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    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 23, 2014, 09:50 PM
    Even a comment by a local newspaper, yes our animals and birds aren't immune but hey we could do with a few less bats the ones we have cause nuisance and disease. I expect their numbers have grown since different varieties of fruit etc have increased. I expect that report is the result of dudd environmental impact study before the windmills were allowed. It'a a big industry in South Australia which doesn't have a lot going for it at the moment so i expect they have traded eagles and bats for employment

    but the cookes are out, yolkless eggs as a consequence of wind farms. They should be a boon to the slimming industry
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 25, 2014, 03:56 AM
    Google is pulling the plug on its investment in renewable energy because the technology doesn't work. Now they aren't science deniers . These were scientists hired by Google for the expressed purpose to convert to renewables. Goggle invested a lot of resources into it's project. They boasted they would prove that wind and solar power were not just good for the environment, but that solar energy could be produced profitably on a mass scale to replace coal and natural gas.
    Bill Weihl said that within 3 years they would be producing mega-watts from their power plants.
    These plants today don't exist and Weihl is gone . They could not even generate enough energy to service their own operation let alone a town or city .

    These days renewables supplement the grid ,but will not come close to a dominant role in our lifetime. Like it or not ,we will be dependent on coal ,gas ,oil (and even nukes) long past the time frame of the doom and gloomers predictions. Yes ,continue investments in research of renewables . However the engineers should concentrate on making carbon based energy as clean and efficient as it can be.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 25, 2014, 04:32 AM
    Tom we need different kinds of renewable not these highly polluting technologies where there is no net sum gain. Wave energy should be developed rapidly, the surface available for generation is emence and there can be a by-product of fresh water production, and it is base load,

    It doesn't surprise me that the gloss is off solar and wind, when I was doing project evaluation it was quite apparent that these were high cost solutions. Nuclear is the only logical short term base load solution if they want to take emissions out of the equation
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 25, 2014, 05:17 AM
    Nuclear is the only logical short term base load solution if they want to take emissions out of the equation
    yup ,but that well has been poisoned . Maybe more investment in fusion . The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor may be the key to unlock that door .
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 25, 2014, 05:49 AM
    Google is pulling the plug on its investment in renewable energy because the technology doesn't work.
    Investments ? Google Green

    Google Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In Texas: Google Makes 15th Renewable Energy Investment In Texas | CleanTechnica

    Bill Weihl left in 2011, did you know that? Do you know where he is now?
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 25, 2014, 11:01 AM
    Yes I was aware of the timeline. The reason this became current was from this editorial last week from some of the lead scientists/engineers on the project .

    “At the start of RE<C, we had shared the attitude of many stalwart environmentalists: We felt that with steady improvements to today’s renewable energy technologies, our society could stave off catastrophic climate change. We now know that to be a false hope …
    Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.”
    What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change - IEEE Spectrum
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 25, 2014, 11:09 AM
    But you totally lied about Google pulling the plug on it's investments. Plus you lied about why that executive left the company. This is not unexpected from us who have been here a while.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 25, 2014, 12:13 PM
    wrong again. Weihl left in failure. He did not achieve his goals.He gave the typical bs comment when he left to join Facebook , “It’s time to move on and find something new” ....This after investing $850 million of Goggle's money on renewables .After he boasted that "In three years, we could have multiple megawatts of plants out there."
    CEO Larry Page ended the failed RE<C as part of and effort to eliminate non-core ventures.... what he called “spring cleaning, out of season.”
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 25, 2014, 12:15 PM
    Source? I provided mine to show that Google is still investing full steam ahead.
    Your lies are tiresome.

    Never mind, I've found your source for you:
    They closed one initiative and published the results for all. Doesn't sound like they pulled the plug on their renewable energy efforts like you posted, in fact they are pushing harder.

    Why is it that you love to sound the failure alarm all the time?
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 25, 2014, 02:01 PM
    Your lies are tiresome.
    by all means ignore my postings and I'll ignore your insults . I gave my source the scientists who worked on the project .
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 25, 2014, 02:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Yes I was aware of the timeline. The reason this became current was from this editorial last week from some of the lead scientists/engineers on the project .

    What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change - IEEE Spectrum
    Tom thanks for that article, it says exactly what I have been saying
    To summarise;
    Today's renewables aren't the annswer
    Find a zero carbon technology
    Replant trees
    Expect the effects to last along time

    Sometimes I think I'm talking to a wall
    Tuttyd's Avatar
    Tuttyd Posts: 53, Reputation: 4
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    Nov 26, 2014, 03:25 AM
    Tom, ignoring your posting is actually a good idea because it is an attempt at quote mining. Ellipsis dots are used to leave out sections of a text without altering the meaning. You misrepresented the reason why by way of false implication. As N.K. says you want to make it sound like they are pulling the plug on renewables- hence your selective quoting.

    The article says what is required is a different economic. The different approach is not a ditching of the idea of renewables.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 26, 2014, 03:00 PM
    I don't see anything Google does as relevant. Anything they do would be for marketing impact anyway or have a business case that provided them benefits so you can't use their actions as a endorsement of anything. It is like saying that because I don't buy green energy I'm a Climate Change denier. Fact is I acknowledge change, I'm just not sold on the solutions proposed, or their impacts, or even the extent to which man is responsible. If I put a solar array on my roof it will be because it lowers my energy cost not because I think I can make one iota of difference to emissions.

    Getting back to the main debate; why is climate change happening and what can we do about it? Deforestation is one of the great contributors, not only in emissions from burning off, but reduction of the carbon sink and enlarging the extent of arid areas and thus the accumulation of heat. It is a double wammy changing local patterns and impacting global systems. We have got to stop thinking of Climate Change in terms of co2 emissions and think about the other push factors. We can reverse deforestation, it is one positive thing we can do, and if that means the soy bean and palm oil industries go belly up. Though! We can attack methane emissions by insisting on capture technology in the extractive industries, the days of gas flares in the oil and gas industry should be long gone as should the venting to atmosphere of coal mines. These are not least cost operations and if it makes some industries uneconomic. Tough! But it is all for no avail while China roles on without dealing with its industries. Peaking in 2030, what a joke! Where were the howls of protest. Not from OBAMA, Not from the UN lackeys. This was seen as a "historic" agreement. The same sort of agreement Chamberlain made. An agreement to do nothing. In such a climate why should the rest of us do anything?
    cdad's Avatar
    cdad Posts: 12,700, Reputation: 1438
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    Nov 26, 2014, 03:47 PM
    It is really hard to say with any model what exactly happens when changes occur. All we really can do is look at the past and try to determine our future based on patterns.

    Past Climate Cycles: Ice Age Speculations
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 26, 2014, 05:34 PM
    Yes dad but the Climate Change lobby rejects any suggestion this is part of a long term cycle or on going warming since the Ice Age. Our God complex has kicked in and they think we can change things. I think the planet will change things, the conveyor will shut down and a refreeze will occur because Ice is the dominant weather pattern
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 26, 2014, 06:04 PM
    or you can craft a hockey stick model and fix problems by " hiding the decline" and inconvenient dips of cooling periods .
    Hide the decline - satire on global warming alarmists - YouTube
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 26, 2014, 06:11 PM
    Well I just guess we do nothing until we can't breathe the air, drink the water, or grow food before we do a damn thing! Great plan, just keep counting money until then.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 26, 2014, 06:19 PM
    Tom the inconvenient truth is not that we have runaway climate change, it is that we aren't willing to weigh all the facts, we want to grasp certain facts that will deliver commercial gain or vested environmental outcomes.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 27, 2014, 01:03 PM
    Tom I see where you get your facts from, the same place others get their facts from

    Climate Scientists Jump Ship as CO2 Theory Collapses - YouTube
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 27, 2014, 03:48 PM
    that video is not available here . But yes ,there actually are climate scientists who don't sign on to the orthodoxy ..or as the Goracle calls it 'consensus' .

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