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    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Jul 10, 2017, 08:46 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dwashbur View Post
    Nobody knows how to pronounce His covenant name in the Old Testament ("Jehovah" is way wrong because Hebrew didn't have a "J" or "V" sound). But since we're on the afterward side of the New Testament, I just call Him "Daddy."
    Abba Father.
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 10, 2017, 11:53 PM
    The Hebrew Language had No Letters in it. NONE, it's called script. Those who deny the Father and God of Jesus Christ also deny the Son which was given a Name 'Jesus'.

    This teaching is also anti- semitic in claiming there are No Jews, saying there is no 'J' in Hebrew. There is No 'Y' in Hebrew either, no letters at all. To pick one letter when there is None, is worse than an outright lie for it is an untruth with a dark agenda. Satan is the Father of the lie when he asked, "So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1)

    God made no such statement. To say there is no 'J' is the same “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1) Such ones are already dying the second death, the lake of fire that symbolizes everlasting death. That is where their gnashing and weeping of teeth will be.....

    "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22)

    To claim there is no Jesus because there is No 'J' won't produce salvation but an everlasting death in the same manner of Adam and Eve with no prospect of a Resurrection. There is no 'j' in hebrew, latin, or greek but when transliterated in English we do use the letters of our alphabet.

    The trinity is the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ by omission. Look up the trinity doctrine and you will not find Jesus Christ in the doctrine. The trinity doctrine is a generic formula with No Names in it copied from Paganism. They teach a different and false doctrine. "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 7)
    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Jul 11, 2017, 06:49 AM
    The Hebrew Language had No Letters in it. NONE, it's called script. Those who deny the Father and God of Jesus Christ also deny the Son which was given a Name 'Jesus'.

    To be honest, I have no idea what you just said. The Hebrew language had, and still has, 22 letters. The one that got transcribed as "J" is actually a "Y" sound. So how did we end up with a "J"?

    German, that's how. The word "Jehovah" comes to us from German transcription of the way it was written in the Hebrew manuscripts. Jewish scribes took the vowels from the word "adonai", which means "lord," and put them onto the Divine Name, YHWH, making a word pronounced roughly "Yehowah." In German, J" is pronounced like our "Y" and German "W" is pronounced like our "V". English translators saw the Hebrew word and weren't sure what to do with it, so they adopted the German transcription, but didn't bother to pronounce it German style.

    This is how we got the word "Jehovah." It doesn't exist. It's not a real word, not even in Hebrew. It's an English corruption of a German attempt to transcribe an artificially-created Hebrew word that didn't really exist and was made to avoid pronouncing the Name. Anyone who hangs their theological hat on that is leaning on a broken reed, as my dad used to say.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jul 11, 2017, 06:56 AM

    Why do you feed this religious battle amongst your fellow Christians? Is it the rebel in you, or do you have something to prove? The trinity acknowledges the GOD, and Son, as well as the connecting spirit, yet you gripe about the pronunciation of a name?

    That's TRIBAL thinking at it's worse. Unless you rise above it, you drown in your own CRAP!
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Jul 11, 2017, 09:11 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Rando View Post
    The Hebrew Language had No Letters in it. NONE, it's called script.
    What do you think script is made up of, bratwurst?

    Your signature is script.
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 11, 2017, 10:38 AM
    The Hebrew language had no letters. God's Name was in the form of the tetragram. Some referred to the script as characters not letters.

    God has One Name (יהוה)... spelled different in every language. How Many Names Does God Have?
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 12, 2017, 06:59 PM
    Ezekiel 39:7

    I will make my holy name known among my people Israel, and I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in Israel.’
    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Jul 14, 2017, 06:43 AM
    Your comment about the Hebrew language still makes no sense. I cannot take you seriously while you keep trying to tell me that the language I have studied for 40 years, have an advanced degree in, and sometimes think in when I'm on the edge of sleep, has no letters, yet it had a script. That does not make sense. I don't know where you got some kind of distinction between letters and characters, but that frankly makes me laugh.

    Hebrew had, and still has, 22 letters. And nobody knows how to pronounce the tetragram, but it really doesn't matter. How many times do you see it appear in the New Testament?

    I still call him Daddy. I love it when He just wraps His arms around me and holds me. Like a daddy.
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 14, 2017, 10:50 AM
    Many scriptures from the New Testament were quotes from the Old Testament that had the Hebrew Tetragram in them, even Jesus quoted some of them. God's name was in the New Testament 297 times. It was replaced with LORD then Lord in the last century so one would need to read the entire context to see if the scripture was talking about Jehovah or Jesus. I'll show you an example.

    “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8)

    Members of Christendom proclaim this is talking about Jesus but Jesus is not the Almighty. A closer look at this scripture is that the Name of Jesus is absent. SO who is this scripture talking about? "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the LORD (God Jehovah Isa 44:6; Gen 17:1; Exo 6:3 ), which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." (Rev 1:8) Jehovah God was removed and a deceptive Lord was inserted which at one time was LORD. A deception that came about in the last century.

    Several things to note. The LORD is capitalized and "God" was also removed from the scripture to convey a lie. Also the scriptures is taken from the Old Testament. "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. (Luk 20:37; Rev 1:8; Rev 4:8; Rev 11:17; Rev 15:3 ) Exodus 6:3

    Jehovah in the New Testament 297 References With Jesus' Testimony in Red Letters
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Jul 14, 2017, 11:12 AM
    Brother Rando, do/did you have a mother and father?
    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Jul 17, 2017, 06:14 AM
    "It was replaced with LORD then Lord in the last century"

    Evidence? Every Greek manuscript we have uses KURIOS, "lord," in those passages. Nothing was ever "replaced." If you have evidence to the contrary, how about letting us see it?
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 17, 2017, 10:35 AM
    "Every Greek manuscript we have uses KURIOS, "lord," in those passages."

    Yes, Kurios is the greek word used for Lord and LORD. Let's look at a few scriptures. (Romans 10:13) "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, (Jehovah Jol 2:31,32 2Ti 2:19) shall be saved. This New Testament scripture was a quotation from the Old Testament. Notice LORD not Lord. Lord came in later translations trying to confuse the reader of whom the scripture was talking about.

    (Joel 2:32) "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as Jehovah hath said, and in the remnant whom Jehovah shall call." (Act 2:20,21,39; Rom 10:13; 2Pe 3:10) AS you can see this Old Testament scripture was quoted in the New Testament several times but God's Name was removed.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Jul 17, 2017, 11:04 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Rando View Post
    Yes, Kurios is the greek word used for Lord and LORD.
    What's the difference?
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 17, 2017, 01:02 PM
    LORD refers to Jehovah and Lord refers to Jesus. "The LORD said to my Lord, Sit you at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." (Psalms 110:1)

    Lord is simply a title not a Name. In the removal of God's Name, translators also removed the name of prophets and inserted a different name.

    Case and Point. Isaiah when translated means 'Salvation of Jehovah' and thus Isaiah was changed to Esaias in the Greek New Testament. This was done by a devious design to mislead the reader.

    (Romans 10:16 KJV) "But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, LORD, (Jehovah Isaiah 53:1 ) who hath believed our report?"
    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Jul 19, 2017, 06:22 AM
    1. If you look at Romans 10:13 in context, "the Lord" refers to Jesus. Paul is equating Jesus with Yahweh (Jehovah is a word that never existed and is thus meaningless). So if it's referring to Yahweh, then Jesus and Yahweh are one.

    2. "Isaiah" was "changed" to Esaias because of the way the Greek language works. There are structures and sounds in Hebrew that didn't exist in Greek so they had to do the best they can.

    3. Languages do this all the time and always have. "John" comes from two different Hebrew roots, Yonatan and yehonatan. Greek doesn't have a way to put an "h" sound in the middle of a word, and they have their own ways of ending words, so it came out Ioannes. That passed into Latin, and from there it spread thus:
    Spanish: Juan
    French: Jean
    English: John or Jon
    German: Johann
    Russian: Ivan

    All the same name. Just adapted to the way different languages operate. It's the same with names etc. from the Old Testament. Your idea about names being "changed" does not stand up to scrutiny.
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 19, 2017, 10:09 AM
    You realize that the 'J' wasn't in the Greek Scriptures either. So it's quite interesting you used 'John' when it wasn't in the New Testament of the Greek Scriptures. Care to explain your hypocrisy?

    Let me point it out to the Forum for you:
    "John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me." (John 1:15)

    Now let's look at the Greek:
    Strong's Concordance
    Ióannés: John, the name of several Israelites
    Original Word: Ἰωάννης, ου, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: Ióannés
    Phonetic Spelling: (ee-o-an'-nace)
    Short Definition: John
    Definition: John: the Baptist, the apostle, a member of the Sanhedrin, or John Mark.

    So if I wanted to be hypocritical such as yourself, I could say there is No Jehovah or Jesus in all the scripture and yet be telling the truth. It's when Hebrew and Greek are TRANSLITERATED into ENGLISH we use OUR ALPHABET.

    If you want to push your false narrative, please do it in the Hebrew or Greek Script from now on and stop using the letter "j" in all your responses.

    "Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand." (Daniel 12:10)
    smoothy's Avatar
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    Jul 19, 2017, 11:00 AM
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
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    Jul 19, 2017, 02:03 PM
    1. If you want to push your false narrative, please do it in the Hebrew or Greek Script from now on and stop using the letter "j" in all your responses.

    dwashbur's Avatar
    dwashbur Posts: 1,456, Reputation: 175
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    Jul 20, 2017, 07:07 AM
    "You realize that the 'J' wasn't in the Greek Scriptures either. So it's quite interesting you used 'John' when it wasn't in the New Testament of the Greek Scriptures. Care to explain your hypocrisy?"

    I use "John" in English. That's how it came down to us. Again, same name, different language. I get the feeling you didn't pay any real attention to what I wrote, just glommed onto one thing, and made a mess. So not only do you consistently take the Scriptures out of context, you do the same thing with my words.

    I do believe I'm done with you. Fire back as you wish, I won't be looking. I'm through with this thread.
    Brother Rando's Avatar
    Brother Rando Posts: 9, Reputation: 2

    Jul 20, 2017, 09:19 AM
    Just pointing out the religious hypocrisy. When a person claims we can't use God's Name with the "J" then that argument should be used for ALL LETTERS of our English Alphabet, since the Hebrew Language had no letters in to begin with. That was my point. The Hebrew Tetragrammaton was both in Hebrew and Greek. The Jews didn't want to transliterate the Name of God into a different language, so they left the Hebrew Tetagamation 'as is' amidst other language such as Greek. Look at the Greek Septuagint.

    Anyway, we have more in common than indifference...

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