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    alana1xxx's Avatar
    alana1xxx Posts: 64, Reputation: 8
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    Apr 18, 2009, 07:31 AM

    You go boy! That's the right attitude you have now keep her on a short leash don't play her games anymore she messed up so she can try to fix it now if she does feel guilty then that's her prob not yours isn't it amazing how now when her little tantrum comes to an end she comes crawling back prob wondering why you didn't come chasing after her or bombarding her with phone calls and texts she now realises your a lot more of a man then she thought you were. As for that mutual friend something doesn't add up with him why is he so bothered if you guys are talking or not by the sounds of it your right he is enjoying this I think the next time he tries to pass you a message from her you should simply say listen mate that's between me and her when and if I want to meet her that's my call I don't need to be constantly reminded I'm well aware of the situation and yea he prob will tell her that butmark my words she will only try harder to get in contact with you, I'm so happy everything is working out for you once those few weeks pass when your so down and almost suffering withdrawl symptons yourmind becomes clear and its laughable the way youthought before. You are finally in control so make sure you keep it that way you deserve all you can get from life and I'm sure an even better looking woman than jennifer aniston will come along ha ha
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Apr 18, 2009, 01:28 PM

    Your friends attitude is a big headache, and you do need to get him out of your business, once and for all.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 18, 2009, 05:38 PM

    Thank you both for your comments! Yeah, our friend... emailed me today on MYSPACE and Facebook... he had asked me what I was doing today and I told him... anyway... I asked what he was doing... and you know what he said??

    He said that he was hanging out with my EX!!

    What the heck? Why is he telling me that? Does he want me to ask about her? Or what he's talking to her about? If they are talking about me... etc etc etc...

    Hey guys, I didn't answer him back. I'm sure even he now. Is wondering why not. If he is with my ex.. believe me he is showing her all my emails that I sent him before my head got clear. I'm sure they are both dying to hear from me today...

    Its like BAIT. They give me a little bit.. and want me to take it so they can just reel me in and then cut me loose.

    What do youall think? I'm I handling this the right way?? Please comment if you can.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 18, 2009, 05:38 PM
    But... fyi... to be honest... I do want to reply... even if only to not mention her. But of course, I'm not.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 18, 2009, 06:13 PM

    And now come to think of it... im pissed because he should know better not to manipulate my emotions like that.
    Nestorian's Avatar
    Nestorian Posts: 978, Reputation: 152
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    Apr 18, 2009, 09:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyoverher View Post
    and now come to think of pissed because he should know better not to manipulate my emotions like that.
    Be mindful of your emotions, my young friend, after all, they are your responsibility are they not? Do the choices you make not influence them? Perhaps you may consider pondering this idea.
    "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast. A wild beast may hurt your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. Avoid all hottie, conceded proud and arrogant minds. And remain peaceful and subdued."-Buddha
    alana1xxx's Avatar
    alana1xxx Posts: 64, Reputation: 8
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    Apr 20, 2009, 02:56 AM

    Mmmm id say reply but don't mention her what so ever then when he does show her the e-mail she will be wondering even more what's going on! Then the next time its just your man and yourself tell him straight out you don't appreciate it I think he is trying to be her knight in shining armour he obviously has a thing for her whether he will admit it or not that's not what a friend should be doing to you he should be trying to help both of you get over one another not take her side and try to betray your trust in him by showing her all your e-mails don't take the bait on this one play along and anoy them and whatever you do don't bring her up in any way let her stew for a while she deserves it :)
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 20, 2009, 07:10 AM

    Thanks! I will keep the NC and will tell him not to bring her up... let her stew... and yeah, I don't think he's too much my friend anymore.. gonna distance myself from him.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 22, 2009, 03:17 PM

    Hi everyone...

    I got a question for you all... I live in san antonio, Texas and this week is fiesta week. It's a big party all week long!

    Anyway, tonight there is a party at this public place... everyone goes there. My question is: what do I do if I run into my ex??

    Any advice would be helpful... do I greet her? Ignore her? etc...

    Nestorian's Avatar
    Nestorian Posts: 978, Reputation: 152
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    Apr 22, 2009, 04:49 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyoverher View Post
    hi everyone....................

    i got a question for you all.... i live in san antonio, texas and this week is fiesta week. its a big party all week long!

    anyway, tonight there is a party at this public place...everyone goes there. my question is: what do i do if i run into my ex????

    any advice would be i greet her? ignore her? etc....

    What do you think is best, as we only know a little of the puzzle where as you see all the pieces, we just know how they may fit best for us to see the whole picture. Know what I mean?

    GO, but DO NOT DRINK, as it will highten your feelings of anxiety, and your brain function will be low, and then the anxiety may make it much worse. That means, you may say and do things you will realize are stupid later, and then you will suffer more. Go have fun, if you see her and she comes to talk say hi but leave it at that. Try to keep it short and move away from her if you have to, as you are still upset over "her and you" but don't approacher, even if you see her, let her do that if she will.

    That's what I suggest, either that or just don't go and chill do something else. IF it's a yearly thing, there will be one next year.

    u74lik's Avatar
    u74lik Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 22, 2009, 08:01 PM
    Hello my friend,. All I can tell you from all of my past experiences is. "If she can walk away from you right now, She could always walk away from you anytime... make up your mind... Your decisio will be base on your judgement.. goodluck...
    Fuzzball_Kara's Avatar
    Fuzzball_Kara Posts: 279, Reputation: 74
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    Apr 22, 2009, 08:12 PM

    All relationships... you need self respect. Or it's just not going to work. I felt there was little hope until I read that part. THen I knew for sure it was gone
    Fuzzball_Kara's Avatar
    Fuzzball_Kara Posts: 279, Reputation: 74
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    Apr 22, 2009, 08:16 PM

    Ugh.. I hadn't realized I was like months late. For the party I think you should take some friends who can keep you in the right mind. Have loads of fun. It's life's candy. Just don't mind her at all. She's not worth it
    lighterrr's Avatar
    lighterrr Posts: 1,415, Reputation: 72
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    Apr 22, 2009, 08:16 PM

    The desperation and obsessive behavior you show towards his girl could be what's pushing her away. If she wants to leave let her go. Move on with your life if you 2 are destined for each other you'll find one another again @ the right time.
    broken_1's Avatar
    broken_1 Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Apr 22, 2009, 09:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown2world View Post
    Reading this as a womens prospective I have to say maybe you can improve how u treat her and show her some respect. Women want nothing more then respect. They want to feel like they are on top of the world
    Respectfully, I beg to differ. You can read my story and you would realize that I just treated my girl right, but she tossed me aside and created a big mess.

    My perspective is that some people are wired to react in a certain way. Coming back to the question of the original post, I think you are burning dollars to retain a quarter (if that makes sense). If you move on, regain yourself respect, make something better out of your life, always make sure that you are associating yourself with people who would respect you.. you will realize that the 'beautiful' girl you carried like a 'trophy' girlfriend was not worth it.

    I can tell you from my own experience.. because my ex was way beyond my league, and I feel great getting out of it because carrying that relationship was just a big burden.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 27, 2009, 08:51 PM


    AN update... well, I went out that night but I didn't see her... I wasn't looking for her either. I was just having fun with my friends.

    Anyway, here's the deal:


    I haven't looked at it yet but I find it very interesting that she is emailing me on Facebook to begin with? She knew that I gave her a deadline... shes over it by 3 days to be exact.

    Anyway, ill let you all know what she said to me tomorrow but she BROKE the NC rule... NOT ME!


    Ps... what do you all make of what she did?
    lighterrr's Avatar
    lighterrr Posts: 1,415, Reputation: 72
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    Apr 27, 2009, 08:55 PM

    Well maybe she will state her reason for breaking the nc rule in her email, keep us posted, don't put too much into it so your not disappointed if she does not say something that you want to hear
    chuff's Avatar
    chuff Posts: 3,397, Reputation: 1235
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    Apr 27, 2009, 08:58 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyoverher View Post
    HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!

    AN update......well, i went out that night but i didnt see her...i wasnt looking for her either. i was just having fun with my friends.

    Anyway, heres the deal:


    i havent looked at it yet but i find it very interesting that she is emailing me on facebook to begin with? she knew that i gave her a deadline...shes over it by 3 days to be exact.

    anyway, ill let you all know what she said to me tomorrow but she BROKE the NC rule..........NOT ME!


    ps.......what do you all make of what she did?
    I don't know enough about Facebook to answer this but does it show the last time you logged in? If it does, I suggest you DO NOT go read the email. Because she is going to constantly check Facebook to see the last time you logged on, and then she's going to wonder why you are refusing to read her email.

    Who knows why she sent it. Mind control probably. That is why I say, do not log on.
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 27, 2009, 09:41 PM

    Oh OK chuff! I don't know if it shows the time... but that's cool... I won't log on till mid afternoon tomorrow.

    Yeah, I'm not having false hope... she probably is just going to say mean things to me. You know, the usual shi% anyway, I'm really happy though that she broke NC and is at least saying somehting even if its for me to go Guck myself... lol

    It is her form of mind control she doesn't like the fact that I just dropped out of her life just like that... since I've never done that before. She was the one and then id come crawling back

    You see our mutual friend said that she really wanted to talk to me 2 weeks ago but I didn't say a word about that. :)

    So nowhere for her to go but directly to me right? That's what everyone here says... if she want to get in touch with you then she will find a way. So she found one today.

    The bad thing is that my feeling have changed about her. And not to lower myself to her level but everyone, if I would take her back, my respect for her is very low. I think that I would mistreat her this time... nothing violent or anything but just really ambivalent... u know? I don't know... apar to f me says that but another part just wants to have a drama free girlfriend that loves him and I love her. It is that simple.

    When I went out... I had 8 women igive me their pohne numbers and they were decent. One was a stripper she was a knockout. Anyway, its like now that I'm not tied down to one woman at this things... the chicks notcie this and the party is on! I liked it. I think I liked it too much.

    Nah, I didn't hook up with them... at least not yet... dont want to do that right now.

    Anyway, I am worried though guys... help me out... I have bad
    Feeling that she wants to "talk" to me... meet with me soon to talk about us. I don't want to get set up here... if I go, and she says to me that she was right and that she's glad she left me... dam but if she says that she wants to marry me... then what? I would have married her in a heart beaat 4 months ago, but now I'm kindda scared with all the advice that everyone's been giving me.

    Believe it or not... I don't have anything... im poor you know. I make like 30000 yr. and she spends money like crazy. She has a good job 55$ but the thing is I feel so bad for saying this but I had an epiphany:

    II WILL NEVER GET MARRIED WITHOUT A PRENUP... because if she could easily do this now, can you imagine? That's a whole lot of pain
    crazyoverher's Avatar
    crazyoverher Posts: 319, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 28, 2009, 05:54 AM

    Hey everyone...

    I'm going to take chuffs advice and not open up my Facebook, it might show the time I logged in... till tonight... let her keep checking to see if I answered her ;) play some games on her mind this time... ha ha... besides, I have other things to do then answer her.

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