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    ladyfaye07's Avatar
    ladyfaye07 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 27, 2007, 11:14 AM
    Why do I keep crying?
    I'm only 16yrs old and I think I have some kind of emotional or mental health problem. Over the past year I have started to become very emotional and it has now got to the point where I will sit and cry but I don't know why I'm doing it. I used to be very bubbly and confident but now I can't look people in the eye when I talk to them and I haven't got hardly any friends left apart from my boyfriend. Last year I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me for a long time and then I had an abortion last summer, I think these may be part of the cause. I also experience a lot of muscle tension, headaches am constantly tired and I now find it very hard to sleep because of my constant worrying which usually results in me hysterically crying. Im leaving school in a few weeks and I don't want to be like this forever I can't handle it anymore. I don't want to tell my mum because she will think I'm just being a drama queen or laugh at me but I'm started to get worried I don't no where to go or what to do to get help its getting to a point where I feel like seriously starting to become mentally ill or insane help me faye x
    scol409's Avatar
    scol409 Posts: 22, Reputation: 2
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    Feb 27, 2007, 02:37 PM
    You have several symptoms of depression which is a totally treatable thing. Caused by a chemical imbalance and not anyone's 'fault' but you need to tell someone how you are feeling. Your mom would be the best one to tell but if you feel that you cannot talk to her - go to a school nurse or counselor. They cannot treat you with medication without your mom's permission but they may be able to help you break the communication gap and speak up. Life doesn't have to be the way it has been for you lately. Please get help. Keep us posted.
    Morganite's Avatar
    Morganite Posts: 863, Reputation: 86
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    Feb 27, 2007, 03:30 PM

    Although you say you don't want to tell your mum, it would be a very good thing to do. She was your age once, and may well have suffered much of the unhappiness that you ar enow, tragically, experiencing.

    You do exhibit some of the classical symptoms of rective drpession, but I believ that your difficulties lie much deeper than that. You may be having some guilt reaction to your abortion. This is a very common concomitant of abortion, especially those of such tender years as yourself.

    Long before you were emotionally prepared to bear the heavier burdens of life they have been thrust upon you. It is not to be wondered at that you are continually distressed. However, help is available and will go a very long way to getting you out of your present cycle of despair and despondency.

    Unless you mother is an uncaring selfish person, she will open her arms and her heart and make safe place for you to shelter until you grow older and wiser. I feel also that it is essential that you go as quickly as you can and get some post-abortion counselling. Even the most hearty and cast-iron constitutionally equipped of the broad mass of humanity would buckle under the burdens you are trying, unsuccessfully, to shoulder all by yourself. No one can be expected to be under such emotional pressure all by themselves. That is where the strength of your family can be a real support. Your mother will know the difference between teenage drama and the hurting pain of real life.

    I wish you well, and hope that your future will be brighter than your recent past, and that you will be able, with help, to make the adjustments in your thinking and self-estimation to rise abouve these tragic mistakes, and enjoy the happiness that every human being deserves.

    If I can advise you further, please let me know. I am, however, going to be away for a couple of weeks due to a bereavement in my family.



    Yenoh's Avatar
    Yenoh Posts: 23, Reputation: 5
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    Mar 3, 2007, 08:13 PM
    Hi Faye,
    We are both similar in the fact that we used to be bubbly and confident; but now cannot look people in the eye. I have had some hurtful things happen to me when I was young and developed social anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Now, I am 23 yrs old and even though I am bubbly and confident on some days, I am mostly upset, depressed and anxious on others. I get quite anxious that I am always crying. I mostly feel like staying in my room all day and doing nothing. But something in me makes me get up and attend my classes and go to work (which I am grateful for). Unfortunately, I cannot bring myself to be around people because I blush very quickly and my face feels like its on fire. I am seeing a therapist to help me through my problems - so, I advise the same, before you reach my age and you're scared to do normal things.
    Remember, that if you don't think for yourself the world is going to think for you. Make your own judgements and decisions - think positively and when confronted with a thought that triggers depression, think of something that makes you laugh.
    sasorry19's Avatar
    sasorry19 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 6, 2007, 09:21 AM
    I'm so sorry to hear about you .lol and I hope your better=) I have to say imn the same way. I'm just a very emotional soft hearted girl you know. I hate it because people like I'm a baby or whatever because I cry but you know how it is maybe u just have a lot of tension u know sometimes maybe u should cry to get it all out
    I hope I was able to help!
    ppeppis's Avatar
    ppeppis Posts: 2, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 6, 2007, 11:00 AM

    It just brakes my heart to hear from you, but it is good to hear from you. You already started to look for help and that is a great sign! I just want to let you know that more people than you image go through things similar and even worse than you have, many of them probably don't even realize that something different is possible, but you will survive it, you are certain that there is a different way of living and the best of all is that you are right! And I can see that you are willing to take the steps to get there.

    What have happened in the past is just that, and you can not change it, but you and only you can make a determination to have a different future and change your life and the way you feel about your past from now on. It is good to get help as soon as possible when you can not handle things by yourself but you are the only one who has the power to change yourself and your own life and the way you feel. Remember that we have a lot of strength somewhere inside each of us, we just have to bring it out.

    In my most stressful time in life, in which I thought I was getting crazy, a very close religious family member gave me a lot of hope and support. So, maybe some spiritual help can be helpful as well independently of your religion or how religious you are.

    I think that one big first step you can take is forgive yourself for what ever you consider you have done to yourself and to others and forgive others for what they have done to you.
    That can be hard and take quite a time but the benefits will be really huge! So you can renew yourself and prepare you self for a great future. Think about what you want to get accomplished in life and why, it is crucial to move forward and to bring out your inner strength to do it and live happily.

    Practicing any kind of sports and having a healthy life style (what you eat and so on) is great for getting rid off substances that are in you body because of stress and depression and that keep you there, also this kind of activities segregate good substances in your body that make you feel happier, relaxed and more confident . Sports can also help to sleep and make you have something nice and challenging (in the possitive way) to look forward around the week.

    If you are being done with high school that is a big change in life, and a very good momemt to start over. Right now I can think of a book that could help you: The seven habits of highly efficient people by stephen covey. That will teach you to change some points of view, feel better with yourself and be emotionally independent of others. I am sure that you can find a bunch of other books that can help you as well.

    About your love relatioship and what happened, 16 is a very young age for a serious and responsible relationship. If you think that you are more serious and responsible than any boyfriend you can find, take it slow. I was so serious about relationships when I was younger that preffered to be alone rather than have somebody to hurt me. Being by yourself is not that bad. Just don't be alone all the time, you need to learn how they behave think and expect just don't lower your expectaions about finding somebody that fits what you want. Have clear what you want, what is important for you in life (what you enjoy, your values, and so on) and what you what to get accomplished in life and don't waste your time with somebody that won't fit there. Eventually I found the right person not that late at 25, but suffered before for being with the wrong one, and by the way the blue prince doesn't exists, no body is perfect, so enjoy if you meet the one that is really close to be.

    Some of the most important things I have leaned in life:

    * happiness is just a dessicion
    * Is stronger the one that falls and raises again to keep walking than that than never felt. Usually you will fall so don't be afraid of it, just raise again.
    * If something happens to you again and again (something you don't want, something that makes you unhappy) and you wonder why it is because you haven't learned from it, so analyze it and learn and then do what ever you have to do so that won't happen again.
    *You are the person who is going to love you the most ever, so treat yourself like that.
    *Respect and love yourself so others can too
    * The world is under your feet waiting for you to conquer it, what are you waiting for, work a plan to make your dreams come true.
    *Who is who to judge others? The judgement that really matters is that that you give to yourself. You haven't been on their shoes to judge others.
    *Always be considered with others, respect other people thinking as well, and let them influence you but ONLY within the limits you set.

    Good Luck!!

    professorchaos_13's Avatar
    professorchaos_13 Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 10, 2007, 01:03 AM
    Well Im pretty sure your mom wouldn't laugh at you if you thought you were going insane I wouldn't for sure I would try to look up things that might help you besides anti depressents sont go on those unless you really are depressed
    Morganite's Avatar
    Morganite Posts: 863, Reputation: 86
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    Mar 17, 2007, 08:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by scol409
    You have several symptoms of depression which is a totally treatable thing. Caused by a chemical imbalance and not anyone's 'fault' but you need to tell someone how you are feeling. Your mom would be the best one to tell but if you feel that you cannot talk to her - go to a school nurse or counselor. They cannot treat you with medication without your mom's permission but they may be able to help you break the communication gap and speak up. Life doesn't have to be the way it has been for you lately. Please get help. Keep us posted.
    The 'chemical imbalance' you refer to could be the result not the cause of the body's reaction to a life situation. Not all depression is caused by chemical imbalance, sometimes the lack of 5-hydroxytriptofan and its precursors is the concomitant not the aetiology of depression, and depressions do have different aetiologies.
    Onion.123's Avatar
    Onion.123 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 2, 2010, 07:59 PM
    Hi Faye
    I am an 18 ear old who also, keeps cryig. It's not as often as you but, still...
    I have been with my partner for roughly18 months and have two terminations. As of which ifeel extremely guilty of. I believe that if you can get help do it. Although I don't live with my mum, I feel it would e completely your decision o tell her or not. I don't feel I can talk to my boyfiend about the abortions as it feels too awkward and emotional to go through as many times as I feel like I want to scream about it all. It is a very emotional thing for any woman, of ANY age! Don't feel alienated OK. Thugs happen for a reason, yea? : ). Don't be upset, although it's OK to cry, try and talk about it rather than keeping it on you're an yours only shoulders. We all need a shoulder o cry on. Believe it or not, you will be a stronger person, once you've talked through it all. I always used o wonder "what if's about if I hadn't had the latest termination/ boy or girl. But please, it's natural. I used to feel like an idiot for thinking these things, but trust me, you are still only human, u ARE allowed, to cry, and that, you will live on. I too am starting to get mini panic attacks like the other woman's answer. Deal with it before it's too late. They're only a recent thing but I am already starting to get pains in my chest as of which I have seen my dr who told me to go back if it gets worse.

    Please faye, don't suffer alone. Have strength to pull yourself out of it ad whoever helps you will do the rest if the work.

    Keep yourself balanced (mentally), remembering why you needed to abort, you were too young, buy believe me now you have tried to be more mature obviously oo soon (imagine if you'd had the baby), if you think of it this way: u have give. Yoraelf a second xhance o feel more positive and 'worthy' of loving a baby for your serious pregnancy.

    Gd luck, you are only human an remember, at least you know you can feel emotions, eh?:)

    Onion.123's Avatar
    Onion.123 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 2, 2010, 07:59 PM
    Hi Faye
    I am an 18 ear old who also, keeps cryig. It's not as often as you but, still...
    I have been with my partner for roughly18 months and have two terminations. As of which ifeel extremely guilty of. I believe that if you can get help do it. Although I don't live with my mum, I feel it would e completely your decision o tell her or not. I don't feel I can talk to my boyfiend about the abortions as it feels too awkward and emotional to go through as many times as I feel like I want to scream about it all. It is a very emotional thing for any woman, of ANY age! Don't feel alienated OK. Thugs happen for a reason, yea? : ). Don't be upset, although it's OK to cry, try and talk about it rather than keeping it on you're an yours only shoulders. We all need a shoulder o cry on. Believe it or not, you will be a stronger person, once you've talked through it all. I always used o wonder "what if's about if I hadn't had the latest termination/ boy or girl. But please, it's natural. I used to feel like an idiot for thinking these things, but trust me, you are still only human, u ARE allowed, to cry, and that, you will live on. I too am starting to get mini panic attacks like the other woman's answer. Deal with it before it's too late. They're only a recent thing but I am already starting to get pains in my chest as of which I have seen my dr who told me to go back if it gets worse.

    Please faye, don't suffer alone. Have strength to pull yourself out of it ad whoever helps you will do the rest if the work.

    Keep yourself balanced (mentally), remembering why you needed to abort, you were too young, buy believe me now you have tried to be more mature obviously oo soon (imagine if you'd had the baby), if you think of it this way: u have give. Yoraelf a second xhance o feel more positive and 'worthy' of loving a baby for your serious pregnancy.

    Gd luck, you are only human an remember, at least you know you can feel emotions, eh?:)

    lizzy1135's Avatar
    lizzy1135 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 9, 2011, 02:05 PM
    Hi faye

    I feel exactly like you I started to write down how I felt and what was happening. It makes me fell a little better but I keep mine private. My mom just egnors me so I can't talk to her without her not understanding me. I haven't got many frined as they all say I'm weird and hate me. I can't help the way I am but you need to try and believe in myself everyoen says but I don't think it makes a difference

    anonymous..xx's Avatar
    anonymous..xx Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 28, 2011, 02:25 PM
    I feel so depressed too I M ONLY 16 AND HAVE had a very disturbing past also a experienced failure to form any kins of attachment I can't tawk to any of my family members I just break down and cry can somebody help me... I feel as though there's no life left . I'm surrounded by a lot of people yet I feel so alone I feel so trapped and wish somebody could help me
    scol409's Avatar
    scol409 Posts: 22, Reputation: 2
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    May 28, 2011, 04:09 PM
    Is there any adult in your life that you feel you can trust? It sounds like you are feeling seriously depressed and sometimes it makes you unable to think clearly. Just know that you are not alone. There are things you can do to lessen the depressing feelings or medications to take. Try to talk to someone - a teacher, a relative, a clergy member --- someone who can guide you where to go and what to do. Please do this. And remember that even though it sounds corny - tomorrow is another day and things can turn the corner. Don't think about doing something to end your loneliness that is permanent when there may be a simple solution. Good luck to you, honey, and I hope you feel better soon. Teen years are tough but they do not last forever.
    lucylavender1's Avatar
    lucylavender1 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 23, 2011, 01:01 PM
    Im in the same boat... but I'm 12 and about 4 years ago my mum and dad split up and I was there when it was happening and it hurt me bad inside... and ever since I haven't been the same but I must say I wouldn't want them to get back together but my mum had a nervouse break down about 3 years ago and every night since then she had drunk vodka and wine every night and she gets drunk and sometimes she hit or has ago at me and my brothers and I don't know how to cope then I got close to my auntie and I opened up to her and she tells me to ignor it but the thing is no one understands how it is and its hurt me inside my heart actually hurts I cry about 4 times a week and I feel so despressed and I want to die I've been cuttng myself lately and I just want to know am I depressed... I got offerd a school counciller but I just can't talk to anyone because I'm not confident anymore and I feel like I'm going mental and need proper help :(

    Lucy xx
    deano92's Avatar
    deano92 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 7, 2011, 07:41 PM
    Hi there I'm an 19 year old and I am also suffering this. Nothing bad has happened to me lately but yet I find myself crying over nothing. I don't want to tell anyone because I'm scared of what people will think. I can't sleep at night which is when I mostly find myself crying. I no this may not help but at least you no your not alone in all this and wouldn't mind advice myself :)
    katieknows99's Avatar
    katieknows99 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 6, 2012, 02:09 PM
    I'm 12 and I keep crying too. My mum and dad have split up and I'm so sad! Now I don't see my dad, he moved away. But I know he is thinking about me. :)
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    May 6, 2012, 02:13 PM
    You are crying for a reason. Have you talked to anyone about the divorce, about your sadness? Do you have frequent contact with your dad?

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