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    Lzc0014's Avatar
    Lzc0014 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 27, 2012, 01:53 PM
    Switch Birth Control?
    Ive been having issues with my current birth control, Safyral, for a few months now (emotional all the time, nausea, sadness). I just went to my Obgyn for my annual over thanksgiving and she suggested switching me to Lo Loestrin Fe.

    I've been reading not so good reviews for this birth control (acne, weight gain, etc) and I'm curious if stopping birth control all together would be better?

    (I only use birth control to keep my skin clear, I am not having sex) Im just worried if I stop or change to Lo Loestrin Fe my face will break out like crazy!

    **Plus, I don't want to gain weight, my weight never fluctuates and I wouldn't know what to do if it started too!

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    jellybeans1's Avatar
    jellybeans1 Posts: 52, Reputation: 3
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    Nov 29, 2012, 02:25 AM
    I've been on about ten types of birth controls almost all of them have that as a symptom for them because everyone's body takes different hormones differently. Some of the ones that have said weight gain made me lose and only yasmin made me get acne. I would try it if I were you cause your doctor recommended it. Or you can go off it and see a dermatologist for acne medication. Another thing that has worked for a lot of people I know is using proactiv.

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