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    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 13, 2008, 01:01 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    These guys are;

    Daily Email Newsletter - Funniest Video of the Day
    That was funny!
    Thanks hon. I have seen a show like this on German TV and thought it was funny, didn't know there was a real show like this... have noticed that the Europeans like to play copy-cat to game shows and other popular shows on air. They have even started their own Soaps now.. yuck.. not my style -
    I'll stick to sci-fi and spy/detective series instead of soaps. Too bad Jerry has not hit the english-speaking programs here yet - would love to laugh at some of those people - I wonder where they get them from or who thinks of the subject matter... someone bored, yet talented enough to make money off this type of show.

    Have to get ready for a nurse and my companion today, so will check on you a little later,

    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Oct 13, 2008, 01:20 AM

    Hi my dear Momma C! I am just on my way to bed my sweets! I should have gone long ago actually, so my eyes are tired and blurry. I feel bad that I have only been sending you a few quick emails in the last few days! I'm just not too focused lately, and then get diverted onto all sorts of things, and feel I just don't get the things done that I'd like to!. like writing my usual letters to Momma!

    Today is going to be an aggrivating day, I can tell that already. Thanksgiving and guilt things! I just unplugged my phone because of calls, so maybe I can get a little sleep now. Cross your fingers!

    I hope your day goes well with your helpers, and I will write soon okay.

    ... oh and I'm sorry, your little girl loves her soap. The ones that are in Europe are a little different. Like Coronation Street... blah! I only watch one, but I have watched since I was 12 or 13, and even though it gets stupid, I just can't give it up! ;) Just another one of my many vices! LOL!

    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Oct 13, 2008, 06:52 AM

    Pretty quick thinking... huh?

    Jason B Herald » Blog Archive » Diggin it
    startover22's Avatar
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    Oct 13, 2008, 07:37 AM
    Chery... I just wanted to stop by and say hello and give you a soft hug. :):)
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Oct 13, 2008, 08:25 AM

    Wow... be careful clicking on this one...

    Baby Polar Bear | Funny Picture | Baby Polar Bear Attack
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 13, 2008, 07:21 PM
    Stringer... that Italian son did a super job! That's what I would have done too - If you want things done, sometimes you have to use your imagination.

    Alex saw the real 'Knutt' in the Berlin Zoo last year - he's a little bigger now and still enjoying himself. That was a lucky little bear as he was rejected by his Mom and had a wonderful foster-dad. Not even all two-legged children are that lucky.

    Starby, I too like the US Soaps, but the only one they air here is Bold and Beautiful - you know, with Brooke? Since I have a few other things more important to do, I've stopped as they are a few years behind anyway. It's the German Soaps that get on my nerves - that's why I subscribed to the luxury of pay-tv.. my choice and no commercials, no biased news media that brainwashes either. I enjoy history channel and National Geographic - and naturally my Sci-Fi channel now. SpiderMan 3 is coming on this next Sunday, in german of course, but I'll enjoy it.

    I received my new Bamboo One Tablet and Pen today! Now I just have to wait until I'm feeling better to play with it. Not up to par these last few days and wish I could get some sleep without pain. I'm really sick and tired of being 'sick'. Glad that the day is over and I will have a fews days of peace without interruptions at the door or phone.. Maybe I can get some rest now.

    Start.. thanks honey, I know you are probably pretty busy but I also know that my 'warrior' is there...

    Talk to you later..

    jrebel7's Avatar
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    Oct 13, 2008, 08:14 PM

    I have had my radar out for you Chery! I was concerned you might be feeling quite up to par. I am sad about that and sure hope you are having relief from the pain by this posting. You are such a great "Momma C"! Keep those little ones in line. It's a full time job, yeah?? Love and hugs coming your way! :)
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Oct 13, 2008, 11:36 PM

    Momma C, I really can't get into The Bold and the Beautiful, but I've seen bits and pieces. I sometimes watch a bit of The Young and the Restless, because we used to sit with Grandma and watch that and The Edge of Night, and Another World... which have been off the air for ages now. I watch Days of Our Lives... like I said since I was a kid, and I have to catch that one. ;)
    Unknown008's Avatar
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    Oct 14, 2008, 05:10 AM

    Hi in here! Momma C, I hope you not feeling any bad from your disease.. I've been pretty busy, and I don't think to be less busy in the upcoming days, and weeks, because of exams. I pray for you every night! Big hugs!! Seen you perhaps later!
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    Oct 14, 2008, 05:33 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer
    Unky..what have you been up to?????????? I look at my computer and I have 6 email notices from AMHD AND...........they are ALL from UNKY. You have been busy my little friend....
    Sorry Stringer... couldn't help me.. :o. Ok, I'll post a long post rather that severall!! ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Hello and Goodmorning everyone.. This is a long weekend for all our Canadian friends. Its our Thanksgiving.........

    Well I should say a early Happy thanksgiving to all our American friends even though that is another month away.. Well Take care you all

    Have a great day......

    Thanksgiving?? Was it thanksgiving?? Well, I'm so sorry I missed it... I'm not used to the special days in your country... :o

    Quote Originally Posted by Starty
    I have been ill and yester I got the bummy tummy flu. BUT now I feel like a million bucks and am gonna start getting back into the game little lady I have missed you! Good luck this weekend!
    Sorry to hear that Starty, I think too I have it... my nose is running... However, glad that you're feeling better!

    Oops, that's starting to be long!:p

    Quote Originally Posted by Alty
    Hi Everyone,

    I don't have long, just stopping in to say a quick hello and to post a picture of the newest member to the Altenweg family.

    This is Chewy, he's 8 weeks old. He's taken to us as quickly as we've taken to him. I'll write more later, just wanted to show you.
    Chewy? Yes, and Awww! But... by coincidence, that's the name of a local dog snack which has newly been launched on the market here.LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Biggie

    I'm gone one weekend and I miss 24 pages of a new site.. Jeesh.. Thats a lot. Not going to have the time to read all of that

    Not staying long, just stopping in to say I got the memo....
    Me too Biggie, except that I was able to come more often, but even then!!

    Quote Originally Posted by M
    Hi all
    I hope you all had a great weekend

    I think the Duck has been mating with the Crocs in the Moat Attachment 12821

    Quote Originally Posted by M
    When you flash that Badge anything will shy away. It shows you are now a warrior Princess

    We should celebrate this new found lets see what I can come up with
    Congrats Rebbie! You're now Warrior Princess Rebbie! A true Lioness!! LOL Sorry for not being here for the celebration of last Sunday...

    Oh, I don't have time to read the rest, catch you all later gators!

    Oh, I forgot to welcome our newcomers, Dr. Drizzle and Princess Curly (is that official?) Anyway, I'll find some time to translate your sig into a more proper french, OK?
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 14, 2008, 10:27 AM

    Unky, I don't think Stringer meant you had to condense all of your posts into one. I believe he probably was kidding with you, and laughing to himself, because every one he opened that day was a posting of yours. I've got it down to a pat myself. I know myself that if I get up early and there is a posting in the castle, Momma C's room, and a few others, that they will all be you, because of the time difference.

    I always enjoy getting my morning read from our Unky! Don't stop doing that... Starby won't have anything to read in the morning! :(
    Chery's Avatar
    Chery Posts: 3,666, Reputation: 698
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 14, 2008, 11:53 AM
    Hi babies, missed you all. Could someone send post the link to this new 'room' please, because I'd like to see a picture of Chewy too.

    M. I like the Crocducky! but poor thing, how and what does this species eat?

    My fever finally broke and my tummy had an erruption - after a little baking soda - and I feel a little better. Now I just have to console myself that the moist weather out there will have fun with my bones. My new son-in-law also has arthritis and is in some serious pain - poor guy - but at least he has good physicians who found a med that works most of the time and he has learned to give himself his own shots. He didn't take his meds with him to San Fransisco, so now he's paying for it and I hope he's symptom-free soon. I had to remind Jaime that this is on both sides of the family, so when Alex complains - she should think about that and have him checked out - it could be more than just 'growing pains'.. Then I get the usual rolling eyes and 'yes, Mom' but at least it registers.

    I finally got a whole cup of broth down today and also 1 1/2 hrs of sleep. Wow, I feel almost new. Don't know who I got this flu from, but I plan on wearing a mask from now on when around other people. Instead of taking a nice trip, my little family was also at home fighting a flu - too bad they didn't get to enjoy the weekend as planned.

    OK, now I too understand about 'Thanksgiving'. When I was emailing about this, I thought wow, it's till so far away, now I know when Canadian Thanksgiving is, and I hope you survived it honey, with that family of your's - it's over now and soon will your pain of traveling so far- I hope!

    C.U. folks later..
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 14, 2008, 04:11 PM

    I'm sorry Momma! I should've posted the link before for you to find. Here tis!

    I didn't get to the lake, I wasn't feeling well among other things... but boy am I ever paying for it today! I not being let off the hook for this one, and there are always consequences for not doing what I'm TOLD! Yes I'm 4 yrs old!. in my parents eyes. Uurrgghhh! I need a nap... yes seriously I do!

    Yes, Thanksgiving is about a month earlier here. It's Columbus Day in the states. I don't really remember why, but whatever... LOL!

    My computer is being stupid again, I've had no phone service on and off since Sunday, and since my wonderful brother didn't bring over the smart card for my satellite receiver... that he got about 2 months ago... I now have no TV chanells! So limited computer and phone, and no TV makes little Starby a very unhappy girl! Now he isn't even in town, so who knows when all of this will be fixed, although I've been asking politely for months. Maybe politeness is not the way to go?

    I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well again. You don't need the flu on top of everything else. :( I'm glad you are feeling a bit better though. I wish Mother Nature would at least work with you! I know about the arthritis that comes with the damp or cold weather. I sure wish you could get down more than a cup of broth Momma! I wish I could make you your favouritist meal, and you could wolf it down! I would sing you a lullaby so you could get more sleep. Wait... that would probably have the opposite effect! LOL!

    Well I better go for now. I forgot I was suppose to call the vet today to try and make an appt for Nik tomorrow on short notice, as per instructions from Mommie Dearest! Sorry... I'm not in the best of moods! ;)

    Stringer's Avatar
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    Oct 14, 2008, 08:00 PM

    Now this is kind of cute... someone has to give a darn about that DUCK ! I guess... hee hee.
    friend4u178's Avatar
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    Oct 14, 2008, 08:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    Now this is kinda cute...someone has to give a darn about that DUCK ! I guess.....hee hee.
    Nice stringer... :)

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    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Oct 15, 2008, 12:15 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    Now this is kinda cute...someone has to give a darn about that DUCK ! I guess.....hee hee.
    Awwww... my brudder the Tin Man found his hawt! I lub my big brudder! :)
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    Oct 15, 2008, 08:51 AM

    Yes, sorry (a moment of weakness I guess) ha ha... no, we all love our little duckie. But the one in the picture has way too many feathers (fuzz), M... we need to fix that... hee hee.
    Stringer's Avatar
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    Oct 15, 2008, 08:52 AM
    Thanks M... I thought that it might start making 'em feel a little better about us...
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Oct 15, 2008, 08:59 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    Yes, sorry (a moment of weakness I guess) ha, we all love our little duckie. But the one in the picture has way too many feathers (fuzz), M.......we need to fix that.........hee hee.
    But... but... I was just starting to feel all warm and cozy! :(
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Oct 15, 2008, 09:11 AM

    That's nice... isn't it?

    Warm and cozy (fuzzy), we want you to fell that way... yep. Just walk around like nothing is ever going to happen to that last little feather duckie...

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