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    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    Oct 22, 2008, 11:18 AM
    AlQuaeda wants McCain to Win the Election
    "WASHINGTON — Al-Qaida supporters suggested in a Web site message this week they would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the U.S. as a way to usher in a McCain presidency.

    The message, posted Monday on the password-protected al-Hesbah Web site, said **if al-Qaida wants to *exhaust* the United States militarily and economically***, "impetuous" Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain is the better choice because he is more likely to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." Pamela Hess reprinted on HuffPo

    Asterisks mine.

    AlQuaeda wants McCain to win. The religious right wants McCain to win. Do we have ourselves a situation where the American radical right is supporting those terrorist who want to destroy America??

    In their logic of guilt by association, that makes the religious right terrorists. :D
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 22, 2008, 11:40 AM

    Leave it to you to take a ranter on a blog seriously . How did you get their password ?

    Why should they attack now when the American people are poised to hand them a victory in 2 weeks ? But they did promise Joe Biden that they would attack within 6 months of Bambi's reign so he can gird his loin and show his spine of steel.

    Biden promised that what Bambi would do would not be popular and his popularity will plummet . My guess is that he means that Obama will commit the US troops in Iraq for 100 years.
    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    Oct 22, 2008, 12:11 PM

    McCain's staff is panicky, tom... lol! Six months of McCain bs about Obama having terrorists endorsements... but, it's MCCAIN ENDORSED BY AL QUAEDA... you know, Osama bin Laden's old group of terrorists!!

    "The Washington Post and AP reported today that Al-Qaeda affiliated websites have endorsed Senator McCain, saying that he will continue the policies of George Bush that have weakened America and strengthened them.

    In response the McCain campaign has organized a panicky conference call that will likely try to dismiss Al Qaeda's endorsement of Senator McCain as ridiculous.

    They could have a point on the ridiculousness of terrorist endorsements if they hadn't spent the last six months claiming that Barack Obama had been endorsed by terrorist groups like Hamas. You know you really shouldn't throw launch RPGs if you live in a glass house. Max Bergman blogging.

    BWAH HA HA McCain has a terrorist group endorsement... it's alQuaeda... the group that bombed America and killed thousands of Americans.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 22, 2008, 12:56 PM

    Leave it to the left to give credibility to Jihadist bloggers.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Oct 22, 2008, 12:59 PM
    That's it, I'm not voting for him, bloody terrorist sympathizer!
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 22, 2008, 03:06 PM

    Oh I get it . They want their a**es whipped for another 4 years.
    Galveston1's Avatar
    Galveston1 Posts: 362, Reputation: 53
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    Oct 22, 2008, 04:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    That's it, I'm not voting for him, bloody terrorist sympathizer!!
    Dang! And after ACORN registered you 100 times in Ohio! :D
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 23, 2008, 08:20 AM

    Larijani: Iran prefers Obama - Israel News, Ynetnews
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    Oct 23, 2008, 04:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Choux View Post

    The message, posted Monday on the password-protected al-Hesbah Web site, said **if al-Qaida wants to *exhaust* the United States militarily and economically***, "impetuous" Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain is the better choice because he is more likely to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."

    The war in Afghanistan should had been the focus in the first place. The Iraqi quagmire was aided by the simpleton two term drugstore cowboy (that I voted against twice), and Al-Qaeda has played pied piper to the tune of keeping us hostage in an undesirable situations. Yup! That pretty much sums it up.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 24, 2008, 06:25 AM

    If McCain is elected, al Qaeda knows that there will be different teams of advisors to wage a different type of campaign. The Jihadists are very knowledgeable about American and European intellectual debates. They also know the thinking process of the counterterrorism teams under Obama. Hence, there is a difference between what al Qaeda's decision-makers and their analysts know, and what their propagandists wish to instill in the U.S. election debate. What they state should be translated and understood only within the greater picture of what they want to achieve.

    3) Al Qaeda's propagandists operate within the realm of what the Jihadi machine has created in terms of political culture over the years. The main ideas are that the U.S. under President Bush, tried but failed to destroy al Qaeda; hence, the Jihadist narrative says that any next U.S. President who continues the policies of the Bush Administration will give victory to al Qaeda. Inserting their arguments in the ongoing Presidential debate, this means that the candidate who advances Bush strategies will be better for the goals of Bin Laden. Hence the site's assertion that al Qaeda welcomes a McCain victory (in a sarcastic style).

    4) But this tactic used by the Jihadi propagandists is part of a reverse psychology. It aims at sending a message to the American voters: if you want al Qaeda to win, vote for McCain. The Jihadi web sites cannot state it otherwise, such as if you want the U.S. to win, vote for Obama, because in Jihadi war doctrines there cannot be a victory for America, under any President. Hence, what al Qaeda seems to be attempting to achieve is to affect the perception of the undecided voters by stating to them that the strength of McCain in the war on terror is not really strength. Therefore, in the end, the move is aimed at sinking the chances of the former U.S. Navy Pilot by crumbling the support among undecided voters who might ultimately have come to his camp as late as D Day.
    Counterterrorism Blog: Al Qaeda's Propaganda Aims to Affect US Election and future Strategies

    John Kerry said his loss to George Bush was not because he was one of the most boring, flip flopping, far left liberal candidates in history but because Osama Bin Laden released a tape a few days before the election that echoed many of the same talking points being pushed at the time by Democrats.

    The AQ blogger thinks this will do the same to McCain.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 24, 2008, 06:45 AM
    The anti-Taliban Awakening is begging in Pakistan's tribal areas to coincide with General Petraeus taking charge of operations in that theater in the war against Jihadistan.

    Pakistan Will Give Arms to Tribal Militias -

    Negotiations are underway between the Afghan Government and the Taliban aimed at splitting the Taliban from their AQ alliance.
    Sources: Taliban split with al Qaeda, seek peace -

    The Taliban in Afghanistan want peace after 7 years of spring offensives followed by retreats to their mountain retreats to lick their wounds. The key question is will they turn over AQ? That will be a key element of any peace deal.

    This blog posting by AQ may be a last second "hail-mary " pass to try to change the end game.

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