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    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 24, 2008, 11:35 AM
    [quote=NeedKarma]Who willfully chooses death and cursing? Have you? I haven't. I believe that religion is a personal matter. No one should be coming to my house trying to convert me, that's wrong and an invasion of privacy.[/quo

    He set before us two choices, life or death. Everyone has to choose, if you believe it or not. If you do not chose life, then you automatically chose death. This is what the Word says this is what I believe. You can believe what you like.

    I can see nowhere in any of my posts where I said anything at all about coming to your house trying to convert you. If you can show me where I did write that, please do so. I said blessings upon your house, or something like that, but I do not intend to come to your house, dear. I do not intend to try to convert you on here either.

    I have told you, this is what I believe, and you believe what you choose to believe. Can’t we just agree to disagree?

    I do not even know what you believe. I just know that what ever I believe you choose to disagree. Or so it seems.

    I would even venture to say you seem argumentative toward me no matter what I say, and even on things I do not say, but that might sound to harsh.

    Blessing upon your house, that mean I want you to have a happy home, not that I am planning an invasion of Bible thumpers. That was a bit of humor. If you do not think it is funny just ignore it. No matter.

    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Jul 24, 2008, 11:38 AM
    So we both chose life, cool. :)
    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 24, 2008, 11:58 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    I'm not defending him or taking his side, I point out inaccuracies or double standards as NoHelp pointed out.

    This is a discussion board, people answer/comment on any post they wish to, that's by design, that's why there is no threaded/nesting setup here. If you are uncomfortable with that thee isn't much I can do.

    About that 'beliefs' point you try to make: the christians use the word belief in their own way meaning belief in their god, but the word is more generic than that isn't it? I believe the sun will come up tomorrow, I believe in my kids, I believe that I'll have a beer tonight. I have beliefs.

    I am sure you do not intent it this way, but your words are coming across as very harsh and almost hateful toward me personally.

    I assume you did not think my joke was funny, and you could not find where I had written that I was coming to your house. So, let us just move past all that.

    Of course, this is a discussion board and that was not my point. But if you will look back at some of your one-liners to me; they were not pointing out inaccuracies…they were just rude and they hurt my feelings and almost drove me near to tears.

    Belief and believe do mean different things to different people. But when Christians speak of their beliefs, yes, dear, they are talking of their God. We were not saying that Cred admitted he believes in God. Only that he has beliefs, which he had been denying to any of, for several years. I believe I will have another cup of coffee. See, I understand what you are saying. I wish you could understand what I was saying.

    I would like to make a suggestion, and I hope you take it with the kindness and sincerity in which it is intended. Please read the posts carefully, and perhaps reread them, so that others and I will not have to repeat ourselves so much.

    Peace and love,
    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 24, 2008, 12:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    So we both chose life, cool. :)
    Way cool:)
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Jul 24, 2008, 12:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tsila1777
    I am sure you do not intent it this way, but your words are coming across as very harsh and almost hateful toward me personally.
    Show me where I have done that. :confused:
    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 24, 2008, 12:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    yeah I went around and around with him on believe/accept vs believe IN and he persisted in making the believe an argument as well as many other points.
    Okay you want to call all Americans gringo fine but why argue that it is not also meant as a derogatory term whether you meant it that way or not accept us telling you it can be taken that way.
    I agree making it a us against them is not the issue but the fact that Believers are badgered for not using proper words, spelling errors and typos and other cop outs like ''go back to the subject'' when he gets frustrated that he can no longer deny that we got our point across. I am sorry but I can not stand double standards and that is all that these tactics amount to mostly so I do and will continue to point them out!

    So true. It is discussions board not a spelling bee or grammar class. If one cannot come up with a proper and respectful post then they should refrain from posting. Sinking down to a level of correcting someone’s spelling/grammar or repeating themselves over and over and over…Example: That is indeed your right to believe That is what you believe, not a fact ! Babble, unless you specify what "truth" you refer to ! That includes you too, I note !!! But if you know that, why do you keep doing just that ? ? ? That is what you believe, not a fact !. because they have nothing more intelligent to say is a waste of this privilege.

    Peace and love
    tsila1777's Avatar
    tsila1777 Posts: 138, Reputation: 18
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    Jul 24, 2008, 12:24 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Show me where I have done that. :confused:
    The defeat mentioned was a certain person constantly for months perhaps years saying he has no beliefs and finally admitting that he did.

    It seems that you have a need to be perceived as having beat someone at something. I saw no admission like you said that contradicted his original views. I don't get this. There was no 'defeat' and by using that term it sets up an antagonistic forum - us versus them battle. That shouldn't be the case.

    This sounded very harsh to me, and there are many one-liners that seem like personal attacks. I said I might be wrong. I sure hope that there is no vile between us. I am trying very hard to be a kind person, and to be polite and not to joke with people because they do not understand they are jokes and get offended. Anyway, if I am wrong then I am pleased.

    Peace then,
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Jul 24, 2008, 03:32 PM

    Hope I am not off topic here. But just reading some of your post, don't worry your precious self about trying to defend your love for God. It doesn't need defending... shared.. yes.. but you don't have to defend to where it gets to the point where your feelings get hurt.

    Let God's love shield you, protect you, and wrap yourself in His love, and you will never feel of twinge of any pain, when sharing His love or your belief in Our Heavenly Father.

    Bless you now and always,
    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    Jul 24, 2008, 04:58 PM
    Back to the question... "If someone does not believe in salvation, that does not make it untrue. Just as believing in salvation does not make it true. And if neither can be proven then how is one to decide what to believe?"


    A religion is a *story about a supernatural*. The supernatural cannot be proved, therefore, all the assertions involving the supernatural in religious teachings cannot be proven... like salvation, heaven, original sin, and so on...

    Some people study their religion, such as Christianity, and they also study difficult subjects such as physics and biology, philosophy and logic, mathematics and history... and so on.

    Every individual *chooses* whether they want to believe/have faith in a religion such as Christianity... or... be a non-believer in the supernatural. In a free society, an individual is not forced to believe in a religion... in a dictatorship, such as Saudi Arabia, each citizen if forced to be a believer in Islam, and nothing else.
    Credendovidis's Avatar
    Credendovidis Posts: 1,593, Reputation: 66

    Jul 24, 2008, 06:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    When I talk to Cred I specify setting aside religion, and things like that so that he can not lump it all together but he still manages to mix it all together to 'win'
    You may state whatever you want. I may specify whatever I want. And I am not bound by - or responsible for - your claims. Only for what I state...

    And your conclusions here are ludicrous... as usual...


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    Credendovidis Posts: 1,593, Reputation: 66

    Jul 24, 2008, 06:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Choux
    Every individual *chooses* whether they want to believe/have faith in a religion such as a non-believer in the supernatural. In a free society, an individual is not forced to believe in a religion...
    Although many theists seem to see that an an intolerable situation : they want to be free to believe themselves. But not others to be free to believe otherwise...
    Enough of that type on this and other boards !


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    Jul 24, 2008, 07:32 PM
    My claims are ludicrous but yet so many do so the same thing I see
    Credendovidis's Avatar
    Credendovidis Posts: 1,593, Reputation: 66

    Jul 24, 2008, 11:49 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    my claims are ludicrous but yet so many do so the exact same thing I see
    If you mean me with that, I do not see why it is so difficult for you just to quote where I ever did state not to believe at all into anything. Not by twisting the clear to everyone statement I make on belief already for many years and all over the Internet on religious boards.
    I almost always and only make such statements on board related to religion, and I almost always refer clearly to belief of religious claims, and where not specific to religious belief, the link to religion is obvious from the context of my position. After all : one may after thousands of times making the same statements at times slip on on something.

    Only those who have problems with the (clarity of my) statements on religious belief would go as low as you do now in the hope that I would change my position, or can be proved wrong. I will not, and never will. I simply do not believe in religious matters, and note in that respect that never ever has there been any objective supporting evidence provided for the correctness of the existence of the Christian god (and any other god/gods), and that god is the Creator. Without that support any religion - except Buddhism - is nothing more than hot empty air!!

    But you are free to search the Internet for statements from my hand that supports your suggestion. It will be in vain, as I never changed my approach. The reason why so many theists hate my guts as they know my arguments are sound and beyond denying.
    Only you, sassyT, and few other religious blinded still have to learn that...

    :D :rolleyes: :p ;) :D

    iAMfromHuntersBar's Avatar
    iAMfromHuntersBar Posts: 943, Reputation: 146
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    Jul 25, 2008, 12:40 AM
    I've been away from this site for a while, so I don't know any of the background to it.

    My only question is this;

    Of all the religions in the world (and there are quite a few!) what makes you think yours is definitely the right one!

    I really hope there's an afterlife, or reincarnation, or something along those lines... but asking me to live my life by a set of rules that may help, or even hinder my chances of getting that prize... and not even that, but make me choose from hundreds of options of which path to follow... that seems senseless to me!

    If there is a God, Allah, Supreme Being... whatever there is... who was good enough to give me a life, I'm pretty sure he'd just want me to enjoy it while it lasts!

    And if I'm wrong, I'll say sorry and buy him a beer when I see him...

    Unless he's a Muslim or Morman, then I'll just get him a herbal tea!
    Allheart's Avatar
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    Jul 25, 2008, 02:00 AM
    Hi Hunt - ( be sure it's lite beer - the clouds can only hold up so much :).

    Hunt, it has always been my belief, that any religion that accepts God and Jesus as their loving savior, is just another road to God. I believe, all these religions are just different roads that lead to God, and one religion surely is not superior or more right than the other.

    It's kind of like, there are many colleges, all over the world. And in most colleges they teach engineering, different teachers, different ways to teach, but ultimately, when all the students complete their engineering courses, as well as all the other required courses, they all then are engineers, they just attended different colleges.

    Different way of teaching, different teachers, but the outcome is the same, in knowing, loving and following the teachings of Our Heveanly Father.

    Hope this makes a little sense :)
    iAMfromHuntersBar's Avatar
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    Jul 25, 2008, 02:11 AM
    Yeah, that's a very good way of putting it!

    But surely if I don't want to pick a religion, and I'm just a good person, God would be happy with that too! I mean, he's a clever bloke, he's going to understand my point of view! Ha ha!
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 25, 2008, 05:17 AM
    The point here is not which/what religion is the right one it is the problem some non believers seem to have with believers (of any kind)
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Jul 25, 2008, 05:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u
    The point here is not which/what religion is the right one it is the problem some non believers seem to have with believers (of any kind)
    I wouldn't say that - maybe one specific one. The 'non-believers' don't go around telling your living your life the wrong way because you aren't like them. There no need to attempt to convert people. Do atheists go door-to-door like the mormons do? How about if both sides stop preaching?
    N0help4u's Avatar
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    Jul 25, 2008, 05:32 AM
    Cred insists that American Christians in general are not living their life the right way.
    In a sense his telling us constantly how we are basically hypocrites is about as bad as if he was saying 'your living your life the wrong way because you aren't like them'.
    sassyT's Avatar
    sassyT Posts: 184, Reputation: 7
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    Jul 25, 2008, 07:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Choux
    Back to the question...."If someone does not believe in salvation, that does not make it untrue. Just as believing in salvation does not make it true. And if neither can be proven then how is one to decide what to believe?"


    A religion is a *story about a supernatural*. The supernatural cannot be proved, therefore, all the assertions involving the supernatural in religious teachings cannot be salvation, heaven, original sin, and so on.....
    The reason why you say the supernatural can not be proven is because you are looking for NATURAL Scientific evidence for the SUPER NATURAL.. which does not make any sense.
    The supernatural happens every day but it can not be scientifically proven because science is the study of NATURAL phenomenon so it is impossible to prove the supernatural by scientific means. There is a supernatural spiritual relm that exists and I know it does because my mom's sister used be a witch. Supernatural things happen all the time but skeptics like you always try to find a natural explanation for it. So just because in your Opinion you don't think the supernatural exists.. does not mean you are right because there is at least 5 billion people in the world who will disagree with you.

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