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    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:05 PM
    LOL I'm not that old you cheeky monkey
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:07 PM
    Cheeky monkey? Kay. Then how old are you?
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:13 PM
    29? Times have changed. My moms like 5 years older and things were definitely different when she was a teen. What's with cheeky monkey?
    TheSavage's Avatar
    TheSavage Posts: 564, Reputation: 96
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:27 PM
    Cheeky monkey is just a way of saying that a young`n [you] brought a grin and hit a bit close to home [thats my take]
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:35 PM
    I tell you what you need to chill out little girl lol and the attitude your giving is pretty disgusting coming from such a sweet innocent person as you claim to be go back to the rock you crawled out from under and give it a break with the big I am it really doesn't suit you.
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:37 PM
    Hi Woo.

    I'm not 13 or 14, but I once was. Woo, here's the thing. Times may be different. But here is one thing that remains the same and always should and always will. Respect.

    When Mom says “No.”. Woo, Mom says No. Unless she is an unfit mother, then you need to value and respect your Mom's answers. You are not growing in to a fine young lady by “standing up” or fighting for what you feel is right with your Mother. Woo, whether it is 20 years ago, or 20 years from now, no matter how you try and twist the words, the result will always come out the same – Disrespect.

    Additionally, if you do sense that someone is older than you, they would be considered your elder, and you should also show them respect as well, even if you have a difference of opinion. I am sure you understand what I am saying. You do not speak to those who are your elders as you would your peers.

    Now to your question - Sorry, 13 is too young to date. You have plenty of time.
    Mom says no to make up, so you don't wear it when you are with Mom. Dad says it's okay when you are with him, Mom says it's okay that Dad says it's okay when you are with him, so you wear the make up when you are with Dad. There, problem solved.

    Woo, I bet you are a fine young lady and those morals and teachings that your Mother has instilled in you, will pay off someday. Appreciate the fact that your Mom cares enough and loves you enough to tell you No.

    Seems there is a bigger issue here, than you wearing mascara. You are a blessed young lady to have two parents that love you and are there for you. Show them the respect and love in return. Make them proud and show them, that all their hard work and efforts are worth it.

    Woo, always keep in mind, it is good to communicate what you are feeling. If something is bothering you that much, than, yes, ask your Mom to sit with you and talk with you about whatever is on your mind. But you just keep in mind that your Mom is wiser than you, and even if it is hard for you to understand, you have to then trust her, that she will always guide you to do what is right.

    Woo, if my Mother told me No. Then No it was. I may not have liked it, but somewhere within me, even though I didn't understand, I just knew that Mom was right. The most important lesson here Woo, is respect. No makeup in the world can make disrespect beautiful.
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 02:39 PM
    Kay yeah but uh remember jesus loves you!

    Woo hahha that's hilarious! I know you're just trying to help thanks! But I'm only with my dad liike 4 days out of the whole month. Seriously its been like this since I was 7.
    curlybenswife's Avatar
    curlybenswife Posts: 2,477, Reputation: 267
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:00 PM
    I think that response just summed you up wonderfully, you got nothing but nice honest advice from Allheart and all you have done is be disrespectful. I am no longer going to look at this thread you do not deserve help of any kind.
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:04 PM
    Woo -

    Then 4 days out of the month - you get to wear makeup. Woo- My parents were divorced too, since I was 4, so I hear you. And If Mom told me "NO", then it was NO. If I questioned it, well, I would be in the next town without the train. Not saying that is right.
    There are reasons Mom said no, and I am sure she explained them to you. You are just going to have to suck this one up girl.

    Mom is doing the best she can by herself (with the exception of 4 days a month), help her out a little and try and not go against her wishes or question or good judgement.
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:25 PM
    Kay yeah I guess it makes sense.. there is one problem. Whenever I talk to my mom she always is in a bad mood so whatever I say even if I ask her how her day is going then she flips so point being.. she's never going to let me do what I want. I'm never mean to her but it feels like all she does is walk all over me kay? So I don't have the best life but I know that someone's always there mmkay and that's jesus. Okay I'm not trying to be alll mean but whatever.. im praying for both of you just always remember that jesus loves you and whatever you've been through he was always there for you even if you didn't know it!
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:33 PM
    Woo -

    I understand more than you think I do (meaning about the Mom thing). Mom could be under a whole lot of stress and I am sure you don't mean to come at her in any negative way. Just be mindful that Mom does have it rough and her nerves may be on edge. For a couple of days, try a different approach. Try and forget the things that you really want and see if there is a way that you can make things a little easier for her.

    I know this is a tough way to grow up - but Woo you will be stronger and wiser for it as long as you treat it as lessons in life. It is nothing to be ashamed about, actually it is something to be proud about that you are able to remain a young lady, get good grades, depsite the difficulties.

    CurlybensWife is one of if not the nicest ladies on here, you may want to thank her for her time. What do you think?
    Lord_Darkclaw's Avatar
    Lord_Darkclaw Posts: 295, Reputation: 38
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:35 PM
    LOL! Oh well, you'll have plenty of time for make up when you're a little older.
    I know it seems like a big deal; you're a teenager now after all, and I guess a lot of your friends are wearing make-up, but 13 is a little young for make-up. If your mom still says no when you're 16, then she is being unreasonable!

    Being a teenager is tough, but at 13 years of age, you're still a baby and your mom is trying to protect you.
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:41 PM
    Allheart you mean good but uh if you think she's the nicest one on here then you might want to check it out again. Okay I think I should leave because this isn't helping that much hey this is coming from a "baby" so don't gett offended.
    ignatz2000's Avatar
    ignatz2000 Posts: 24, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:44 PM
    Ok seriously makeup costs a lot and makes you look ugly and it's a load of disgusting goo!:mad: About dating: Sorry to say this but you'r thirteen and you'r just too young. Try asking your date over to have dinner with your family. It's much safer and your parents might like him.;)
    addy's Avatar
    addy Posts: 207, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:46 PM
    Listen wootori, I respect that you respect your mom by not going behind her back.A year ago when I was 13 I fought the same battle with getting my earlobe pierced for the 3 time up high on the earlobe and al, so it sounds like the only thing you can do is sit and wait.But in the meantime you could probably convince her to anything buut eyeliner.Eyeliner was the only one beauty product she wouldn't let me wear until the 7th grade.Just prove to her you can take care of yourself in public(hince the reason to date) and then in the mean time if she is being totally old fashioned you might try thing s that are similar to make up(sub for lip gloss,Vaseline) but really you'll probably have to wait it out.How about reseaching information like, stats and health info? That is what I did for my ears because sum 1 told my mom that getting them pierced up there causes cancer.I proved her wrong with grace.

    Hope I helped(feelin sry 4 you doll)
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:47 PM
    Comment on ignatz2000's post
    Pretty good. Better then the rest of these people
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:48 PM
    Comment on addy's post
    This is what I call advice better then the rest of these people
    woovictoria's Avatar
    woovictoria Posts: 34, Reputation: -4
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:52 PM
    That was like the best one! I lllove that answer because you're younger like me so you understand more because you had a similar problem! Thanks a lot and I think I should be going now since these people are about to hurt me hahaa
    laylow80's Avatar
    laylow80 Posts: 67, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 5, 2007, 01:07 PM
    I agree with everyone. You have a lot to learn still, and when you get hurt by a boy, don't say you didn't get good advice from people older than you, who have been through it all before. Trust me, it's more than just make-up your parents are worried about. You just have to wait until they think you can wear it, in the time to spare, think about it like this:
    If you put a bunch of makeup on your face, it could lead to bad acne, which you definitely don't want! So be thankful your skin is smooth right now. Try to convince your parents into letting you wear some eyeliner and even some eyeshadow. Ask your mom when she started wearing make-up, her answer will most-likely be 14-15. Good Luck :-) Don't rush into things, when I look back at pictures of myself, I wore too much makeup, and I should've taken my parents' advice. You're lucky your parents care about you the way they do. Don't push it.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Feb 5, 2007, 01:27 PM
    You know... just being younger so that "we can understand what you're going through" isn't going to make you happy.

    I remember being a teenager. I remember thinking my mom was unreasonable for not letting me wear make up (she was right... it looked too much in all the pictures) or not letting me date (she was right about that too... dating at 13 is jumping the gun a little).

    Maybe you could do group events with friends AND guys instead of dating? Or make a group of people whose parents wouldn't mind helping to host movie nights or game nights so that they can get to know some of the people you're hanging around with too? My parents were strict. I had to be going someplace public WITH an adult or at a friend's house where they had met the parents. I ALSO had a 9 pm curfew as a senior in high school.

    Have you asked your mom what kind of compromise she'd be willing to give on makeup? You said you can wear lip gloss, but want eyeliner? Sorry... eyeliner to me just makes girls as young as you are look trampy! I can't blame your mom here! BUT... maybe you can make a deal with her that if you have a special event, like a dance, you can wear eyeliner and she can decide then how it looks? What reasons has your mom given for NOT letting you wear it?

    I think your attitude stinks, by the way. Just because we're not currently your age doesn't mean we don't remember what it was like.

    PS... my daughter is 14, and she gets eye makeup for special occasions only. She can wear lip gloss any time, and has her ears pierced 3 times in each ear, BUT the line is drawn at eye makeup for every day.

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