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    450donn's Avatar
    450donn Posts: 1,821, Reputation: 239
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    Nov 14, 2008, 08:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cozyk View Post
    lol that is SO funny. You would think that wouldn't you? Stock piling guns...scares the ba-jee-bies out of me. Gun lovers make me nervous.:eek:
    So you are scared of our military, our National Guard, our police forces throughout the country? People have and enjoy guns for a variety of reasons. Personal defense is only one of them. And remember what has happened in England. They banned guns and now only the criminals have guns and violent crime is rampant. It is a proven fact that in places where guns are banned the crime rate is higher than in places where concealed carry is allowed. How many times have you heard of a person with a legal concealed carry permit robbing a store at gun point? How many times have you heard of a police officer shot by a person with a legal concealed carry permit? Never! No matter how many laws you want to enact to ban guns, the criminals will still have guns. But they will then be the only ones with guns and us, the general law abiding public will be defenseless against them. Who are you going to run to then for protection?
    MELoo's Avatar
    MELoo Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 14, 2008, 08:43 AM

    Personally, I am just sitting back and waiting. I think the world needs to wake up, wake up to everything going on around them! America is like a spoil little kid, it gets everything it wants, and when things don't go our way we blame others for our faults. I feel very bad for Bush, yes, he may not have been the best, but shouldn't we stand by our president, whether he be Republican or Democrat? Believe me I am having a hard time keeping my mouth shut about Obama because I am a hard core Republican. So much so, that my mother was invited to President Bush' inoguration ball when he was first elected. What scares me is the fact that we have all become so lost that we need to cling to another being to tell us its OK. I don't understand how anyone could be so lost that they would follow Obama like a cult! Believe me you, I am NOT a religious person by ANY means. I hate religion with a passion! Not to say I don't believe in God, I just don't believe in the church. By this I mean that I don't need a church establishment to tell me what I believe, I can pray on my own time and get to heaven just the same. But when people start to loose faith in themselves then that is when terrible things happen. Praying to Obama, and worshiping him, will only give him power that we do not want him, or anyone to have over us. Too much power in anyone's hands is a bad thing. I just hope that after all of this people will finally wake up and realize what kind of sick place we live in today. Pornography, child mullustation, murders, but most of all how over sexed everything is! Tell me why at 15years old did I have to answer my younger sister, then 8, when she asked me what sex was? Even then she knew what basically happened. I was horrified. I am now 20 and am still horrified when I think that kids my sisters age now, 13, are getting pregnant and having sex! How the hell does that happen! They know more than I do sometimes! They know what a hand job, and a blow job are. In the 8th grade all I knew was that I needed to get my school work done or I would be in big trouble with mom and dad. What have we come to? I think we all need to spend a lot less time worrying about things we can't change, like our current president, and start putting energy into becoming a better society! I don't want kids, for fear of what they might have to grow up in! It's hard for parents now a days to raise their children in a healthy atmosphere. They have to worry about the strain of society against them. You either end up with children who are disrespectful and spoiled or ones who are so spoiled they can't even wipe their own butt at 18! True story, I was at a Christian school for half of a semester, I couldn't make it longer, surprise, surprise, where I met this guy who was 18 getting ready to graduate, had lived at home and been home school his whole life, who would cry from being homesick! I was 16 and could care less! How does that happen? Really, homesick and crying! I couldn't believe it! There has to be a healthy balance. All in all, I want to leave you with this, be nice to our president. I don't care if you agree with him or not. But think about this, this is the guy that is going to lead us for the next 4 years, will it reflect good upon our country if there is an uproar against our president? I don't think so. We all make mistakes, and we are all human, it's damn hard to be a manager, but think about running a country! That would be really hard! Let things run there natural course, in the end, we will all learn from this. Don't complain and worry about things you can not change, it makes you irritable and stressed, and who wants to live every day like that? My favorite quote: " When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." Mark Twain
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    Nov 14, 2008, 09:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by MELoo View Post
    Personally, I am just sitting back and waiting.
    Hello Me:

    If things are sooo bad, why are you just sitting back?? Waiting for the government to do something?? Hmpf. Don't sound too Republican to me.

    spitvenom's Avatar
    spitvenom Posts: 1,266, Reputation: 373
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    Nov 14, 2008, 09:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by MELoo View Post
    I don't understand how anyone could be so lost that they would follow Obama like a cult!
    Meloo Have you actual met someone who prays to and Worships Obama, Seriously? I haven't met anyone that worships him or prays to him. I knocked on Doors For him, I made phone calls for him, I donated money to him, and of course I voted for him. Those are normal things a volunteer to a politcal campaign does.
    450donn's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2008, 09:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by spitvenom View Post
    Meloo Have you actual met someone who prays to and Worships Obama, Seriously? I haven't met anyone that worships him or prays to him. I knocked on Doors For him, I made phone calls for him, I donated money to him, and of course I voted for him. Those are normal things a volunteer to a politcal campaign does.
    And so did the followers of David Koresh, Jim Jones, Rev Moon, Bagwan Reshniesh, Charles Manson to name but a few that have popped up in the last 50 years or so. So what is your point? People are blindly looking for someone to save them from this world and all the problems our government has caused simply because they have ignored the constitution, and the bill of rights. If our elected leaders would return to what our founding fathers intended for this country instead of their own ajenda's we and the rest of the world would face far fewer problems than we do today. I am not blaming one party, sorry BOTH parties are to blame for the mess we have today.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 14, 2008, 09:38 AM

    We could extent your message to say that if people stop using religion in general to blindly look for someone to save them from this world then the world would indeed be a better place.
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:21 AM

    I agree Donn we should go back to what our founders wanted. To me that says Freedom freedom for a man to marry a man and I women to choose what happens to her body. Glad to see you finally got on board.

    Edit People are not following blindly. Hell I was a Ron Paul Supporter but when that didn't work out I went to the next best choice.
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    450donn Posts: 1,821, Reputation: 239
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by spitvenom View Post
    I agree Donn we should go back to what our founders wanted. To me that says Freedom freedom for a man to marry a man and I women to choose what happens to her body. Glad to see you finally got on board.

    Sadly you have all forgotten that our founding fathers were all deeply religious men and as such the word of God is instilled into their writings. So if you believe that then, it is not possible for what you are saying to be right. While I believe it is morally wrong for men to have sex with men or women with women it is their constitutional and right to make choices. God allows us to make choices because he made us with a free will. If you would look at history and see what caused all great civilizations to eventually fall. It was not war or famine, It was moral corruption. The choices are yours to make. Just please don't push your choices on me or my family.
    excon's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    And so did the followers of David Koresh, Jim Jones, Rev Moon, Bagwan Reshniesh, Charles Manson to name but a few
    Hello 450:

    Well, I guess SOME of those guys don't know who to pay off...

    But, one 'em does... Oh, it's certainly a cult, I agree. Oh, it's certainly full of people blindly looking for someone to save them... I agree, that it's a very dangerous group...

    But, the Reverand Syung Yung Moon, is NOW a very respected right wing contributor to the Republican party. He bought himself respectability with 30 pieces or so, of silver...

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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    Just please don't push your choices on me or my family.
    That just drips with irony. :rolleyes:
    Wondergirl's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    People are blindly looking for someone to save them from this world and all the problems our government has caused
    You are so very wrong! I work in a public library and communicate with people of many cultures and various races locally and even all over the U.S. The excitement about Obama's election is huge. The only thing I am hearing is "What can we do TOGETHER to help get this country back on track?" That's what Obama's election is doing--inspiring everyone to pitch in. For instance, lately I have seen people using wastecans and even picking up papers off the library parking lot, whereas in the past people walked over the scattered trash. People are smiling more and have brighter eyes as they talk about the future of this country. People are talking more with each other, pumping each other up. Radio and TV talk shows ask listeners for ideas on how everyone can pull together to get things done and improve life for everyone. There's an excitement in the air that wasn't there two weeks ago.

    It's not Obama who is going to change and improve the world. It's ALL OF US (even you, 450), each in our own way. Obama has begun to inspire us to use our brains and our unique abilities to make life better.
    cozyk's Avatar
    cozyk Posts: 802, Reputation: 125
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    So you are scared of our military, our National Guard, our police forces throughout the country? People have and enjoy guns for a variety of reasons. Personal defense is only one of them. And remember what has happened in England. They banned guns and now only the criminals have guns and violent crime is rampant. It is a proven fact that in places where guns are banned the crime rate is higher than in places where concealed carry is allowed. How many times have you heard of a person with a legal concealed carry permit robbing a store at gun point? How many times have you heard of a police officer shot by a person with a legal concealed carry permit? Never! No matter how many laws you want to enact to ban guns, the criminals will still have guns. But they will then be the only ones with guns and us, the general law abiding public will be defenseless against them. Who are you going to run to then for protection?
    No, the Military, Natl.Guard, and Police forces are supposed to have guns. You lose all crediability when you ask dumb questions like that. Personal defense is not a bad reason to have guns. I never said ban then altogether. I do believe there should be VERY strict conditions on who can purchase them. No criminal past, no domestic violence, no anger mgmt. problems, waiting period. Why would this be a problem for any law abiding, reasonable person is a mystery to me. I don't worry about a person carrying a concealed weapon holding up a store. What I DO worry about is a person carrying a concealed weapon in the airport and getting ticked off with the lines or airline employees, or his/her significant other. Or the short fused idiot that gets into a fight in a bar, or has road rage. It could be the wild west all over again. Bullets flying and innocent people being killed.

    Where I live, a gun store was recently robbed. Many high powered and continueous shooting guns (I don't even know what you call them, but machine guns basically)were taken. The police say these guns will probably be sold to gangs, etc. Now WHY on earth would a shop even carry these guns? Guns that can plow down countless people in a matter of seconds. Who needs that? Please answer this question.

    My dad is a gun collector, hunter, lover. Has been for the last 68 years since he got his first gun. At Christmas one year he had to take out one of his new guns to show everyone. No one cares except my neices new husband that is a deputy sheriff and is just itching to shoot somebody. Anyhoo, Dad knows all about gun safety. Well, we find out after he has passed it around for everyone to look at that it had a bullet in the chamber that he thought was empty. This could have been a deadly disaster. That is the thing with guns. Mistakes are life and death.

    I just heard a story on the news. A man waiting in line at a car wash was just shot and killed. He could have had a concealed weapon but it wouldn't have done him any good.
    He would have to be carrying it around in plain sight and drawn for that to have helped him.

    What I don't understand about personal protection is this. Instead of a gun that can kill first and NOT ask questions later, why can't citizens just have stun guns, or tazzers, or
    Anything like that, that would stop people enough for you to get away. Because once that bullet has killed, you sure can't un-ring that bell.

    Then there are the idiots that leave their guns around for children to find. I had a client whose husband was a deer hunter. They had a gun cabinet in the basement with all his guns under lock and key... or so they thought. Their six year old daughter was holding one when I went downstairs for something. But we THOUGHT it was locked. The stakes are too high.

    Another question, if you have guns and you are afraid that you will have a hard time getting more after Obama is sworn in, why do you need more. How many does it take to kill someone? You want one in each holster??

    We had a wonderfully nice sweet grandparent type couple that lived behind us. They took our children many times and gave them ice cream, etc. One day I heard him make the statement... I have a gun somewhere in the house, don't know where it is right now. WHAT?? You don't know where your gun is?? Needless to say, they did not go over there anymore.

    Sorry this is so long but there are too many well meaning yet still irresponsible people getting guns.
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    Nov 14, 2008, 10:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    see what I mean ? you did not even hear about it.

    AFP: Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'seance' crack
    I don't know anything about séances but she did consult with psychics. She wore the pants in that family and she called the shots.
    450donn's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:33 AM

    While I do not disagree with your comments totally, there is no need for more gun legislation. Guns as a whole are one of the most heavily regulated industries in this country. If there were common sense gun laws that would be fine with me. What I object to is more laws that no one can or does enforce. Don't know what state you live in, but here there is a criminal background check before purchase. That includes any signs of mental instability. Thieves do not go to gun shows or gun stores to buy their gins. They either steal them or buy stolen guns on the street for pennies on the dollar. The whole problem In my opinion can be boiled down to the moral decay of this country. If people took responsibility for their actions you would not have the problems that face us today.
    We are simply following the pattern set down by other great nations in history. England being the last example. Less than a hundred years ago it was said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Today they are a mere shell of their former glory. Why?
    The United States is screaming to that same end. After WWII we were considered the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Today we are despised and spit on around the world. Again why? The Islamic extremeists have it partially right. They want to destroy us because of our moral decay. What they have wrong is that instead of fighting us, all they need to do is sit back and wait another ten or twenty years. It will happen.
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    Less than a hundred years ago it was said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Today they are a mere shell of their former glory. Why?
    Because it's a good thing to let countries rule themselves maybe?? Not because of gun laws. LOL!
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:44 AM
    I don't know anything about séances but she did consult with psychics. She wore the pants in that family and she called the shots
    Typical uninformed blather . Read his thoughts in his own words to find out how deeply he understood the issues of the day and the philosophy of the movement he led. Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America: George P. Shultz, Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson, Martin Anderson: Books
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    typical uninformed blather .
    "I figured given enough time the conversation would degenerate. " - your words.
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Because it's a good thing to let countries rule themselves maybe???? Not because of gun laws. LOL!
    Maybe you need to go back and read up on the history of Britain. Moral decay, total disregard for the Jewish people, Gods chosen people, stricter laws banning all guns. Check out the latest statistics on violent crime in the UK and compare it to the USA. Remember, even the police in the UK are banned from carrying guns.
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:50 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    Maybe you need to go back and read up on the history of Britain. Moral decay, total disregard for the Jewish people, Gods chosen people, stricter laws banning all guns. Check out the latest statistics on violent crime in the UK and compare it to the USA. Remember, even the police in the UK are banned from carrying guns.
    None of that has anything to do with the decline of the empire.
    British Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    excon's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2008, 11:52 AM
    Hello again, 450:

    I think you're right. The Second Amendment IS part of the Constitution... I support it as loudly as I do ALL the others.

    So, how come you support the dufus in chief when he obliterated the Fourth Amendment when he decided to spy on Americans without a warrant, or the Fifth when he took away our habeas corpus rights?? Or maybe the Sixth Amendment when he made torture OK??

    I just want to know if you support ALL the Amendments, or do you pick?


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