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    ILOVEKDB's Avatar
    ILOVEKDB Posts: 17, Reputation: 8
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    Jul 13, 2007, 11:15 PM
    How to say sorry, for hurting her for so long?
    Well here's the short version I get a crush on my bestfriends girlfriend... I admit I like her finally then we start wrting letter and talking on the phone, then I tell her exactly how I feel I tell her I love her, and how every time she calls my heart skips a beat and then starts beating even faster then befroe... Adn we were all set she finally dumbed my best friend and I told her when miek was over her I would go out with her, but not a day sooner, she says she'll wait... I tell her I love her with all my heart and soul, tell her she is my everything... Her grandfather die's when she comes back and tells me how much I helped her and her grandfather... how she sat next to him talking about me and it made it asier on both of them to see her smile... and at lunch when I ask her "What's up?" she say's like out of know where "I love you" for the first time in person (everyother time we said it, it was in a letter or on the phone... ) I just bury my head in my hands, and (I don't think she relaized) started crying... Later that day in gym... she finds out that while she was gone This girl I had liked in the begging of the year, and still sort of liked, I knew I loved my current girlfriend much more but this girl asked me out and I was on the spot... and for soemreason (I know a few) I said yes... I remember seeing my love cry when she found out she wouldn't look at me... I almost lost hurt but finally we becasme friends and got closer and closer... until one day I was considering dumping Sam and asking for a seocnd chance... rotten timing Sam dumpped me hich made it look like kierstan (my girlfriend and love) was just a fix... but finally I get the guts and she gives me a second chance... every now and then "Sam" would coem up and I would say sorry and usually start crying and tell her how bad I felt and that I never meant to hurt her... she told me to just let it go and she was fine... but for some reason I didn't let it go, and when I went to tell her I fainaly did I gave her reaon's and the reasons were a little overboard... ahe blocked me on messenger, and wouldn't pick up the phone when I calledfinaly I got the chance to talk to her, and I fixed things and she told me how much it hurt her every time I brought up Sam and when I said I was sorry so much... and I promised I had let it go and I wasn't going to bring it up ever again, but I still feel like a idiot and the worst boyfriend ever for all the pain I caused her...

    I'm going to Eroupe in a few days and I won't be able to see her befroe I leave, so is there anyway I can do soemthing to say sorry withouthaving to see her, or be annoying... like call her and say I'm sorry over and over, I want to do something specail to make up for everything I've ever done... (which is a lot) so every idea (little or big are welcome) any ideas? Please help I only have a few days... I love this girl nothing is to extrem so don't be afraid
    self_lnflicted_hell's Avatar
    self_lnflicted_hell Posts: 106, Reputation: 9
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    Jul 14, 2007, 06:14 AM
    Well, seein' how she already knows how sorry you are, the best you can do is just give her some time and space to think about it all. You hurt her. But you know that, I won't rub it in.
    You're both young. Love will come and go a zillion times until you finally find your true love. Just tell her that you care for her very deeply and that you can completely understand if she'd never want to see you again but how truly sorry you are and that if she gives you another chance you will make it up to her. Just from now on, think before you act.
    ILOVEKDB's Avatar
    ILOVEKDB Posts: 17, Reputation: 8
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    Jul 14, 2007, 11:14 PM
    Thanks I told her how sorry I was (before and after you wrote your reponse) and we worked things out, and when you said love as come will and go until I found true love, I think I did, I loved her when she was my bestfriends... I loved her and cried about/for her when I was going out with a girl I really liked... Every time one of us screws up big, we don't break up like most copules would (theres been some big problems) we talked it out, maybe yell a little cry some but we fix it... That's why even though I told her, and she says its OK, I want to do something special for her... to let her know I care<3
    self_lnflicted_hell's Avatar
    self_lnflicted_hell Posts: 106, Reputation: 9
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    Jul 15, 2007, 07:36 AM
    Well, of course everyone fights. No relationship is perfect. Just reassure her that you'll always be there for her and if she needs your love and affection, don't ever hesitate. Cause after a while the comfort level sets in and one might feel like they don't have to show as much cause the other should just know but nobody realizes how wrong that is. As a woman who's been in a relationship for 2 years, I know what that feels like and it's horrible. I tell him constantly, "Honey, I need some attention and I need it now!" I know he loves me but I still need to feel it from time to time. Everything will be OK as long as you both give your all.
    ILOVEKDB's Avatar
    ILOVEKDB Posts: 17, Reputation: 8
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    Jul 15, 2007, 07:53 AM
    Thanks so much... I to believe in tryign to "keep the romance alive" even after marriage... every now and then do soemthing special just because you care... and I try to tell her I love her EVERYDAY, and I lose sleep when I don't... I wa sjust wondering if there was anythign extra special I could do... but I guess as I think about it... That is the specialest thing I can do... like times when she says "I'm so spoiled sometimes, but i love it" and then smiles... I tell her she's not that spoiled and I wish I had the money to spoil her and trat her like a princess... and then she goes "thats not what i mean, you spoil me with your love, your always there fro me, and i know you are willing to do anythign for me... Just knowing that the man i love cares just as much about me makes me feel spoiled" I guess your right thanks a bunch
    self_lnflicted_hell's Avatar
    self_lnflicted_hell Posts: 106, Reputation: 9
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    Jul 16, 2007, 07:46 AM
    Good :) I hope that the past can be soon forgotten and that you both can move on with the strong, trustworthy relationship you both want. And you're welcome :)

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