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    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Dec 16, 2019, 02:27 PM
    Yes those demonrats are stubborn but they concocted a reason for impeachment that has just been knocked on its head. Trump has every right to appeal to a court when subpoena is delivered by Congress, it is not obstruction. beginning to wonder, who has the better lawyers?

    Ok one down, one to go
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 16, 2019, 05:12 PM
    The Dufus has the senate!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 16, 2019, 05:26 PM
    The Dufus has the senate!
    Much better than that, he has the law. I have a feeling this is going to turn out badly for the dems come 2020.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 05:56 AM
    That's what the senate trial should be about. Did the dufus commit high crimes and misdemeanors. Moscow Mitch says before the House vote the fix is in already so things will go very quickly in the dufus favor. The very definition of a kangaroo court, even as Rudy has said very publicly he got our Ukraine ambassador fired because she was in the way of the dufus re election scheme. I think the only law the dufus has on his side is the one he makes up as he goes along.

    Senate repubs want those "protected" 1st account witnesses to testify, repubs want no witnesses and a quick vote. Tell me all about fair and impartial and the law! Tell me about the FACTS that repubs don't want to face.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Dec 17, 2019, 06:22 AM
    These are crocodile tears by the Demos: The Senate Trial hasn't even begun and they are already crying the blues about unfairness: They don't have a leg to stand on to talk about UNFAIRNESS after the way they, through Little Adam Schiff and The Human Penguin Nadler, have conducted the House Impeachment Inquiry, so this is all entirely disingenuous.

    You think the Senate Trial should be about HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS? Well, that's funny because neither one of the violations the House Inquiry named fit either of those definitions.

    And why in the name of unholy hell would anyone buy into the plea for sympathy by the Demos complaining that the Senate has already made up its mind about which way its voting without the evidence being presented? ISN'T THAT WHAT THE DEMOS DID EVEN BEFORE TRUMP EVER TOOK OFFICE: THEY WERE ALREADY CALLING FOR IMPEACHMENT AS SOON AS THE 2016 ELECTION WAS OVER......CRY ME A RIVER!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 07:51 AM
    Can't deny we were not just shocked and extremely appalled by the dufus election, but can you blame us? Who would have thought a lying, cheating, bad mouthing, bully, racist could win a presidential election in America? Okay he won, but I think the dems have the same right to oppose the repubs agenda and work to make him a one term president as repubs did when Obama was elected. I just hope we are better at it than the repubs were. I think we are. Regardless looks like the dems are going to bring it!

    Like we care what you guys and the dufus do about it!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 08:45 AM
    Who would have thought a lying, cheating, bad mouthing, bully, racist could win a presidential election in America?
    She didn't win.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 10:16 AM
    He did though, even after his corrupt ways had been exposed.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 10:26 AM
    You would have to say the same thing if HC had won. They are two birds of a feather. The difference is that Trump actually has some idea of how to get things to work.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Dec 17, 2019, 11:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You would have to say the same thing if HC had won. They are two birds of a feather. The difference is that Trump actually has some idea of how to get things to work.
    Listen to me carefully. Read my lips. HC DIDN'T become president. She's not an issue. No, trump has no clue how things work, not only finances but also human emotions and disabilities and LBGTQIA issues and racial concerns. He has made that manifestly clear.

    Oh, did I mention women's and children's issues? I'm sure I will think of more.... Every video of him is a SNL performance.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 12:43 PM
    Listen to me carefully. Read my lips. HC DIDN'T become president. She's not an issue. No, trump has no clue how things work, not only finances but also human emotions and disabilities and LBGTQIA issues and racial concerns. He has made that manifestly clear.

    Oh, did I mention women's and children's issues? I'm sure I will think of more.... Every video of him is a SNL performance.
    First of all, glad you're back and hope you are feeling better. Secondly, I can't read your lips since I can't see you. And for a guy who has no clue how things work, the economy is fantastic and better than in decades, so I think a fair-minded person would have to give him some credit. Human emotions? Please. LBGTQIAXMCIA? He's done nothing to hurt them other than not wanting men to go into women's restrooms with the little girls. Women's and children's issues? The ability for moms and dads to get and keep a good job is very much an issue for those groups.

    He is not my first choice, but the party that ran a complete incompetent like HC just cannot complain very much. Tell me anything of consequence she ever accomplished other than conducting official state business, including confidential correspondence, on a unsecured, toy email server she kept in a bathroom closet. So that's the relevance of HC in this conversation. Tal loves to complain endlessly of Trump's character issues, but his party's nominee was no better and probably worse, and I have no intention of letting him forget about that. He voted for the same level of character we presently have in office and she was probably worse.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Dec 17, 2019, 01:03 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    First of all, glad you're back and hope you are feeling better.
    Nope, actually am feeling worse. The hemotolgist thinks I have an infection or virus.
    And for a guy who has no clue how things work, the economy is fantastic and better than in decades, so I think a fair-minded person would have to give him some credit.
    Nope. Nein. Nada. He's still pulling Obama's economy improvements out of his ... umm ... clown pants. You're a Christian. I grew up as a Southern conservative Republican Christian just like you did. I cannot understand why you can't see Trump for the mean and obscene and cruel human he is. What are you gaining ???
    Human emotions? Please. LBGTQIAXMCIA? He's done nothing to hurt them other than not wanting men to go into women's restrooms with the little girls.
    Pssst, those are STRAIGHT MALE PEDOPHILES dressing up. LGBTQ people go into a public bathroom, do their business, wash their hands, and leave. Plus, no mother of young children sends her daughters into a public bathroom unescorted. It didn't happen in the '50s or during the decades thereafter. You must not be a mother of young daughters. It. Just. Isn't. Done.

    Now, let's gather around the crackling fire in the fireplace and I will tell you about my 30 years of library experiences with LGBTQs and pedophiles.
    Women's and children's issues? The ability for moms and dads to get and keep a good job is very much an issue for those groups.
    Your family has apparently lived the American Dream.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Dec 17, 2019, 01:25 PM
    Repubs NEVER did to Obama what the Demos are doing to Trump: AND YOU KNOW IT.

    The ECONOMY is taking off like a rocket: Your arguments that Trump has nothing to do with it are becoming more and more moronic.....TRUMP HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT! The people will vote to preserve their pocketbooks come 2020 and that will show you that they do, indeed, credit Trump with the ECONOMIC GIGANTICISM we are seeing today.

    What evidence do you or anybody else have of Trump be a RACIST? This is a false charge and it is a charge that will be utterly destroyed by the 2020 POTUS Election results providing the percentage of Blacks voting for him.....The left is the real RACIST out there: The left demeans Blacks as unable to think for themselves and that the left has to think for them: THAT IS THE WORST!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 02:27 PM
    Nope. Nein. Nada. He's still pulling Obama's economy improvements out of his ... umm ... clown pants
    What is your evidence of that? Why is it that you politically liberal individuals have such an inability to see the obvious?

    You're a Christian. I grew up as a Southern conservative Republican Christian just like you did.
    I did not become a Christian until my adult years, I spent much of my childhood outside of the south, and the south was a democratic stronghold at that time, so it's kind of "3 strikes and you're out!" Gotta be careful with that prejudice stuff.

    I cannot understand why you can't see Trump for the mean and obscene and cruel human he is. What are you gaining ???
    You need to read MUCH more carefully. The point is that we had a choice between two mean, obscene, and cruel humans. I selected the one who ran on a pro-life, pro-constitution, pro traditional marriage, pro economic growth platform. Your darling HC was pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro liberal federal judges, and wouldn't have the slightest idea of how to improve an economy.

    Pssst, those are STRAIGHT MALE PEDOPHILES dressing up. LGBTQ people go into a public bathroom, do their business, wash their hands, and leave. Plus, no mother of young children sends her daughters into a public bathroom unescorted. It didn't happen in the '50s or during the decades thereafter. You must not be a mother of young daughters. It. Just. Isn't. Done.
    You have no way of knowing who those men are who dress up like women. I have a simple solution. If you are XX, you go to the women's room. If you are XY, you go to the men's room. If you are a man wearing a dress in public, then grow a brain and stop doing that. It's stupid and you are degrading yourself by doing so.

    Now, let's gather around the crackling fire in the fireplace and I will tell you about my 30 years of library experiences with LGBTQs and pedophiles.
    OK. I'm sure we can set national policy on the basis of your fireplace lectures. I'm sure they would be interesting and I'd be glad to hear them, but they would have no credibility whatsoever in formulating a point of view that would result in policy changes.

    The ECONOMY is taking off like a rocket: Your arguments that Trump has nothing to do with it are becoming more and more moronic.....TRUMP HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT! The people will vote to preserve their pocketbooks come 2020 and that will show you that they do, indeed, credit Trump with the ECONOMIC GIGANTICISM we are seeing today.

    What evidence do you or anybody else have of Trump be a RACIST? This is a false charge and it is a charge that will be utterly destroyed by the 2020 POTUS Election results providing the percentage of Blacks voting for him.....The left is the real RACIST out there: The left demeans Blacks as unable to think for themselves and that the left has to think for them: THAT IS THE WORST!
    Well said, Vac. Well said.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 03:18 PM
    You wingers crack me up some time you really do. You always want evidence and when you get it, for whatever reason it's never good enough or you find ways to dismiss it. Life is just so unfair isn't it? Maybe we all get over it and accept our politics divides us deeply. Now JL I have to correct a point of fact. A twist of history had the southern democrats change parties and become republicans, same people different party.

    Currently though, is it the dems fault that the dufus is so far out of bounds that he merits more extreme measures to reign him in since obviously repubs either don't care or are helpless to moderate him in any useful way. That you just grumble at his nasty mouth and ways is a testament you don't care, and repubs are to afraid to push back his most crazy behavior.

    The big lie you guys tell yourself is Obama, or even HC, is the same way, but politics aside, the dufus is a lousy excuse of a human, and was before you elected him. Your not a victim of dem politics, just your own zeal to dominate our society and get what you want. Hey I get that, but let's not use that as an excuse to normalize bad behavior by ignoring it and justifying it by painting your opposition as worse than you. We are not, just have a different way of governance. No the dufus could never run as a dem, he knew it, but as a fire breathing repub his circus is a hit and goes very well with repubs politics of seek and destroy the opposition. I have to admit he does it so well. Perfect in fact.

    Expecting dems to roll over though and let him run buck wild with his side show is not going to happen so circle the wagons if you must, but stop whining because we are going to push back against you and your loony base, against the dufus. Win loose or draw it's on so lets get after it. Doesn't matter whether you like it or NOT!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 03:25 PM
    1. The suggestion was that I was raised a southern republican. I was pointing out that the republicans were not popular in the south at that time, so your "evidence" ends up being useless.

    2. "..but let's not use that as an excuse to normalize bad behavior by ignoring it." You mean kind of like you overlook and completely excuse the Benghazi disaster and the subsequent lying cover-up? Wow. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, there it is.

    3. The most loony thing on this board I know of is your on-going, never ending idea that HC was somehow a wonderful person who should either have been elected pres or appointed to be the next Catholic saint. If you think she has any better character than Trump, then you need therapy ASAP. You are living in a liberal democrat induced truth coma.

    4. As to impeachment, if you ever come up with an impeachable offense, get back with us. You can also tell us the names of those five people who testified they had direct knowledge of the president's guilt. Still kind of waiting on that. For that matter, so are the American people.

    5. "Win loose or draw it's on so lets get after it. Doesn't matter whether you like it or NOT!" I would agree with that. At least it's a true statement, so that's progress.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 03:45 PM
    1. The suggestion was that I was raised a southern republican. I was pointing out that the republicans were not popular in the south at that time, so your "evidence" ends up being useless.

    It's wasn't meant as evidence, just historical FACTS.

    2. "..but let's not use that as an excuse to normalize bad behavior by ignoring it." You mean kind of like you overlook and completely excuse the Benghazi disaster and the subsequent lying cover-up? Wow. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, there it is.

    Never have I done that, so that makes YOU the liar here!

    3. The most loony thing on this board I know of is your on-going, never ending idea that HC was somehow a wonderful person who should either have been elected pres or appointed to be the next Catholic saint. If you think she has any better character than Trump, then you need therapy ASAP. You are living in a liberal democrat induced truth coma.

    Another lie of yours since I have never done or said that either!

    4. As to impeachment, if you ever come up with an impeachable offense, get back with us. You can also tell us the names of those five people who testified they had direct knowledge of the president's guilt. Still kind of waiting on that. For that matter, so are the American people.

    Keep waiting but it's passed you by, and worse the names I gave are people with knowledge who the dufus prevents from testifying so that dog don't hunt. He will be impeached and about half the American people agree with it. Your half don't but who cares.

    5. "Win loose or draw it's on so lets get after it. Doesn't matter whether you like it or NOT!" I would agree with that. At least it's a true statement, so that's progress.

    You want to roll around in the front yard a few minites, Let's go, just have oxygen handy...enough for both of us.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 04:38 PM
    It's wasn't meant as evidence, just historical FACTS.
    So you were not using facts as evidence? OOOhhhhhh.

    Never have I done that, so that makes YOU the liar here!
    So you admit that Benghazi was a disaster and that Obama lied!! Wonderful. We are making progress.

    Another lie of yours since I have never done or said that either!
    And now are you agreeing that HC is a person of low character in the same way as Trump. This progress we're making now is HISTORIC!

    Keep waiting but it's passed you by, and worse the names I gave are people with knowledge who the dufus prevents from testifying so that dog don't hunt.
    Except, of course, that you gave no names of any witness who said they had direct evidence of guilt, so you are reduced to the pathetic position of appealing to "ghost" witnesses who you think might have something incriminating. "Your Honor, the accused is guilty because we know of people who might come in and say something of interest!" To which the judge would respond, "Not guilty, and you idiot prosecutors need to get out of my court and learn something about law."

    You want to roll around in the front yard a few minites, Let's go, just have oxygen handy...enough for both of us.
    Get TWO LARGE tanks. And that would be just for me!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 17, 2019, 06:03 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    So you were not using facts as evidence? OOOhhhhhh.
    If I did I would explain what it was evidence of besides you being wrong. No just stating the known facts.

    So you admit that Benghazi was a disaster and that Obama lied!! Wonderful. We are making progress.
    I've always said it was a tragic disaster, Obama lied? NAW! Romney tried that tact before you and you both got corrected with evidence. Not my problem if you ignore dismiss or don't believe the evidence. You do that a lot!

    And now are you agreeing that HC is a person of low character in the same way as Trump. This progress we're making now is HISTORIC!
    Not even close dude. I would rather have HC in the WH, and I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for her. There is nothing I could hold to vote for the dufus.

    Except, of course, that you gave no names of any witness who said they had direct evidence of guilt, so you are reduced to the pathetic position of appealing to "ghost" witnesses who you think might have something incriminating. "Your Honor, the accused is guilty because we know of people who might come in and say something of interest!" To which the judge would respond, "Not guilty, and you idiot prosecutors need to get out of my court and learn something about law."
    The names I gave are whose testimony I would want to get to the truth of the matter but I think all the witnesses that testified gave enough probable cause to look deeper and closer to the dufus. Mueller's Report did that too, but Rudy is the star witness, and his public statements leave little doubt of a bigger scheme. You can't ignore any of it, and call yourself serious about getting at the truth from someone who lies cheats and steals for a living. It's like a right wing bible thumper making a deal with the devil himself.

    Get TWO LARGE tanks. And that would be just for me!
    LOL, I think an EMT to administer it would be a reasonable thing to have in case I can't move! On further thought that would be pretty stupid for both of us wouldn't it? Be hilarious on RIDICULOUSNESS though.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Dec 17, 2019, 06:05 PM
    Obama lied? NAW!
    See what I mean?

    Not even close dude. I would rather have HC in the WH, and I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for her.
    That makes me two for two.

    but I think all the witnesses that testified gave enough probable cause to look deeper and closer to the dufus. Mueller's Report did that too,
    That's always the case. If only we could get a few more witnesses. If only we could get Rudy. If only we could have an independent investigation. If only we could bring in witness after witness after witness. At some point you need some direct evidence. You have nothing at this point. Enough is enough.

    LOL, I think an EMT to administer it would be a reasonable thing to have in case I can't move! On further thought that would be pretty stupid for both of us wouldn't it?
    Yeah. Having a cup of coffee is a much better idea.

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