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    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    May 31, 2013, 02:31 PM
    Public Access Question
    "N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 14-202. The law, however, does not criminalize the use of recording devices for other purposes in areas to which the public has access or there is no reasonable expectation of privacy"

    What is considered "Public Access"? Public streets? State Parks?

    What about stores and restaurants?

    Can someone give me general list of what is okay, and what is not.

    (This is for North Carolina by the way)
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    May 31, 2013, 03:08 PM
    I'm an investigator in NY - I am somewhat familiar with the various laws of various States. There is no "one size fits all" answer.

    What is the specific situation? Meetings? Following someone? Telephone conversations? I'm sure you are aware that if you record and that recording is not allowed by law you can be fined, jailed, both.

    You are also seeking to buy surveillance glasses -

    What is the purpose of recording/spying?

    You are also interested in sap gloves and bulletproof vests, masks that fit "skin tight." You are starting to scare me.
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 09:11 AM
    If you look that was along time ago. I am a part time 'super hero' in my area that actually works with law officials without getting in the way.

    That was posted a couple years ago. I was trying to figure out what kind of protection I could have without being "lethal".

    That's water down the road. I'm well known here, police like me, nothing to worry about. (except I've never been carded or taken in) But if they asked I've obviously do it.

    As for my glasses I'm using them for personal trips and such.

    I thought about fitting one into my mask just for safety reasons but I go to a lot of public venues so I don't want to make people antsy because I can do what I do because I have no secrets with the law.

    I'll send you some news paper clippings to put you at ease, check your messages, and don't worry. I've done this for along time, its mostly about feeding homeless and being a role model for youth. I'm not some psychopath or anything : )
    AK lawyer's Avatar
    AK lawyer Posts: 12,592, Reputation: 977

    Jun 1, 2013, 09:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by hugostrange22 View Post
    Thats water down the road. ...
    I can't really visualize the metaphor. The one I am more familiar with is "water under the bridge".
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 09:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by AK lawyer View Post
    I can't really visualize the metaphor. The one I am more familiar with is "water under the bridge".
    We flood a lot...

    No just kidding. I've been up for the last 48 hours trying job applications/going to interviews.

    Cut me a little slack. : )
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 1, 2013, 09:35 AM
    Don't worry, AK - I don't get the whole idea. In my area "Superheros" are the people who get in the way of the Police. They also impede my work.

    And I think a person's history DOES matter. I see one person posting on the relationship boards who has never been in a relationship.

    I have no idea what this "Superhero" does - or why the need for a bulletproof vest and zap gloves if he's not getting "in the way."

    Oh, well, off to see what's been sent to me.
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 09:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Don't worry, AK - I don't get the whole idea. In my area "Superheros" are the people who get in the way of the Police. They also impede my work.

    And I think a person's history DOES matter. I see one person posting on the relationship boards who has never been in a relationship.

    I have no idea what this "Superhero" does - or why the need for a bulletproof vest and zap gloves if he's not getting "in the way."

    Oh, well, off to see what's been sent to me.
    First off, sap gloves are against the law here so I don't use them. Second off if you go into downtown in the middle of the night alone or with a group its always good to have some sort of protection.

    Let me give you a scenario I just used with someone else. I work with homeless a lot. Give them information, give them a little food to get by and clear unopened water. Tell them where they can go for more help.

    In New York I'm sure you know people beat the homeless for fun. Sometimes killing them. My first reaction would be inform the police first.

    If you tell me you'd wait for police and watch a homeless person be beaten to death... well, maybe you're in the wrong profession.

    There is time a place where you can use tools to be helpful. I don't go into the night looking for fights. I look to help people. I've helped drunks to their house. I've helped homeless hundreds of times, I've spoke with schools about all these great organizations that they can be a part of. (soup kitchens, homeless shelters, aiding the poor)

    There's so much more, and you don't seem to see it. I'd say about 80 percent of us will never actually get into a conflict. And most likely most of them can be defused by conversation.

    You can call it 'getting in the way' or 'a pointless hobbie' but doing the right thing is 24/hours
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 09:58 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Don't worry, AK - I don't get the whole idea. In my area "Superheros" are the people who get in the way of the Police. They also impede my work.

    And I think a person's history DOES matter. I see one person posting on the relationship boards who has never been in a relationship.

    I have no idea what this "Superhero" does - or why the need for a bulletproof vest and zap gloves if he's not getting "in the way."

    Oh, well, off to see what's been sent to me.
    Also, you are right, all people are different, some teachers are bad teachers, some police are dirty cops, and some superheroes are psychopaths looking for trouble.

    People are people. Doesn't matter what social group or occupation they are in. There is always ones that make the overall image look bad. I'm sure you can understand that. Police haven't been exactly the most perfect image lately.

    Superheroes, (what they are supposed to be) is a good Samaritan.

    Its really as simple as that. The costume makes it fun and attracts kids into helping the community.

    I really just can explain it more simple.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 1, 2013, 10:12 AM
    Whoa - before you start judging me (or anyone else on here) or putting words in my mouth or figuring out my life -

    For starters I wasn't looking for sap gloves you were, legal or illegal. You say, “sap gloves are against the law here so I don't use them.” Then, in the same paragraph you go on to say, “... if you go into downtown in the middle of the night alone or with a group its always good to have some sort of protection.” So you were or were not looking for sap gloves, you do or do not wear them?

    “People” beat the homeless, the weak, the discriminated against - and that includes gays and lesbians, the “underdogs” for death all over the world. NY does not hold the franchise on that. As far as, “My first reaction would be inform the police first. If you tell me you'd wait for police and watch a homeless person be beaten to death... well, maybe you're in the wrong profession.”
    Where did I EVER give you the impression that I wouldn't step up to the plate, that I would stand there and “watch a homeless person be beaten to death,” whatever gave you that impression about me? Not only are you very wrong, you are very insulting - how dare you question me, my morals, my ethics and what I would do. As a matter of fact, for your information, while you're running around maybe wearing sap gloves and bulletproof vest, maybe not, I have a carry permit - so while you're playing superhero, I'm holding a handgun. I'm ex Homeland Security - what's your law enforcement background? You work the
    Border and then come back and preach to me about what I would or wouldn't do.

    You also seem to think you're the only person who volunteers, who helps the unfortunate. “I look to help people. I've helped drunks to their house. I've helped homeless hundreds of times, I've spoke with schools about all these great organizations that they can be a part of. (soup kitchens, homeless shelters, aiding the poor). There's so much more, and you don't seem to see it. I'd say about 80 percent of us will never actually get into a conflict. And most likely most of them can be defused by conversation.”

    I belong to a local service club AND volunteer at a local nursing home AND speak for the residents in a local nursing home (trained to do so by NYS) AND work (on occasion) AND work (on a limited basis) in animal rescue AND work for local pro bono legal services so don't preach to me about the good works that only you do.

    Trust me, I get it. “I see it.”

    “You can call it 'getting in the way' or 'a pointless hobbie' but doing the right thing is 24/hours.” I disagree and I'll say it again - if you're roaming the streets in a costume with “magical glasses,” a recording device, zap gloves and a bulletproof vest you are getting in the way of legitimate law enforcement. If you are speaking in schools and public venues, then that's another story.

    So now that that's been said let's get back to recording devices - why, where, how, for what purpose? Same with the "recording glasses"

    Why do want to know about recording in restaurants and stores? The homeless are hanging out in restaurants and stores?

    If you are "into" spying on people, why not become a Police Officer, a Private Investigator, something similar?

    How do you finance this adventure? Donations? Your salary? Something else? Me - I own and operate two businesses.
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 10:22 AM
    All right, I snapped a bit, but categorizing everyone that volunteers in costume into one group of people that get in the way is a little judgmental yourself.

    Its like you point at people like Phoenix Jones and say you are all like that.

    A lot of superheroes don't even do combat, "life" the person that worked with me to get started was completely non-combat.

    I don't use or even own sap gloves. Bullet proof vests (given you have no criminal record) are completely legal here. That is my "protection".

    And as I've said before, I figured out my whole superhero thing years ago. I collected all that legal information over TWO YEARS AGO.

    I am using this camera for home movies, vacations, and my friends are wanting to do a college horrible film sort of like clover field so I am buying them one as well.

    This has nothing to do with that side of my life at ALL. I've already said that. I never even mentioned. We are just not looking to get sued if someone is in the background and gets their face in it for a non-profit film.


    99 percent of the money comes from myself, and besides the costume I've bought nothing but healthy food, water, and we just had a blanket drive in nov/dec.

    I'm not trying to be rude but why even mention your two businesses? Are you trying to belittle my tiny operation? Are you trying to say I should go into the big leagues? I'm not sure what you are trying to say with that statement.


    And just to say this again, the last legal thing I asked on here regarding superheros was in Oct 3, 2011

    I told you early on in this conversation this was for personal use only and nothing to do with this.

    You were the only one that drew that conclusion from a 2 year old post. And I quickly corrected you

    "That was posted a couple years ago. I was trying to figure out what kind of protection I could have without being "lethal".
    Thats water down the road. I'm well known here, police like me, nothing to worry about. (except I've never been carded or taken in) But if they asked I've obviously do it. As for my glasses I'm using them for personal trips and such. I thought about fitting one into my mask just for safety reasons but I go to alot of public venues so I dont want to make people antsy because I can do what I do because I have no secrets with the law."

    Personal Trips means Personal, not ease dropping, not following people, just family and friends hanging out.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 1, 2013, 10:41 AM
    I say what I mean - I don't dance around. I meant, 'How do you finance your charitable efforts?" Some people take donations. Some do not. Some volunteer under the umbrella of a church. Likewise, I can address that - a good samaritan walked my grandmother home from church and then asked for a "contribution" to continue his work. She was afraid, and so she contributed. I think he regrets asking.

    I self finance mine - and, as you can see, mine involves very little out of pocket expense.

    I'm astonished that you need a bulletproof vest in your area - I certainly don't wear one and so far I've been thrown off a porch, had a shotgun pointed out me, been held (by a person I was interviewing) for the Police when I wouldn't surrender my notes. I know the Police in my area are currently almost all wearing the vests - as are their working dogs. Of course, if you get shot in some other part of the body ... not so much help. I spend most of my time avoiding people with weapons - and so I don't need one. Probably not a bad idea. Just nothing I've ever considered.

    So you aren't asking about filming people without their knowledge - you are asking about releases after people are recorded in video? No, you can't produce a film and show faces and not get releases. You aren't asking about "recording devices," i.e. tape recorders and the like. You are asking about film/video. Those are two different things.

    (I had to look up Phoenix Jones - I had no idea who he is/was)
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 11:05 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    I say what I mean - I don't dance around. I meant, 'How do you finance your charitable efforts?" Some people take donations. Some do not. Some volunteer under the umbrella of a church. Likewise, I can address that - a good samaritan walked my grandmother home from church and then asked for a "contribution" to continue his work. She was afraid, and so she contributed. I think he regrets asking.

    I self finance mine - and, as you can see, mine involves very little out of pocket expense.

    I'm astonished that you need a bulletproof vest in your area - I certainly don't wear one and so far I've been thrown off a porch, had a shotgun pointed out me, been held (by a person I was interviewing) for the Police when I wouldn't surrender my notes. I know the Police in my area are currently almost all wearing the vests - as are their working dogs. Of course, if you get shot in some other part of the body ... not so much help. I spend most of my time avoiding people with weapons - and so I don't need one. Probably not a bad idea. Just nothing I've ever considered.

    So you aren't asking about filming people without their knowledge - you are asking about releases after people are recorded in video? No, you can't produce a film and show faces and not get releases. You aren't asking about "recording devices," i.e., tape recorders and the like. You are asking about film/video. Those are two different things.

    (I had to look up Phoenix Jones - I had no idea who he is/was)
    Phoenix Jones is one of the people that is all about being noticed and gets in trouble... a lot. While I'm co-hosting charities and talking to kids, he's getting into fights. I just wish our community could over come him but he's one of the major problems honestly.

    The film is for a college project, its nothing super serious, I think they could just redo-take shots with people's faces(would be easier than stopping every single person and less disruptive), or if anything on a tight time schedule blur their faces out. The main problem with it is that they wanted to publish it to YouTube. I'm sure there's not be any legal problems if they didn't do that and just presented it to their class via flash drive, but that's not the case.

    As for protection, I'm getting married, I have a big close knit family. My jacket is light weight and was donated by a ex investigator (on this site actually) so I had no problem using it. There seems to be only pros.

    Speaking about samaritans, I meant more of the idea of helping rather than the group. We take no donations, besides the blanket drive we put together. I co-hosted a charity once that took donations but they went directly to a hospital so yeah.

    And I mean, if you think about it, making a decent meal for someone really dosen't cost much and you can buy in bulk (as in sams club and such)

    And honestly, I've dreamed of the idea of working as a official law enforcement, but I'm not good with fire arms. And the idea of killing someone even if threatened, I'm not sure how that would play out. I feel like I wouldn't really make a good cop.

    (speaking of which... just got a call back, I got the job I was going for :)

    Edit: oh and the other thing is that if I'm just recording my family+friends, say I'm on the beach, and there is other people there but I'm just recording trying to get my family is there really going to be any problems? I just really don't want people coming up to me getting all huffy. Its supposed to be a convenience thing and I think they are a really neat gadget. Its really nice to not be carrying a cam coarder around, hands free so I can actually be part of the video instead of the camera man : ) so in the instance of just making home videos is there really any risk? (Homevideo as in never being published)

    Edit 2: Hey I'm getting off soon, I just wanted to say I'm sorry that I snapped at you, I just hate it when the bad eggs ruin the overall image of the group, because honestly we're just normal people trying to make a difference, and when someone compares us to someone else doing the same thing and says they only causing trouble...

    It just made me feel like you were saying someone without a badge or license couldn't help people, and it hit a nerve.

    And that turned into less of an apologize and more of justifying my actions... sorry lol... Anyway Thanks for the information and I hope I didn't cross you too much : )


    PS: Clear some of your messages : D Your inbox is full
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 1, 2013, 11:33 AM
    No, you can record family/friends BUT if those videos show up on the Internet or somewhere else or if someone objects during the “filming,” yes, you could have a problem. You certainly can’t run up and down the beach asking people to sign releases; on the other hand, if you’re filming and asked to stop, I’d stop.

    I don’t know what wearing a bulletproof vest and getting married have in common - I would venture a guess that most people don’t want anyone shot. It has nothing to do with marriage. You wouldn’t wear the vest if you were not engaged?

    I think this has probably run its course but if you read through your history, which is all I’ve known of you since we began this conversation, I think you can understand my concern - the search for sap gloves, bulletproof vests, taser guns, pepper spray; what is the best material to make a mask; what fabric is white but see through; where can you buy “spy glasses;” where can you buy glasses which allow you to record; the broken relationship (which we’ve all been through); your high blood pressure; your dreams and are you haunted; exchanging phone numbers with a stranger and then being concerned when that persons calls you - and the good, should the homeless be fed food with expired dates.

    At first reading I thought you were some sort of vigilante, running around the streets armed to the teeth, looking for trouble. Now I think you are some sort of superhero character, and that gets through to kids.

    I see you are friends with two of the people I most respect on this site - and so I will trust their judgment on what is going on.

    (I likewise never thought I could shoot someone - and then someone broke into my house and I got to the shotgun before he cleared the fence. He stopped and waited for the Police but what would I have done if he had turned on me? I truly don't know. You do what you have to do, I guess.)
    hugostrange22's Avatar
    hugostrange22 Posts: 72, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 1, 2013, 11:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    No, you can record family/friends BUT if those videos show up on the Internet or somewhere else or if someone objects during the “filming,” yes, you could have a problem. You certainly can’t run up and down the beach asking people to sign releases; on the other hand, if you’re filming and asked to stop, I’d stop.

    I don’t know what wearing a bulletproof vest and getting married have in common - I would venture a guess that most people don’t want anyone shot. It has nothing to do with marriage. You wouldn’t wear the vest if you were not engaged?

    I think this has probably run its course but if you read through your history, which is all I’ve known of you since we began this conversation, I think you can understand my concern - the search for sap gloves, bulletproof vests, taser guns, pepper spray; what is the best material to make a mask; what fabric is white but see through; where can you buy “spy glasses;” where can you buy glasses which allow you to record; the broken relationship (which we’ve all been through); your high blood pressure; your dreams and are you haunted; exchanging phone numbers with a stranger and then being concerned when that persons calls you - and the good, should the homeless be fed food with expired dates.

    At first reading I thought you were some sort of vigilante, running around the streets armed to the teeth, looking for trouble. Now I think you are some sort of superhero character, and that gets through to kids.

    I see you are friends with two of the people I most respect on this site - and so I will trust their judgment on what is going on.

    (I likewise never thought I could shoot someone - and then someone broke into my house and I got to the shotgun before he cleared the fence. He stopped and waited for the Police but what would I have done if he had turned on me? I truly don't know. You do what you have to do, I guess.)
    Well, when stumbling into this whole fiasco I wanted to know what were my rights, I quickly learned that really, everyone is really relaxed for the most part. Not a lot of trouble in this area in relation to violence.

    Heck we didn't even have a forensics team until this year during a murder.

    But something that doubles as cosmetic like a bullet proof vest is nice to have just in case. Life is so unpredictable. And in return to your question, I have more to live for that just myself. I have to make sure I don't check out early.

    I'll see you around! : )
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 1, 2013, 12:02 PM
    I honestly look forward to it -

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