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    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by katfk007 View Post
    I don't have a probation officer. I did get in trouble. Failing too many alcohol test will put me in jail. I believe I will pass my next test. Does that make anything clearer to you?
    Yes, it makes it crystal clear that you don't care about your present or future.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 28, 2014, 12:36 AM
    I know what my consequences could be and I am ready to face them. True happiness is acceptance. I can accept my repercussions. I am always prepared to face my consequences or if I wasn't I wouldn't even comply with drug court and do what a lot of others do... abscond and then go straight to jail. What makes u think I'm not prepared for worst. Im always prepared for the worst, at the same time stay positive and pray for the best.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Sep 28, 2014, 09:51 AM
    "True happiness is acceptance" Is that what you have told your fiancé and family? That they will be happy if they just accept your drinking problem? Have they ever asked you to get help? Or are they afraid to bring it up or have they stopped trying? Or do they even know about it?

    You are prepared for the worst... are they? Are you prepared for the very real possibility of serious harm or death to yourself? It doesn't have to be from drinking and driving.

    Prayer is good in hopes of the best, but the onus is on you to actually do something about the problem. Sooner or later you will fail, you will go to jail, or you will seriously harm yourself or someone else... perhaps even die or kill. Are you prepared for that worst? Is your fiancé and family?

    You've mentioned a few times about what YOU are willing to accept, but you aren't even giving those you love a choice in how it will effect them.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 30, 2014, 05:12 PM
    I went to court today. I guess I passed and didn't go to jail. By the way, I haven't.had a drink since that day. And I feel great. As for my fiancé, he drinks and I don't have a problem with it. But I was disappointed that he tried to hide his drinking from me because of my legal situation. I have a good nose and sense to people who have been drinking. He didn't have to lie to me about drinking today just because I cant. That hurt me and almost caused me to relapse.

    I'm far from perfect but I strive to be the best I can. I'm trying to keep my sobriety. Just because I had a slip up with the alcohol this year and.made a few steps life doesn't mean I can't walk forward. Actually I plan on running forward.

    I'm far from perfect but I strive to be the best I can. I'm trying to keep my sobriety. Just because I had a slip up with the alcohol this year and.made a few steps life doesn't mean I can't walk forward. Actually I plan on running forward.

    I'm far from perfect but I strive to be the best I can. I'm trying to keep my sobriety. Just because I had a slip up with the alcohol this year and.made a few steps life doesn't mean I can't walk forward. Actually I plan on running forward.
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
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    Oct 1, 2014, 08:33 AM
    You had a close call. Learn from this. Your fiancé is just trying to be polite and not hurt you by rubbing your nose in what you can't do. Cut his some slack.
    slappyshmappy's Avatar
    slappyshmappy Posts: 1, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 1, 2014, 02:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by katfk007 View Post
    Thanks for your opinion. I wasn't looking for one. I was looking for educated answers here.
    You people who just slap down people who mess up and drink then want some sort of advice SUCK. If you don't have facts or life advice that my put them at ease or show some clarity to the situation then shut up your helping no one and nothing with your contribution to an already LAME situation. Yes, you can pass after 55 hours - I have done it - I am not proud of it but it can be done - everyone passes EtG at a different rate SOME PEOPLE Don't EVEN PRODUCE IT. Independent studies have negated other studies with time frames - check out Oxford Medical website - they a good study. It sucks to put yourself in the position to fail the test but by NO MEANS do nothing to increase your chances of passing it. I hope you did - sometimes bad things happen to good people after all we are only human.
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
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    Oct 1, 2014, 02:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by slappyshmappy View Post
    You people who just slap down people who mess up and drink then want some sort of advice SUCK. If you don't have facts or life advice that my put them at ease or show some clarity to the situation then shut up your helping no one and nothing with your contribution to an already LAME situation. Yes, you can pass after 55 hours - I have done it - I am not proud of it but it can be done - everyone passes EtG at a different rate SOME PEOPLE Don't EVEN PRODUCE IT. Independent studies have negated other studies with time frames - check out Oxford Medical website - they a good study. It sucks to put yourself in the position to fail the test but by NO MEANS do nothing to increase your chances of passing it. I hope you did - sometimes bad things happen to good people after all we are only human.
    You passed in 55 hours. Nothing oxford puts out or you say can possibly suggest that this person will to. As soon as they put the alcohol up to their lips they're cast dice. They might win or they might lose but more importantly they is NOTHING they can do to change the outcome. Drink water and try to get it out that way, fail for dilution. The people who came up with this test are far smarter and more thorough then we are, and there's precious little you can do after you've drank to change your result. Pray it is all eliminated from your system before you're tested.

    They're human, they make mistakes but I'm not here to hug them and console them and tell them they'll be okay. They're violated their parole, and often for drinking related offences. They've not be rehabilitated. They've not repented or seen the err in their ways. They're just keeping on keeping on. There is no, "They're just human, they make mistakes," they're on the same course they were before they were caught. I am not going to tell some who's on probation that they're just human and mistakes happen. That validates that they're not wrong and the next time they drive drunk they just might take out a family. That would be peachy.

    They've broken the law. Repeatedly. No sympathy. It might just be the wake up call they need to figure out that maybe this isn't the path in life that they want.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 1, 2014, 05:38 PM
    You people who just slap down people who mess up and drink then want some sort of advice SUCK. If you don't have facts or life advice that my put them at ease or show some clarity to the situation then shut up your helping no one and nothing with your contribution to an already LAME situation. Yes, you can pass after 55 hours - I have done it - I am not proud of it but it can be done - everyone passes EtG at a different rate SOME PEOPLE Don't EVEN PRODUCE IT. Independent studies have negated other studies with time frames - check out Oxford Medical website - they a good study. It sucks to put yourself in the position to fail the test but by NO MEANS do nothing to increase your chances of passing it. I hope you did - sometimes bad things happen to good people after all we are only human.
    Sorry... drunks who do not follow their orders to refrain from drinking alcohol are not "good people", no way, no how. No room for discusion on that topic. I don't think you would be so forgiving if one or more of the victims was someone close to you.

    I've had two girlfriends hit and killed by drunk drivers while I was dating them ten years apart, and I've had a number of other friends killed by drunk drivers over the years. Sorry... ZERO sympathy from me for them.

    I am on duty every other week where I can get called to work anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days that week that I'm not already at the office. I don't drink ANYTHING so I don't even remotely take a chance on those weeks. Its easy to do, pick up a soda or iced tea instead of a beer or whatever if water won't do it for you..... I have no sympathy for people who won't.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 1, 2014, 07:22 PM
    When I said I was hurt by my fiance's actuons, it was his act of lying, not his act of drinking. I need to clarify that to some of you who might have misinterpreted me. He is not by any legal troubles to wear he will get in trouble for drinking. So if he wants to, let him. I don't mind him drinking. He thought he should lie to me about his drinking because he's trying to support my not drinking. I understand why he did that. Hit I prefer honesty.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 1, 2014, 07:32 PM
    Let me clarify as the person who wrote this: I did not get a DUI. My crime of which I am NOT on probation for is victimless. I am NOT a drunk. I am in a self reforming program; therefore, 1 oz of wine is a no no. No wine with dinner allowed. I caught a possession charge and am in drug court. They happen to test for everything. I drank like a lot of people do, I did not drive under the influence, I was not drunk and disorderly. I simply wanted to know if I'd pass an EtG test of which I DID. I do not drink all the time. I hadn't had a drink in 4 days. My question started as a scientific question and morals started getting in the way, which is OK. But don't attack unless you have a reason.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 1, 2014, 07:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    "True happiness is acceptance" Is that what you have told your fiancé and family? That they will be happy if they just accept your drinking problem? Have they ever asked you to get help? Or are they afraid to bring it up or have they stopped trying? Or do they even know about it?

    You are prepared for the worst... are they? Are you prepared for the very real possibility of serious harm or death to yourself? It doesn't have to be from drinking and driving.

    Prayer is good in hopes of the best, but the onus is on you to actually do something about the problem. Sooner or later you will fail, you will go to jail, or you will seriously harm yourself or someone else... perhaps even die or kill. Are you prepared for that worst? Is your fiancé and family?

    You've mentioned a few times about what YOU are willing to accept, but you aren't even giving those you love a choice in how it will effect them.
    My fiancé and father have addiction probles. I haven't had a drink since Saturday and I passed my test and didn't go to jail.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    "True happiness is acceptance" Is that what you have told your fiancé and family? That they will be happy if they just accept your drinking problem? Have they ever asked you to get help? Or are they afraid to bring it up or have they stopped trying? Or do they even know about it?

    You are prepared for the worst... are they? Are you prepared for the very real possibility of serious harm or death to yourself? It doesn't have to be from drinking and driving.

    Prayer is good in hopes of the best, but the onus is on you to actually do something about the problem. Sooner or later you will fail, you will go to jail, or you will seriously harm yourself or someone else... perhaps even die or kill. Are you prepared for that worst? Is your fiancé and family?

    You've mentioned a few times about what YOU are willing to accept, but you aren't even giving those you love a choice in how it will effect them.
    My fiancé has an alcohol problem right now actually. And so does my dad. My drinking doesn't mean anything to them. You have to look at both sides. Not.just one.

    Quote Originally Posted by katfk007 View Post
    My fiancé and father have addiction probles. I haven't had a drink since Saturday and I passed my test and didn't go to jail.

    My fiancé has an alcohol problem right now actually. And so does my dad. My drinking doesn't mean anything to them. You have to look at both sides. Not.just one.
    If you ask me, I am the blessed one out of us who is bound by these legal laws because it forces me to change. Well, either change or go to jail, and I choose change.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 1, 2014, 08:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by katfk007 View Post
    Let me clarify as the person who wrote this: I did not get a DUI. My crime of which I am NOT on probation for is victimless. I am NOT a drunk. I am in a self reforming program; therefore, 1 oz of wine is a no no. No wine with dinner allowed. I caught a possession charge and am in drug court. They happen to test for everything. I drank like a lot of people do, I did not drive under the influence, I was not drunk and disorderly. I simply wanted to know if I'd pass an EtG test of which I DID. I do not drink all the time. I hadn't had a drink in 4 days. My question started as a scientific question and morals started getting in the way, which is OK. But don't attack unless you have a reason.
    If you face Jail-time on a test failure... then it is not a VOLUNTARY program. It IS a serious offense. Doesn't matter what you was arrested for... you were subject to court ordered testing, they tell you they test for everything. Drunks can't stay away from the juice even if it means going to jail. Someone without a drinking problem could easily refrain from drinking for months or even years if required to avoid jail. No everyone doesn't go out drinking al the time. Some people do but most don't.

    The first step is acknowledging there IS a problem... and you have to do that before you can make any progress. The fact you couldn't stay away from the booze speaks volumes to those of us that don't have a uncontrollable craving for it. Incidentally... I'm not a teetotaler. I've probably got 15 bottles of Vintage ale and at least 20 bottles of wine racked up... but I go weeks at a time without anything alcoholic at all. And I never drink enough to get a good buzz on much less drunk when I do. And I'm not under any prohibition for using it.

    Its all about perspective... most people don't drink booze often, or a lot when they do it. It's a relatively small minority of people that do. Many of them are the ones with drinking problems. And usually they are the last ones to see or even admit they have a problem.
    katfk007's Avatar
    katfk007 Posts: 20, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 3, 2014, 01:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    If you face Jail-time on a test failure... then it is not a VOLUNTARY program. It IS a serious offense. Doesn't matter what you was arrested for... you were subject to court ordered testing, they tell you they test for everything. Drunks can't stay away from the juice even if it means going to jail. Someone without a drinking problem could easily refrain from drinking for months or even years if required to avoid jail. No everyone doesn't go out drinking al the time. Some people do but most don't.

    The first step is acknowledging there IS a problem... and you have to do that before you can make any progress. The fact you couldn't stay away from the booze speaks volumes to those of us that don't have a uncontrollable craving for it. Incidentally... I'm not a teetotaler. I've probably got 15 bottles of Vintage ale and at least 20 bottles of wine racked up... but I go weeks at a time without anything alcoholic at all. And I never drink enough to get a good buzz on much less drunk when I do. And I'm not under any prohibition for using it.

    Its all about perspective... most people don't drink booze often, or a lot when they do it. It's a relatively small minority of people that do. Many of them are the ones with drinking problems. And usually they are the last ones to see or even admit they have a problem.
    What made you think I'm doing this testing voluntarily? Um... As far as I knew, drug court is not a voluntary program. It's an alternative to jail but those that don't participate or those that continue to test positive for drugs and alcohol will be sent to jail or rehab.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Oct 3, 2014, 02:46 PM
    Katflk007... just curious as to why you would even take the chance? Since you and your fiancé both have difficulty with alcohol, have you considered supporting each other in making a change for the better? Certainly neither of you would want to see the other in jail, seriously ill, injured, or killed. It is only a matter of time before one of those occurs to either of you or both.

    If rehab didn't help you before, that doesn't mean a different one won't help you now. The analogy of seeing a doctor for an illness is the often used. If you were ill, then went to a doctor but you felt that they didn't help you, would you just continue being ill, perhaps risking getting worse, or would you go to another doctor?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 3, 2014, 02:58 PM
    Lets hope they fail you on the next test. Maybe then you will take this all seriously for once. Because its clear from you attitude on this site you really have no intentions of doing that.

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