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    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 11, 2009, 08:32 AM

    So as a Jew do you live for God and the Jewish faith or do you leave God out of your life?
    I believe that SOME in different religions can be saved because God KNOWS their heart and they go according to what they know but if you reject God or live for your own desires then God judges accordingly.
    God does not reject us we reject him
    Our life style and actions reflect it.

    *The Bible does say the Jew first and then the gentile but I don't know the details on how he decides when it comes to Jews other than what I have just said.
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    Jul 11, 2009, 08:37 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    I believe that SOME in different religions can be saved.
    Hello Saph:

    Cool. Pearly Gates, here I come.

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    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 11, 2009, 08:42 AM

    excon agrees: I knew YOU'D let ME in.
    I'll try and sneak you in the back door :D
    classyT's Avatar
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    Jul 11, 2009, 09:56 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post

    So, a nice Jewish boy like me ain't gonna make it, huh? If we're so wrong, how come you worship one of us. Jesus wasn't a Christian. He was a Jew - a practising Jew. The Last Supper was a Sedar.


    Sure a nice Jewish boy like you can make it! We WANT you there... more importantly that practicing Jew you spoke of wants you there. ;)
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:00 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    excon agrees: I knew YOU'D let ME in.
    I'll try and sneak you in the back door :D
    I'll help you guys but with my luck we'd all three get caught and thrown out. :D Ex is always gettng me in trouble anyway... ( just teasing).

    Better yet.. hows about coming through the proper Door the right way. Hmmm?
    450donn's Avatar
    450donn Posts: 1,821, Reputation: 239
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:11 AM

    Not totally sure I understand the Jewish relationship with the Father. I mean, are they automatically let in simply because they are Jewish? Because I do not see where they have to accept Christ.
    But, guess this needs to be another thread? So please forgive me if I repost it on a new topic.
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    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    Not totally sure I understand the Jewish relationship with the Father. I mean, are they automatically let in simply because they are Jewish? Because I do not see where they have to accept Christ.
    But, guess this needs to be another thread? So please forgive me if I repost it on a new topic.

    I was teasing around. NO one comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ. Any Jew can come this side of the cross, as long as he comes like the rest of the church... accepting Christ as savior and Lord.

    Note: anyone's thoughts are welcome though
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:14 AM

    If they reject God and live like a heathen then no they wouldn't have an ez pass. I really don't know either other than that.
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:16 AM


    I think there are people who believe that but I can't see anything in the word to back that up.
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    Jul 11, 2009, 10:20 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post

    So, a nice Jewish boy like me ain't gonna make it, huh? If we're so wrong, how come you worship one of us. Jesus wasn't a Christian. He was a Jew - a practising Jew. The Last Supper was a Sedar.

    What you say is right, but you missed one key point.. Jesus was both man and God.
    Tbask04's Avatar
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    Jul 11, 2009, 05:46 PM
    If not for the jews, There would not have been an oppourtunity to be grafted in. I support CUFI. I know you guys are His chosen nation. You are the natural birth seed of Abraham. I am the spiritual seed of the same by faith. I have the upmost respect for your people. Its not my job to change what you believe. Its my job to walk by the faith which I choose to. Its not a matter to mprove whose belief is right or better. That will be solved when He comes. I am to work out my salvation. So in love, You believe what you must, but I can not deny my beliefs what a jewish carpenter did for me,you and all mankind way back on calvary... In love, that's what he calls us to. Love God,Love one another, And serve the world. Not judge it,not fix it , & by all means not to condemn it. But to pray for it always.

    Quote Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    I realize this is anathema to most fundamentalist Christians but, yes, all paths lead to God.

    By "paths", I don't mean some of the more bizarre things like the cults that make the news every so often but other non-Christian religions and philosophies like Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, etc., etc. all leading to God. Jesus himself, after all, was a Jew.

    The Christian Old and New Testaments can be selectively cited to dispute this, but they can also be cited to support this. All depends on how one interprets. In a series of books of almost a million words written over a long period of time by different authors, interpretations will necessarily vary. Just consider the different ways on these pages between Catholics and Protestants, and even among Protestants.

    Each path often has its own Scripture which its adherents believe as strongly as Christians believe theirs. Who can say which is more true? To simply declaim that Christianity is the only path is based on a kind of uncritical belief that is rarely examined. And, even more troubling, is the tendency to "prove" Christian Scripture by citing the Scripture itself - an irrational method comprising a logical fallacy.

    This seems to be threatening to some Christians and the reason why is another question entirely.
    One choses to believe what they chose to believe. Why is it so important for you to question our beliefs? If we sre living a life of love, not judging, not condeming, not punishing, not forcing you to do anything, why should we not be able to express our beliefs. The world has always expressed theirs to us? We are called to love God,love one another, and serve the world. By any means necessary... and if we have to,even use words. Love yo, not hatred. They're extremist in every area... Love is the key.

    Quote Originally Posted by simoneaugie View Post
    To not feel what is right, to only follow rules read, is that what Jesus would have done? Why were we given both brains and feelings?
    My friend, one can do a good thing right and not be doing the right thing good... Christianity is not about a bunch of rules. Its about a relationship. One that was broken, that has now been repaired. When you entered into your relationship, I'm sure there were things you did that your other half didn't care too much for. Once you saw that they didn't, you naturally stop doing those things they found unpleasing. Probably out of love. Well, that's a christian's M.O. with God. You come as you are. When you find out that some things are unpleasing to God, you naturally with the revelation of the spirit of truth, begin to stop doing the things that are unpleasing to the one you love... Its not legalistic, don't stop doing anything you're doing right now to come to Him. But after long, if you really try to get to know and love Him, I guarantee you won't want to do certain things anymore. What have you got to lose? You don't believe right now anyway? Dare you to try... (smile)

    Athos, you can't get mad with persons that point out what's in the scripture. You can only chose to disagree with it. If the bible makes that statement,it is what it is. But for you to try and tell those striving to live a standard when you aren't living any standard how to interpret their beliefs is fallacy. Acts of love can never be justified with hatred. In the end its not up to us to try and prove who is right. My belief says none of us are. That's why my faith lies in the jewish carpenter who was right. What about u?

    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post

    So, a nice Jewish boy like me ain't gonna make it, huh? If we're so wrong, how come you worship one of us. Jesus wasn't a Christian. He was a Jew - a practising Jew. The Last Supper was a Sedar.

    You too have the choice before you.. not because of your heritage,but of your free will. He didn't die for one people, He died for all... All means all. So the choice will always be yours..
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    Jul 11, 2009, 06:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Tbask04 View Post
    You too have the choice before you.
    Hello T:

    What?? So, if I choose to believe what your GOD believed, I'm going to hell? Why don't YOU do the switching? Wassa matter? The religion of your GOD ain't good enough for you??

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    Jul 11, 2009, 06:33 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle View Post
    Ive always found it interesting when Christianity is taught with the fear of that "curse"... or with the promise of the "reward".

    I would like to take a peak into a world where God said to his followers that they must love and obey Him and by doing so they would be eternally damned to Hell. And all the non-believers would go on to a Heaven where they would spend eternity.

    The point being that they should love their God regardless of the reward/punishment. THEN, we could see who the REAL Christians are.
    Not really man. Altering the standard set by the authority of salvation of ones belief isn't salvation at all. You can always do what you want and let life be what it may. But you can't tell those striving to live a life that pleases the God they choose to love how they should do that. I isn't trying to change nothing about you. Do what you do. I can't judge you man. But there's no way you who isn't living any standard can try to judge those that are? Love God, love one another and serve the world. The judge will do all the judging when He comes. If you're right, look at the 3 statements of my life... If the bible is right? Look at your defense to the judge...
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    Jul 12, 2009, 04:23 AM
    If a person is asleep in his apartment and the building catches fire, It is our duty in love to warn them and try to help them escape. This is why Peter preached to the Jews. Sometimes the sleeping person curses or gets mad at you for trying to wake them up. Sometimes they will deny there is a fire. Sometimes they will say or think I'm enjoying this dream I'm having, why not wait until just before the fire gets here to my apartment and then I can enjoy the dream AND escape from the fire.
    Penn, of the illusionist duo Penn and Teller is one of the most famous outspoken atheists in the world, yet, even He himself said, "A person that truly believes Christianity, hates his fellow man if he refuses to at least try to tell him about what the Bible says about Jesus. Those are the Christians I repect. That's love from their point of view. They are consistent with their beliefs.The ones that merely point their fingers, judge me, and condemn me I have no respect for."
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    Jul 12, 2009, 10:18 PM

    galveston disagrees: How could books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and Paul have been written centuries after the time of Jesus Christ?

    That puzzles me too. I would love to hear the answer to that one. I understand they are saying the books and writings were compiled and chosen at that time but still the writings were the disciples in the long run.
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    Jul 12, 2009, 11:14 PM

    I was not always a Christian.I mean I was born and raised a Greek Orthodox but I did not KNOW Christ, I was simply following tradition.
    My path was outside Christ, my life was surely not under His blood,my name was SIN!
    But that path did not stop Jesus to find me.
    Now , whenever somoene asks me directions to the Truth I can only point to Him.
    That does not mean that I believe that there is no hope for someone who walks his own path.
    I assure you, it is n ot the path that counts, it is the heart that God examines!
    Now ask yourselves,what was your path before He found you?
    Did you do everything right and made Him find you?I doubt that , I believe that there came a time that you realized that what you did was wrong and then He came to you.
    At what point of your path where you standing when He found you?
    I was covered from head to toe with dirt.Was I any better than a Muslim,or a Buddhist,or a Hindu,or you name it?I was the worst human being on earth.
    I was no better than a Satanist,because what I did with my life was not what God wanted me to, but what sin,Satan's child wanted me to do.
    So I would be very careful touching a subject like this one and once again I say that I thank God with all my heart that this is not up to me but ONLY up to Him!
    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Jul 12, 2009, 11:32 PM
    I believe that EVERYTHING goes back the creator.
    What He does with it is His choice.
    I also believe that He gave to us Holy Scripture we call the bible as a set of instructions to follow.
    Jesus is nor Just in the New Testament. The Old refers to Him and even predicts His coming and what will happen about and to Him.
    Some of that was written thousands of years before He arrived.
    Taking the bible as a whole it is had for me Not to believe what is says considering all that is written and the times of the writing.
    I do believe that no matter what path a person takes in life it will lead to God.
    But each of those paths end up before the judgment seat of God.
    I also believe what Jesus said, that He IS the way, the truth, and the life.
    That tells me that Jesus Christ will be the one who decides what will happen to each person and about what he/she has done in this life.
    Peace and kindness,
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    Jul 13, 2009, 05:50 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by adam7gur View Post
    I was not always a Christian.I mean I was born and raised a Greek Orthodox but I did not KNOW Christ, I was simply following tradition.
    My path was outside Christ, my life was surely not under His blood,my name was SIN!
    But that path did not stop Jesus to find me.
    Now , whenever somoene asks me directions to the Truth I can only point to Him.
    That does not mean that I believe that there is no hope for someone who walks his own path.
    I assure you, it is n ot the path that counts, it is the heart that God examines!
    Now ask yourselves,what was your path before He found you?
    Did you do everything right and made Him find you?I doubt that , I believe that there came a time that you realized that what you did was wrong and then He came to you.
    At what point of your path where you standing when He found you?
    I was covered from head to toe with dirt.Was I any better than a Muslim,or a Buddhist,or a Hindu,or you name it?I was the worst human being on earth.
    I was no better than a Satanist,because what I did with my life was not what God wanted me to, but what sin,Satan's child wanted me to do.
    So I would be very carefull touching a subject like this one and once again I say that I thank God with all my heart that this is not up to me but ONLY up to Him!

    People have become saved while in cults, while in Nazi concentration camps, and other ungodly place.

    What that tells us is that God can work in the hearts of men despite those situations - it is not to say that all paths lead to God.
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    Jul 13, 2009, 06:21 AM

    I hope you understand that I never meant that I can do whatever I want and at the end enjoy God's Kingdom.
    I only said what you also said that I am 100%convinced that God can find us no matter what our path is because He looks for the heart.
    The thief on the cross, what kind of a path did he have,but that did not stop Jesus to find him.
    That's all I said and I will add to that if I can be found , so can everyone!
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    Jul 13, 2009, 11:18 AM

    John 1:11-12
    11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
    12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

    How can you refuse and offer like that?

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