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    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Mar 18, 2015, 10:08 AM
    tickle, I have lived all over the northeast US my entire life, and mealy bugs are quite happy here.
    I had a yew the size of Chicago once, and pruned it back too much, and the mealy bugs became as thick as wigs on a bunch of British judges.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 18, 2015, 10:17 AM
    Dear Catsmine
    Thanks for your advise. In the winter time our apartment rooms are very dry because of the heater, so we had never been thinking about dehumidifier. Well, it will be spring soon, then, I can see what it going on.

    I try to attach the other photos of white hard things on the under carpet foams.

    Name:  IMG_0029-400.jpg
Views: 777
Size:  66.3 KB
    Name:  IMG_0030-400.jpg
Views: 772
Size:  70.2 KB

    You can't see many small white one on this foam, because the photo is too small. What can I do?
    Name:  IMG_0036-400.jpg
Views: 765
Size:  81.4 KB

    Well, thanks! Kayosan
    Catsmine's Avatar
    Catsmine Posts: 3,826, Reputation: 739
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    Mar 18, 2015, 12:54 PM
    Aha! Pictures! Thank you. I increased the magnification on my screen and did see the small white things on the foam. They are approximately the size of the mealybugs Joypuly was mentioning.

    While I cannot positively identify them from these photos, for your information mealy bugs can be controlled with applications of Diatomaceous Earth, which should not cause you problems with toxicity, since it is a mechanical insecticide.

    Diatomaceous Earth General Fact Sheet
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 18, 2015, 06:03 PM
    No article at here. Sorry!
    It is very hard to manage of post a article. I want to delete this article, but I can't.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 6, 2015, 07:29 PM
    Hi, Catsmine

    Kayosan has still been fighting with The Bugs. First of all thank you for your concerned and many replied. White “meldew” things have been becoming worst and worst over the walls and floors. One of the wall of kitchen became white how many times Kayosan wiped. Then Kayosan remember your advise, and went to paint-shop to consult, and then bottom half wall covered with wall paper were painted with anti-mold paint around at the middle of May. The kitchen walls are still okay.

    The white one appeared on the wooden floor at the front room, spraying and wiping with the water and ammonia wasn’t work, bleach (the man at paint shop said bleach is the best for mold and mildew) wasn’t work, Lysol, vinegar with peppermint oil, and so on, even green tea but wasn’t work, finally scrubbing bobble was worked, and finished by with lemon scent pledge. The floors are still okay. The white things on another floors treated with scrubbing bubble wasn’t working this time. The white things on the vinyl file drawer was worked with just water, and lacquer finished tray were very hard to get rid of them. The finally little drop of expensive Oregano oil was worked. It is very scare to see coming or growing back The White things after treating many different stuff. Kayosan thinks this is not simply mildew or mold. Oregano oil seems the best, but it is very expensive. If you have any idea please reply to Kayosan.

    The Diatomaceous Earth (DE) – Crashing the small Crystal like (you saw on the foam under the carpet) becomes the Powder (some said it is bugs). The DE powder and the Powder are very similar of the feeling. It seems the Powder is taking over the DE, and wherever the powder sprayed the white things appear.

    Thank you in advance for your response.
    Catsmine's Avatar
    Catsmine Posts: 3,826, Reputation: 739
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    Jun 7, 2015, 02:39 AM
    Kayosan, I do not recall you saying whether your apartment is on the ground floor. If it is, can you persuade the landlord to have the moisture content of the crawlspace measured? You may also wish to look into a dehumidifier for the apartment. Fungi (molds and mildew) require a high humidity to grow that fast.
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
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    Jun 7, 2015, 12:31 PM
    The spots most likely are water and chemical damage to the floor and trim finish. The "white shapes" in the photos are pieces of recycled polyurethane and would be expected. From my past chemical and pest control experience, I see nothing related to insects or pests.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 7, 2015, 08:40 PM
    Thanks to Catsmine and Ma0641 for your reply.

    Catsmine, our apartment is 2nd floor. Both 1st floor, our owner is living and 3rd floor have no problems of mold or mildew. Even in the basement. My skin doctor and allergy doctor both told me I have extreme dry skin, so it is better to buy the humidifier. Now you told I should get dehumidipher. What should I do?

    Ma0641, the white crystal like and white powder were on our bed sheets. I actually cried at the idle of the night, because itches all over my body. I really pray to the Lord God send to me the Angels to protect me tonight. The white powder must be on my hands this morning after I cleaned and touched my sheets no matter how much I washed many different cleaning agents, my hands was very shinny and very very sticky. Another things I found in my body. I lost 15 lbs since last November, so I have many wrinkles, one of the wrinkles on the joint of legs and hips there are white things are sticked. It makes me needle poking like pain and same times itches and soooo much uncomfortable.
    I hope you understand mine and others who are in same condition and hopelessness life.
    Catsmine's Avatar
    Catsmine Posts: 3,826, Reputation: 739
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    Jun 8, 2015, 11:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayosan View Post
    Catsmine, our apartment is 2nd floor. Both 1st floor, our owner is living and 3rd floor have no problems of mold or mildew. Even in the basement. My skin doctor and allergy doctor both told me I have extreme dry skin, so it is better to buy the humidifier.
    If that's the case, mildew may not be the problem.

    If you can get to the skin doctor with samples of the white things around your legs, maybe he/she can identify it.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 8, 2015, 09:54 PM
    Hi Catsmine. Thank you for your reply. It makes me little bits surprise but I've really been thankful to you taking times to write and showing your concern.
    I've already been asked the doctors as you said. He said "I'm taking care of my patients' scare, cut, etc. and continued to taking care of my skin something happened. He said he believes I have a bugs from my scares (several bugs in my body), but he is not believing parasitatic. He can't see any new scares so he can do any things at this time so this is finished. Please good luck to taking care of your bugs.
    Those who are suffering from The Bugs says none of the doctors (general practitioner, allergy doctor or skin doctor could not be helping. And there are no hope and no helping hand in medical world, and also the bugs specialist or exterminators. Many are spending big amount money, but couple weeks later they are coming back. Another things The Bugs we are suffering are very small and tiny like powder, and they bite but there are no scars or itchesness (several minutes)
    It is very hard because there is no hope and The Bugs have never been killed. I have to wait for my powerful and faithful Lord God to showing His miracles like He did in Egypt. Because only God can do to take The Bugs away from us, so I trust and believe the Lord God.
    Catsmine and many others like Catsmine and any country's Government take this matter seriously. I feel these flying bugs at stores, markets and restaurants. Good night! Hopefully, everyone has good night sleep.
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
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    Jun 9, 2015, 06:25 AM
    "I feel these flying bugs at stores, markets and restaurants". And therein lies the answer.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 9, 2015, 08:25 PM
    It is truth. If you are not infested with The Bugs, in other word you aren't loved by This Bugs you can't feel with this over whelming sensational hovering feeling on your face and head. At the left over Christmas goods boxes, the allergy medicine aisle, clearning stuff aisles, rest rooms of any public buildings, I can feel.
    Isn't it scared you? I was very much scared for everyone. One more things, the most inexpensive instant Ramen section.
    I pray for the Lord to come quickly to the air taking us home, or God the Lord shows his miracles like He did at Egypt to get rid of this things (The Bugs), or CDC or Military or any countries Government Ofgivisls to take this matter seriously to find out what this is.
    Thank you listening. Catsmine, please please understand our sufferings.
    Catsmine's Avatar
    Catsmine Posts: 3,826, Reputation: 739
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    Jun 10, 2015, 03:17 PM
    Did you start using the humidifier before or after the irritations started? If before, it may be causing something to grow. You might try some eucalyptus oil in the water. Eugenol has some pesticidal effects.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 10, 2015, 09:17 PM
    Thank you for taking time for me to check and write.
    I checked at where I can get Eucalyptus oil sold. It was very expensive. If it is not 100% I can gets 4 oz $14.99.
    I have been using peppermint oil mixed with vinegar for every days clothings, and lemon oil mix with water for closet. Just resently I ordered oregano oil for me to taking one drop every day. Oregano oil seems to good for these stickey white things. But it was very expensive.
    Is it okay to use not 100% eucalyptus oil diluted with water (several drops to one gallon water) to spray on the sticky white floor and any other places? Then, I can afford it.
    Thanks again. I'll report to you it's working or not. Thanks again, Kayosan
    PS With my hands and slipper these white sticky one transferred any other places. It is very scarely.
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
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    Jun 11, 2015, 01:20 PM
    After reading the posts, I'll be the antagonist. "At the left over Christmas goods boxes, the allergy medicine aisle, clearning (sic) stuff aisles, rest rooms of any public buildings, I can feel." So therefore you are saying it may not be your apartment. "CDC or Military or any countries Government Ofgivisls( sic"). I think you should seek health counseling if THE BUGS are allegedly everywhere.
    Kayosan's Avatar
    Kayosan Posts: 16, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 11, 2015, 10:29 PM
    Hi, ma6041 yes you are right. I and other who are suffering with The Bugs have allergic reaction with The Bugs. I, I can't say others but the most of them treated by the skin doctor and allergy doctor, have already been adlingwith allergy doctor to find out what I am allergic. The doctor said if I bring the name of bugs, and then he can check I am allergy or not. Allergy doctor can't find the name of The Bugs I'm allergic to. I can't take the name of The Bugs. No one knows what kind, how bigs, what behavior The Bugs has. It is very, very, strange and harmful Bugs.

    Ma6041, of course you should be antagonized to what I said. It is scarely things. If you have allergy for The Bugs you may be catch it. However, I think the flying object stage are the end of their lives. I don't know anything about The Bugs, but their egg stage, or larva stage should be careful. If those who do't have any allergy (I said The Bugs don't love you), no use to worry even eating and sleeping togather. (Some said it is better not have any love making.) My husband has been sleeping the same bed and eating food I prepared since lady November. I tried to use lots of harlics and black pepper because The Bugs do NOT like them, that I he's rd. He has been safe.

    The Bugs live for 3 or 4 or more weeks in the any kind of liquid, in the zero weather, 208 degree hot water, and any kind of the insecticide. The Bugs do NOT die. Here, I want to say pest experts, Any department goverent (with our taxes), military, or anyone, please pay attention this matter seriously.

    Because of The Bugs, one lady sacrifice her life to apart from her family because she doesn't want to take any chance her teenage Children infaste, some mother who has baby and 2 yrs old girl (both children infested) how horrible these children are suffering with biting, poking, itching and crying, but the mother has same horrible feeling. How can this mother spending the day? She has to clean the house, too. Some lady after she had infested her 27 hrs old son was killed with drunk driver. There are many other stories.
    I'm a Christian. I have to pray for these people and me of course, and asking every day to the Lord God created heaven and earth, and had done powerful and great miracles at Egypt, to get rid of The Bugs because only He can do it.
    However, if someone like you or any others have good idea we really like to know sooner. Our lives are very uncertain. Thank you for listening!
    PS I'm sorry poor English, many mistake in spelling and grammar. English is not my mother tongue.
    Catsmine's Avatar
    Catsmine Posts: 3,826, Reputation: 739
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    Jun 12, 2015, 02:57 AM
    Kayosan, I thought we had covered this assumption that you have an insect problem. If there were insects, they or their debris would be identifiable. You say you have had medical and entomological professionals examine your home, body, and samples and found nothing identifiable. I have tried to present you other alternatives that might cause skin irritation and now you say it's none of these things it has to be bugs. It is not bugs.

    The only other possibility I can think of is neurological. Many medical conditions, including diabetes and incorrect medication dosage, can cause nerve irritation that feels like bites. As ma0641 has politely tried to point out, your feeling these things everywhere indicate your feelings are the problem, not some external irritant. Perhaps your doctors need to do a more thorough workup than just skin samples.

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