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    hjpan's Avatar
    hjpan Posts: 902, Reputation: 29
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    Dec 11, 2008, 09:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny View Post
    The problem you're facing hj, may be that you're just not going out enough? Are you actually ready to move on?

    I mean, I never "used" any girls to get over my ex (that's a lie...I lied. I used many...many women to get over my ex...and I DO feel bad about it...sorta).

    Granted, now, if I have a one night stand (or one that lasts two/three weeks until she brings up the "what are we" talk), I don't use that to get over my ex...that's just simply all for me.

    Four months after a breakup, especially your breakup (I've read your posts from the beginning), may not be long enough...probably at around 6 months or so, you'll feel ready to go out and have a little fun.

    Well... we've broken up for almost 7 months... last time I talked to her was about 4 months ago...

    I just feel so.... "manhood-less"....

    For Christmas, I have no one to go to... my friends are with their girls, family, and friends... many turned into alcoholics, sexaholics, and drug addicts. My parents work overseas and my relatives don't celebrate Christmas.... I am pretty much alone
    Molecular's Avatar
    Molecular Posts: 34, Reputation: 12
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    Dec 12, 2008, 06:30 AM

    I hear you man, Hjpan. Personally I'm working on christmas eve, alone that is (work part time at a gas station). Kind of sad, it's going to feel lonely.

    Now on the topic of ex-girlfriends (and appearantly so, crazy ones) I just had to share this:

    First to summarize a bit: My ex has contacted me several times in the past since we broke up. Each time it's always been with the intention of saying something that would hurt me to see how I reacted to it, and each time I've held my ground, shrugged it off, and not cared much about it.
    Then she stopped bothering me, a few months pass, and last week she started talking to me on msn again.

    Why I haven't blocked her until now I'll never know, guess I'm an idiot. Anyway she starts talking about how it feels so odd and wrong that she doesn't have to get me a preasent for christmas this year etc, and I say that this is the first christmas in five years where I'm actually not stressing about christmas preasents (hers was the only one I really devoted time to, and each year I was majorly stressed out because I was bit of a perfectionist when it came to her preasents).

    Not thinking much more of it we continue talking rather casually when she suddenly sais, and get this, it's rather hilarious: "If I start dating someone else, do you want me to tell you about it? So you don't have to hear it from someone else?".

    At this time I was raging pretty hard, I mean jesus it's been what, 3-4 months? Is she still expecting that I sit at home all day long sulking over losing her, who's to say I'm not dating anyone else by this time? I very well could have. I think this was the most egosentric question anyone has ever asked me. I wanted to flip out right then and there and ask her just exactly how stuck up she was but instead I just said: "huh? It's not like I care, anymore". At which point she just got mad and started tossing crap at me and I basically just stopped replying.

    So yesterday I wake up and I've gotten a text message from her. It goes something like this: "I've been thinking about calling you almost every single day the last week, but I managed to prevent myself from doing so. I've had the worst week imaginable, but it's getting better now...I hope you're doing well and good luck with your last remaining exams".

    I took a lot of time pondering this text message.A part of me was telling me not to reply, but I wanted to see where this was going, so I just casually asked (and taking no note of the whole "I've been wanting to call you almost every day"-thing, because quite frankly, I couldn't care less) and I asked what exactly made this week so bad. And get this, she starts spewing the usual: "this and that course I got very bad grades" "We almost got thrown out of our appartment again" and "I'm about to have my last exam today and I will probably fail it blabla" and in the middle of it all she sais, and get this: "I also had to break up with some guy yesterday, not that we were really dating but yeah, long story".

    WHAT? She's putting this up on the list of reasons she's had a bad week and wanted to call me? What the hell is wrong with this woman.

    Again, I almost flipped, it's been months since we broke up and she's still coming after me trying to make me feel bad. You'd think when she broke up with me she'd just leave me the heck alone, but no, what is this? I'm seriously raging so hard right now I can't explain it with words.

    The whole thing is just so sad. I spent five years with this woman and I had nothing but respect for her. In fact, much of the reason why I loved her so much was because she was always too mature for petty crap like this, and she just seemed to be above it all. Looking back on the five years we spent together and I never knew this is how she was really like? Scares the crap out of me. Right now she's acting like the most childish and egosentric person I've ever met. For the last few hours I've been trying really really hard to not to text her back a bunch of cursewords, profanities and whatnot, but I figured I wouldn't even dignify that last message with an answer.

    Now I'm not saying I'm sad or anything, I'm just angry and rather confused at how someone can stoop to this level. I'm almost feeling harassed here, I think this is the fourth time she's come after me trying to make me feel bad. I thought I reserved the right to be the jackass, after all, I'm the one who got dumped (lol).

    I guess in a way I'm rather content that after all the crap I've let her throw at me, I've just shrugged it off casually, and I guess at some level it's eating up inside of her. Why this is I have no idea, but I feel pretty good about the whole thing at the end of the day. I'm doing better than ever, I don't think I've ever been as independent and secure about myself as I've been the last months after me and my ex broke it off, whereas things have obviously not gone as well for her.

    Jebus, this turned out to be longer than expected, thanks for listening anyway if you actually bothered reading it all. Feels like a load off my chest.
    NorthernNiceGuy's Avatar
    NorthernNiceGuy Posts: 238, Reputation: 75
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    Dec 12, 2008, 07:15 AM

    Well it's a good thing you summarized that Molecular ;)

    I have come to learn over the past 8 months that love really is blind and that more often than not your ex did act this way while you were with them. You were just blind to see the real them because of your feelings for them. Like you, I still can't believe my ex acts the way she does... it feels like I totally don't know her anymore, but when I talk to friends about it they tell me, "NNG, she was always like that"

    It's quite obvious that your blowing her off has gotten to her and that all these comments she throws a you are to get a reaction... and its just eating away at her that you haven't freaked out yet. How she could think you would give a rat's a$$ about some guy she had to end something with is beyond me... and then to further say that it's a long story as if to make you want to fish for more information.

    So you got to do yourself a favor, ignore her now. What's the point in continuing this contact, an obvious pattern has developed and she is not going to stop as long as you keep allowing her to talk to you. Block and delete her on msn, Facebook and whatever else.

    Ha ha you should know better by now mole!!
    hjpan's Avatar
    hjpan Posts: 902, Reputation: 29
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    Dec 14, 2008, 01:22 AM

    I see that Molecular :P~

    I just feel so.... obsolete, lonely, friend-less etc.

    All my friends will be having a great time partying, getting drunk, banging hot chicks etc. I would probably sit in my room by myself with a small cup cake, celebrating my 20th b-day.

    I've started thinking deeply about enlisting in the military. I dropped out of university after finishing one year, currently going for nursing degree (planning to finish in 6 months), and stayy by myself. I have seen a lot of cute girls but I feel like they are not my type =/
    hungtoronto's Avatar
    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Dec 21, 2008, 03:49 PM
    How are you guys doing? I am into four months of NC and I can't seem to get her out of my system. All my friends went on vacation too and I am alone. Where do you meet girls these days? What would be the best place to meet girls?
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    NorthernNiceGuy Posts: 238, Reputation: 75
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    Dec 21, 2008, 05:20 PM

    Well at four months I would say that't too be expected. I wouldn't get to concerned with meeting women right now... it will happen. I find the best way is through friends and activities... like organized sports or volunteering. Does your school have an intramural program? You'd be amazed at all the free activities and clubs offered by schools and communities... especially toronto! Get involved and force yourself to sign up for something, if anything you will make some new friends, and there is nothing wrong with that. It will come, don't dwell on it!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 21, 2008, 05:41 PM

    Where do you meet girls these days
    NNG, is right, girls are every where all over the place. Maybe focusing on the things you like to do, and the activities you enjoy most, would be a better thing to do, since you don't seem to be able to see all these females running around, in vast abundance..!

    Dontcha hate it, when that happens??

    Watch it,. here comes one now!!
    hjpan's Avatar
    hjpan Posts: 902, Reputation: 29
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    Dec 22, 2008, 01:35 AM

    I am planning to call up few recruiter offices and discuss enlisting. I just feel so.... alone~
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    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Dec 23, 2008, 07:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernNiceGuy View Post
    well at four months I would say that't too be expected. I wouldn't get to concerned with meeting women right now... it will happen. I find the best way is through friends and activities... like organized sports or volunteering. Does your school have an intramural program? You'd be amazed at all the free activities and clubs offered by schools and communities... especially toronto! Get involved and force yourself to sign up for something, if anything you will make some new friends, and there is nothing wrong with that. It will come, don't dwell on it!
    I am 34 now and it's hard to meet women when you work 5 days a week. I broke up for 5 months now. You don't think it's good to date women yet? You are right about finding women. Sometime they'll just pop up unexpectedly.
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Dec 23, 2008, 07:51 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    NNG, is right, girls are every where all over the place.
    So true that it hurts.

    Take this for example. Last weekend, I went out with a friend who was celebrating her 21st birthday. At the bar, was a group of 11 girls. I decided to go see what the commotion was, and found out it was a bachelorette party, and were looking for some guys to go clubbing with.

    So, I mixed my group with theirs, and it ended up a pretty good night.

    I also got hit on by the taco bell drive through lady. She asked, "omg, what is that cologne you're wearing? I love it!" My response, "...14 hour shift."

    ... girls. Are. Everywhere.
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Dec 23, 2008, 07:53 AM

    Update on my "nc" situation... I put quotes because it's been so long I really don't need to "nc" it anymore.

    My ex has stopped calling/texting/the works... at least for now. I have had about 2 months of peace and quiet... sorta.

    The ex previous to my most recent ex recently called to see if I wanted to have dinner with her. We haven't spoken in almost 2 years, so I figure, what the hey. I had a great time. Looks like she turned her entire life around, went back to school, got a job, etc. I was impressed. That was all.
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    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Dec 23, 2008, 08:07 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny View Post
    update on my "nc" situation...I put quotes because it's been so long I really don't need to "nc" it anymore.

    my ex has stopped calling/texting/the least for now. I have had about 2 months of peace and quiet...sorta.

    The ex previous to my most recent ex recently called to see if I wanted to have dinner with her. We haven't spoken in almost 2 years, so I figure, what the hey. I had a great time. Looks like she turned her entire life around, went back to school, got a job, etc. I was impressed. That was all.

    It's strange how the world works. It's seem that when we don't want the ex back they want us in their life but as soon as we take them back they run. ISneeze, let assume that you would take her back you think it would workout?
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    NorthernNiceGuy Posts: 238, Reputation: 75
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    Dec 23, 2008, 10:29 AM

    I think the trick is just having to balls to approach women in social situations...

    The thing I have gathered from talking to girlfriends is that they are just as interested as I am, its just a matter of going out and getting it.

    Of course take it slow, we don't all grow as big as sneezy, approacing 11 girls in a bar might not be for everyone haha...

    But really, what do you have to lose.
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    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Dec 23, 2008, 11:14 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernNiceGuy View Post

    but really, what do you have to lose.
    Approaching women is my problem. Some people just have that gift. If I can think like that then I would have tons of women right now lol.
    hjpan's Avatar
    hjpan Posts: 902, Reputation: 29
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    Dec 23, 2008, 01:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny View Post
    so true that it hurts.

    take this for example. last weekend, I went out with a friend who was celebrating her 21st birthday. At the bar, was a group of 11 girls. I decided to go see what the commotion was, and found out it was a bachelorette party, and were looking for some guys to go clubbing with.

    So, I mixed my group with theirs, and it ended up a pretty good night.

    I also got hit on by the taco bell drive thru lady. she asked, "omg, what is that cologne you're wearing? I love it!" My response, "...14 hour shift."

    ...girls. are. everywhere.

    UNDERAGED girls are everywhere at my workplace ;_____;
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    NorthernNiceGuy Posts: 238, Reputation: 75
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    Dec 23, 2008, 01:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by hjpan View Post
    UNDERAGED girls are everywhere at my workplace ;_____;
    And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously...
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    hjpan Posts: 902, Reputation: 29
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    Dec 24, 2008, 02:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernNiceGuy View Post
    and you wonder why nobody takes you seriously...
    what does that have to do with me not being taken seriously...?
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Dec 24, 2008, 08:37 AM

    I got to say, I didn't used to have "balls" to approach random girls. I was the shy timid kid in the classroom. Once in high school, a girl asked me to homecoming, and I told her I had an appointment but I'd call her to let her know.

    ... never called. Freaked. Out.

    I think I "grew" balls after the breakup. I started working out, eating right, lost about 30 lbs, got decent clothes, and just... stopped... caring about anything. First time at a club, my friend and I were... quite sloshed, and we started hitting on random girls. By random, I mean... any female that moved.

    I ended up getting rejected... every... single... time. By at least 50 girls. Then I realized, hey, this is nothing. You get rejected, you move on.

    To answer hungtoronto, my most recent ex and I would never work out. Mainly because, although she understood me the most, she also hurt me the most. The other exes... sure, they lied, etc. but from her, I never expected it. That's a lesson in life.

    The ex before the most recent ex... I could see it working. Plus, she's ridiculously hot. It always helps.
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    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Dec 24, 2008, 08:44 AM

    Also, there's a book called The Game. It's from that show "the pickup artist" The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists: Neil Strauss: Books

    My friends, all swore by this book. I mean, I had a few classmates who carried this thing around like a bible. It is 450 pages of "how to get a girl"... so, I decided to check it out.

    About... 300 pages of it... is "APPROACH THE GIRL" and the next 100 pages is "WHAT TO SAY TO THE GIRL" and the last 50 pages is "SHE REJECTED YOU? GET OVER IT. APPROACH NEXT GIRL"

    ... ridiculous.
    Dare81's Avatar
    Dare81 Posts: 264, Reputation: 44
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    Dec 24, 2008, 01:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny View Post
    also, there's a book called The Game. It's from that show "the pickup artist" The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists: Neil Strauss: Books

    My friends, all swore by this book. I mean, I had a few classmates who carried this thing around like a bible. It is 450 pages of "how to get a girl", I decided to check it out.

    About...300 pages of "APPROACH THE GIRL" and the next 100 pages is "WHAT TO SAY TO THE GIRL" and the last 50 pages is "SHE REJECTED YOU? GET OVER IT. APPROACH NEXT GIRL"

    I am buying the book( need to grow some balls)

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