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    neverme's Avatar
    neverme Posts: 1,430, Reputation: 270
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:01 PM


    I was basically raised by a single mom, long story, and it's a crock. My mom worked longer than she should have had to for less than she deserved and and worried for the rest of the time.

    It's no walk in the park, by any feat of the imagination.

    Children need to realise these acts are classed 'adult' for a reason. And if you are not ready to have a baby, then don't have sex.

    What really gets me, are the ones who aren't even smart enough to use protection to begin with?!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:03 PM

    I went to Catholic school, while there 4 of my friends got pregnant. I guess the "abstinence is best" speech didn't sink in, or maybe they didn't go to school that day. ;)

    I had sex in high school, so you, I was a teen that had sex. I didn't care about the consequences even though I knew them. I was young, outgoing and wanted to have fun while I still could, that was my mindset. I got lucky, really lucky, no pregnancies, no serious STD's (yes, I said serious, in other words, I did get an STD, thankfully it was easily cleared up with meds) and I lived to tell about it.

    I do preach abstinence, not until you get married, I'm not naïve, I know that that's not reality, but at least until you're old enough to suffer the possible consequences. In other words, when you're old enough to carry, support (financially and emotionally) and commit to a child. Kids aren't cheap, and I don't think I should have to pay (with my taxes) for someone else to have a child.

    Ana, I commend you for being a responsible teen, and yes, I know there are more of you out there and we shouldn't lump you all into one category. There are some great teen boys on this site that are also waiting to lose their viriginity, as well as other girls your age who know that they are too young. You teens give me hope.

    Confused, I wish you all the best, I hope that things work out for you and your partner, but statistically speaking it doesn't look good. Maybe you won't be a statistic, I hope not.

    We can't change the world, but we can do our best to educate the teens that come here asking questions, so that's a start. Also, we can educate our own children. There are always going to be teen pregnancies, that's just a fact of life, but what we say to those considering having sex can maybe change the statistics a bit.

    That's all I have to say. :)
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by confused_bp View Post
    well lets put it this way my brothers ex girlfriend had a baby boy when she was 19 she couldnt handle it so i took him on with my mum the only time i dont have him is when im at college yeah thats right college so i dont think its true that young parents,parents to be throw their life away. i handle my hephew really well and i love the life i live. i find it easy but i guess not everyone has the same opinion. i would do anything for my nephew and my baby boy.
    Well lets say you just made my point. I never said you weren't capable. I was capable as well. I said you will have a different outlook on it in ten-twelve years. I commend you for what you are doing, I have been there. What I am saying is, adults are right that it is disappointing to see young single mothers. Not that it's not possible to raise children or that they are not capable, from a different perspective, young mothers will face challenges beyond normal parenthood. And the facts are that MOST young single mothers do not finish high school, let alone college. I am not saying that these things don't happen, I am saying that it is difficult. In ten years, if you feel the same way about young teenage mothers, look me up. I will happily eat crow. Fact stand that you are up against tremendious obsticles, some you aren't even aware of yet. Good luck to you.
    neverme's Avatar
    neverme Posts: 1,430, Reputation: 270
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:07 PM


    You have such a kind, firm and inspiring way with words.

    Well done.
    confused_bp's Avatar
    confused_bp Posts: 18, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:07 PM
    [QUOTE=Justwantfair;1580222]I had my son at a fresh 18.

    So you were 18 and young and like neverme said why don't kids learn to use didn't so isn't u being hypicritical?
    neverme's Avatar
    neverme Posts: 1,430, Reputation: 270
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:09 PM

    Confused this is not a personal attack on you.

    Try not to take it as such.
    Luscious Leo's Avatar
    Luscious Leo Posts: 65, Reputation: 12
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:11 PM

    Kids are having sex because sex is everywhere. It's so "vanilla", there's no shock factor behind it anymore. Everyone does it and it's practically expected premarital in American culture. It's not really a big deal here in America anymore. I mean, look at all of the television shows and movies. American Pie? My grandma was telling that in the 50s and 60's a movie like American Pie would have been banned. Sex is a punchline, a comedy skit, there are even sexual references in cartoons.
    It not only lies with the media, I think the root of all of this is the basis of a family.
    Parents just aren't instilling abstinence or at least other alternatives to the presumed lifestyle. I think we as a nation have come a long ways from the 50's-60's- there's some good and some bad to that.
    We've gained a lot, but we've lost so much.
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by confused_bp View Post
    so you were 18 and young and like neverme said y dont kids learn to use didnt so aint u bein hypicritical?
    You are mistaken to read into it as hypocritical. It is disappointment and pity that I feel, because I have been there. Your peaches and cream vision is unrealistic. Spoken from experience, not criticism.
    confused_bp's Avatar
    confused_bp Posts: 18, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:14 PM

    I have experience I gues people either find it easy or a struggle I see it as a joy to be bringing something up that looks up to you.
    Ana52408's Avatar
    Ana52408 Posts: 152, Reputation: 17
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    Mar 2, 2009, 09:15 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    I went to Catholic school, while there 4 of my friends got pregnant. I guess the "abstinence is best" speech didn't sink in, or maybe they didn't go to school that day. ;)

    I had sex in high school, so ya, I was a teen that had sex. I didn't care about the consequences even though I knew them. I was young, outgoing and wanted to have fun while i still could, that was my mindset. I got lucky, really lucky, no pregnancies, no serious STD's (yes, I said serious, in other words, I did get an STD, thankfully it was easily cleared up with meds) and I lived to tell about it.

    I do preach abstinence, not until you get married, I'm not naive, I know that that's not reality, but at least until you're old enough to suffer the possible consequences. In other words, when you're old enough to carry, support (financially and emotionally) and commit to a child. Kids aren't cheap, and I don't think I should have to pay (with my taxes) for someone else to have a child.

    Ana, I commend you for being a responsible teen, and yes, I know there are more of you out there and we shouldn't lump you all into one category. There are some great teen boys on this site that are also waiting to lose their viriginity, as well as other girls your age who know that they are too young. You teens give me hope.

    Confused, I wish you all the best, I hope that things work out for you and your partner, but statistically speaking it doesn't look good. Maybe you won't be a statistic, I hope not.

    We can't change the world, but we can do our best to educate the teens that come here asking questions, so that's a start. Also, we can educate our own children. There are always going to be teen pregnancies, that's just a fact of life, but what we say to those considering having sex can maybe change the statistics a bit.

    That's all I have to say. :)
    DO I reallllllllllllllly have to say it again?

    Another point proved by alty :)

    Too bad in my PUBLIC school there is two pregnant girls.. In Florida, there is awesome private schools. But there is one that is St. Brendan high school. They call it the "slut and hoe school." I'm not going to lie, I know manyyyy people in that school cause I mostly hang out with private school students, but from that school its just like WOWWWW where is the sex education? And when I DO have sex, I'm not going to plan it, I'm going to let it happen. But yes I'm going to think of an older age than 15, maybe 18 and to a guy I'm devoted to and love, and if not after marriage. But I know that if I have sex for love and care but not for kids, I will use protection, and I dooooo spread it around my friends. And I'm defff. Not scared or embarrassed to. Not to be cocky, but a few friends actually look up to me because of the way I prevent and talk students and friends for not falling into the wrong path.
    jennifer1010's Avatar
    jennifer1010 Posts: 63, Reputation: 4
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    Mar 3, 2009, 05:39 PM

    Ana, I didn't not mean to offend anyone, so to you and anyone else that I may have offened, I apologize. I commend you on everything you do. Especially that you talk to your friends about safer choices.

    Alten, You always have great points to make.
    And that's basically what I'm saying. I don't think that not only teens should be more precautious about pregnancy. Anyone who isn't ready commit and support a child financially and emotionally shouldn't be having a baby. And I can certainly agree that children aren't cheap to raise.

    I posted this, not to offend anyone, just to hear what other people have to say. So again sorry If anyone has been offended.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 3, 2009, 05:46 PM

    No offense taken on my part, in fact, I started a very similar thread last year, so I understand your concern and the reason why you want to discuss this.

    The sad fact is, there really isn't anything that can be done for everyone, you can't change the world, just your corner of it. :)
    Ana52408's Avatar
    Ana52408 Posts: 152, Reputation: 17
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    Mar 3, 2009, 05:59 PM

    Exactly what alty said. I'm not going to lie, there is a great percent of young teens getting pregnant now a day, but when people start saying very rude things, you know it gets a little offensive. It's all right, just I think people should really think about what they're going to say before posting it because there is a lottt of teens here and some ARE young and pregnant and you are basically putting them down. It's really hard for them to read all of this and it's even harder the rumors in school and the faces people give you. I'm just saying, maybe you as adults can give warnings instead of critize. I'm an educated 15 year old, I'm not pregnant, I'm not sexually active, and I got offended. I mean, it is there fault but it's an accident too. Think about it you were allll teens and you guys probably allll did one sneaky thing and maybe you guys got in trouble, you know you made a mistake. You were just doing it because you thought it would be fun but then you face consequences, and we're all humans, WE WERE ALL BORN TO MAKE MISTAKES AND LEARN FROM THEM!

    And by the way about the T.V. shows, there is actually a t.v. show on abc family that is called "the secret life of an american teenager" and it really teaches teens about the consequences you will face and the things that will happen around you if you make a wrong mistake to get pregnant. So some T.V. shows are helpful!
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 4, 2009, 06:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Ana52408 View Post
    haha ok listen apperantly your an idiot adult and you probably have never had kids and you never payed attention in your high school sex education class if you ever had one cause it sure sounds like you didnt. You can't assume ALL KIDS are like that cause let me tell you, im 15, i've had a boyfriend for 9 months and WE ARE NOT SEXUALLY ACTIVE! so please back up your , yeah your before you speak. I never curse, especially to an adult or never at parents and teachers and im usually very respectful but your answer just freaking pissed me off because your so freaking illiterate. I can't believe an adult can be so stupid to say such bull . Please lady, you and the woman that posted the thread and an answer need to back up your crap. Oh and btw, what do you care about teens having sex? that really isnt your problem, as long as your kids arent having sex then thats all you should worry about, so PLEASE DO US ALL A FAVOR, and stick your nose where the sun dont shineee!

    And once again, Alty always has a point :)

    At least we know someone on here isnt as illiterate as the other idiots posting very stupid information. SEARCH people SEARCH!

    I bet you anything when you were in high school there was girls that went around and guys that did too, but that doesnt mean you have to insult them calling them hoes and sluts.

    This is why the world is like this now a day, cause of illiterate adults that make stupid freaking decisions!

    This concerns me - this is a post supposedly showing how adult and controlled this 15-year old is? With the ranting, grammar and spelling it's almost impossible to understand what point she's trying to make.

    I see other adults who are hot and/or angered by this topic but I don't see this level of disrespect.

    As we all know I don't think children should be posting on adult threads to begin with.
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    Mar 4, 2009, 07:48 PM

    What misspelling? Cause I said cause because?

    Im sorry, I have all the right to get offended and the right to write my opinion on whatever post, it's not like it's adult sexuality or something.

    Im not disrespecting, I just got very offended.

    & if I was, then I don't care because really, everyone who posted a negative answer is disrespecting me by using "ALL KIDS."
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Mar 4, 2009, 08:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Ana52408 View Post
    What mispelling? cause i said cause cuz?

    Im sorry, i have all the right to get offended and the right to write my opinion on whatever post, it's not like it's adult sexuality or something.

    Im not disrespecting, i just got very offended.

    & if i was, then i dont care because really, everyone who posted a negative answer is disrespecting me by using "ALL KIDS."
    I tried to correct the misspellings and grammar errors but it was taking too long and I am not that patient.

    You have a right to be offended and have your opinion, but you also need to bring your opinion to this forum in an appropriate fashion... "you must be an idiot adult without children" IS NOT an appropriate fashion.

    Everyone here has an opinion to share that is what makes this forum work, but it is not appropriate for attacks because you do not appreciate the opinion. If you would like to disagree with someone quote them and tell them POLITELY why they are generalizing and you don't think that is accurate.
    cmhagedorn's Avatar
    cmhagedorn Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 4, 2009, 08:14 PM

    It's hard to pinpoint exactly what kids are thinking or not thinking when they engage in sexual activity but my outtake on it is this:

    I was a severely neglected/ abused child beginning in infancy. Parents were self absorbed drug/alcoholics. At the age of 3 I was molested and that person continued to molest me until I turned 11. I told my mother about it finally when I was 9 and she didn't do anything about it either out of disbelief or not wanting to cause trouble... whatever her reason its irrelevant... I had no one to protect, love, or nurture me as every child is born requires. At 5 I was raising my newborn sister etc.. As I got into my teens and became more rebellious, if a boy showed interest in me I truly believed in my heart that he loved me and I was willing to do whatever I could to keep his love and obtain more of it only to find that his love never existed only his desire to obtain his physical needs. My promiscuity lasted until I finally wised up at a whopping 29 years old! I finally know that sex and love are 2 completely different things and you don't need one to have the other. My point is, I don't believe that most of the kids out there are having sex to be (bad) they are doing it because sex is the closest we can be to another person physically, false love... is better than not feeling love at all. I hope this gives you a different perspective on it, I would hate to have shared that personal crap for nothing :) God Bless!
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Mar 4, 2009, 08:31 PM

    Cm, that is A lot to go through. It is great to hear that you are on a better tract in life now. God bless you for all that you have been through. You are right there are a lot of teens out there having sex, because they think that it is the same as love.

    I think that overall teenagers are too eager to grow up. They want to be adults and behave like there are adults too early in life. Once you are grown you realize that you didn't appreciate being a child and teenage the way you should have because you FINALLY learn that there isn't any hurry to grow up after all.

    Peer pressure is also a HUGE contributor to sex. "Everyone" is doing it, those who aren't, are probably stating that they are. Then you have those who aren't who feel ashamed like they are the lonely ones. I think one of the greatest things is for teens to decide to wait. Be proud that you are making that decision because THAT decision is more adult then any teenagers will ever understand.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 5, 2009, 06:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cmhagedorn View Post
    It's hard to pinpoint exactly what kids are thinking or not thinking when they engage in sexual activity but my outtake on it is this:

    I was a severely neglected/ abused child beginning in infancy. Parents were self absorbed drug/alcoholics. At the age of 3 I was molested and that person continued to molest me until i turned 11. I told my mother about it finally when I was 9 and she didnt do anything about it either out of disbelief or not wanting to cause trouble...whatever her reason its irrelevant...I had no one to protect, love, or nurture me as every child is born requires. At 5 i was raising my newborn sister etc.. As I got into my teens and became more rebellious, if a boy showed interest in me I truly believed in my heart that he loved me and I was willing to do whatever I could to keep his love and obtain more of it only to find that his love never existed only his desire to obtain his physical needs. My promiscuity lasted until I finally wised up at a whopping 29 years old! I finally know that sex and love are 2 completely different things and you dont need one to have the other. My point is, I don't believe that most of the kids out there are having sex to be (bad) they are doing it because sex is the closest we can be to another person physically, false better than not feeling love at all. I hope this gives you a different perspective on it, I would hate to have shared that personal crap for nothing :) God Bless!

    Excellent, touching, from the heart post - I am always amazed and humbled when people post such personal information, information which will, in fact, be helpful to other people.

    I'm so glad you got your life together - hope you stick around here.
    jennifer1010's Avatar
    jennifer1010 Posts: 63, Reputation: 4
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    Mar 5, 2009, 01:52 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cmhagedorn View Post
    It's hard to pinpoint exactly what kids are thinking or not thinking when they engage in sexual activity but my outtake on it is this:

    I was a severely neglected/ abused child beginning in infancy. Parents were self absorbed drug/alcoholics. At the age of 3 I was molested and that person continued to molest me until i turned 11. I told my mother about it finally when I was 9 and she didnt do anything about it either out of disbelief or not wanting to cause trouble...whatever her reason its irrelevant...I had no one to protect, love, or nurture me as every child is born requires. At 5 i was raising my newborn sister etc.. As I got into my teens and became more rebellious, if a boy showed interest in me I truly believed in my heart that he loved me and I was willing to do whatever I could to keep his love and obtain more of it only to find that his love never existed only his desire to obtain his physical needs. My promiscuity lasted until I finally wised up at a whopping 29 years old! I finally know that sex and love are 2 completely different things and you dont need one to have the other. My point is, I don't believe that most of the kids out there are having sex to be (bad) they are doing it because sex is the closest we can be to another person physically, false better than not feeling love at all. I hope this gives you a different perspective on it, I would hate to have shared that personal crap for nothing :) God Bless!

    Thank You very much for posting that. It definitely made me see the situation in a different way. I'm glad you have your life on track and God Bless You!

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