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    KBC's Avatar
    KBC Posts: 2,550, Reputation: 487
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    Jul 19, 2009, 10:32 AM

    Still on the Geodon as I still have problems with cramps(withdraws),the other meds have stabilized and I am (finally)sleeping like a normal person.

    Staying on the 'new' meds hasn't posed any new problems so I will continue with them.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jul 19, 2009, 10:37 AM
    Good to see you back Ken. I've been so busy with work I have had little time to do anything but sleep.

    Glad you have hit the stabilization level with your meds. Hope all else is going good with you.
    KBC's Avatar
    KBC Posts: 2,550, Reputation: 487
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    Jul 19, 2009, 10:48 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Good to see you back Ken. I've been so busy with work I have had little time to do anything but sleep.

    Glad you have hit the stabilization level with your meds. Hope all else is going good with you.
    Thus far,all is A OK,just not looking forward to the next run in with you know who:(
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    Nov 7, 2009, 02:45 AM


    Meds have begun failing me in the sleep dept.I haven't been working due to carpel tunnel and tennis elbow(been 6+ months now)I have surgery for the carpel tunnel in a week(Friday the 13th)then maybe,after recovery time,something for the tendinitis, they haven't instilled much confidence in me concerning that one,they say it's a tricky thing, I am not sure what's going to happen.

    I am back on the Zoloft/Depakote and some nights sonata or ambien,both offer some relief from the sleep disorder,but I am up at 2:30 AM most nights anyway,even taking them.

    I have Lorazepam(Atavan) for the really high times,Cogentin for the shakes and a few others for 'just in case',additives prescribed for more rest,although I prefer not to take much else,enough is enough(especially after last springs episode with the overdose)

    So far the mind is still clear and the depression is not an issue,but this lack of sleep will take a toll eventually,something has to break.
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    Nov 7, 2009, 08:49 AM

    Hi Ken,
    Can you exercise? If you are not able to work, then you would have time maybe to take a walk in the morning, maybe a half hour, and then an hour in the evening after dinner. That would do two things, help you sleep and also slow the onset of depression.

    My own experience with ambien was that it was great for occasional use, but that if I used it regularly it didn't help, but not taking it was even worse. When I finally kicked it after tapering to a quarter of a pill every night, I barely slept for two weeks. It is really nice, but only to use once or twice a week. It also affected my memory quite a lot.

    I have been struggling with insomnia lately too. It helps me to not use the computer or do any work late at night, to go to bed relatively early, and to get exercise. Fresh air in my room helps me too for some reason.
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    Nov 7, 2009, 09:01 AM
    For what it's worth, I had a kind of tendinitis in my foot earlier this year. I did everything the podiatrist said and it was not going away and it hurt to even stand on my foot. Specifically, he'd had me not using my foot as much as possible, as well as ice and NSAIDs (alleve).

    I started regularly using Salonpas (which are these weird little patches that contain aspirin and camphor that soaks into your skin; I didn't use the kind with capsaicin). I also started exercising my toes and feet, gradually increasing the amount, both muscular and stretches. Amazingly, after following the podiatrist's advice for 4 months and not getting anywhere, my foot started to get better in about three weeks with exercise and 24/7 salonpas. It's still not perfect but it's a lot better and I can walk 5 miles no problem. I also used NSAIDs and ice, like he said.

    The trick was to gently exercise the tiny muscles surrounding the tendons. And the Salonpas. Or so I imagined.

    This is purely my own thing. I didn't read it anywhere. But so long as anything you think up doesn't make you worse, it might be worth a try.

    Also, if you get sleep, it will help your pain. And if your pain is less, you will sleep better. Hard sometimes to break out of that vicious cycle. But sometimes it helps to focus on sleep--without, of course, obsessing about it to the point that when you wake up in the night you get upset!

    Hope all this advice is somewhat useful and not just annoying.
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    Nov 7, 2009, 01:04 PM


    PS. You just gave me my 5th green box!
    (my 400th greenie. Yay! Thanks!)
    KBC's Avatar
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    Dec 29, 2009, 06:48 AM

    Still staying on the prescribed meds,now-a-days it's lower Zoloft,normal Depakote,Prestiq(due to major depressive episode)and now I sleep almost all the time,imagine that:(

    Someday I would like to have a normal month,just enough sleep,just enough food,just enough social interactions,etc.

    In the last year I have had little stability(not whining,just an observation),the doctor I have now is very different than the ones I had in the last 15 years in that he is more an equal in my treatment instead of a superior to me.I feel much more at ease with him.When I have a problem(depression,hyper moods,etc) I am able to get the help as needed instead of waiting for the doctor to have an opening(I have his direct number and can call at all hours, that's real handy)

    I am again tanning this winter,the activity gets me out of the house every day,gets me to socialize with others(at the spa),I look great with a tan in the middle of the winter(and feel better for it),and I believe the influx of bright light is helpful to the seasonal depression.

    More later,I hope everyone had a good holiday season.
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    Dec 29, 2009, 09:48 AM

    Hi Ken,
    You sound good for midwinter. This is always a tough time. I moved my bed right into a window where the sun comes in in the morning and I think that is helping me. I will probably hate it when the sun starts coming up at 4 am!

    I was exercising for a while and feeling great. Then I stopped over Christmas and almost instantly fell into a slump. I will go out and run for a few minutes today. Even 5 minute helps.

    Nice that the tanning is helping you. And GREAT that you have a cooperative doctor. I went to see a doctor last month about my back pain and he was a complete jerk to me. But he is the doctor I have to see if I want physical therapy. All he does is take my copay and insult me. THEN I can go to physical therapy.
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    Dec 29, 2009, 10:52 AM

    I've had those doc's too,like arrogant snobbish over paid brats.

    The last Physical therapist I saw ended up not only being a neighbor but also hunts our property in the winter, any time I have need of his services I simply give him a call:)

    Hope all goes well for you in the new year:)
    Clough's Avatar
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    Jan 4, 2010, 06:51 PM

    Are you okay now? I'm fighting my own battles here...

    It's pretty depressing...

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    Jan 5, 2010, 03:01 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Clough View Post

    Are you okay now? I'm fighting my own battles here...

    It's pretty depressing...

    Am I doing OK, somewhat,I guess.

    I have been very down since Thanksgiving, well,even and down anyway, Many changes in medications, mainly a new drug called Prestiq, something like 6 months old now,it has removed the deepest of the depression but not all of it, that takes time.

    What are you doing for past times?Getting out much?
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    Jan 5, 2010, 03:18 AM
    I'm going through some issues now. I actually wish that I was on some sort of medicatiion to balance things out. Turned myself into a local mental health center this past Summer, after my rather grave physical problems, and decided not to follow through because of not being able to afford it, even though there is a sliding fee scale.

    I do have friends with whom I can talk and discuss things...

    Business has been pretty good for December. I wish that it would be that good all of the time! I'm working with area agencies for various things. Have a new furnace now as well as a new hot water heater. I haven't had hot water in two years. Need to fix the broken pipes. Have already fixed them three times. Situation is much worse now though because of freezing last year...

    Fixing the broken pipes is the next thing that needs to be done.

    I've got to get over there and visit with you!

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    Apr 30, 2010, 05:43 AM
    "The Patch"
    The online database I have here, like a diary,is very necessary for my mental well being,as well(I hope) for others who might read this thread.

    I am now attempting to quit smoking.For the past week I have been on a patch for the replacement of nicotine in the system, the hurdle now is the action of putting the cig to my mouth, and the smoke from it.

    During the first few days of this treatment,I smoked about half as much as I normally had previous to using the patch, the effects were not readily noticed.

    Within a 4 day period,I began to notice vivid dreams at night,fatigue during the days(could also be attributed to my bipolar),and a lack of appetite.I was down to 5 smokes at that time.

    Yesterday,I smoked 3.The effects of the patch are becoming more and more evident as the time goes by.It states on the packaging,if you have vivid dreams you can remove the patch at night, I did for the first time last night, within a few hours,I felt relief from the (seemingly,too much) nicotine.

    I awoke today to find that the dreams I was having were much less severe,I actually slept through the night(almost) and :( rewarded myself to a smoke this AM.. :mad:

    Upon reflection,I cleaned up,thought rationally about this action, I am an addict,I am weak in that I have to be vigilant in,'Policing' my thinking,I can do this,I am better than this smoking,I am on a patch to help me through the toughest times,but eventually I will need to be free of all nicotine.

    The suggested timetable for these patches, Weeks 1-4,step 1(21 mg),Weeks 5 and 6,step 2(14mg),Weeks 7 and 8,step 3(7 mg)

    Being on step one hasn't been very tough,, yet, I am getting more than what I should be getting for nicotine(I shouldn't even be smoking, but I did), and I have stopped the constant thinking that revolves around any addiction, smoking is no different than any other drug/alcohol.

    Can I do this?Can I stay with the methods laid down by this drug Mfgr. And see this through?

    I am feeling a little bit alone in this, I seem to have alienated friends and associates.I am now seen as a threat to 'friends' who still smoke(like I am some kind of authority figure,upon reflection, I did this also to 'friends' who quit, hmm... :( )

    Hope to hear from others who are struggling with this as well.

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    Apr 30, 2010, 06:03 AM

    Hi Ken,
    This is wonderful! I am impressed that you are doing this. Like they say, just take it one day at a time, step by step. You certainly can do this. It will be tough, but I'm guessing not worse than other things you've been through. I confess I have never smoked, but I know many people who have quit. It's difficult but definitely doable. I think if anyone can do it, you can.

    I am rooting for you!
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    Apr 30, 2010, 08:15 AM

    I'm unsure of the timetable here. Going from "07 to '10.

    Have info on patch if I'm responding timely.
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    Apr 30, 2010, 08:30 AM

    Hi Dr. Bill.
    Welcome! This is more like a running discussion.
    Info about nicotine patch is very timely.

    (Fentanyl patch not so much, but shoot anyway.)
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    Apr 30, 2010, 10:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by asking View Post
    Hi Ken,
    This is wonderful! I am impressed that you are doing this. Like they say, just take it one day at a time, step by step. You certainly can do this. It will be tough, but I'm guessing not worse than other things you've been through. I confess I have never smoked, but I know many people who have quit. It's difficult but definitely doable. I think if anyone can do it, you can.

    I am rooting for you!
    I am going to make it,one way or another,, :)

    I figure the first weeks are going to actually be easy(as soon as I STOP the actual sneaking one in here and there), the second stage will be easier if I can stop cheating right now.

    Only have 4 left in the last pack I want to buy,, I just know that leaving them there as temptation will allow me to smoke them, but I just can't throw them out.

    Once an addict,always an addict..

    Thanks again for your support asking, it really does mean a lot;)
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    Apr 30, 2010, 10:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrBill100 View Post
    I'm unsure of the timetable here. Going from "07 to '10.

    Have info on patch if I'm responding timely.
    Yes,DrBill100, there isn't really a time frame on a sticky thread, at least they haven't stopped me from posting things on here for the last 3 years.. :p
    simoneaugie's Avatar
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    Apr 30, 2010, 11:29 AM

    Hi Ken,

    You mention "cheating" and sneaking one. Isn't that like sneaking a beer? Patch or not, oral/manual habit or not, You aren't fooling yourself.

    I'm just thinking aloud. I have smoked while on the patch too.

    It's almost as if the addicted self is "separate" from who we want to be. Like a willful child wanting to sneak in a secret recess instead of sitting in class, he wants to go his own way. He wants to get away with something, even if that something is playing on the freeway during rush hour.

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