reluctant to go back).

    One more question - if colour "fades" over time... won't the "Greenish / ashy hue" fade as well??

    I'm thinking of getting her to just put lighter hilites in what I have now - but then again, I guess it won't cover this green. Gosh, can you EVER get rid of the green??

    Tks!! Keep your fingers crossed it works this time - I'm cleaning out my bank account trying to fix this.
    Lmb812's Avatar
    Lmb812 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 24, 2006, 12:08 PM
    Hi everyone,
    I've been dyeing my hair for some time now, and while I loved the color when I would first dye it, it faded way too fast. So I decided to go with a different brand, same color.. so I thought. It came out black! Should have been light to medium brown. So I searched online and came across this forum. I went out and got some Dawn, and used my boyfriend's dandruff shampoo, and washed my hair quite a few times, and it actually worked! Now I love the color. So just remember to condition after you shampoo! So thanks everyone!!
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    May 30, 2006, 10:41 PM
    You're welcome, cazgirl. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your highlights will come out the way you want it.
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
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    Jun 2, 2006, 04:03 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cazgirl
    Thanks Again PrettynPetite1 ... well, this hair has gone "green" too - well, a tinge of it. So ... I trotted off to my former stylist, and asked her if NOW she could do something with it. She said "yes, now that he has covererd it over for me". So, tomorrow I go at 12:30 .. her plan is to go an all over colour, darker than it is now, with blonde hilites - not thin ones, but larger ones. She feels that if they are larger (chunkier as she put it) it will cover better against the darker colour. You know, I trust her - she's done my hair for many years, but when she told me she wouldn't fix it, I was miffed. So not so sure now.

    She says for sure she can get rid of the greenish cast... but is there a polite way of asking her to get as close to the root as possible with the hilites (I've often left there with definite quarter inch gaps, and been reluctant to go back).

    One more question - if colour "fades" over time ... won't the "Greenish / ashy hue" fade as well???

    I'm thinking of getting her to just put lighter hilites in what I have now - but then again, I guess it won't cover this green. Gosh, can you EVER get rid of the green????

    Tks!!! Keep your fingers crossed it works this time - I'm cleaning out my bank account trying to fix this.
    Hi, cazgirl, I sure hope that all of you girls remember that it's summer time, and time to go to the swimming pool. Well, when you go into a chlorine-filled pool with bleached hair, you'll probably wind up wondering why your hair turns green. Unfortunately, it does, and we sometimes forget this. The chemicals in swimming pools can do strange things to your body, so be just as selective about your pools as you are about your hairstylists. Tell your hairstylist about your sport and swimming habits to help him/her advise you best on what to do for your hair in the summer. I've been told that applying hair-wax before swimming protects the hair a little. There should also be some new improved products from California beach-scenes that will help.

    Good luck and have a great weekend, and a super summer!

    P.S. Hey pretty.. - keep up the great job!
    cazgirl's Avatar
    cazgirl Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 3, 2006, 04:24 AM
    Thanks Tons Pretty and Chery... I think it's great that there is a place to go about our beauty woes, AND that there are professionals out there who will answer us!

    Thanks so much!! Oh... my hair is much better, but depending on the shampoo I use, I can still see that darn "ashy hue" and the occasional green too!! Guess cutting it is the only solution.

    Am on the hunt to find an awesome hairstylist who will work with me to achieve the look I want. Any suggestions (I'm from the Toronto Ontario area)

    Thanks again!!
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    Jun 5, 2006, 07:52 PM
    Caz, I know you're still hesitant about letting another hairstylist fix your hair after what you've been through. But there are a lot of good hairstylists out there that will be able to correct the problem for you. The best way to locate a trusted new hair stylist is to ask for referrals. Ask friends and family for references of stylists that they trust and recommend. Also, check the Yellow Pages and phone directories to see if a stylist with the specialty you need has a listed advertisement. Good luck.

    Chery is right. Prevention is the always the best medicine for hair problems. Chemically created blondes tend to have hair that may be more porous and allow chemicals to soak in easier. Heavy metals, such as copper, found in pool water are the culprits in turning light colored hair greenish. Since the outer hair shaft may be open and damaged from exposure to chlorine, this allows the heavy metals to get into the hair shaft and turn hair green. Ladies, once you get out of the pool, rinse your hair with club soda, it will prevent your hair from turning green. Or, you can use clarifying shampoos to get rid of the greenish hue.
    BLUEEYESHOTTIE14 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 12, 2006, 02:42 PM
    hi how do you apply the dawn and dandruff shampoo?
    do you mix it?
    i dyed my hair "dark brown" and it came out like black.
    i want it to be like light-medium brown.
    what can i do?
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    Jun 15, 2006, 11:04 PM
    Blueeyeshottie14, use a clarifying shampoo, it will help fade your hair faster. Keep in mind that artificial hair color will fade more quick the more you shampoo.
    irishgirl2006's Avatar
    irishgirl2006 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 29, 2006, 09:20 AM
    Hi all,

    I have the same prob as many other posters, tried to die my naturally fair hair to brown. But it's jet black. I hate it so much, am so used to being blonde I can't stand it.

    But I live in Ireland and have never heard of any of these brands of shampoo that have been suggested, or the dishwashing stuff. Please please help I can't buy any of these things here and I absolutely HAVE to get rid of this colour!! :( :( :( :( :( :(
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    Jun 30, 2006, 05:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by irishgirl2006
    Hi all,

    I have the same prob as many other posters, tried to die my naturally fair hair to brown. But it's jet black. I hate it so much, am so used to being blonde I can't stand it.

    But I live in Ireland and have never heard of any of these brands of shampoo that have been suggested, or the dishwashing stuff. Please please help I can't buy any of these things here and I absolutely HAVE to get rid of this colour!!!:( :( :( :( :( :(
    Irishgirl2006, the only way you're going to get your natural blonde hair back is to grow your hair out. However, you can also do a double process, it's when the hair is lighten with bleach and then a toner is applied to give you your desired color. This process should be done by a licensed hairstylist. But if you want to fade your color slightly and can't find the products that were discussed on this thread, shampooing with a regular shampoo and exposure to water will gradually fade hair dye.
    Ifeltsleepy's Avatar
    Ifeltsleepy Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 15, 2006, 02:13 PM
    I have a question... I've been dying my hair Dark red for about 2 years straight. I've been trying to go back to my original hair color which is blondish... I'm just too impatient to wait for it to grow out. It's faded quite a bit so far, but it's still not light enough! What can I do to speed up this process? I am not interested in bleaching or hair stripping because my hair will most likely fall out, or be damaged until it grows out. -_- Any home remedies? Will Prell work?
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    Jul 16, 2006, 10:29 PM
    Red hair dyes fade fast but doesn't mean that your hair will fade back to blonde. If you've used permanent hair colors, the chemical is still in your hair and it won't wash out. Red hair is difficult to change to a blonde shade. Do not do it yourself. I recommend that you have it done professionally. Your hair may not require bleaching. The hairstylist will determine what level your current color is. Then she/he will use a higher volume peroxide developer with an ash base blonde color to remove the red and match your original hair color.
    tasha_raps_fan's Avatar
    tasha_raps_fan Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 20, 2006, 12:03 PM
    I recently dyed my hair dark brown and turned out black almost! My natural colour is dark dark brown *almost black*, but I was not used to it since I always had my hair dyed light. My complexion is meditteranean so it looked OK but yikes it was inky darkkkk black. SO, this is what I did to make it fade. I washed my hair everyday with a clarifying shampoo and an anti-dandruff shampoo. Before I even got into the shower though to wash my hair I used VO5 Hot Oil treatment, but did NOT warm it up, I used it cold *best way to use it if you want to fade your color* So I did this everyday for 4 days, and it actually started to fade, my color is a nice rich brown. It'll eventually fade away more though because I dyed it with a non-permanent dye. SOO, hope this helps anyone out there who had the same prob. As me. Xo
    lilblueeyes0703's Avatar
    lilblueeyes0703 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 25, 2006, 04:53 AM
    OK. So on Saturday afternoon I dyed my hair a light/medium brown with highlights and of course my boyfriend told me they looked orangy. So me being the genius that I am dyed it dark brown. It came out so awful it was black and dark brown in some spots. I went to the hair salon and she dyed it one color.. dark brown with little light blonde highlights in it. I hate that you can't see the highlights and that the dark brown is way to dark for my pale face. What I want to know is, I got it done last night, if I use dandruff shampoo and put hot oil in my hair will it help fade the dark brown? Please let me know thank you
    PrettyLady's Avatar
    PrettyLady Posts: 2,765, Reputation: 332

    Jul 26, 2006, 11:22 AM
    I've answered your question on this thread.
    dawn555's Avatar
    dawn555 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 31, 2006, 11:27 PM
    Thank you so much for all the helpful advice on this forum! I have light auburn/red hair. I like my shade but thought it'd be fun to spice things up a bit. I used Herbal Essences' Bold n' Brilliant Color in Deep Red. I left the color on for 35 min. instead of 25, since the instructions said this could be done to achieve a more intense color. Intense would be an understatement. It's now blood red. I've seen a lot of posts about brown and blonde hair but didn't see many on red. Which products would be best to just bring the color down a few notches, but do so quickly as I can't wait six weeks for this color to fade? Again, thanks!
    Cherity's Avatar
    Cherity Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 3, 2006, 10:06 PM
    What is the best way to lighten an at home hair color the color is good it is just to dark
    Phedre's Avatar
    Phedre Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2006, 02:41 AM
    I just had my hair done at the salon. It was supposed to be red/orange Level "7.7" (almost 8, but not quite). It's pretty brilliant red in the sun (which I wanted) but still more of a darker auburn than I'd like. I can *almost* deal but would like it a bit lighter--or perhaps more accurately, brighter.

    I know the smart thing is to have the salon do it, but I've had this woman strip color before, and I refuse to do it again. Will one of the hot oil/clarifying combinations give me what I need? And does it matter that the roots were perm and the ends demi? The ends are actually more of what's bothering me. Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help!
    kaylaed's Avatar
    kaylaed Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 4, 2006, 12:15 PM
    Does prell really help fade away darkened hair? And if it does is it that much of a change?

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