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    gromitt82's Avatar
    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 25, 2008, 09:20 AM
    GOD is amazing!
    Last night, I suddenly started to mull over how little we actually know about the notion of what the word GOD implies or should mean.

    We are no question influenced by the mythological references to gods and goddesses as persons with human feelings and emotions and, more than all, by the figure of Jesus Christ, which we may tend to visualize more like a man who died in the Cross to redeem us, than as GOD Himself.

    So I said to myself. Let us imagine the most absolute void and emptiness some 15 billion years ago, which is not yesterday! Then, all of a sudden, a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the Universe, and gradually, galaxies started to develop, materialize and come into being to reach the 500 billion where, previously, there was NOTHING. Each galaxy including, in turn, billions of stars system, planets, and so one and so forth…

    But, what about the size of this Universe, 15 billion years later?

    The nearest star to Earth (Proxima Centauri) is supposed to be at 4.24 light years away, or some 25 trillion miles!! But, our Earth is not in one end of this Universe, but more or less in the middle of what we know. In addition, we can see stars and galaxies everywhere. Nobody knows how far away the farthest star is. However, some scholars claim the known Universe stretches some 94 BILLION light years across.

    Do we really assume what this means?

    In the meantime, some 4,5 billion years ago our Earth and the other planets in our Solar System formed out of disk-shaped mass of dust and gas left over from the formation of our Sun. And little by little, the outer layer of our small and insignificant planet cooled to form a solid crust when water began accumulating in the atmosphere, to gradually become a planet that can sustain life!

    And life it has indeed sustained. From the primitive sea algae (perhaps 1 billion years old) to modern man. 230 million years ago we already have evidence of some species of dinosaurs. And between 1994 and 1995, some paleontologists, investigating the archeological site of Atapuerca (in central Spain) found over 80 bone fragments from five or six hominids dating to between 850.000 to 780.000 years ago.

    Now then, what do all these scientifically proven facts demonstrate?

    That GOD is really Amazing!

    For we have to imagine the incredible thought that there MUST BE a supernatural being so powerful as to create all this universe we now know and everything else we still DON’T KNOW. And trying to imagine GOD as creator of ALL this is really a most frightening thought, indeed.

    "The heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the firmament proclaims its builder’s craft. One day to the next conveys that message; one night to the next imparts that knowledge. There is no word or sound; no voice is heard. Yet, their report goes forth through all the earth, their message to the ends of the world. God has pitched there a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:1-5).

    Perhaps we should start thinking of how futile our discussions are in front of the awe inspired by GOD, who has created everything that surround us, and who 15 BILLION years ago decided to let his divine blow explode into the so called Big Bang!!

    Thoughts on the above will be appreciated.
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:08 PM

    Couldn't we just simplify things by saying
    The universe is amazing.

    I mean every fact you had in your post was about the universe not god. Maybe there are other universes that aren't so great. I mean if want to say god created the universe fine but how do we know that he hasn't been working on it for a really long time. I'm sure with enough time I could create a universe too and maybe my universe would be better than this one wouldn't really make god amazing would it. I would say that would make him okay at best since I created a better universe.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:20 PM

    You get started on that universe, michealb... let me know how it goes. If you need more time, maybe you could live to be 1,000,000,000 years old and let's see how your decrepit body does attempting to finish and maintain that universe. Also, I don't know how long it will take you to figure out the whole "life from no life" thing, but once you do, let me know... always wondered about that. And after that, when you get around to giving free will to whatever life you do create, let me know how much more of an "amazing" job they do, as opposed to us.. you know, the "okay at best" crowd. Good luck on that. :D

    Pretty nice post, gromitt82. Yes, God is pretty amazing. So is the Universe. So are you and you know what? So am I! :D
    simoneaugie's Avatar
    simoneaugie Posts: 2,490, Reputation: 438
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:31 PM

    If you remove time (a human illusion) from the realization, if you assume that all those particles are part of God, that means that we are amazing. Not that we are "holier" or better than one another, it means that we always have been. We were created in the image of God, therefore we are exactly like God. So, amazing compared to something (as in good compared to evil,) or amazing period?

    I don't believe there is right and wrong, good and evil. We do not end in death. If this is true, what does matter? What are we doing here?
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:34 PM

    I have just as much proof that I did those things as to god did them. Isn't it likely that the universe has a natural answer just as every question has had. Since we began asking questions.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:45 PM

    Absolutely! Everything does have a natural answer. But I think that you do not agree that God is natural.

    Of course, I am sure our definitions of "God" are not quite in-line, as well.

    And YOU may have just as much proof that you created the universe as you do that God did... but I have much MORE proof that says you didn't than I do God.
    sassyT's Avatar
    sassyT Posts: 184, Reputation: 7
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    Sep 25, 2008, 02:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by michealb View Post
    I have just as much proof that I did those things as to god did them. Isn't it likely that the universe has a natural answer just as every question has had. Since we began asking questions.
    Can you prove that the universe just appeared from no where by accident? There is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more evidence for intelligent design than there is for the bogus claim that my brain, eyes, heart, immune system etc. just appeared from nothing by accident. It take more faith to believe that bolony.. lol
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 25, 2008, 03:11 PM

    Your organs didn't appear by accident. They appeared because of selective pressures from the environment selected them over other less fit designs. If you take any random system and apply selective pressure you will get order that however doesn't mean god created that order.

    Saying the universe is an accident is like saying it rains by accident. There are forces at work that cause rain just as there are forces at work that cause a universe to form. You saying that just because we don't know something god did it is very limiting of you.
    Credendovidis's Avatar
    Credendovidis Posts: 1,593, Reputation: 66

    Sep 25, 2008, 05:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by gromitt82 View Post
    Last night, I suddenly started to mull over how little we actually know about the notion of what the word GOD implies or should mean.
    Yes, how true ! How little they know, how much they assume !

    Many people even BELIEVE such an entity exists...

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Sep 25, 2008, 11:21 PM
    Yes I am a firm believer in Intelligent design of all that is seen and unseen,
    That is all the is in existence for God is existence itself having created everything but Himself.
    Without God I'm certain that there would be nothing.
    God, the infinite, eternal being designed original creation to become what we witness to be the universe as it is now.
    That I firmly believe.
    Peace and kindness,
    gromitt82's Avatar
    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 26, 2008, 02:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by michealb View Post
    Couldn't we just simplify things by saying
    The universe is amazing.

    I mean every fact you had in your post was about the universe not god. Maybe there are other universes that aren't so great. I mean if want to say god created the universe fine but how do we know that he hasn't been working on it for a really long time. I'm sure with enough time I could create a universe too and maybe my universe would be better than this one wouldn't really make god amazing would it. I would say that would make him okay at best since I created a better universe.
    With all due respect, to your remarks I am sorry to disagree with you. My post IS NOT about the universe, but about GOD, for GOD is the creator of the universe and everything therein.

    Some scholars DO say there are other parallel universes. However, if this is true it will just add to the wonders GOD created.

    Your assert GOD has been working on creating the world “for a really long time” reveals a rather unique ability to read figures. I think I said 15 BILLION years ago. This is rather a long time, as far as I’m concerned. Could you please let me know what “a long time” is for you?

    It is also an amazing proof of sense of humor to claim that you “with enough time you could create a universe too”.

    Mind you, I appreciate sense of humor as a basic medicine for a healthy life. Still, I think you have carried it a bit too far!

    How would you manage even to start it?

    I do not think that not even David Copperfield would dare to make the most out of such a thought!

    As I said at the beginning, I respect your opinion as much as I value your right to deliver it.

    However, I would encourage your supplying us with some really “serious” views on the subject!!
    gromitt82's Avatar
    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 26, 2008, 03:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by simoneaugie View Post
    If you remove time (a human illusion) from the realization, if you assume that all those particles are part of God, that means that we are amazing. Not that we are "holier" or better than one another, it means that we always have been. We were created in the image of God, therefore we are exactly like God. So, amazing compared to something (as in good compared to evil,) or amazing period?

    I don't believe there is right and wrong, good and evil. We do not end in death. If this is true, what does matter? What are we doing here?
    Time may be a human illusion but, as Human Beings, we can hardly remove it. I am sorry to dissent from your theory “that all those particles are part of GOD”.

    If those particles you refer to are ALL the components of our universe they are not part of GOD; they simply are GOD’s wonderful toil, although I hate to use man’s qualifying adjectives to try to explain GOD’s Creation.

    We are indeed “amazing” insofar we are the “amazing” work of GOD.

    The Genesis indeed mentions that we were created in the image of GOD. This may be interpreted in several ways EXCEPT in that we are exactly like GOD. We could say that GOD is Spirit. Therefore, we could add that we are also spirits.

    Alternatively, we may argue that one must be in a relationship with GOD in order to possess the ‘image’ of GOD. Theologians like Karl Barth and Emil Brunner argue” that it is our ability to hold to relationships that make us like GOD. Unlike animals that cannot hold relationships in the same way we can, it is this characteristic that makes us ‘in GOD’s image’.”

    Pretending that we are “exactly” like GOD is, if you allow me to say, the acme of arrogance!

    There is right and there is wrong, good and evil! No need to believe it. They are simply here!

    Loving your mother is right. Killing her is wrong! Helping those who are in need is good; killing six million people in gas chambers is evil! Could you dispute that?

    Life does not end in death. TRUE!! And it matters, because depending upon our behavior down here, our continuing life may be of eternal glory and luminosity or of eternal gloom and obscurity.
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    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 26, 2008, 03:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by michealb View Post
    I have just as much proof that I did those things as to god did them. Isn't it likely that the universe has a natural answer just as every question has had. Since we began asking questions.
    Sorry to say, you go on with your unusual "sense of humor".

    When you look up at the Firmament you can see the evidence of Creation! How can you prove YOU have done anything of sorts? It is obvious that the Universe was created and follows some natural/physical Laws. I do not think anybosy may dispute that, at this stage.
    The point, therefore, is not that. The point is: Who created the Laws the Universe follow? Who created the Laws that are to be found in the origin of Life on Earth?

    An the answer is just as simple: GOD did!!
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    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 26, 2008, 03:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by michealb View Post
    Your organs didn't appear by accident. They appeared because of selective pressures from the enviroment selected them over other less fit designs. If you take any random system and apply selective pressure you will get order that however doesn't mean god created that order.

    Saying the universe is an accident is like saying it rains by accident. There are forces at work that cause rain just as there are forces at work that cause a universe to form. You saying that just because we don't know something god did it is very limiting of you.

    Right you are, in my opinion, for the first time. There are forces at work that causes a universe to form. You forgot, however, to mention where is the origin of these forces, or who impulsed them to act as they do? The asnwer, of course, is GOD did!!
    gromitt82's Avatar
    gromitt82 Posts: 370, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 26, 2008, 03:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Credendovidis View Post
    Yes, how true ! How little they know, how much they assume !

    Many people even BELIEVE such an entity exists ....

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    Should we understand by that last remark that you DON'T?
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 26, 2008, 09:56 AM

    Any level of sufficiantly advanced technology appears to be magic to those that don't have it.
    So just because you don't understand how it might be possible to create a universe doesn't mean it's impossible it just means you don't know how.
    You talk about god having no end and no beginning wouldn't it make sense that the non intelligent forces that by the by product of their existence created the universe could have always been. Especially since you know nothing about those forces.
    simoneaugie's Avatar
    simoneaugie Posts: 2,490, Reputation: 438
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    Sep 26, 2008, 10:04 AM

    If killing someone reunites them with God, then death is not a negative. Believing that there is punishment and hell is a waste, to me. If death is not a negative, there is no right and wrong except as we decide to assign those qualities to actions and thoughts..

    An omnipotent creator can not create less than all there is. Our relationships can reflect either love or fear, the choice is ours. Arrogance lies in the assumption that one human is holier than another, that one opinion is "better" or "more wrong" than another.

    It is not arrogance that prompts us to search for meaning. But it is sad that we divide and conquer based on the thought that one way is better. Our souls are on the same path; our thoughts divide us.

    Neither one of us is "going to hell." We are supremely, endlessly forgivable. If you choose not to believe that, that's okay with me. May my beliefs be okay with you.
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 26, 2008, 10:21 AM

    If killing someone reunites them with God, then death is not a negative.
    That's what scares me about religious people. You don't believe you can be wrong and death can be a good thing.

    It's this type of attitude that leads to people blowing themselves up because they believe they will be rewarded for it.
    arcura's Avatar
    arcura Posts: 3,773, Reputation: 191
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    Sep 26, 2008, 10:28 AM
    I agree with you.
    Everything that exists has a beginning.
    Who or what caused that beginning?
    It had to be something that has nor end or beginning to get the job done.
    The mathematical odds are that the universe and even ourselves could not have come into being by accident.
    Quantum mechanics shows that something very much supreme is at work, so many in that field are now saying.
    One of the best in that field has now become a priest in the Church of England.
    I read his book on that and why he decided to become a God fearing and loving priest.
    Peace and kindness,
    michealb's Avatar
    michealb Posts: 484, Reputation: 129
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    Sep 26, 2008, 12:29 PM

    Who or what caused that beginning?
    You don't know and I can't tell you. So why do you fill it in with god? Why not just answer honestly and say "I don't know, lets look for an answer." instead of god did it no further research needed. You do all of humanity a disservice when you spread false answers.

    Also mathematical odds are meaning less when you don't know how any of the varibles. You have no idea how many universes exist. You don't know how life forms. You know very little about the formations of galaxies, suns and planets. Until you know that information any discussion about odds are purely speculative.

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